Yoga for the face from Elena Rodicheva - rejuvenation with the help of exercises

Preserving youth and beauty for as long as possible has always been one of the main desires of many people, regardless of gender. Facial yoga is becoming an excellent alternative to Botox and surgery. The number of positive reviews about the technique speaks for itself. In addition to the obvious benefits of safety and availability, it will help your skin look radiant. It will significantly reduce the amount of toxins, and this will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental well-being.

What is face yoga

Yoga is an Indian practice of self-knowledge and body improvement. Over time, they have found wide application not only in Asian and Eastern countries, but throughout the world. Any woman who wants to regain youth and beauty can perform a set of special exercises for the face.

To prevent the ancient practice of self-knowledge from turning into morning exercises for the face, it is worth identifying its main differences: concentration, calmness and a complete feeling of relaxation.

You can achieve spiritual harmony through meditation, massage, correct perception of the world around you, and relaxation.

Questions and answers

When will I see the result


Some people see results immediately after one workout! But after two weeks of practice, the result is clearly visible. Note that measuring facial changes is very different from measuring body changes. After all, after exercise, weight normalizes, and this is easily controlled. Results on the face appear slowly over time. For this reason, it is recommended to take “Before and After” photos to monitor the changes.

Do wrinkles remain on the face after yoga?


No. Some people think that moving your facial muscles will cause more wrinkles. While incorrect facial movements can cause unwanted wrinkles. Properly performed exercises from the forehead to the décolleté not only do not lead to the appearance of new wrinkles, but also reduce the depth of existing ones.

Perform facial exercises in front of a mirror.

What are the merits of Elena Rodicheva

TV presenter and writer Elena Rodicheva has developed her own method of facial rejuvenation, the duration of which does not exceed ten minutes. Yoga for the face with Elena Rodicheva requires concentration of thought and calmness of emotions. By ignoring this main rule, the ancient practice turns into banal gymnastics.

Particular attention is paid to the ears. By massaging the earlobes, blood circulation throughout the body is activated. This exercise is the perfect way to start a energizing morning. The main part of the set of exercises according to Rodicheva is aimed at tensing the facial muscles. The final stage is complete relaxation.

Important! The result of Elena Rodicheva’s yoga is tightened facial skin, maximum rejuvenation effect.

Video lessons, which present in detail all the exercises of Rodicheva’s facial yoga system, are available to Internet users.

Video: yoga for all facial muscles with Elena Rodicheva.

General recommendations

If you do face yoga every day (or rather, 6 days a week), the facial and neck muscles will be toned, the condition of the skin will begin to improve, small wrinkles will smooth out, and large ones will not be in a hurry to appear. The facial muscles will become more mobile, spasms will decrease. Control over emotions will increase.

5 main tips for a beginner:

  1. Yoga for the face is an activity that requires regularity. By skipping another lesson, you lose a piece of the health and youth of your face.
  2. You can conduct the lesson in the morning, or you can do it in the evening, before going to bed.
  3. The face and hands during classes are clean, without makeup.
  4. The duration of one lesson is from 5 to 20 minutes.
  5. The ideal training schedule is 6 days a week, if you study using video lessons, one lesson lasts 11-13 minutes on average. Already in the first 2 weeks you will notice small gains (especially regarding complexion), serious changes will be noticeable after 12 weeks of practice.

For tips on how to maintain the beauty and health of your neck, read the article: “We will defeat osteochondrosis - do yoga for your neck and you will get rid of pain! Simple asanas, recommendations and reviews.”

Preparing for the exercises

The maximum effect of facial rejuvenation can be achieved provided that all preparation rules are followed:

  • It is important to relax before yoga. Take a comfortable position (better lie down), close your eyes and think about something pleasant.
  • Remove makeup from your face. Advice: you should not perform asanas after the peeling procedure.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly. It is strictly forbidden to touch your face with dirty hands.
  • Before starting exercises, apply a rich nourishing cream to your facial skin.
  • You need to start with the simplest exercises.
  • The minimum time for the first session is five minutes. Gradually the duration of the exercises increases to fifteen minutes.

Attention! The main condition for conducting sessions is the absence of external stimuli and a comfortable place to practice. The best time for a yoga session is early in the morning.

general information

Yoga originated in India and is used for the entire body and face. It helps tighten the skin, removes wrinkles, creases and helps improve your health.

Tightening with yoga differs from standard gymnastics, since a person relaxes and calms down during the workout.

It is forbidden to train and immediately think about your problems. In this case, it will be very difficult to achieve a positive result. All sessions must include the following:

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  1. Meditation.
  2. Massage.
  3. Harmony with yourself.
  4. Relaxation.

The described methods make it possible to achieve good results and restore youth, emotional and mental state.

Complex structure

Rejuvenating yoga for the face is a set of sequential exercises.

Conventionally, the session can be divided into three main stages:

  1. Preliminary warm-up stage. Rotational, abductive and adductive movements are used. The actions are aimed at completely relaxing the facial muscles. At the end of the warm-up, you can use some elements of massage.
  2. Main part. At this stage, the emphasis is on working each muscle of the face. To achieve maximum effect, you need to learn to concentrate on the area being worked, leaving the currently unused muscles in a relaxed state. You can help yourself with your fingers, which gently support the relaxed facial muscles.
  3. The final stage. It consists of exercises aimed at relaxation, with some elements of meditation.

Throughout the yoga session, you must maintain your posture. The rule of verticality must be observed. Correctly performed elements of yoga for the face will help you cheer up and get a boost of energy for the whole day.

Are there other techniques?

There are many techniques for rejuvenation, strengthening muscles, tightening skin. Some of them remain unnoticed, while others, on the contrary, gain popularity.

  • Yoga by Lisa Kirchner. A set of effective exercises designed to last 25 minutes. Trains all the muscles of the face, as well as the neck and chin, creating a toned oval and elastic skin.
  • Japanese technology from Takatsu Fumiko. Japanese women are always famous for their youthful appearance, regardless of age. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is regular yoga and meditation. Takatsu systematized ancient knowledge and developed her own technique, thanks to which you can look several years younger in just a month of regular training.

Instructions for performing exercises

A list of exercises that help to quickly restore the elasticity and tone of the facial muscles:

  • Lion's face. Open your mouth as wide as possible and stick out your tongue. Maintain this position for sixty seconds. Afterwards you can relax. Then take a deep breath again and tense your facial muscles. Asanas are repeated two to three times.
  • Cat eyes. Place your fingertips on the corners of your eyes and gently stretch the skin. Then blink your eyes very slowly. Such actions are repeated twenty times.
  • Air kiss. Stretch your neck forward. We make an air kiss - we blow air through our lips folded into a tube. These steps must be repeated five times. Let's rest. Then, covering our lips with our fingers, we blow out the air again. We repeat these steps five times.
  • Fish. Pull your cheeks in, pull your lips forward. Hold this position of your facial muscles for ten seconds. The next stage is complete relaxation. Asanas are repeated five times.
  • Let's play with a ball. Mentally imagine that there is a ball of air in your mouth. Move it from the right cheek to the left, from the lower lip to the upper and so on in a circle.
  • We play with our eyes. Use your fingers to pull down the lower eyelid. At the same time, it is important to try to close your eye. Then click on the eyeballs. Important: movements are extremely careful, smooth, careful.
  • Let's play actress. Alternate between a smile and a sad expression. Such actions are carried out at the maximum possible speed until you feel tired.
  • Free flow. Allow yourself to relax and make faces to your heart's content. Forget about restrictions. Experiment by creating new facial movements.


  1. tightens the skin, shaping the contour of the face and neck;
  2. relieves increased facial tone, eliminating wrinkles and reducing swelling;
  3. improves blood microcirculation and oxygen supply to cells, which improves complexion;
  4. eliminates the phenomenon of a double chin;
  5. helps reduce swelling, bags and circles under gases;
  6. helps fight pimples and blackheads to maintain facial beauty;
  7. relieves stress, promotes a harmonious and positive perception of the surrounding world.

After 2-3 months of regular exercise, the positive effect will be obvious. The number of fine wrinkles will decrease several times, and those around you will immediately notice your healthy, refreshed appearance.

Safety regulations

The effect of yoga for the face, as well as the safety of the exercises, depends on compliance with specific rules:

  • The time for performing the exercises depends on the degree of mastery of yoga. Beginners spend twenty minutes studying in the morning and evening. With the process of mastering yoga asanas, the training time is reduced to ten minutes.
  • In the morning, the effect of anti-gravity yoga exercises for the face is aimed primarily at toning the skin, eliminating puffiness and swelling after sleep, and preparing the face for applying a mask or decorative cosmetics.
  • Yoga in the evening is the best way to relax and tune in to deep, healthy sleep.
  • When performing exercises, the desired muscle is fixed with the pads of the fingers. Unfixed muscles are left in a relaxed state.
  • If there is a burning sensation and slight tingling sensation, the exercises are performed correctly.
  • Maximum attention should be paid to three of the seven zones involved in face yoga.
  • Face training should be regular. The optimal course option is twice a week.
  • Do exercises in front of a mirror. Controlling your actions will help you perform asanas correctly.

Contraindications to facial yoga are vascular pathologies and skin diseases.

Yoga for the face is not just gymnastics, it is a way of thinking and feeling the world. In addition to the amazing external cosmetic effect, this practice will help to heal and improve a person’s psycho-emotional background.


The effectiveness of this type of yoga primarily lies in the fact that each exercise stimulates the work of a certain layer of the skin (epidermis or dermis). This increases blood circulation, delivering more oxygen to cells and tissues, which naturally affects the color and health of your skin.

Systematic exercise will quickly give results: the production of elastin and collagen will increase, which will make your skin firmer and more elastic, rejuvenate it, get rid of swelling, allowing you to look younger and, as a result, feel better both physically and mentally.

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