Sores in the mouth: what to do when they appear and how to treat them

Main manifestations of wounds


In this case, pain occurs due to damage to the nerve endings that were located at the site of the injury. Over time, swelling may increase, which also leads to increased pain. The severity and degree of manifestation of pain depends on factors such as:

  • location of the defect, concomitant damage to large nerve trunks;
  • type of weapon or conditions of damage (asphalt, garden, bicycle, sharp object, etc.);
  • psychological state of the child.

In essence, pain is an adaptive defense reaction of the body.


Any damage to the skin or mucous membranes is in one way or another accompanied by damage to blood vessels (capillaries, arteries, veins). The nature and degree of bleeding depends on the type of damaged vessel. The larger the vessel and the higher the pressure in it, the more massive the bleeding, and vice versa. It is worth highlighting those places on the body that are accompanied by more heavy bleeding: face, head, neck, hands . In these places, the tissues are better supplied with blood. The condition of the blood coagulation system plays an important role. If a child has a minor abrasion or scratch, which is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and pediatric hematologist in order to exclude a disease of the blood coagulation system. This may also be indicated by the appearance of a large number of bruises for no reason.

If a small abrasion is accompanied by prolonged and heavy bleeding, then it is necessary to consult a hematologist.


This phenomenon is associated with a reduction in the elastic fibers of the skin. As a result, the skin edges of the lesion diverge. Many surgeons know what Langer's lines are. They indicate the course and direction of the fibrous structures of the skin. For this purpose, incisions are made along these lines, which leads to rapid healing of the incisions and reduction of gaping. Accordingly, when a defect appears perpendicular to these lines, a wide divergence of the edges of the defect develops.

Bruises and hematomas of the face.

Bruises are the result of a mild blow to the face with a blunt object. In this case, subcutaneous fatty tissue (SFA) and facial muscles are damaged without tearing the skin. Hemorrhage occurs and pronounced post-traumatic tissue swelling appears, that is, a superficial or deep hematoma is formed.

Deep hematoma - blood enters the interstitial space forming a cavity.

Superficial hematoma - imbibition (soaking) of tissues with blood occurs without the formation of a cavity. The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

The nature, color and time of resorption of the hematoma depend on its location, depth and size of the damage. The outcome of hematomas is most often favorable; they completely resolve without leaving any trace.

Bruises, hematomas and abrasions are the mildest types of injury, but are they so harmless?

Types of wounds

They can be:

  • Operating: applied deliberately for the purpose of performing an operation.
  • Accidental: as a rule, these are household damages.

Depending on the nature and conditions of the damage, wounds are distinguished:

  • chopped;
  • I stab;
  • bruised;
  • torn;
  • crushed;
  • chopped;
  • bitten;
  • mixed;
  • firearms.

In children , cut, puncture, bitten, mixed, and also superficial (abrasions, scratches, etc.) predominate. Particular attention is paid to bites that result from an animal or human bite (for example, another child), as they are the most infected. This is due to the large number of harmful bacteria in the oral cavity. They are most often complicated by infection.

According to the degree of infection there are:

  • Freshly infected. As a rule, this damage occurs within 3 days from the date of its application. Defects with soil contamination are especially infected.
  • Purulent. An infectious process develops in these lesions. Microbes, when multiplying, lead to increased inflammation, necrosis, and also contribute to the appearance of pus. Children with purulent manifestations develop symptoms of general intoxication: nausea, headache, dizziness, weakness, lethargy.

Why does aphthous stomatitis occur?

As noted above, the causes of aphthous wounds in a person’s mouth can be both local and general somatic in nature. Let's look at the main ones.

Local causes of aphthous stomatitis:

  1. Mechanical damage to the human oral mucosa. Such injuries occur as a result of a person eating hard and tough foods. Often, even a small scratch on the roof of the mouth can cause aphthous stomatitis.
  2. Thermal lesions of the human oral mucosa. The occurrence of wounds and the development of aphthous stomatitis in this case provoke burns of the mucous membrane, which a person could receive by consuming hot drinks or food.

General somatic causes of wounds in the human oral cavity:

  1. Heredity factors. The predisposition to the occurrence of aphthous stomatitis in the mouth may be determined by genetic reasons. Therefore, there is a risk of developing this disease and the manifestation of a chronic form of stomatitis (when ulcers on the mucous membrane appear regularly) in people whose parents also suffered from this disease.
  2. Somatic diseases. Aphthous stomatitis often develops in people who suffer from any secondary somatic diseases. For example, these could be diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Weak immunity. For this reason, children are susceptible to oral ulcers because their immunity is not yet fully developed. In a child, aphthous stomatitis is more severe than in an adult and is accompanied by an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general well-being. Against the background of colds, immunity is also often reduced, and aphthous stomatitis occurs in the person’s mouth.
  4. Avitaminosis. With an incorrect diet, a person does not receive enough substances necessary for the successful functioning of the body. Due to a lack of vitamins C and B or microelements such as selenium, folic acid, zinc or iron, in some cases aphthous stomatitis occurs in a person’s mouth.
  5. Allergy. An allergic reaction associated with eating foods such as citrus fruits, nuts (especially peanuts), chocolate, red berries (strawberries, wild strawberries) or foods containing gluten (cereals, pasta) in some cases leads to the appearance of canker sores. wound in a person's mouth.
  6. Stress. When a person finds himself in a stressful situation, he spends significant resources to cope with the current problem. This leads to a loss of strength, decreased immunity and a general weakening of the body, as a result of which wounds form in the person’s mouth and he develops aphthous stomatitis.

Wound healing and factors influencing this process

The wound healing process can be disrupted by many factors.

Healing is the process of repairing damaged tissue and restoring its integrity. During the healing process, certain processes occur. We will not dwell on them in more detail, but will only indicate those factors that may disrupt the healing process:

  • Age. As a rule, this applies more to older people. The child's body has great regenerative capabilities. This is due to the high level of anabolic (construction) processes in the body.
  • Attachment of infection.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Poor circulation in the wound area.
  • Chronic diseases (diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, diabetes, tumors and others).

Healing complications

  1. Attachment of infection . Most often, a nonspecific purulent infection develops. The threat is tetanus, rabies, diphtheria. Therefore, injuries that have been bitten and contaminated with soil or old metal objects should be immediately examined by a surgeon with a number of preventive measures taken (administration of anti-tetanus serum, rabies vaccine).
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Divergence of defect edges.
  4. In some cases, healing may be complicated by a hypertrophic scar or keloid . They are an abnormal scar that can spread beyond the defect area and also contribute to the development of complications.

How can hematomas be dangerous?

Often, a more serious damage to facial tissue is hidden under a hematoma - a fracture. Therefore, most facial soft tissue injuries require careful analysis and careful x-ray examination. For a more detailed study of the bones of the facial skeleton of the skull, we use a computed tomograph. With its help, you can identify even subtle damage to bone structures and prevent possible complications.

Unfortunately, there are “folk methods for treating bruises and hematomas,” which result in complications in the form of their suppuration. Any warming compresses, ointments, bandages can only aggravate this situation.

All that is needed to prevent the process of suppuration is cold, a pressure bandage and a thorough examination by a specialist.

Facial wounds.

Wounds and abrasions on the face have a number of specific features. This is the superficial location of the vessels, the presence of facial muscles, as well as the close location of important organs.

However, wound healing in the maxillofacial area has a high regeneration potential due to increased blood supply and good innervation in the facial area.

Products for treating wounds in children

Below we list the most popular and affordable means for treating superficial wounds in children:

  • Iodine. Suitable for superficial abrasions, but not for deeper injuries.
  • Diamond green.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. It is the drug of choice for first aid in the treatment of superficial abrasions in children. Allows you to clean abrasions and scratches well. An equally important property is stopping bleeding.
  • Furacilin. To prepare a solution for topical use, dissolve the tablet in water.
  • Miramistin. It is also an antiseptic for topical use. Allows you to prevent suppuration. If a purulent process occurs, it allows you to fight it. A pleasant bonus will be the possibility of using this remedy for acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats and pharyngitis in children.
  • Chlorhexidine.

An antiseptic helps prevent suppuration.

To speed up healing, ointments and creams can be used such as:

  • Levomekol;
  • Betadine;
  • Vishnevsky ointment;
  • cream Bepanten plus.

First aid for a child for superficial wounds

When such a situation arises, parents ask themselves: “How to treat the wound? How to properly treat a wound? What is the best remedy for treating a wound?

Before helping a child, parents need to wash their hands with soap and use an antiseptic. Next, in this sequence, you need to follow a number of instructions and actions:

  1. Assess the extent and nature of the damage. It is very important to understand whether the baby has a deep or superficial wound.
  2. Rinse and stop bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide is best suited for this purpose. You can also use a solution of furatsilin and chlorhexidine.
  3. Next, you can treat the skin with a drying antiseptic, for example, iodine solution or brilliant green.
  4. Apply an aseptic (clean) dressing.
  5. In the future, it is important to change the dressings regularly. It is also possible to use ointments and creams discussed earlier, which will speed up the healing process.

In case of deeper defects, heavy bleeding, wounds that have been bitten and contaminated with soil or old metal, you must urgently contact a surgeon.

Wounds are quite common, especially in young children. The task of parents is to provide timely assistance to the child in order to prevent infection. You must have a minimum first aid kit in your first aid kit. Do not self-medicate and, if threatening injuries occur, consult a doctor.

Wound healing products in pharmacies of the Solnechnoye Zdorovye network:

For rapid healing of wounds, pharmaceutical preparations with provitamins or vitamins are usually used:

For example, dexpanthenol is provitamin B5 or retinol acetate.

Since the listed products are available in the form of creams, ointments or lotions - not in jelly form, they are not used to treat wet wounds.

Products containing methyluracil for wound healing have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote cellular immunity, which makes wounds heal quickly. But only dry wounds can be treated with these products, since they are not available in jelly form.

The universal remedy EPLAN is used to treat ulcers, burns, dermatitis and radiation injuries; it is endowed with high regenerative properties and heals wounds well.

This drug destroys microbes and promotes high activity of phagocytes, so fresh wounds can be treated with this product, but it still cannot be applied to bleeding wounds, since it is an anticoagulant and can therefore lead to a decrease in blood clotting.

The drug EPLAN quickly relieves wounds of infection and does not interfere with the flow of oxygen into them. It is worth noting that it contains no hormones, toxins or antibiotics. It is produced in the form of liniment, solution and cream.

The drug SOLCOSERIL is made on the basis of an extract of the blood of dairy calves - it can also help in the rapid healing of wounds. The product is available in the form of jelly and ointment. Its analogue is ACTOVEGIN - both products are excellent for the rapid healing of various wounds.

It is possible to use preparations produced in the form of jelly at the initial stages, and already during granulation of the wound, preparations presented in the form of ointments are required.

Thanks to the protection of the wound with SOLCOSERYL, microbes do not penetrate into it, and the processes of metabolism and regeneration are accelerated. When used, even the analgesic effect is triggered. The product should be used 2-3 times a day, this will bring wound healing as close as possible without any complications.

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