Rash on the buttocks in an adult: photos with explanations of various rashes on the buttocks

Herpes rashes on the buttocks have their own characteristics.

Primarily due to the fact that such localization of the rash is not typical for labial or genital forms of infection.

Nevertheless, the number of people with herpetic lesions of the buttocks does not decrease from year to year, but increases.

Therefore, the attention of doctors to this form of infection does not weaken.

At the beginning of the 21st century, doctors already know quite a lot about the causes of herpes rash on the buttocks.

Prevention and treatment measures have been well studied.

And although no one has yet been able to completely cure herpes, it is quite possible to minimize the negative impact of the disease on a person’s life.

Below we will tell you what you need to do for this.

Herpes: general description of pathology

Actually, the Herpesviridae family includes several types of herpes viruses.

The most common types are type 1 and type 2, which cause the rashes known to many.

The varicella zoster virus (VZV type 3 or Varicella Zoster Virus) also belongs to this family.

Skin manifestations in humans are usually caused by herpes simplex viruses types 1 and 2 (HSV 1 and HSV 2).

Very rarely, the rash occurs due to reactivation of VZV type 3.

Rash on the buttocks is possible in two cases:

  • HSV 1 or HSV 2 entered the human body through the genitals, that is, through sexual transmission. Then the pathogens remain forever in the neurons of the lumbar spinal cord, from where they periodically exit back to the skin.
  • Herpes viruses type 1, 2 or 3 are completely out of control of the immune system, in such cases the rashes are massive, numerous and protracted.

Usually, herpes on the buttocks occurs in parallel with damage to the genital organs.

For most people, the first active episode develops 2-14 days after infection.

The more massive the infection, the shorter the incubation period.


It is not possible to completely eliminate infection with a herpetic infection on the buttocks, but there are measures that can help reduce the risk of infection. To prevent the pathogen, you must:

  • Wear only cotton underwear.
  • Try to treat the disease in a timely manner, take all medications recommended by the doctor.
  • In order to avoid infection of the damaged area of ​​the skin, it should be treated 3-4 times a day with peroxide .
  • Avoid casual sex .

Before planning a pregnancy, you should do an antibody test. The manifestation of the disease in a pregnant woman can provoke consequences and defects in the development of the baby.

Herpes on the skin of the buttocks and tailbone is provoked by HHV 1 or 2. The reasons for its activation are weakened immunity and improper lifestyle.

To treat this disease, immunostimulants, antiviral agents and ointments are used. Self-administration of medications is prohibited; consultation with a doctor is required.

Spread of herpes

Routes of infection depend on age.

Thus, children usually become infected from contact with sick adults or when using a sick towel.

In adults, herpes appears after unprotected sex or kissing.

The mechanism of autoinoculation has also been proven.

This is when herpes viruses in one person move from the face to the genital area and vice versa.

So a cold on the lips may well be combined with herpes of the buttocks.

Why is it dangerous?

Patients with a mild form of the disease can be treated at home, but weakened patients who are likely to have a long course of herpes, people with severe herpetic damage to the central nervous system, should be hospitalized.

Herpes is extremely dangerous during pregnancy, since genital herpes in females who are carrying a fetus leads to infection of the unborn baby. This often becomes the cause of unsafe disorders during its formation, including miscarriage.

In the later stages, a rash near the buttocks is fraught with adverse consequences for the baby:

  • Nervous disorders .
  • Inflammation of the liver.
  • Retinal damage .
  • Inflammatory processes of the lungs.
  • Bleeding, redness, cyanosis of the gums.

Gynecologists also call multiple injuries to the internal organs of the fetus in such situations.

Herpes: provoking factors

Despite the huge number of people infected, not everyone gets a rash.

The main reason for recurrence of herpes infection is weakening of the immune system, temporary or permanent.

The following factors can cause a subsidence of the body’s defenses:

  • poor nutrition with vitamin deficiencies
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle
  • hypothermia or overheating
  • severe chronic diseases - diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction
  • serious bacterial infections, such as lobar pneumonia
  • chronic stress
  • acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV infection/AIDS)

All of the above conditions can cause another exacerbation of the infection.

Which doctor treats genital herpes

Genital herpes is treated by a venereologist. A venereologist is a specialized specialist who deals with the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, as it is transmitted primarily through sexual contact.

In our clinic, the venereologist has extensive experience and specialization in treating adults and children from genital herpes.

In case of existing complications of herpes, he can refer the patient for additional consultation with a neurologist, gastroenterologist, gynecologist, urologist, or proctologist.

A dermatologist, a doctor who treats diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, can also provide assistance. The dermatologist at our clinic has gained extensive experience in treating all major types of herpes.

Symptoms of herpes on the buttocks

Rashes on the buttocks almost always indicate a fairly severe course of herpes.

Therefore, along with local symptoms, general symptoms are often noted.

Local symptoms:

  • discomfort, burning and pain limited to a specific area of ​​the buttock, while the skin is calm
  • after 12-24 hours, blisters appear at the site of pain
  • blisters are small, grouped in several pieces
  • filled with a clear liquid that quickly becomes cloudy
  • within a day or two, the blisters burst, leaving behind small erosions or ulcers
  • in 2-3 days they become covered with crusts and dry out

The crusts fall off within 5-7 days, revealing pale, clean skin underneath.

Throughout the attack, the rash is disturbing - the person experiences a burning sensation and pain.

Given the location, it becomes painful to sit.

In addition, due to the movements of the buttocks when walking or when a person sits down, the crusts crack and peel off early.

This causes even more pain and delays recovery.

General symptoms are characteristic of the primary process, which develops at the end of the incubation period:

  • weakness, dizziness
  • increase in body temperature to 39-40˚C
  • headache
  • poor appetite
  • aches minor body aches

With repeated attacks, general symptoms are usually absent.

The localization of the rash is of particular importance.

If they are concentrated in a cluster, closer to the perineum, then this indicates a fairly typical version of the infection caused by HSV type 1 or 2.

But when the rash looks like a stripe, a broken line, is localized on the lower back, in the upper or middle part of the buttocks, and is terribly painful, then these are signs of a type 3 herpes attack.

The same herpes zoster, zoster.

The journey of the virus in the body

The source of HSV infection is a patient or a virus carrier (there are no external manifestations of the disease, but the virus is excreted in saliva, urine, and discharge from the genitourinary system). The virus is transmitted by contact, airborne droplets, blood transfusions and organ transplants. During pregnancy, infection of the fetus can occur transplacentally (through the placenta) and during childbirth.

It has been established that in 40% of cases, primary HSV infection occurs by airborne droplets in early childhood, and the source of infection, as a rule, is family members who have active signs of herpes infection (usually recurrent herpes of the lips). The herpes simplex virus enters the body through injured skin or mucous membranes (red border of the lips, mucous membranes of the mouth, genitals, conjunctiva) - where typical blistering rashes appear (the result of the activity of the virus), and penetrates the bloodstream and lymphatic system. Viral particles reach the nerve nodes (ganglia) of the central nervous system, where they remain inactive for life. For example, with herpes of the face, the virus is stored in the ganglia of the trigeminal nerve, and with herpes of the genitals - in the ganglia of the lumbosacral spine. From the nerve ganglia, viral particles begin to move to the periphery - the skin, mucous membranes, and a focus of infection develops during a relapse.

Under certain conditions, HSV multiplies in lymphocytes (blood cells), which leads to their damage and disruption of the genetic mechanisms that control immune responses. Clinically, this manifests itself in frequent colds, decreased performance, weakness, increased body temperature, and enlarged lymph nodes.

A recurrent course of the disease is observed in 17-50% of the population infected with HSV. Exacerbations of herpes occur after various provoking factors: hypothermia, mental or physical trauma (dental, gynecological medical procedures), alcohol intake, against the background of hormonal surges (“menstrual herpes”). “Solar herpes” is known, which appears under the influence of ultraviolet rays.

However, it is worth noting that the herpes virus may never manifest itself as a disease during a person’s life.

Special and atypical variants of herpes on the buttocks

The typical clinical course may vary depending on a number of conditions.

Let's consider the features of HIV, pregnant women and pediatric patients.

All patients from these categories have a high risk of developing atypical forms.

Then the rash on the buttocks acquires features that are not characteristic of herpes:

  • erythematous (hyperemia)
  • bullous with blisters
  • edematous without vesicles
  • ulcerative-necrotic

In total, more than 10 atypical forms are known; it is very difficult for an inexperienced eye to recognize herpes in them visually.

Due to the loose fatty tissue, which is quite developed on the buttocks, especially in children and older women, the edematous form is more common in this area of ​​the body.

What are blisters and their features

In most cases, blisters in a child do not linger for a long time, which is explained by their structure. These are cavityless formations that are a consequence of acute inflammation of the surface layer of the skin. Almost always the child itches because of blisters; they cause him severe discomfort. Most often, the bubbles are round in shape, but sometimes oval elements are also found. The color of the rash varies from pinkish to red, white or gray.

A similar rash appears during exudation, when blood plasma enters the intercellular space. In this state, it is easier for the immune system to act on pathogens that have entered the body. Transparent or white blisters in a child occur on different parts of the body. It all depends on the pathogen, allergen or other provoking factor that caused the inflammation. For example, large blisters on a child are most likely caused by a burn, but they are classified as injuries rather than rashes.

Blisters are also called urticaria. They are slightly raised and denser areas of skin that are formed as a result of swelling of the dermis, which is the middle layer of the skin. In general, such elements are called urticaria. In young children, it is accompanied by constant restlessness and the presence of scratching marks in areas of maximum rash.

Herpes with HIV

With HIV infection, the immune system suffers greatly, which is why herpes zoster-type rashes often occur.

Therefore, all such patients must be examined for HIV infection.

In addition, attacks are becoming more frequent; the buttocks are almost constantly covered with herpes blisters and crusts.

This option, along with a weakened immune system, creates favorable conditions for the addition of secondary pyogenic flora.

Redness, swelling, pain and purulent discharge appear.

Partly because of this, with a combination of HIV and buttock manifestations of herpes, the inguinal lymph nodes are often enlarged and the lymphatic vessels become inflamed.

Lymphostasis develops, the leg swells on one or both sides.

Pregnancy and herpes

Pregnancy is a condition in which the immune system also weakens slightly.

Therefore, approximately 15-20% of women experience an exacerbation of herpes, possibly localized on the buttocks.

Active viremia during an attack causes problems with the placenta and has a toxic effect on the fetus.

Therefore, a painful rash on the buttocks of a pregnant woman is a reason to consult a doctor and check the condition of the fetus.

Where to go for genital herpes

It is necessary to seek diagnosis and treatment of genital herpes at a specialized medical institution. Advantages of seeking help from our clinic:

  • We accept appointments any day, seven days a week, which is very convenient for working citizens;
  • There is a service to call a doctor at home (diagnosis, treatment, monitoring of recovery);
  • an individual approach to each client is carried out;
  • comfortable and favorable conditions for patients have been created;
  • has its own laboratory to conduct the necessary laboratory and instrumental studies;
  • doctors and all medical personnel work in a single team and jointly manage the patient, any issues during treatment are resolved, and if necessary, a medical council is created;
  • always friendly attitude;
  • confidentiality.

All clinic services are certified. We are responsible and provide guarantees. Calling a dermatologist to your home for genital herpes

In some cases, the patient cannot visit the clinic in person. Or for some reason he doesn’t want to do this. Our clinic offers a doctor's home call. You can contact us on any convenient day and discuss the doctor’s arrival time.

The service is popular due to a number of advantages:

  • a doctor’s visit to your home is very convenient for people with limited mobility – pensioners, frail people, disabled people, blind people, post-operative people;
  • Complete anonymity of treatment is maintained;
  • at home, the doctor provides the same services as within the walls of the medical institution;
  • all types of tests can be taken at home, they will be sent to the laboratory in special containers;
  • a doctor at home can conduct instrumental diagnostics if necessary (ECG, ultrasound, x-ray);
  • the doctor will talk about prevention methods, recommend what to do to avoid infecting household members through contact, and how to prevent relapse of the disease.

A doctor can come to your home on the same day of treatment.

Children's age and herpes

Children can become infected with herpes in utero.

The second most important way is to visit children's groups; in kindergarten, a child can dry himself with someone else's towel.

And they also have several important points:

  • lack of own immunity - everyone who is bottle-fed is at risk for the disease
  • the age of crossover of the leukocyte formula is approximately 5 days and at 5 years the activity of cellular immunity in children greatly sags, and this is a significant danger of the appearance of herpes on the buttocks
  • more pronounced general symptoms - fever, weakness, nausea and vomiting, loose stools

In a state of suppressed immunity, a child's buttocks can sometimes be attacked by a virus like zoster.

But only if he had previously had chickenpox or suffered from it in an erased form.

Sometimes parents confuse herpes on the child’s buttocks with prickly heat or diathesis.

Little children cry and cannot say that the pimples on their butts are itchy or painful.

Therefore, it is better to show all children with a rash on the bottom to a doctor.

How does genital herpes become infected?

Infection with genital herpes occurs mainly during sexual contact, less often through kissing, during childbirth, and breastfeeding.

All types of sex - oral, anal and vaginal - can cause the disease. A condom cannot always protect against infection. Latex sometimes does not cover all areas of herpes rashes. Even if the sick partner does not have rashes, infection can occur through saliva or semen.

You cannot become infected with genital herpes if you:

  • using a public toilet;
  • pastel accessories of the patient;
  • sharing soap, washcloths, towels, cutlery and dishes;
  • when swimming in the pool and coming into contact with objects.

The partner may not know about his illness and pass it on to others. And if he knows, he can take medications to suppress the virus. In this case, the risk of transmitting the infection to a sexual partner is reduced to a minimum. In any case, it is worth discussing the degree of risk with your doctor.

Complications of herpes on the buttocks

Ignoring herpes on the buttocks almost always leads to the development of serious complications:

  • development of scarring in areas of repeated rashes
  • weakened immune system
  • chronic lymphadenitis and lymphangitis - a feature of the process in the groin is the risk of developing lymphostasis and elephantiasis on one or both legs
  • diseases of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) - active replication of the herpes virus can provoke the synthesis of antibodies to thyroid cells with the development of severe hypothyroidism

How to prevent getting genital herpes

No one is immune from herpes infection. Most people get the virus in childhood - from their mother and other family members through kissing. This is the herpes simplex virus type 1. It was believed that it could not affect the genitals. However, practice has shown that such a development of events is possible.

It is impossible to prevent infection one hundred percent, but you can try to protect yourself by following a few rules:

  • during pregnancy planning, undergo a full examination of the body for the presence of herpes of the first and second types;
  • remain faithful to your sexual partner, do not have casual sexual contacts;
  • in case of casual sexual intercourse, you should be examined for hidden infections;
  • do not use other people’s lipsticks, manicure accessories, towels, or razors;
  • wash hands after contact with rashes;
  • monitor intimate hygiene;
  • keep the bathroom clean:
  • do not kiss a child on the lips, especially during an exacerbation of herpes on the lips.

You should take care of your health, increase your immunity through an active life and good nutrition, and give up bad habits.

Publication date 2019-11-10

Diagnosis of herpes

Fortunately, most cases of herpes progress favorably, with relapses occurring no more than once or twice a year.

If the rash occurs more often, it makes sense to consult a dermatologist to clarify the diagnosis, further examination and prescribe treatment.

An experienced doctor can visually determine the fact of herpes.

Also for this purpose it is enough to mention that the rash on the buttocks occurs periodically and hurts.

Clinical protocols require the following studies:

  • general blood and urine tests - general condition of the body
  • determination by ELISA of antibodies to HSV types 1 and 2 or VZV type 3 in the blood - identification of the pathogen
  • establishing the antibody avidity index - duration of infection
  • scrapings and prints from rashes on the buttocks are used to perform a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - accurate identification of the pathogen
  • determination of antibodies to HIV

In addition to establishing the fact of infection, it is necessary to understand the causes of relapses.

The first step in this direction is screening for HIV infection, in which herpes breaks out very often.

Genital herpes in men

In men, the second type of virus is most common. When engaging in oral sex, approximately 24 percent have type 1 herpes. More often it is a combination of two types of herpes simplex.

The disease in men is characterized by rashes in the penis, testicles, and anus.

During the period of weakening of the body, the virus manifests itself in rashes. And in a latent form it occurs as a chronic pathology. It gradually affects the autonomic and central nervous system, the mucous membranes of the urethra. And when the process is generalized - the liver, brain and other organs.

Herpes appears 2-4 days after infection. It could be:

  • slight increase in temperature;
  • general malaise, weakness;
  • pain and aches in the joints and muscles may be observed;
  • there may be tingling and burning of the skin in the groin area;
  • painful urination;
  • the appearance of a pimple or group of pimples on the head of the penis or scrotum.

If no other infection occurs, the symptoms disappear on their own.

The virus is transmitted to a partner through sexual contact - oral, anal or classical. Infection can occur not necessarily when there is a rash on the skin, but also during the asymptomatic period of the disease.

A man also becomes infected from a sick woman, even if she has no symptoms of the disease. The virus is present in vaginal secretions and urine, as well as in saliva. If a woman has herpes on her lips (type 1), it can be transmitted to a man through oral sex, and the rash will appear on the penis.

Answers to frequently asked questions on venereology:

  • How to prepare for an appointment with a venereologist?
  • How to get tested for sexually transmitted diseases?
  • What tests can be done by a venereologist at the clinic?
  • What symptoms should you consult a venereologist for?
  • What diseases does a venereologist treat?
  • What diagnostics can a venereologist perform in your clinic?
  • How to call a venereologist at home?
  • Venereological care at home
  • Venereological care in the clinic
  • What equipment does the venereologist use in our clinic?
  • How to make an appointment with a venereologist?

Immunity indicators for herpes on the buttocks

An immunogram helps to get a complete picture of the characteristics of immunity.

To conduct such a study, the dermatologist engages an immunologist, who is responsible for deciphering the analysis.

An immunogram allows you to evaluate the most important indicators of cellular and humoral immunity:

  • number of active lymphocytes and their ratio (CD3+ CD4+, CD3+ CD8+, CD3- CD16/56+, CD19+ cells)
  • concentration of the main classes of antibodies in the blood (IgG, IgA, IgM)
  • functional activity of macrophages

Clinical observations show that exacerbation of herpes infection is accompanied by a decrease in the number of CD4 cells.

At the same time, the functional activity of neutrophils decreases.

For a sick person, an immunogram study helps to more accurately determine the severity of the process.

Gives the most accurate forecast regarding the further course of the process.

Periodic conduct of such analysis during the remission stage allows timely identification of the threat of exacerbation and a course of preventive therapy.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the butt

The treatment process for pain in the buttocks depends entirely on the nature of the pathology. The patient needs to see a proctologist and attend an initial consultation. The doctor will examine the affected organ and perform palpation. If purulent discharge, bleeding and infectious processes are detected, then we suggest performing an operation to remove anal fissures.

For pain in the butt resulting from an injury, the patient is prescribed painkillers and warming ointments that can relieve swelling. Non-steroidal medications relieve pain and promote rapid healing of soft tissues.

For boils, patients are prescribed Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment. In untreated cases, medical workers use massages, warm compresses, and physical therapy.

After consulting a doctor, the patient begins to engage in physical therapy. Improves muscle tone and strengthens. Doctors at the private clinic “KDS Clinic” have developed a special gymnastic system that will relax injured muscles and reduce pain.

Treatment of herpes on the buttocks

No one has yet been able to completely cleanse the body of the herpes virus.

And it is unlikely that this will be done in the next few decades.

The main goal of herpes treatment is to prolong remission as much as possible and reduce the duration of exacerbation.

For people with buttock rashes, this means maintaining quality of life.

Most cases can be managed on an outpatient basis.

But you need to keep in mind that the buttocks are not the most typical surface for herpes.

Therefore, if a generalized form of infection or its atypical course is detected, hospital treatment may be required.

Medications play a key role.

Based on their mechanism of action, they are divided into three groups:

  • Agents with direct antiviral activity. All such drugs have a similar mechanism of action - they disrupt the functioning of enzymes, due to which herpes viruses synthesize new copies of themselves.
  • Interferons and immunoglobulins. They have a stimulating effect on the immune system (interferons) or saturate human tissues with ready-made antibodies to herpes, and through this mechanism they help cope with the infection.
  • Vaccines. They help activate the immune system and correct its tension in the direction of herpes viruses.

The first ones are used during the period of rashes.

The latter help the former and reduce the activity of viruses.

And vaccination increases the body’s resistance to the corresponding type of herpes to the maximum.

Ointments for genital herpes

Ointments are always used to treat herpes. Some of the most effective are:

  • Acyclovir
    , it is prescribed most often, it quickly suppresses the reproduction of the virus, the rash goes away in a short time.
  • Valtrex
    has approximately the same effect as Acyclovir. But it allows Acyclovir to remain in the body longer. Used in more complex situations.
  • Zovirax
    is the same Acyclovir, only its original version. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on breaking the DNA helix of the virus.
  • Famvir
    is a new drug. It is prescribed for recurrent herpetic infections, including in people who have reduced immunity.
  • Erazaban
    . It has a unique antiviral effect, not only destroys the virus, but also prevents it from entering a healthy cell. The cream is applied to the rash, as well as to the area of ​​skin around it. The product prevents the formation of bubbles if applied during the period of skin redness.
  • Virgan
    is a special gel that is used for ophthalmoherpes. It disrupts the formation of viral hereditary material. Its action is similar to Acyclovir.
  • Oxolinic ointment
    is an excellent antiviral agent. It is widely used, including for the fight against herpes.
  • Herpferon ointment
    can be used both for the treatment and prevention of genital herpes. This ointment contains acyclovir, an antiviral agent, as well as interferon, an antiviral protein, the deficiency of which is believed to lead to relapses of the disease.

Creams and ointments are best used at the first manifestations of herpes - at the stage of formation of redness and swelling, when the rash has not yet formed.

Do not touch herpes rashes with your hands. Otherwise, it’s easy to spread the virus into your eyes later.

There will be a risk of severe damage to the cornea. If immunity is greatly reduced, then ophthalmoherpes can cause herpetic encephalitis with a high probability of death.

Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Calling a venereologist to your home
  • Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Prevention of casual sex
  • Urethral swab
  • Cervical smear
  • Anal swab
  • Vaginal smear
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Tests for STIs
  • Mushroom tests
  • Diagnosis of prostate diseases
  • Prostate massage
  • Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
  • Diagnosis of scrotal diseases
  • Testing for STIs at home
  • Ultrasound of the prostate
  • Ultrasound of the penis
  • Tests for syphilis
  • Make an appointment with a venereologist

Treatment of exacerbation of herpes

The most critical period.

Since herpes hurts in the acute phase, it is painful for the patient (if the rash is localized on the buttocks) to sit and walk.

Family members and loved ones are at risk of becoming infected if this has not happened before.

An attack can be quickly stopped only by a combination of two methods - local and general.

It is imperative to take into account immunodeficiency as a cause of exacerbation, since this has its own characteristics in terms of treatment (connection of immune drugs).

Local therapy for herpes on the buttocks

Prescribed for all forms of herpes.

It consists of applying special ointments to the affected areas of the buttocks, which include antiviral drugs.

Local anesthetic, softening and stimulating additives are used as auxiliary components.

In principle, the same ointments that are used to localize the rash on the lips and other parts of the body are suitable for local treatment of herpes on the buttocks:

  • Acyclovir ointment 5% on the affected area of ​​the buttock from the appearance of the first symptoms (even with still healthy skin) 4-6 times a day until the crusts completely fall off
  • gel with recombinant interferon alpha-2b 3-5 times a day until pain and erosion disappear
  • Allomedin gel up to three times a day for 5-7 days
  • zinc-based ointments - drying effect is important for extensive lesions, herpes rashes between the buttocks
  • any ointments and creams with local anesthetics (anesthesin, lidocaine)
  • antiseptics – brilliant green, fukortsin
  • pain-relieving ointments and gels – kamistad, lidochlor, fastin-1

It is allowed to use alternative drugs to acyclovir - penciclovir (Fenistil-Pentsivir).

Iodine cannot be used.

Through the use of balanced and adequate local therapy, the duration of the acute phase of infection can be significantly reduced.

This means that a person is more likely to be able to sit down, walk and ride a bike calmly.

It also serves as an excellent prevention of infection to others.

Unfortunately, many patients prefer to limit themselves to local treatment.

And this is a big mistake, since no ointment or cream helps prevent the next attack.

Incubation period of genital herpes

The insidiousness of the disease genital herpes is that it can remain in a “dormant” state for years and even a lifetime. But at the same time, the patient is able to transmit it to others.

The incubation period of the disease depends on the type of herpes and the state of the person’s immune system.

It can be primary or secondary:

With primary genital herpes, the latent period is up to 10 days. In the primary form, the disease usually occurs with more severe symptoms than subsequent relapses. But only 10 percent of those infected develop rashes on the genitals in the form of small blisters after the initial infection.

After 2-4 days, the clear liquid inside the pimples becomes cloudier, they burst and weeping ulcers form. All the time, from the beginning of skin redness to ulcers, the affected area itches, itches and hurts. The temperature may rise to 38 degrees and the lymph nodes may enlarge. Even if left untreated, all symptoms disappear within 2-3 weeks. A red spot remains at the site of the ulcers, and then the color of the skin returns to normal. Relapse may occur after several weeks or even years.

Chronic or recurrent herpes disrupts the normal functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems and is difficult to treat. Within 3-5 days, rashes may appear on the genitals, or swelling, soreness, or a burning sensation will simply appear. General health worsens, the person feels weak and tired. The inguinal lymph nodes usually enlarge on one side.

A recurrent form of herpes occurs in 30-50 percent of those infected.

Systemic therapy for herpes

It is recommended to start with injectable forms of drugs based on acyclovir or drugs of the next generations.

For example, penciclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir and others.

The specifics of prescriptions depend on the form and severity of the infection.

Primary attack or mild form with exacerbations no more than 2 times a year.

One of the options is used:

  • Acyclovir tablets 250 mg 2 times a day for up to 5 days
  • Valacyclovir in the same regimen, but 0.5 g
  • Famciclovir 250 mg twice daily

Any regimen should be supported by the use of rectal suppositories based on IFN alpha-2b, 0.5-1.0 million IU twice a day for the entire period of taking antiviral drugs.

Recurrent herpes, when a rash appears on the buttocks every 3 months, needs to be treated in two stages.

The first is as indicated above, plus additionally immune drugs.

For example, inosine pranobex (groprinosine) 500 mg 4 times a day for 10 days.

Then, to consolidate the effect, you need to take maintenance therapy for at least 9 months:

  • acyclovir 250 mg twice a day
  • valacyclovir 250 mg once a day
  • famciclovir 125 mg once a day

The most severe cases, when the rash on the buttocks persists almost constantly, and herpes spreads to other parts of the body, require hospital treatment.

Parenteral forms of drugs are prescribed here.

Since the injections are more effective and have a slightly lower risk of side effects, the course is extended to 21 days.

Added to the main scheme:

  • anti-inflammatory (relieve pain and swelling)
  • antibiotics (prevention of secondary infections of the skin of the buttocks)
  • probiotics (prevent complications of antibiotic therapy, increase the overall level of immunity)
  • multivitamin preparations

During the maintenance phase, tablets can be used again.

For HIV, HAART is prescribed.

For people without such an infection, after cleansing the skin of the buttocks and other areas of the body, a polyvalent herpetic vaccine is recommended.

According to the scheme, necessarily with revaccination after 6 months.

What does genital herpes look like?

Genital herpes is characterized by rashes on the penis, on the head of the penis, in the vagina, on the urethra, on the cervix, in the anus, on the rectal mucosa.

The incubation period lasts from 2 to 14 days. And then the characteristic herpes blisters are visible:

  • small in size, grouped together;
  • filled with a clear liquid that contains a huge number of viruses;
  • after opening the bubbles, an ulcer forms, which dries out with a crust.

Itching and burning occur during the period of redness and swelling of the skin or mucous membrane. Then the pain intensifies with the formation of erosions and ulcers. The size of the affected skin can vary from 0.5 to 3 centimeters.

There may be many bubbles, or there may be just a few. If bacterial flora joins the ulcers, the wounds become covered with purulent plaque.

No blisters form on the mucous membrane of the vulva, but an ulcer immediately appears.

If herpes rashes form on the cervix or vagina, sexual intercourse becomes impossible due to severe pain.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Discharge from the urethra
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Itching in the vagina
  • Discharge from the genitals
  • Pain in the scrotum
  • Pain when urinating
  • Itching in the urethra
  • Blood in sperm
  • Itching of the vulva
  • Pus on the labia
  • Burning in the urethra
  • Perineal pain
  • Redness of the glans penis
  • Frequent urination
  • Itching of the glans penis
  • Itching of the scrotum
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Foreskin rupture

Herpes on the buttocks: traditional and alternative medicine

Now there are quite a lot of effective medications that have a direct effect on herpes.

Therefore, the use of folk remedies for this infection with localization of the rash on the buttocks cannot be considered justified.

As an option, you can apply lotions to sore spots with chamomile infusion and sea buckthorn oil.

But you shouldn’t count on traditional medicine to get rid of relapses.

How to remove a rash on the butt at home?

Not only medications help in treating rashes. Traditional medicine also solves a delicate problem. For some people, applying a warm compress to the affected area of ​​skin is enough. The procedure will relieve inflammation, eliminate pain and ensure rapid healing.

Applying Aloe Vera gel heals wounds, soothes irritated dermis and removes rashes. To use, you need to chop the stems of the plant, and then rub it into the skin of the buttocks in a circular motion so that no discomfort occurs.

You can speed up tissue regeneration by taking a bath with two glasses of thoroughly mixed oatmeal. You need to use this method at least 2-3 times weekly.

A regular trip to the solarium will get rid of the rash, eradicating the source of the problem. The device is equipped with special lamps that emit ultraviolet light.

Competent treatment of rashes should be carried out comprehensively and combine two approaches. An experienced specialist will prescribe specific medications. If you take them in combination with folk remedies, then achieving a successful result will not be difficult.

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