Birch tar 40ml liquid for external use

Tar is a substance of plant origin used for various skin diseases. Its oils and organic acids have a softening, antimicrobial effect. They make tar an effective remedy for psoriasis.

It is made by distilling juniper or birch wood.


Properties of tar

The use of tar is one of the recommendations of traditional medicine.

The product is used for the following conditions:

  • Psoriasis
    The presence of parasites in the body,

  • Inflammatory processes of any localization,
  • Pain syndrome in skin diseases,
  • Abscesses due to wound contamination,
  • Psoriasis.

The product has an antiparasitic effect, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, and corrects hormonal levels. It is considered a strong antiseptic and has an analgesic function.

When using the cosmetic product for the first time, there is a noticeable improvement in the affected areas of the skin: itching decreases, the tissue is moisturized, and redness disappears.

What is birch tar and how does it work on problem skin?

This is a product obtained from the dry distillation of birch bark. It looks like an oily, viscous liquid with an unpleasant odor. This is a product of plant origin, purified from harmful components. It has the following positive properties:

  • antiparasitic;
  • antiseptic;
  • insecticidal;
  • keratoplatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant;
  • disinfectant;
  • painkiller.

Treatment with birch tar will help slow down the excessive growth of skin cells that causes psoriasis. Also, this remedy will relieve itching, relieve flaking, soften the epidermis, and normalize metabolic processes in it.

Symptoms of psoriasis can be relieved through external and internal use. You can take the drug only after your doctor’s permission. The big advantage is low cost and availability. You can buy a remedy in almost every pharmacy.

Should I use it?

Psoriasis is a disease of a chronic nature. Its course is wavy: the exacerbation phase is replaced by a stable remission. The origin of the disease is associated with immune disorders. Only complex therapy of traditional and folk medicine can alleviate the patient’s condition, minimizing unpleasant symptoms.

Psoriatic plaques

Treatment with tar is recommended to maintain medicinal effectiveness. They can replace addictive hormonal ointments. The product consists of natural ingredients, which gives it a clear advantage.

Properties of tar for psoriasis

The tar product has the following properties that can treat psoriasis:

  • Improving blood circulation,
  • Fast healing of wounds,
  • Softening of keratinized epithelium,
  • Relieving inflammation of the skin,
  • Reduction of redness,
  • Anesthesia of the affected area,
  • Relieving itching and burning.

This set of beneficial properties makes the product a popular remedy for the treatment of not only psoriasis, but also dermatitis and allergic reactions in the form of skin manifestations.

An ointment based on it is considered safe for human health. While affecting the affected areas of the skin, it does not harm healthy cells. The general condition of the skin improves. It becomes soft, moisturized, and clears acne.

Tar helps get rid of acne

Side effects

Unpleasant consequences most often arise due to improper use of the medicinal product or due to individual intolerance. There is a risk of the following side effects:

  • When using tar preparations, interruptions in kidney function are possible.
  • An unpleasant burning sensation may occur in the first 10 minutes after applying pure product.
  • The skin will be highly exposed to sunlight throughout the treatment.
  • When treating pathology on the head, hair follicles with pores may become clogged.
  • There is a risk of exacerbation of chronic illnesses.

To avoid the above problems, consult a dermatologist before using birch tar in any form.

I advise you to watch a video about the benefits of birch tar:

For today, this is all the information about the treatment of psoriasis with birch tar. If the article was useful, share it with your friends on social networks. I wish you health!

Forms of tar products

On pharmacy counters you can find products containing tar in various forms of production:

  1. Tar soap
    Tar soap is suitable for daily use for dermatitis on any part of the body. The downside is the characteristic pungent odor that is absorbed into the body.
  2. Tar ointment is sold in pharmacies or made at home by mixing useful ingredients. It is most often used during night sleep. The downside is the possibility of damage to clothes and bedding due to the dark color and unpleasant odor.
  3. A cream based on a birch component has the same purpose as the ointment. The cream is quickly absorbed. It stains clothes less, which gives it a slight advantage.
  4. Tar shampoo is a remedy for psoriasis on the scalp. Designed to be gentle on crusts.

Tar cream for psoriasis

The choice of the form of the product containing the tar component largely depends on the location of the painful manifestation.

Tar from scalp psoriasis

Shampoo Psoril

Tar soap helps against psoriasis of the scalp, which disinfects and removes flaking. escortstars. There is a significant drawback: a pungent odor that is difficult to remove. Therefore, it is more pleasant to use ready-made shampoos for psoriasis on the head.

  1. Psorilom shampoo contains birch tar and herbal extracts. Reviews about the product are mostly positive.
  2. Friderm tar psoriasis shampoo contains purified coal tar. Reviews about it are mixed, and there are no studies in the public domain.
  3. Algopix shampoo contains juniper tar, salicylic acid (main active ingredient), algae extracts. Reviews about the drug are positive.

Treatment of psoriasis with tar

When choosing a method of treating psoriasis, you should consult with your doctor. The dosage, course of treatment and its regimen are selected by the doctor, based on the degree of manifestation of the disease, its form and severity.

Medicinal shampoo

The shampoo is used to eliminate the symptoms of scalp psoriasis. The skin in the affected area is sensitive and thin, which requires careful attention to the dosage of medicated shampoo. It relieves inflammation, promotes rapid regeneration of healthy tissue, moisturizes the skin, eliminates itching and discomfort.

Mode of application:

  • The hair is combed, washed with regular shampoo (this is necessary to open the pores), and rinsed off.
  • Apply the tar product with massage movements, lather it, rubbing it into the scalp.
  • Rinse off the shampoo thoroughly and dry your hair.

Effective means:

  • Psoril
    Psoril is a product based on a birch component, which is mixed with other beneficial ingredients. Apply every other day, the course of treatment is 1 month. As a prevention of psoriasis, the product is indicated for use once a week.

  • Super psori is a traditional medicine made from birch tar, magnesium salts and petroleum components. Recommended for the treatment of psoriasis. Should be used regularly. (once a day for a month).
  • 911 tar is a psoriasis remedy made from tar with the addition of organic coconut oil. It is recommended to use daily until adverse symptoms disappear.
  • Tana with tar is a preparation with the addition of coconut oil and vitamins. Designed for everyday use.
  • Friederm tar is a product made from coal tar.
  • Algopix - created from juniper tar. Apply once every 2-3 days for 3 months.

Friderm Tar

Pure tar

The remedy for psoriasis is purchased only at the pharmacy in order to avoid the inclusion of unnatural ingredients in the drug.
The drug in its pure form is used in the form of spot application on the affected areas for 15 - 20 minutes. The product is washed off and a medicinal ointment from traditional medicine is applied. Leave it on while you sleep at night.


Tar for psoriasis is used both in pure form and as part of ointments, creams and shampoos.

Tar affects the skin from different sides:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • bactericidal and antiseptic effect;
  • relieves itching.

The most popular creams with tar: Super psori cream, Picladol cream.

The most popular shampoos with tar: Psoril, Algopix, Friederm tar. Tar soap is also used for scalp psoriasis.

Tar against psoriasis is effective and helps many, but there is a significant feature: a strong pungent odor. The variety of remedies for psoriasis allows you to choose the one that suits both price and effect.

  1. To exfoliate dry scales, choose non-hormonal ointments or shampoos with natural ingredients.
  2. To remove plaques, shine them with ultraviolet 311 nm.
  3. Follow a diet for psoriasis.
  4. Think optimistically, set yourself up for recovery.

Homemade ointments at home

You can prepare an ointment yourself from tar and auxiliary useful substances using the following recipes:

  • With salicylic acid and castor oil. Preparation:
  1. Salicic acid
    100 ml of tar is mixed with 40 g of castor oil and the same amount of acetylsalicylic acid.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add a little propolis to increase efficiency. Stir until smooth.
  4. Leave for 12 hours.
  5. Use on the skin, rubbing into problem areas.
  6. Leave for several hours
  7. Remove the product with warm water.
  • With soda and soap:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. tar is mixed with 2 tbsp of medical bile and 2 tbsp. grated laundry soap. Stir.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. chicken fat, 2 egg yolks and 0.5 cups of grated chaga.
  3. Apply the mixture to problem areas of the skin on a daily basis.
  • With honey:
  1. Beat 2 egg whites with a blender, add 100 g of heated honey, 50 ml of tar and 50 ml of castor oil.
  2. Leave for 12 hours.
  3. Use daily until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

If you follow the preparation technology, homemade ointment will bring quick results.

Most popular recipes

In its purest form

How to treat psoriasis with pure tar? It should be applied for a quarter of an hour to skin covered with plaques, nails or scalp. After the specified time, the skin is washed off with cool water, the body is blotted (not wiped).

Then it is ideal to apply the medicinal drug prescribed by the doctor to the problem area. The procedure should be carried out every other day.

Medicinal shampoos

They are used to eliminate psoriatic lesions on the scalp. Shampoos quickly eliminate flaking and itching, as they penetrate directly into the problem area into the deepest layers of the dermis.

The most effective shampoos for psoriasis:

  • "Friderm", which contains coal tar. You need to use it twice a week for 3 months;
  • "Psoril." This is a natural product with plant extracts. Already after the first wash, a positive effect will be noticeable. For the fastest recovery, you should use shampoo every other day, and as a preventative measure once every 7 days;
  • “Tana” is a shampoo with provitamins and other useful ingredients. Thanks to this remedy, the water-salt balance is normalized, itching is reduced, and blood circulation is improved. You need to wash your hair with this shampoo for 30 days twice a week;
  • “Super Psori”, which includes Naftalan oil. The product must be used several times in 7 days for a total course of 30 days;
  • "911" is a shampoo intended for daily use. Excellent for the prevention of psoriasis;
  • “Nevskaya Kosmetika” - shampoo with conditioner for easier combing;
  • “Finnish tar shampoo” with pine tar. It has a very unpleasant smell, but proven effectiveness. It is not recommended to use it more than twice a week.

All remedies for psoriasis on the scalp should be used according to the instructions, otherwise the course of the disease may worsen.

Ointments with tar

There are no pharmaceutical tar ointments, but you can easily make them at home yourself. The most effective recipes that have received only positive reviews from patients are described below.


To prepare it you will need:

  • 100 g honey (melted);
  • 2 beaten egg whites;
  • 50 ml of purified tar product.

All ingredients should be mixed, the mixture is covered with a lid, and stored for 3 days in a dark, cool room. It is necessary to lubricate the affected body with the resulting composition every day several times a day for no more than a month.

With soap and soda

To prepare this ointment you will need:

  • 1⁄2 cup chaga mushroom, ground to a powder;
  • ground laundry soap (2 tablespoons);
  • medical bile (also 2 large spoons);
  • similar amount of tar;
  • raw yolks (2 pieces).

Everything is mixed and applied to the plaques twice a day.

With castor oil and salicylic acid

All ingredients are presented in ml:

  • salicylic acid (40);
  • castor oil (40);
  • pure liquid tar (100).

Everything is mixed and applied to problem areas for half a day (it is ideal to do this in the evening and leave until the morning). The skin on top should be covered with film and secured with a bandage. After 12 hours, the body should be washed with clean water. If you add 15 g of propolis to the treatment mixture, the positive effect will come faster.

With celandine

Required (in grams):

  • crushed celandine leaves (200);
  • tar (300);
  • melted honey (200);
  • leaves of walnut, blackberry (100 each);
  • fish oil (100).

All ingredients are mixed, infused in a sealed container in a cool, dark place for 3 days, after which the mixture should be applied to problem areas twice a day.

Healing baths

They will help reduce itching, rashes and irritation. It is enough to add the following solution to a bath full of water: 100 ml of tar, soap alcohol (75 ml) and a similar amount of boiled water. Before plunging into the healing water, you need to lubricate the affected areas with clean tar.

You need to lie down for 30-40 minutes, then carefully wash off the tar with soap and wait until the body dries (wiping with a towel is not recommended).

Those who like to take a steam bath can thoroughly warm up the body and then lubricate it with a clean tar product. This way the medicine will be absorbed faster into the deep layers of the epidermis and have a healing effect.

Lotions with birch tar

A mixture of vegetable oil and tar is made. The proportions are taken equal. You can replace the oil with ash from birch firewood. Moisten a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and treat the plaques.

Baths (tar)

75 g of warm water is mixed with soap alcohol, 100 ml of tar is added. The resulting mixture is poured into a warm bath and stirred well.

The dive lasts 30-40 minutes.

Before such a bath, it is necessary to treat all problem areas with tar. After the procedure, it is better to dry naturally without resorting to wiping with a towel.


Before this method of treatment, you should consult a therapist.

  • Approximately 5 drops of tar are dripped onto the bread and eaten before bed. Every day the dosage is increased by 1 drop. After 24 days of therapy, a break is taken.

After taking the product, you should not eat.

  • For 50 ml of milk in the first week add 1 drop of tar, in the second - two, in the third - three.

When using tar internally, care should be taken to take multivitamins.

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