Facial massage: TOP 6 exercises for rejuvenation without injections

Expert tested

Gutsenko Liliya Anatolyevna Cosmetologist

Publication date: January 11, 2022

Review date: November 17, 2022
Plastic facial massage has nothing to do with plastic surgery. This is a completely non-traumatic procedure that does not require surgical intervention. But she is very unusual. During its implementation, a deep effect on the tissue occurs, which allows you to “sculpt” the shape of the face, create its contours and lines, and work on all problem areas (double chin, jowls, ptosis, wrinkles, etc.). On the one hand, this is a cosmetic anti-aging procedure, an effective prevention of age-related changes. On the other hand, such plastic surgery is a therapeutic procedure that allows you to relieve tension from literally all facial muscles.

Facial massage - benefits and features

The massage is aimed at improving the aesthetic appearance and functional condition of facial skin. The results are noticeable immediately, therefore, having had a massage once, many women strive to repeat the session in the future, impressed by its instant effect.

Benefits of facial massage:

  • improvement of skin color;
  • stimulation of blood flow in tissues, improving their nutrition and oxygen supply;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • relieving increased muscle tone;
  • rejuvenation effect, correction of age-related changes;
  • stress relief, relaxation;
  • “raising” the oval of the face;
  • combating puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • softening of cosmetic skin defects - correction of pigmentation, post-acne marks and acne;
  • reduction of fat layer and double chin.

In our Sugar Ray salon you can get a facial massage service at prices affordable to everyone. For an excellent result, one procedure is not enough - we recommend taking 3-4 courses of 10-15 massage sessions annually. You can get the necessary information and sign up for the procedure on our website.

It is important to know

Do not forget that the technique has contraindications:

  • Damage to the epidermis: burns, cuts, cracks;
  • Bacterial, viral infections: herpes, furunculosis, acne;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Rashes of any kind, warts;
  • Inflammation of the facial nerve, lymph nodes;
  • Large moles;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.

You should be careful when performing a massage with high blood pressure and a general painful condition.

Types of massage

Our Sugar Ray center provides most of the famous types of facial massage. We list the main ones:

  • Classic massage. Improves the appearance and internal structure of the epidermis, prevents and corrects age-related changes. The cosmetologist touches all massage lines of the face, using in practice elements of stroking, vibration and rubbing.
  • Lymphatic drainage facial massage. Fights puffiness, bags under the eyes, uneven skin color. The specialist works strictly in the natural direction of lymph movement, using vibration, pressure and rubbing techniques.
  • Myofascial facial massage. Used as an alternative to non-surgical skin tightening to sculpt the contours of the face. Recommended for correcting age-related changes, including sagging skin and facial wrinkles.
  • Buccal facial massage. A variant of sculptural massage based on an unusual treatment of tissues - not only external, but also internal - through the oral cavity. The procedure consists of uniformly affecting deep expression wrinkles of the lips, cheeks and chin. Often combined with myofascial massage.
  • 3D lifting massage. Aimed at activating weak muscles in the face, neck and décolleté. Increases skin elasticity, has a tightening effect, relieves puffiness and circles under the eyes.
  • According to Jacquet. A therapeutic option that improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the aesthetic appearance of the skin. It is used for seborrhea, acne and post-acne - problems associated with increased fat content of the dermis.

Protocol for classic massage in a beauty salon

If you want the massage to be done by a specialist, then you can go to a beauty salon, where a specialist will perform a small miracle in just twenty minutes. Classic massage is a painless and extremely pleasant procedure that lifts your spirits and improves the condition of your skin. You can discuss all the details of his work with the master in advance or watch a video describing the session.

Typically, salons operate according to the following scheme:

  1. Discussion of the client’s wishes, identification of individual skin problems;
  2. Thorough skin cleansing, scrubbing and steam bath;
  3. Selecting massage oil and applying it to the skin;
  4. Sequential facial massage: first the lower part, then the upper, finally the area around the eyes;
  5. Massage of the décolleté area;
  6. Cleansing the skin of massage oil;
  7. A consultation at which the master will talk about what effect was achieved, how to maintain the effect, and prescribe the next procedure.

Interesting to know: In China and some parts of India, for a long time, classical massage could only be performed by monks.

Who is the procedure contraindicated for?

Facial massage is not recommended for persons with open abrasions and wounds on the surface of the skin, signs of allergic and infectious dermatitis, and symptoms of herpes. We also advise you to temporarily refrain from the procedure in the presence of acute signs of ENT pathologies, the development of ARVI and other diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature and a deterioration in general well-being.

Absolute restrictions are arterial hypertension, vascular pathologies (rosacea, increased fragility of capillaries, etc.), blood diseases and malignant processes in the body.

Skin preparation

To avoid inflammation, massage should be done only after thoroughly cleaning the face of dust and grease. To do this, you can precede the procedure with a steam bath or simply wash your face thoroughly. It is very good to massage after a sauna, when the pores of the skin are wide open and its surface is clean. Apply a small amount of massage oil to clean skin to help avoid damage to the epidermis.

Execution technique

If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a beauty salon, do the massage yourself; you don’t need any special knowledge. The step-by-step procedure looks like this:

  • In the center of the forehead, connect the pads of your fingers. With smooth movements, the arms are moved towards the temples;
  • connect the second and third fingers of your hands and, moving in a semicircle, also spread your hands in the direction of your temples;
  • close your eyes and massage your eyelids with your fingertips, moving from your nose to your temple;
  • using your index fingers, make massage movements on the area - under the jaw and along the nasolabial fold;
  • With your thumbs, press on the center of the chin and move them slowly along the lower contour of the face;
  • at the final stage, light stroking movements are made - from the chin (upper part) to the lymph nodes.


During the procedure, it is recommended to use moisturizing cosmetics, then it becomes more comfortable!

Expected results

It is not surprising that many people ask the question of what to expect from lymphatic drainage massage. After a certain number of procedures, the skin color noticeably improves, it becomes toned and velvety. Bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear, you will look refreshed and rested.

It is clear that a one-time procedure will not give a positive effect. It is recommended to do massage in courses: 8-12 procedures. You can achieve the desired result faster by incorporating other methods of healing and cleansing the body. After 2-3 months, lymphatic drainage massage should be repeated.

Preparing for a massage

Preparing for manual self-massage is very simple. It can be done anywhere, no special conditions or equipment are required.

Are your hands still there? This is the main thing. Clean facial skin and clean hands.

At first, while you are still getting to know your face, it is better to practice in front of a mirror. Once you get used to it, you won’t need it anymore. You can do self-massage in front of the TV, in a bathhouse, on the beach, in public transport, even at work (if you are willing to sacrifice makeup).

The only thing you need to take care of before self-massage is cleansing. There should be no makeup, dust, sweat, or sebum on your face. The most convenient and gentle option is to wipe the skin with a cotton pad soaked in hydrolate (plant distillate). For this, you can choose one of the Beauty365 hydrolates: mint, sage or lavender (look for them at www.beauty365.ru). If you are not doing the procedure at home, use wet wipes.

For deep self-massage, nothing else is required. We perform it on dry skin for better contact with the hands.

After the procedure, we saturate the face with a cosmetic product. Warm skin will be ready to absorb everything it needs. Natural remedies will be especially useful: oils, squalane, balms. Look for them in the line of the brand www.beauty365.ru

If you still do a simple classic massage, then before it you need to moisturize the skin with cream or light oil. This is required for hand glide and smooth movements.

Principles and advantages of self-massage

Massage is an invention of Eastern sages, who used it 2000 years ago to improve physical and psychological well-being. Self-massage is called Tao Yin, it is part of the philosophy (or teaching) of Qi Gong.

Face massage

What are the benefits of classic self-facial massage :

  1. Migraines of any degree can pass - this has been proven; it’s just that, as Chinese scientists say, you need to know which point to act on;
  2. Immunity is significantly increased due to the acceleration of blood circulation, and consequently metabolism;
  3. Confident and precise movements help get rid of wrinkles;
  4. With the help of massage, you can remove swelling on the face, in particular in the nose and eye area.

How to master massage techniques

To master this or that massage technique, it is not necessary to undergo training in expensive courses or master classes. Today, there is a huge amount of specialized literature and various video lessons dedicated to this healing and rejuvenating art. Thanks to them, you can easily master even the most complex and unusual types of massage without leaving home.

SHIATSU technique

Translated from Japanese, “SHI” means “fingers”, “ATSU” means “pressure”. It has long been noted that a person always rubs the bruised area. Japanese doctor Takuhiro Nakimoshi suggested that in this way the body's reserve forces are activated, helping to eliminate pain, and developed a whole set of exercises aimed at healing and rejuvenating the body.

To perform anti-aging self-massage, you need to clearly know the location of the active points. We influence them with the pads of the thumb, index or middle fingers strictly perpendicularly, without rubbing the skin. Alternate light and strong pressure for 4-5 seconds. Your hands should be warm. The first step, as in any technique, is preparing the skin of the face. We clean it, apply special products and try to achieve complete relaxation. After this, we proceed to the main part, working through each point indicated in the diagram:

  1. Apply light pressure to the inner corners of the eye. We perform the exercise 3 times with a short break.
  2. Using three fingers for 6 seconds, press on the edges and center of the eyebrows, first simultaneously, then alternately.
  3. We find active points 1 cm from the outer corners of the eyes. Pressing on them, gently moving the skin towards the temples. This manipulation helps remove annoying “rays”.
  4. We press point 2, located above the bridge of the nose, gradually increasing the pressure. This manipulation will eliminate deep wrinkles on the problem surface.
  5. The acupuncture areas on the temples are slightly painful. Massage them with circular movements.
  6. Rub and press point 1, located in the middle of the forehead. “Third eye” - the Japanese call it.
  7. Impact on the edge of the cheekbones (18 and 16) will strengthen and tighten the cheeks.
  8. We press the painful point 13 above the upper lip - this is how we get rid of purse-string wrinkles - small vertical folds around the mouth.

To achieve the desired result, each exercise is repeated 3 times. The procedure is carried out daily for 10–15 minutes, in the morning or evening.

Massage with spoons

The author of this unique technology is German cosmetologist Rene Koch, who proved the effectiveness of his brainchild with his own example. After the massage course, the skin of his face smoothed out, brightened and became younger. Thanks to such an amazing result, simplicity and accessibility, the procedure immediately gained immense popularity among women, as evidenced by many positive reviews. To perform the manipulations, you will only need a few spoons and simple instructions on the rules of massage:

  1. First, let’s prepare our “tools” for work. These are dessert and teaspoons disinfected with alcohol, as well as two bowls with ice and warm water. By the way, it can be replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, sage or strongly brewed green tea.
  2. We cleanse the skin with a scrub, then wash.
  3. Apply the massage product to your face and begin the procedure.
  4. We remove crow's feet: apply warm spoons with cream applied to them to the outer corners of the eyes. We move in a circular motion to the temples, where we linger for 3 seconds. We repeat the same manipulations with cold spoons.
  5. We fight swelling under the eyes with the help of contrasting applications lasting 3-5 seconds.

  6. We remove wrinkles on the forehead first with two warm and then cold spoons, moving in a zigzag manner from the midline to the temples.
  7. We get rid of the transverse fold between the eyebrows by adhering to the following scheme: with a warm spoon, press the problem area 6 times, then draw it from the bridge of the nose to the hairline. We repeat the same thing with a cold tool.
  8. The “drum” exercise is effective against nasolabial folds - simultaneously tapping warm spoons on puffy cheeks.

Any metal is an excellent conductor of heat and cold; under its influence, cream or oil penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, destroying fat, activating metabolism and toning muscles. Young skin needs this procedure 2-3 times a week, and mature skin every other day. The movements are made with the back of the spoons.

For more information about the technique, read the article: “Facial massage with silver spoons.”

No cosmetics in the world can replace the effect of a massage. Not only does this procedure seem to rewind the years back, making the face younger and fresher. It also gives a person valuable tactile sensations that carry calm, complete relaxation, emotional charge and flow of vital energy.

Author's methods

What women do not do to look younger than their age: they drink dubious pills, go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, buy expensive creams and serums. Unfortunately, in the pursuit of beauty, they sometimes forget about massage - a safe and effective remedy for wrinkles, proven over centuries. And it’s completely in vain: today a lot of interesting proprietary techniques have appeared that allow you to restore freshness to your face and firmness to your neck. Let's get to know some of them.

Alena Sobol

She based her developments on Japanese Zogan technology. The purpose of the massage is to restore facial skin at the cellular level by removing excess fluid, relieving muscle tension and stimulating lymph circulation. The main technique is to apply fairly strong pressure when performing manipulations, but without noticeable displacement or stretching of the skin. We finish each exercise by stroking along the flow of lymph.

Elena Zemskova

An experienced massage therapist offers a unique rejuvenation technique that can be easily performed independently at home. The technique is based on 4 movements. These are stroking, stimulating tissue regeneration, kneading, strengthening the skin, tapping (finger shower), improving muscle tone and small quick pinching, increasing blood flow to the epidermis. We finish the procedure with complete relaxation.

Yukuko Tanaka

A stylist from Japan, who revived the ancient traditions of Zogan massage, popularized it in Europe and adapted it for women of different ages. After her lessons, the technique received another name - Asahi, which means “morning sun”. It consists of 12 steps, which are performed in a certain sequence, while working on the forehead, eye area, nasolabial triangle, cheeks, chin and cheekbones. The technique is called two-finger, since the movements are mainly performed with the index and middle fingers.

Margarita Levchenko

Offers a whole anti-aging complex, calling it a non-surgical lift. It includes special gymnastics, which forces all 57 muscles on a person’s face to work correctly, and lifting - drainage massage. The main movements - stroking, pressing of varying intensity, rubbing - are carried out along special lines and along the lymph flow.

The good thing about the author’s methods is that they take as a basis techniques that have already proven their effectiveness and “modernize them”, relying on the latest knowledge about the human body and advances in the field of medicine.

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