10 Best Facial Treatments You Can Do Today

Skin features in this age group

At more than 60 years old, the female body has several pregnancies, childbirths, menopause, changes, stress from parenting and work behind it. This cannot but affect the condition of the skin.

However, at this age, everyone looks different due to genetics, existing concomitant diseases and body characteristics. But for the majority, in addition to age-related changes in the skin, muscles and fat deposits, there are also changes in the bones caused by the leaching of calcium and phosphorus from them.

Therefore, in order to rejuvenate the face, a thorough assessment of the condition of all its structures, carried out by a cosmetologist, is required. Only after this can anti-aging and aesthetic procedures be prescribed.

The most popular cosmetic procedures: facial cleansing

There are a lot of variations today. But why is this necessary? Most people have acne or comedones. They appear due to environmental influences: exhaust fumes, factories and constant dust. All this settles on the skin, mixes with dead cells and voila! The appearance of acne, pimples and comedones is also facilitated by hormonal imbalances, dermatological and hormonal diseases, and poor nutrition. As a result of all these unpleasant things, the skin self-cleanses worse and sebum accumulates.

Comedones sit very deep, so they cannot be removed with a regular scrub or peeling.

In this case, only a professional can help. What types of cosmetic facial cleansing are there:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. First, the skin is prepared: lotions and gels containing fruit acids are applied. Then they clean the skin with a special device through vibration and massage. This method is not very effective in removing comedones, since they do not “come out” to the surface;
  • Vacuum cleaning is done using a special nozzle: air is pumped inside the nozzle and negative pressure is created. This option is also considered to be quite superficial; sometimes keratinized particles are not completely removed from the surface of the skin;
  • Gas-liquid peeling. This option for facial cleansing was invented recently, but is already very popular. Cosmetologists claim that after this procedure the skin is not only cleansed, but also rejuvenated;
  • Mechanical cleansing is the oldest of all and one of the most effective against acne. Comedones and blackheads are simply squeezed out - simply and effectively.

There are other variations of facial cleansing. Choose the one that you like best and fits the price category.

Indications for facial cleansing:

  • Seborrhea of ​​the facial skin;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Acne and/or comedones;
  • Skin withering.


  • Skin diseases: herpes, eczema, dermatitis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Severe mental disorders.

The focus is on the skin. Cosmetic procedures will make her younger even at the age of 60+

To understand how our face ages and what can be done to rejuvenate it, we need to understand the structure of the skin, which consists of several layers:

  • Epidermis - outer layer. Most cosmetic procedures are aimed at improving it, since it determines our appearance.
  • The dermis is the middle layer containing dense connective tissue, hair follicles and sweat glands. Here are cells - fibroblasts, involved in the formation of proteins collagen, elastin and other compounds that form the skin frame. With age, the number of fibroblasts decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. At 60+, the number of fibroblasts is very small, and those cells that are still preserved do not produce a sufficient amount of high-quality proteins.
  • Hypodermis - deep subcutaneous tissue consisting of adipose and connective tissue.

At 60+ years of age, all skin layers show significant age-related changes. Some women are lucky to have genetically good skin. But in most women in this age group it is dense, flabby, and covered with wrinkles.

Age-related skin changes

Along with changes in texture, the skin often has pigment spots and dilated blood vessels, which make it unaesthetic. Changes occur in the muscles and fat layer, which leads to the appearance of hollows under the eyes, flattening of the cheeks and jaws.

Changes occur in the bones - the eye orbit becomes larger, the depressions under the eyes increase, which changes the contour of the eyebrows. The structure of the jaws changes, the bones become smaller and thinner, which changes the appearance. Gum disease and tooth loss followed by prosthetics contribute to changes in facial features and give it an “age-like” appearance.

When developing treatments for people aged 60 years and older, all of the above need to be assessed. The impact should be carried out not only on the face, but also on the décolleté area.

Glycolic facial peeling

Glycolic facial peeling is a skin care product based on glycolic acid. The procedure improves the condition and microrelief of the skin.

The procedure has a wide range of effects on the skin:

  • exfoliates dead skin cells;
  • eliminates excess pigmentation;
  • evens out the relief and tone of the facial skin;
  • promotes the production of elastin and collagen in the skin;
  • reduces the depth and number of wrinkles;
  • fights blackheads, acne and milia on the face;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • smoothes scars and scars.

What you can do to rejuvenate your appearance and feel better

  • Quit smoking. Which is not too late to do at any age. This stimulates the flow of oxygen and nutrients reaching the skin cells. Constantly pursing your lips while smoking creates excessive muscle activity, increasing the formation of wrinkles around the mouth, known as “marionette lines.” Before you invest in anti-aging treatments, you need to break this habit.
  • Reduce sun exposure. The sun's rays produce free radicals in the skin, which destroy skin cells. Melanocytes are stimulated, which contribute to the formation of age spots with age. Therefore, it is important for women over 60 to protect their skin to maintain the benefits of anti-aging treatments. Sunscreens are used for this.
  • Reduce stress and focus on eating healthy and exercising. During pleasant physical activity, such as dancing, endorphins are released - hormones of happiness. Stress greatly affects a woman's appearance.
  • Stimulate the skin. To increase cellular turnover. The purpose of stimulation is to “launch” fibroblasts with the formation of collagen and elastin. As you age, this becomes more difficult, so more frequent visits to the cosmetologist may be required to achieve results. Laser procedures and skin peelings can affect skin cells, enhancing metabolic and regenerative processes.

Modern anti-aging programs work wonders. They affect cells at a deep level and actually train them, making them work better. As a result, the face and décolleté area are rejuvenated, and the aging process is slowed down.

The most popular beauty treatments: chemical peeling

Another name is exfoliation. The essence of the procedure is to remove the stratum corneum of the skin. It is this that spoils the appearance of the skin: gray complexion, the percentage of penetration of nutrients into the deep layers of the skin decreases, and skin tone is reduced.

Peeling does an excellent job of solving these problems, and comes in several types:

  • Chemical - the skin is affected by all kinds of acids, for example, fruit ones;
  • Enzymatic - protease enzymes are used to cleanse the skin;
  • Mechanical - a scrub containing hard abrasive particles. This option is suitable for self-care at home;
  • Laser - the procedure is performed using a special device;
  • Ultrasound - here you also need a special device to perform the procedure;
  • By depth of impact: superficial, medium and deep.

Who can benefit from peeling:

  • For those who rarely cleanse their skin with scrubs and peels at home;
  • For those who suffer from hyperpigmentation;
  • For those with freckles or scars.

What to expect from the procedure:

  • Stimulation of skin cell division;
  • Pores become narrower;
  • The skin becomes smooth and soft, elastic and healthy;
  • A little rejuvenation.

Nasolabial lines

Wrinkles running from the nose to the mouth and from the lower lip to the chin are caused by age-related changes in the muscles and fat pads of the cheeks. As a result, the skin “folds.” A common and highly effective treatment is dermal fillers, which replenish tissue volume and smooth the skin.

Nasolabial lines

To obtain a good result, fillers are injected into the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones. Then the face will look harmonious. The injection of Botox, which eliminates wrinkles, has a good effect.


With age, the skin of the lips thins, and they become unsightly pursed. The filler makes them look younger, but the resulting shape needs to be as natural as possible. The restored volume of the lips distracts the eye from the lines around them.

Dermal filler is injected into the perioral lines around the mouth to restore tissue volume. This is very rejuvenating, especially if a woman uses moisturizing lipstick that has a positive effect on the skin of her lips.

Jaws, neck and décolleté

Non-surgical treatment will not produce the same results as a facelift, but it can significantly reduce the signs of aging:

  • The laser procedure tightens the framework, consisting of collagen and elastin fibers, as a result of which the facial tissues become more elastic. Regular laser sessions are necessary to stimulate the protein fibers and remaining fibroblasts.
  • Dermal filler, injected into the jaw bone area, provides additional support to muscles, fat and skin, restoring a youthful appearance to the face. This will also be helped by Botox injections, which tighten and moisturize the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Aesthetic procedures for women over 60 years of age are selected individually by a specialist, based on the condition of the patient’s skin and her physical health. Then the cosmetology complex will be as effective as possible.

It's never too late to start a rejuvenation program. To do this, you need to make an appointment with a cosmetologist, who will select and conduct a course of procedures that turn back time.

Aesthetic cosmetology

Beauty is formed from various details, facial care, elasticity and hydration of the skin. Uniform complexion, clear contours of the face and body, healthy hair and much more. Cosmetology procedures at the Shestakov Cosmetology Clinic will help you achieve radiance and harmony of your face and body. Experienced cosmetologists. Facial treatments, skin peeling, facial cleansing. Aesthetic cosmetology

Our skin is the largest organ in the human body. It takes on many unfavorable influences from external and internal factors, acting as a shield for the whole organism. These factors are very numerous and include:

  • climatic conditions;
  • eating poor foods containing preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers;
  • smoking;
  • increased alcohol consumption;
  • exposure to allergens;
  • fungal diseases.

The whole list of adverse effects can be continued, it is much longer than presented here, but there is no need for this.

Aesthetic cosmetology

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