What does hyaluronic acid contain: TOP-5 methods of combating its deficiency

Surely many people have thought about the question of what hyaluronic acid contains, because it is an important substance for the youth and beauty of the skin.

Of course, every person dreams of staying young, healthy and attractive for as long as possible in order to live a full life and not deny themselves anything.

Unfortunately, over the years, beauty disappears, and the condition of the body worsens. This is due to poor ecology, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and constant stress.

The fading process can be slowed down not only with the help of modern achievements in plastic surgery and cosmetology. To do this, you need to know exactly what hyaluronic acid contains.

What are the benefits of hyaluron for humans (5 important functions)

Hyaluronate is often called the elixir of youth. This component is used for non-surgical rejuvenation of the skin of the fair sex after 25 years. Many meso-cocktails, injections and serums are made from acid.

The principle of action of hyaluron is quite simple. It is contained in the dermis, joint and muscle tissue, fully moisturizes them, maintains elasticity and reliably protects them from external factors.

With age, the formation of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases, so unwanted changes appear on the surface of the skin.

Hyaluronate is able to move water molecules to those areas where there is not enough fluid. In tandem with elastin and collagen, acid ensures lipid, water and mineral metabolism, as well as the movement of nutritional components.

A lack of hyaluronic acid disrupts metabolism and slows down the formation of elastin and collagen. As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and pigment spots and wrinkles form on it.

The main functions of hyaluron include:

  1. Regulation of the degree of cellular hydration. Under the influence of acid, even the driest lifeless skin becomes soft, elastic and healthy glow.
  2. Formation of a thin film on the surface of the epidermis that protects against aggressive environmental phenomena.
  3. Restoring elasticity, smoothing skin texture, eliminating small and large wrinkles.
  4. Activation of substances contained in caring cosmetics, enhancing their beneficial properties.
  5. Acceleration of wound regeneration, anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to these features, hyaluron is actively used for the treatment of acne, scars and acne.

When using hyaluronic acid-based products on your own, it is important to strictly follow the instructions and take precautions. You should first visit a cosmetologist's office.

What to choose – natural or artificial HA

As soon as the properties of natural hyaluronic acid became known, scientists began to create it artificially. Initially, it was used to treat joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis) and skin pathologies (trophic ulcers, burns, psoriasis, etc.). Only then did HA begin to be included in cosmetics for external use, and then they began to use it in injection cosmetology.

Animal-derived hyaluronic acid was extracted from the organs of various animals. This is a more natural way to obtain it, but the final product, even after purification, contained many protein compounds. They cause allergic reactions, so the use of such HA is limited.

Modern preparations based on hyaluronic acid are produced by biotechnological synthesis from bacterial cultures. To do this, streptococci that are capable of producing HA are grown in laboratory conditions. The resulting substance does not contain foreign proteins, peptides and other additives that can cause allergies in humans, therefore it is well tolerated and has fewer side effects.

The introduction of hyaluronate from the outside increases the concentration of its own acid in the tissues. This is another positive effect from its use as a supplement or obtained from food.

What does hyaluronic acid contain (foods)

Together with food, the human body receives all the substances that are required for normal life.

The same thing happens with hyaluronate. Once in the digestive system, it is effectively absorbed.

What contains beneficial hyaluronic acid? A whole list of products has been compiled from which the menu is created. Many of them contain special components that activate the formation of hyaluronate in the body.

These products include:

  1. A broth made from pork, beef or poultry, cooked using bones, skin, and tendons.
  2. Jellied meat and jellied meat. These dishes contain collagen, which ensures the functioning of connective tissue. Meat products account for the lion's share of hyaluronate coming from food.
  3. Soy. Rich in plant-derived estrogens, which accelerate the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Experts say that the condition of the skin improves noticeably after applying soy milk, which contains beneficial bifidobacteria.
  4. Sweet potatoes and other root vegetables with a lot of starch. It is this that stimulates the formation of hyaluronate.
  5. Natural red wine and red grape juice. They contain resveratrol, which is involved in increasing the volume of hyaluronic acid. It is necessary to consume up to 2 glasses of any of these drinks per day to replenish the daily requirement.
  6. Buckwheat, nuts. Products are rich in magnesium. This microelement, according to experts, activates the production of hyaluronate.
  7. Gelatin. Contains quite a lot of hyaluronic acid. It is recommended to eat jelly from berries and fruits. Desserts made from fruits with a high concentration of vitamin C are used for preparation.

On the Internet you can find entire tables of food products that contain hyaluronic acid, which is essential for beautiful skin. This is jellied meat, fresh juices made from red grapes, jelly.

The list of products goes on. For example, gelatin is an essential ingredient for many dishes. The daily diet must be supplemented with nuts, root vegetables, and fruits.

Information about which foods contain hyaluronic acid will help you develop a suitable menu of dishes that contain it or activate natural production.

Bone broth

The main sources of “edible” hyaluronic acid are bones, cartilage and other connective tissues of animals and birds. The strong broth, which is simmered for a long time, in some cases up to 24 hours, is loaded with a variety of nutrients, including hyaluronic acid, a number of proteins and amino acids that support collagen production. The broth also contains minerals the body needs, such as calcium, zinc and potassium. There are many delicious homemade bone broth recipes that help promote healthy skin.

Strong broth - strong bones

Benefits of Eating the Right Foods

Properly selected food and its regular consumption after some time will have a beneficial effect on the epidermis and health:

  • strengthening cartilage and joints;
  • stimulation of damage repair;
  • blocking age-related changes;
  • increasing the tone of the muscular system;
  • improvement of eye condition.

You should not expect a quick and pronounced effect when consuming the listed dishes that contain hyaluronic acid for the face. It is distributed in the body in a special way.

So, if the cartilage is weakened, then the missing substances will be sent there. You should be patient and wait for external changes, following a suitable diet.

Lack of hyaluronic acid and its consequences

At a young age, the skin produces a sufficient amount of HA. Starting from the age of 30, the natural production of hyaluronic acid and its supply decreases, and by the age of 50 its amount drops by half. Deficiency leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the skin: it becomes dehydrated, dryness, sagging, wrinkles appear, and the healthy and fresh appearance of the face is lost.

Due to the lack of HA, the synthesis of collagen and elastic fibers, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles, is disrupted.

The main reasons for the lack of HA in the skin:

  • prolonged and frequent exposure to direct sunlight;
  • visiting a solarium;
  • lack of vitamins necessary for its preservation;
  • smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • natural aging process.

When there is a lack of hyaluronic acid in the body, which cannot be replenished from food, drugs and supplements with hyaluron come to the rescue. The option that suits the reviews and the required dosage can be selected in the official online store on the iHerb.com website: https://ru.iherb.com/c/hyaluronic-acid.

Additional Products

In addition to dishes enriched with hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to consume foods without which the component cannot be properly absorbed by the body.

They often contain rutin and ascorbic acid. It is these vitamins that are necessary for the retention and complete absorption of hyaluronic acid in cells.

It is important to pay attention to the following products:

  1. Garlic, grapes, cabbage, citrus fruits, cherries, apples, buckwheat, beets, tomatoes, green tea, raspberries. These berries, vegetables and fruits are characterized by a high concentration of rutin, which is necessary for many vital processes.
  2. The above products, as well as all vegetables and herbs, contain ascorbic acid, which is necessary for the retention and formation of hyaluronic acid.
  3. Veal, grapes, cereals, carrots, corn, spinach, persimmons, legumes, pumpkin, egg yolks, cranberries. Enriched with zinc, silicon and iron, which means collagen fibers.

People who know what hyaluronic acid and facial collagen contain can significantly improve their appearance and health. Hyaluronate not only enters the body with food, but is also well absorbed.

How to force the body to produce hyaluronic acid?

Start your morning with a glass of warm water with lemon, avoid harmful and toxic foods and dishes. Introduce more foods with antioxidants into your diet. A detailed list of such products, which not only restore normal levels, but also stimulate the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid, is given in the table below.

A stressful lifestyle and insufficient sleep slow down the synthesis of GC. You yourself may have noticed how the condition of your skin worsens during periods of worry and lack of sleep. Supplements with this acid will help to quickly replenish the HA deficiency at home during such periods.

Such supplements must be introduced after 25-30 years, when your own production begins to slow down. Consult your physician about the indications for their use and to select the required daily dosage (normal intake per day).

Question answer

Hyaluronic acid is an essential element for maintaining youth, beauty and health. With age, the natural synthesis of this component decreases, causing dry skin, the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

It is impossible to answer this question precisely. Of course, the manufacturer promises a colossal effect after using such products, and you can find many rave reviews online (perhaps many of them were purchased). But in reality it is not possible to achieve a radical transformation. Many ladies notice a slight improvement in their appearance, but pills will not be able to remove wrinkles or tighten sagging skin.

For this purpose, contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, and biorevitalization are performed. There are also non-injection methods. For example, laser biorevitalization. In this case, the laser helps the hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate the dermis. This is also an effective method, which has its own nuances.


  1. https://www.healingourskin.com/top-10-foods-contain-hyaluronic-acid/
  2. https://nutritionyoucanuse.com/13-foods-high-in-hyaluronic-acid
  3. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyaluronic_acid
  4. https://www.woman.ru/health/medley7/article/81805/
  5. https://www.cmjournal.ru/blogs/mezhdunarodnye-publikatsii-i-novosti/gialuronovaya_kislota_uluchshaet_zazhivlenie_xronicheskix_ran_no_ne_vsex

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About the author:

Natalya Aleksandrovna Lukina Pediatrician,

Tyumen State Medical University

Latest articles by the author: • Which Omega-3s are best to buy • Omega-3 for women • Omega-3 for men • Omega-3 for weight loss • What is lecithin and why does the woman’s body need it • Hyaluronic acid in tablets • Vitamin D for children

Top 5 methods to fill the deficit

There are many products that contain hyaluronic acid or stimulate its production naturally. You can buy them in pharmacies. Let's look at the most effective drugs.

Essential oils

There are esters on sale that promote the active production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. This valuable property is typical for the following oils:

  • incense;
  • tangerine;
  • patchouli;
  • turmeric;
  • rosewood.

Essential oils are included in masks and homemade creams to enhance the effects of other components.

Ampoules with the substance

What does hyaluronic acid for the face contain in the pharmacy? It is in ampoules that the composition is sold, almost entirely consisting of this polysaccharide. These products differ from their analogues in their high concentration.

Today there are many brands that specialize in the production of hyaluron. The drug looks like a colorless, viscous, odorless gel. One package can contain up to 10 ampoules of 2 ml.

Concentrated acid is applied to the face according to the instructions. As a result, according to the manufacturer, the aging process slows down and wrinkles are reduced.

It is necessary to use the drug regularly; it will take at least 6 months to eliminate deep folds.

Tablets with hyaluron

Hyaluronate in the form of tablets has become widespread among modern representatives of the fair sex. Doctors classify such drugs as food additives.

Manufacturers claim that after completing a course of taking the tablets, the condition of the epidermis improves significantly, dryness disappears, and shallow wrinkles are smoothed out.

Reviews of preparations containing hyaluronic acid for the face indicate that most of the components are used to restore damage to the joints and muscular system.

It is for this reason that the epidermis accounts for a small part of hyaluronic acid, and rejuvenation will not be too pronounced.

To achieve visible changes, you will need to repeat the procedure, perhaps more than once. But cosmetologists are confident that the greatest effect can be achieved with subcutaneous injection of hyaluronate.

Injections with hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid molecules are quite large in size, so they are not able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis when applied superficially. The most effective method will be delivery of the substance through injections.

Many aesthetic medicine clinics provide contouring, correction of certain areas of the face, and anti-aging injections.

The effect will be visible almost immediately after the procedure and will last about 1 year. After this, the injections must be repeated.

Carrying out injection procedures is the safest method of maintaining youthful skin.

When the procedure is performed professionally, no side effects are observed. To prevent a possible allergic reaction, a test is done first.

What is needed for natural acid synthesis

In addition to eating healthy foods in combination with vitamins that help the absorption of hyaluronic acid, you can use tablets that contain the substance the body lacks in the right amount. The acid molecules from the drug are almost completely absorbed by the body, and some of them enter the gastrointestinal tract and are then excreted naturally.

An analogue of expensive supplements is gelatin, which also contains collagen and hyaluronic acid. Vegetable, fish, meat and fruit jelly has preventive and therapeutic properties. It is enough to take 5 g of gelatin daily for 5 weeks, and the result will not be long in coming.

Natural masks with hyaluronate at home

Powdered hyaluronic acid (2 grams) should be dissolved in boiled water (30 milliliters), then mixed thoroughly and left to infuse for an hour (but stir every 10 minutes to obtain a more uniform consistency). The composition is applied to the skin, previously cleansed of cosmetics, in an even layer for 40 minutes. There is no need to wash off the mask; after complete absorption, the surface of the skin must be covered with a rejuvenating cream. The recommended course duration is two weeks, taking into account daily procedures.

When making masks at home, you can add nicotinic acid, oatmeal, lemon juice, and egg white to their composition. The selection of components should be carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin.

Reviews on the use of foods rich in HA

Lydia, 31 years old, Kazan:

I noticed facial wrinkles, so-called “crow’s feet” around the eyes. There is neither time nor free money to visit cosmetologists. I saw a table of healthy products and realized that everything was in my hands.

Alisa, 39 years old, Rostov-on-Don:

I started introducing foods rich in collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid into my diet. What was pleasantly surprising was that all products are available to an ordinary person with an average income. I'll try it and write about the consequences later.

Vitaly, 33 years old, Moscow:

You know how funny it is when you see your wife with gelatin applied to her face. But after a week, when her skin became soft, like a baby’s, without flaws and small wrinkles, you can’t help but think about trying this procedure yourself. And it doesn’t matter whether you are a man or a woman – you simply must look well-groomed, young and beautiful. Now every evening my wife applies a miracle mask to me. We even revised the diet.

Vitamins with hyaluronic acid

Another way to replenish the lack of hyaluronate will be vitamin complexes with its addition.

They accelerate the production of elastin and collagen, improve vision, and reduce inflammation in pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

It is important to remember that any vitamin complexes are not medications. Used only as an additional therapeutic method.

Information about what contains hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy will help every woman purchase the right product to maintain youthful skin.


In the same way, when cooking jellied meat for a long time, hyaluronic acid and collagen are extracted from bones and connective tissues into a rich broth, which allows the dish to always literally “be in shape.” The same thing will happen to your skin, joints and bones if you eat jellied meat more often than once a year at the New Year's table. Anyone who has ever broken a leg or arm remembers an important medical prescription - daily jellied meat. Prepare it not only from pork legs and ears, but also from ox tail, chicken legs or beef shanks - there are many recipes for jellied meats and jellies for every taste.

Jellied meat will support the skin from the inside


Preparations containing hyaluronic acid and collagen, although not drugs, have some contraindications for use.


  1. autoimmune diseases;
  2. acute stage of chronic diseases;
  3. increased sensitivity to the composition of drugs;
  4. inflammatory processes in the body;
  5. low blood clotting;
  6. taking antibacterial medications.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should refrain from administering or using products containing hyaluronate. This can negatively affect hormonal balance.

Contraindications to the use of products containing hyaluronic acid

Restoring hyaluronic acid levels through diet is not for everyone. In some cases, local administration of the substance will be more appropriate. Contraindications include the following:

  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • autoimmune reactions;
  • allergy to a particular product;
  • antibiotic treatment.

Before changing your diet for medicinal purposes, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body. This will help eliminate contraindications. Allergy sufferers are advised to be especially vigilant. Products are introduced into the diet gradually, observing the body's reaction.

Until the age of 25, maintaining the supply of hyaluronic acid at the proper level is not always advisable. At this age, the body is able to ensure independent production of the substance. In addition, an excess of hyaluronate is just as harmful as its deficiency. In this case, the substance promotes the migration of streptococcal infection and takes part in the movement of malignant cells.

Attention! The process of limited production of hyaluronate in the body can be triggered by hormonal imbalances or serious diseases.

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Michelle Ellern

practicing cosmetologist-dermatologist

Today you can find various ways to replenish hyaluron in the skin. Taking pills is a questionable method. Hyaluronic acid simply cannot be absorbed. This substance is produced by the body, and over the years this production deteriorates. The only effective method of replenishing the deficiency is the injection of this substance. You can also achieve good results through hardware biorevitalization.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

Proper nutrition is important for human health.
You need to watch what foods you eat throughout your life. But over the years, most people experience a deterioration in hyaluron production. And correcting your diet will especially help in this case. Of course, you should review your menu, but I also advise you to go to a cosmetologist. A professional approach will help prolong youth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zS57lNrnu6k

You can get rid of age-related changes not only with the help of plastic surgery; affordable products and products with hyaluronic acid will be an alternative replacement for expensive procedures.

As a result, the epidermal cells are saturated with life-giving moisture, the skin acquires elasticity and a healthy color, and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Preservation of hyaluron

In addition to foods high in hyaluronate, the diet should include those without which the production, absorption and preservation of this substance will be impossible. We are talking about vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and P (rutin). They not only help in the absorption of HA, but also have additional positive effects.

Vitamins C and P are found simultaneously in most foods: vegetables, greens, and citrus fruits are rich in these vitamins. They enhance their mutual action and increase the natural production of hyaluronate by cells. Gelatin has a similar effect: to obtain it, you should eat jelly from vegetables, fish, meat and fruits.

Immunotropic effects of hyaluronic acid in the skin

In the dermis, HA forms a framework to which other glycosaminoglycans (primarily chondroitin sulfate) and proteins, called hyaladherins for their ability to specifically bind to HA, are attached. In this case, a polymer network is formed, which fills most of the extracellular space, providing mechanical support for tissues, rapid diffusion of water-soluble molecules and cell migration. In the epidermis, HA is localized in the pericellular space, creating an areole that surrounds the cell and protects it from the action of toxic substances [42].

In intact, healthy skin, high molecular weight and low molecular weight fractions of HA are in dynamic equilibrium, which is shifted towards high molecular weight fractions (molecular weight more than 1,000,000 Da), which have good moisture-retaining and anti-inflammatory properties.

With excessive ultraviolet irradiation, bacterial invasion, trauma, chronic diseases, exposure to allergens and other adverse factors, acute or chronic inflammation develops in the skin, as a result of which low molecular weight fractions with pro-inflammatory and immunostimulating properties begin to predominate in the composition of HA.

HA is a unique molecule that takes part in all stages of the development of inflammation in the skin - from alteration to proliferation. During alteration, under the influence of reactive oxygen species produced by neutrophils and tissue and bacterial hyaluronidases, degradation of high molecular weight fractions of HA and other components of the extracellular matrix is ​​observed [38]. A large number of oligosaccharides are formed that interact with the receptors CD44, RHAMM, TLR2 and TLR4 on the surface of macrophages, lymphocytes, and fibroblasts, which ensures their migration to the damaged area. In addition, oligosugars bind to cell adhesion receptors of the vascular endothelium, which promotes the release of leukocytes and lymphocytes circulating in the blood into the inflammation zone. The interaction of low molecular weight fragments of HA with the receptors CD44, RHAMM, TLR2 and TLR4 leads to the activation of intracellular reactions and the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines by immunocompetent cells, fibroblasts and keratinocytes, which act as mediators of the immune response, regulate the functions of immunocompetent cells, and ensure their interaction in inflammatory reactions. In addition, proinflammatory cytokines further enhance the expression of CD44, RHAMM, TLR2 and TLR4 receptors on the membrane of immunocompetent cells and fibroblasts, to which HA fragments bind. As a result, differentiation and proliferation of these cells occurs, the synthesis of extracellular matrix components and GC increases, and new blood vessels grow. A biological barrier is formed around the source of damage, which limits the area of ​​damage and creates favorable conditions for proliferation and repair [12].

Thus, HA can be called an important regulator of the functions of immune cells in the skin. Low molecular weight fragments act as signaling molecules that signal tissue damage and mobilize immune cells, while high molecular weight forms of HA suppress immune cell functions and prevent excessive exacerbation of inflammation.

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