How to tighten the lower third of the face without surgery

External attractiveness and the search for ways to preserve youth are among the interests of any woman. Poor environment, sedentary and nervous work, irregular diet and age inevitably have an impact on health. The oval of the face becomes less toned, wrinkles appear around the eyes and on the forehead, and the skin loses its former elasticity.

What is skin tone

Facial skin tone means a healthy appearance, softness, elasticity and good cellular metabolism.

Healthy dermis is dense, strong and elastic. It depends on the hormonal balance in the body. It’s not for nothing that when there is a failure in the hormonal system, pimples, blackheads and other inflammations appear.

3 important parameters to consider when assessing your skin:

  1. Turgor - how well the epidermis can resist deformation;
  2. Hydration - does the skin have enough moisture?
  3. The rate of metabolic processes is how smooth and clean the skin is.

The first signs of facial ptosis

You can find out that it’s time to take drastic measures to maintain an attractive appearance by the characteristic symptoms:

  • decreased tissue elasticity;
  • shifting accents to the lower third of the oval;
  • reducing the ability of the epidermis to retain moisture.

Changes are divided into 3 degrees, in which the severity of the disorders worsens.

Stage I

It can begin after 25 years, the speed of development depends on the individual characteristics of the body, skin type, and the presence or absence of regular care using cosmetic products. First of all, the folds of the nasolabial triangle deepen, the outer corners of the eyebrows and the line of the lips are lowered, and the upper eyelids become heavier.

Stage II

During this period, bags appear under the eyes, deformation in the chin area, and jowls become noticeable due to the fact that the face has drooped. Drastic methods in the form of Botox injections are not yet required, but you should pay increased attention to your appearance, especially if menopausal changes have begun, accompanied by large-scale hormonal disruptions.

Stage III

This is the so-called senile image, in which thinning of the skin and the formation of deep creases and folds occur. Expression wrinkles turn into a raised mesh, a double chin stands out, and asymmetry may appear. The tone of the tissues of the neck and décolleté area also decreases.

The degrees of facial ptosis differ in detail among all people, but the general symptoms are the same.

How to check skin tone

It is not always possible to determine the quality of the dermis. In such cases, simple tests help.

  • Squeeze the skin on the back of your hand with your fingers (not your nails!) and then release it. How quickly did the wrinkles disappear? If the creases disappear immediately, then everything is in order. Does it leave dents after a few seconds? It's time to take care of your skin. And if even after 5-6 seconds a trace of the seizure remains, then measures must be serious and urgent.
  • Near your cheekbones, pinch your cheek. Is the leather easy to hold in your hands? This means the density is broken. This usually occurs in women 45+, or in cases of turgor malfunction.

How to improve skin tone

First of all, take care of hydration. With sufficient moisture in the body, there are fewer problems.

  • Try to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. Any care must start from the inside, so no cosmetics will help if you neglect simple drinking water.
  • Use care products that strengthen the barrier functions of the epidermis. When the stratum corneum is damaged, moisture quickly evaporates. Therefore, it is important not only to moisturize the face, but also to ensure that the product gives all its properties.

Gravitational facial ptosis – what is it?

The term translates as “fall”, it has Greek roots, but the problem is typical for people all over the world at a certain period of life. For some, the prolapse of soft tissues begins at 25, others do not know about it until 40. The process is simple - as soon as the amount of elastin and collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis decreases, the general framework immediately weakens and an initially imperceptible, but increasing deformation begins every year oval There are a lot of ways to maintain muscle activity and dermal tone; the main thing is to choose an effective set of methods and be sure to analyze the quality of skincare cosmetics, giving preference to effective lines with natural ingredients focused on anti-aging care.

How to improve facial skin tone with daily care

Carefully read the ingredients of products that end up on your bathroom shelf. It will be good if they contain:

  1. Hyaluronic acid;
  2. Chitosan;
  3. Algae extracts;
  4. Aloe.

These substances are responsible for moisturizing and increasing the immunity of our dermis.

  1. Vitamins C and E4;
  2. Phloretin;
  3. Baikalin.

These substances have tonic properties.

  1. Caffeine;
  2. Ascin;
  3. Dextran.

They help avoid morning swelling, so they should be included in evening care.

Try to use natural cosmetics. The shorter the composition, the better. Focus on moisturizing (you can even use several products). And don’t forget about peeling - it removes dead cells and starts the regeneration process, which helps maintain skin tone.

Increase body skin tone

The body is a little more difficult to deal with. Different parts require an individual approach. And the work area is much larger. But almost every girl dreams of a toned and beautiful body, and it cannot be achieved without skin elasticity. Therefore, all efforts will be important.

Wrapping is one of the most famous ways to combat sagging. Mainly used in the hip area. There are cold, hot and contrasting. They are prepared using algae, coffee and other natural products.

Massage improves blood circulation and lymph flow, tissue nutrition and metabolic processes. As a result, cellulite goes away, the skin becomes elastic and radiant. You don’t have to go to a massage therapist - you can handle it with your own hands.

A contrast shower invigorates the skin by stimulating blood flow. As a result, she becomes more toned.

Peeling - exfoliates the upper layers of the epidermis, the skin begins to look more elastic and smooth.

Special creams - you need to use a regular moisturizer to increase the elasticity of the dermis. There are also special gels that have a drainage function - they remove excess fluid, strengthen tissues and make the body more beautiful.

But no gels will save you if you don’t engage in physical activity. Without it, muscles weaken, lymph flow slows down, fluid accumulates in tissues, and you swell. Therefore, moving is a necessity. Even just walking can help, for example an hour-long walk at a brisk pace. But every day!

Effect of massage

Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the body. Subjective sensations during, as well as after, a massage, with the correct choice of massage techniques and methods of their application, dosages are expressed in the appearance of a feeling of pleasant warmth throughout the body, improved well-being and increased overall tone. If massage is used incorrectly, general weakness, a feeling of exhaustion and other negative general and local reactions may occur. Such phenomena are often observed with an overdose of massage movements, even in healthy people, but especially in the elderly, whose tissues have increased sensitivity.

The effect of massage on the skin

By massaging the skin, we influence all its layers, skin vessels and muscles, sweat and sebaceous glands, and also influence the central nervous system, with which the skin is inextricably linked.
Massage has a variety of physiological effects on the skin:

  • it is cleared of the detached horny scales of the epidermis, and with them of foreign particles (dust, etc.) that have entered the pores of the skin, and microbes usually found on the surface of the skin;
  • the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands improves and their outlets are cleared of secretions;
  • lymph and blood circulation of the skin is activated, the influence of venous stagnation is eliminated, blood supply to the skin is increased and, therefore, its nutrition is improved, as a result of which pale, flabby, dry skin becomes pink, elastic, velvety, and its resistance to mechanical and temperature influences significantly increases;
  • skin and muscle tone increases, which makes the skin smooth, dense and elastic;
  • local and general metabolism improves, since the skin takes part in all metabolic processes in the body.

The effect of massage on the subcutaneous fat layer

Massage affects adipose tissue indirectly, through a general effect on metabolism. By increasing metabolic processes in the body, enhancing the release of fat from fat depots, massage promotes the “burning” of fats found in excess amounts in adipose tissue. It should be noted that massage for weight loss is carried out in long courses (minimum 15 sessions) and combined with physical exercise.

The effects of massage on muscles and joints

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity of muscle fibers and their contractile function increases, muscle atrophy slows down, and already developed hypotrophy decreases. Massage helps improve muscle performance, while accelerating recovery after intense physical activity. Even with a short massage (for 3-5 minutes), the function of tired muscles is better restored than during a rest for 20-30 minutes.

Massage has a significant effect on joints. Under the influence of massage, the blood supply to the joint and periarticular tissues improves, the bursal-ligamentous apparatus of the joint is strengthened, and the resorption of joint effusion, as well as pathological deposits in the periarticular tissues, is accelerated.

The effect of massage on the nervous system

The nervous system is the first to perceive the effect of massage, because... The skin contains a huge number of nerve endings. By changing the strength, character, and duration of the massage, you can reduce or increase nervous excitability, strengthen and revive lost reflexes, improve tissue trophism, as well as the activity of internal organs.

Massage has a profound effect on the peripheral nervous system, weakening or stopping pain, improving nerve conductivity, accelerating the regeneration process when it is damaged, preventing or reducing vasomotor sensory and trophic disorders. With gentle, slow stroking, the excitability of the massaged tissues decreases, and this has a calming effect on the nervous system; with vigorous and fast stroking, the irritability of the massaged tissues increases. The atmosphere of the massage is very important for influencing the nervous system; warm air, dim light, pleasant calm music help enhance the therapeutic effect of the massage.

The effect of massage on the circulatory and lymphatic system

Massage causes expansion of functioning capillaries, opening of reserve capillaries, which creates more abundant irrigation of blood not only to the massaged area, but also reflexively to internal organs, resulting in increased gas exchange between blood and tissue (oxygen therapy). At rest, 31 capillaries work in 1 mm² of muscle cross-section, and after massage their number increases to 1400! The opening of reserve capillaries under the influence of massage helps to improve the redistribution of blood in the body, which facilitates the work of the heart.

Massage has a great effect on lymph circulation. Lymph flow occurs very slowly - 4-5 mm per second, but the flow speed is very variable and depends on various factors. Under the influence of massage movements - stroking in a centripetal direction - the skin's lymphatic vessels are easily emptied and the lymph flow accelerates. In addition to the direct effect on local lymph flow, massage has a reflex effect on the entire lymphatic system, improving the tonic and vasomotor functions of the lymphatic vessels.

The effect of massage on metabolism

Massage has a variety of effects on metabolic processes. Under the influence of massage, urination increases. The amount of hemoglobin, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood increases. Massage does not cause an increase in the amount of lactic acid in the muscles, as well as organic acids, the accumulation of which leads to the development of acidosis. This explains the beneficial effect on tired muscles. By enhancing metabolism, massage helps reduce fat deposits.

Material from the site

Review of effective skin tone products

Hemp balm with verbena improves skin regeneration, strengthens its barrier functions and maximum moisturizes. A good product for the face, but can also be used for the body.

Dry massage brush - if you introduce dry massage into your daily habit, you will very soon notice that your skin has become smoother, more beautifully colored and toned. Flabbiness and cellulite go away.

Yellow balm for turpentine baths - helps get rid of cellulite and even helps fight excess weight.

Squalane - can be used in any area of ​​the body (even hair!). Absorbs well, moisturizes and prevents the appearance of small cracks. Suitable for cupping massage.

Miracle jars - used for figure correction and in the fight against cellulite. The vacuum activates the sebaceous glands, so its effect is comparable to going to the bathhouse.

Ways to strengthen facial muscles at home

Over time, the oval of the face floats, the skin loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and ugly. But you can help her! Some people go to a plastic surgeon for a facelift, while others prefer to cope on their own. And it is right.

Facebook building

Facebuilding is like bodybuilding, only for the face. Girls do it to get rid of wrinkles and make their skin more elastic and toned. But this can hardly be called a good way.

Skin problems cannot be solved with face building. It only pumps up the muscles, and for elasticity they need to be relaxed. Facial gymnastics is perfect for this task! By the way, this is exactly what the advanced intensives of the legendary beauty trainer Melannet are aimed at.

Advanced intensive courses are sets of proprietary exercises to work through specific problems. For example, the intensive “Nasolubgka” removes “folds of sorrow” and lifts the corners of the lips, and the intensive “eyes and forehead” eliminates deep wrinkles between the eyebrows and forehead, bags and bruises under the eyes, and also lifts the drooping eyelid. You can sign up for intensive courses here.


Self-massage is the best way to maintain skin tone. It doesn’t take much time, but at the same time it brings pleasure and gives a great effect.

1 exercise

  • Three palms against each other, warming them;
  • Press your palms tightly to your temples;
  • We warm the whiskey;
  • We make circular movements with our palms towards the hair.

Exercise 2

  • Presses palms to temples;
  • We lower our head forward a little, stretching the skin;
  • Warm the whiskey with your palms (at least for a minute);
  • We lower our head even further, making circular movements towards the hair.

Exercise 3

  • We press our palms to our cheeks, grabbing our temples;
  • Warm the whiskey with your hands;
  • We move our hands towards the top of the head, as if we want to collect everything in a knot on the top of the head.

Perform all exercises at least 3 times. And you will quickly notice that the oval of your face will become clearer, wrinkles will disappear, and your color will become healthy.

Skin care tips

You should always remember the 3 main stages in caring for the dermis:

  1. Cleansing
    - during the day, many dust particles stick to us, and many girls wear decorative cosmetics. All this clogs pores and causes irritation, so washing is necessary. In the morning, cleansing is also necessary. At night, the dermis is renewed, gets rid of toxins and this must be washed off. Unfortunately, sewer water in cities has a terrible composition and can harm the skin of the face. Therefore, it is better to replace washing with tap water with cleansing with hydrosols. For example, hydrosol with lavender is suitable not only for all skin types, but even for hair.
  2. Peeling
    - scrubbing must be done at least once a week. It allows the skin to breathe and facilitates tissue renewal. You can try dry massage with a brush. It allows you to get rid of dead cells, increases blood circulation, allows you to maintain youth longer.
  3. Moisturizing
    - to maintain youth and elasticity of the dermis, it must be moisturized. . Try camellia sasanqua oil. It is universal and suitable for almost any skin type.

Injection methods

In pursuit of beauty and eternal youth, girls are ready to do anything. Even for injections. They are not afraid of swelling, negative reactions and pain. Meanwhile, everything is not as wonderful as cosmetology clinics advertise.


Biorevitalization is a procedure for introducing hyaluronic acid into the upper layer of the epidermis using injections. Usually 3-4 sessions are needed several times a year. The danger of the method lies in the fact that the body stops secreting its own hyaluronic acid and now you can no longer live without “beauty injections”.

The needles touch the blood vessels and disrupt their function. Therefore, after the procedure, you will have to lock yourself at home for at least 5 days, because there will be bruises and swelling.


Mesotherapy is the introduction of a whole cocktail of substances under the skin. . Cosmetologists recommend starting to inject these products at the age of 18, when the epidermis has not even fully strengthened yet.

Very often, patients experience an allergic reaction. They also note that the procedure is as painful as possible.

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is the introduction of ozone into the dermis. And ozone is a gas that can be very toxic to humans.

Instead of agreeing to injections, try to allocate at least 10-15 extra minutes in the morning and evening to take care of your face and then you will be able to cope with all the shortcomings on your own.


To avoid complications, before any cosmetic procedure you should follow the doctor’s recommendations and the rules corresponding to the chosen procedure. In most cases, it is recommended not to visit the beach, solarium, bathhouse, or swimming pool 10 days before and for 1-4 weeks after the procedure. You should also use SPF cream and not take blood thinners.

The recovery period after exposure is usually short or non-existent, such as with alterotherapy with UltheraSystem and Thermage. After some procedures, swelling, slight redness or numbness of the skin may persist for several days. The doctor will tell you more about possible side effects during your preliminary consultation.

Hardware cosmetology

Nowadays, hardware beauty procedures are widespread. Yes, they really give good results, but at the same time they greatly harm the body. And, before you run to the cosmetologist’s office, try to use the means at hand to restore your former beauty.

Microcurrent therapy

Small impulses pass to the deep levels of the epidermis, causing irritation and muscle tension. And to restore skin tone, relaxation is necessary. As a result, you will simply “pump up” your facial muscles, but will not get rid of the problem.

RF-lifting Aluma

A gel is applied to the skin, which makes the epidermis invisible to the rays. Using a vacuum, the skin is pulled in and impulses pass through it. they heat tissues, destroy collagen and lay down new ones. Just imagine how stressful this is for the body!

Biostimulation FUTURA PRO

This procedure was invented for the lazy. It is used to pump up muscles without physical activity. You lie there and the current does everything for you. But this is not suitable for the face - we need to relax the muscles, relieve spasm, return the muscles to their natural length, and not pump them up. And this device will only cause new clamps.

The result of the procedures depends on the quality of the devices and the abilities of the cosmetologist. Finding a quality clinic is difficult. In addition, the procedures are addictive and if at the beginning you only needed 1-2 courses a year, then over time the effect will begin to end within a month.

At the “Flourish” marathon, a whole block is dedicated to facial rejuvenation. Self-massage, gymnastics and exercises that are aimed at maintaining the face in ideal condition. Join us and extend your youth!


General contraindications for hardware or injection cosmetic procedures include the following:

  • acute period of any illness, exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • oncological, autoimmune pathology;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • skin damage in the affected area;
  • tendency to rough (keloid) scarring;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • presence of a pacemaker.

Contraindications to the use of cosmetic injections also include:

  • intolerance to the components of a certain drug,
  • taking certain medications.
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