Yoga for the face, rejuvenation and tightening with Elena Rodicheva: 12 video lessons

Preserving youth and beauty for as long as possible has always been one of the main desires of many people, regardless of gender. Facial yoga is becoming an excellent alternative to Botox and surgery. The number of positive reviews about the technique speaks for itself. In addition to the obvious benefits of safety and availability, it will help your skin look radiant. It will significantly reduce the amount of toxins, and this will have a beneficial effect on your physical and mental well-being.

Yoga for the face. What is this?

Yoga is a unique ancient practice that allows not only to normalize the functioning of the body as a whole, but also to gain mental control and harmony. Based on certain physical postures (asanas), it is aimed at strengthening the systems of internal organs, the joint-ligamentous apparatus, developing flexibility, elasticity and, as a result, strength of the muscles of the whole body, including the muscles of the face and neck.

Fumiko Takatsu

One of the most effective face fitness methods is face yoga, developed by Fumiko Takatsu, who has been practicing regular yoga all her life. Since 2006, Fumiko Takatsu has been developing unique yoga techniques for the face. Today, she is one of the most famous yoga instructors in Japan. On her website, Fumiko Takatsu writes:

“Yoga for the face is a completely natural alternative to anti-aging drugs. By practicing a series of facial exercises, you improve blood flow."


The effectiveness of this type of yoga primarily lies in the fact that each exercise stimulates the work of a certain layer of the skin (epidermis or dermis). This increases blood circulation, delivering more oxygen to cells and tissues, which naturally affects the color and health of your skin.

Systematic exercise will quickly give results: the production of elastin and collagen will increase, which will make your skin firmer and more elastic, rejuvenate it, get rid of swelling, allowing you to look younger and, as a result, feel better both physically and mentally.

Cost of facial slimming massage

To achieve maximum effect, the cosmetologist will advise you to undergo a course of procedures consisting of 8 – 15 sessions. The cost of one session in Moscow ranges from 1,000 – 5,000 rubles. The price depends on the chosen method, the intensity of the study, and the number of tasks to be solved. Massage therapists and cosmetologists at the International Hemostasis Clinic offer their clients the most suitable massage techniques, because before drawing up the program they conduct a thorough examination and devote enough time to the client to solve all the tasks.

You can check prices and get more detailed advice by calling +7 (495) 106-90-74 or filling out the feedback form. Our administrators will call you back immediately and answer all your questions.

Face massage

Lymphatic drainage facial massage for swelling

Lifting facial massage


  1. Tightens the skin, shaping the contour of the face and neck;
  2. Relieves increased facial tone, eliminating wrinkles and reducing swelling;
  3. Improves blood microcirculation and oxygen supply to cells, which improves complexion;
  4. Eliminates the phenomenon of a double chin;
  5. Helps reduce swelling, bags and circles under gases;
  6. Helps fight pimples and blackheads to maintain facial beauty;
  7. Relieves stress, promotes a harmonious and positive perception of the world around you.

After 2-3 months of regular exercise, the positive effect will be obvious. The number of fine wrinkles will decrease several times, and those around you will immediately notice your healthy, refreshed appearance.

The importance of a trained neck

1) A well-trained neck is the base of your face

Those who regularly train their neck have an ideal facial contour, they completely lack a double chin and wrinkles on the neck. A strong neck is the foundation for the upper and middle parts of the face.

2) Well-being noticeably improves

During neck training, blood circulation increases, thereby more actively supplying the brain with nutrients and oxygen. A strong neck also helps improve your posture. If a person is in a stationary or sedentary position for a long time, a spasm of the muscles of the neck and back often occurs, which causes headaches, fatigue and decreased performance.

3) Increases endurance and strength

Strong neck muscles are the stability of the spine, which, in turn, gives us the opportunity to increase the load while performing any other exercises for the body.

4) The cervical spine is protected from diseases

Today, every second person has osteochondrosis, and the disease is getting younger by leaps and bounds. Neck exercises are a means of preventing periods of exacerbation of the disease, as well as the most important part of the complex treatment of this problem, as they help increase the mobility of the vertebrae and make the neck muscles more flexible.

The human neck is very complex. This is due to the different origins of muscles and fascia, their different functions, as well as relationships with blood vessels, nerves and organs located in the neck. The neck muscles are divided into groups according to origin and cervical regions. Next, we will tell you about exercises that will develop neck flexibility.


You can do yoga to rejuvenate your face and eliminate wrinkles without any age restrictions. The only real contraindication can be the presence of:

  • Open wounds;
  • Cuperosis (presence of enlarged capillaries on the face);
  • It is also not recommended to perform exercises in the postoperative period.

In addition, a prerequisite for practicing yoga is complete relaxation, detachment from everything that is happening, which is quite difficult to do if you experience frequent stress or neuroses.

Preparation for class

Since the complex is designed not only to strengthen the facial muscles, but also to create a relaxed state, it is necessary to prepare for a yoga session. It is recommended to carry out several procedures before starting the lesson:

  • select evening time for the session;
  • clean your face of excess oil and makeup, wash your hands;
  • Apply a soothing cream with a moisturizing effect to your face and hands;
  • calm your thoughts and enter a relaxed state;
  • tune your mind to positive and calming vibrations;
  • choose a place where no one will disturb you;
  • the ideal posture is sitting with your back straight;
  • Use a mirror to ensure you are performing the exercise correctly.

It is better to do the exercises daily. Try to practice regularly, starting with a session of 5 minutes and gradually increasing the duration of facial training.

It is recommended to perform yoga exercises for the face before bed so that the muscles can rest at night.

Before the session, calm your mind and choose a place where no one will disturb you

Execution Rules

To get the maximum result from the exercises you perform, you should learn the following rules:

  • You should be as relaxed and calm as possible;
  • Facial skin should be clean, with a complete absence of makeup;
  • To avoid unpleasant tension of dry skin, it must be moisturized with cream or lotion;
  • You should not touch your face with dirty hands, remember this before starting classes;
  • Use the simplest complexes first, adding new ones step by step; Don't forget to rest between repetitions.

The general principle of all exercises is that you should not develop wrinkles when performing them. If you can't do the exercise without causing wrinkles, don't do it.

Annlise Hagen: 14 asanas

Well, now let’s look directly at the legendary exercises - asanas for the face by Enlise Hagen.

Buddha Face

Close your eyelids and direct your thoughts to the point between your eyebrows. Create an image of a rainbow disk and concentrate your attention on it. Start with 60 seconds, then you can do the exercise for 3 minutes.

This asana helps to bring all the facial muscles into a relaxed state, relieve general tension, take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle, and concentrate on the lesson.

Free Language / Free Your Tongue

Stick your tongue out of your open mouth as far as possible. Try to hold this up for up to one minute. Your eyes will begin to water as toxins are released.

The asana improves blood circulation and tones the muscles.

Well, the new Mewing technique - a technique for natural harmonization of the face - will tell you how to properly hold your tongue in your mouth.

Surprise Me!

Act surprised by opening your eyes wide. The forehead muscles should remain relaxed and the skin smooth. After holding for 10 seconds, close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 4 times.

The asana will help smooth out wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the forehead.

Don't miss: 12 face yoga video lessons with Elena Rodicheva.

Temple Dancer Eyes

You need to “shoot” your eyes to the right and left, without moving your head.

Exercise not only tightens the skin around the eyes, but also helps improve vision.

Chicken feet / Crow fly away

Smile at your reflection. Using your index fingers, lightly press the skin on the outer corners of your eyes and gently pull it in opposite directions. Now you need to alternate tension and relaxation of the eyelids and muscles around the eyes. Perform 14 - 20 times.

The name of the asana indicates the defect it combats.

Smiling fish face

Fold your lips into a bow, suck in your cheeks and purse your lips tightly. Now try to smile and then freeze. The corners of your mouth need to be tightened as much as possible. Hold this facial expression for 5 - 10 seconds, relax, you can laugh. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

In addition to lifting your mood, the asana tones your lips and cheeks.

Interesting: Khadu rejuvenating gymnastics for the face: Zviad Arabuli’s technique.

Lion Face

Suck in the air through your nose, close your eyes, tense your face, clench your fists. Now exhale sharply, opening your mouth, stick out your tongue strongly, relax all your muscles. Unclench your palms. Roll your eyes upward. Do 3 reps.

The asana allows you to relieve tension and stretch the facial muscles.


Blow a kiss while slightly stretching your neck forward. Now you need to tense your facial muscles and blow out air intensively. The only relaxed area is the forehead. Repeat 4 times. Now put your finger to your lips as if asking you to quiet down. Press them on your lips. Blow your reflection a few kisses.

Thanks to this asana, your lips will always be toned, and wrinkles around your mouth will not appear.


Imagine yourself as a little monkey sitting under a tree waiting for a berry to fall into its mouth. Look up with your head tilted back slightly. Stretch your lips forward, folding them into a tube. Wait 15 seconds. Take a break and do 4 more attempts.

Of course, you won't get a berry, but you will have beautiful cheekbones and well-defined lips.

The Sphinx smile

You need to smile, but only with your lips. The expression of the eyes should remain indifferent. Do you think it's easy? Give it a try. Repeat 4 times. Remember, everything except the lips is relaxed.

Thanks to this asana, facial wrinkles in the lip area will disappear.

Puppet face

Nasolabial folds age the face and strongly indicate age. This asana will help overcome this problem.

Smile. Using your fingertips, fix the corners of your lips and press them. Now try to smile even wider. You need to overcome the resistance of your fingers. Number of repetitions up to 30 times.

"Satchmo" (nickname of Louis Armstrong)

Take a mouthful of air, move it from one cheek to the other for as long as possible, then send the air to your lips, rolling it from bottom to top. Take a breath and perform the asana 3 more times.

This will strengthen your cheek muscles. What does Armstrong have to do with this? It’s just that the outwardly puffed up cheeks resemble the face of a playing saxophonist.

Chick/Baby Bird

Tilt your head back. Imagine that you are a chick and some grains are put in your mouth. Take a few sips. Now tilt your head to the left and swallow the imaginary grains again. Repeat the same, tilting your head to the right.

This is how you work out your neck and remove wrinkles.

Bumble bees

Inhale through your nose, while trying to reproduce the sound of chewing. You need to exhale slowly, with the sound “m”. The execution time depends on the training of the lungs. Take a breath and do the asana 4 times.

This exercise allows you to maintain a toned face and work out your lips and neck.

Completing the exercises

Finally, to relax, do the Buddha Face exercise.

If you do face yoga daily, you will see results in just 2 weeks. The main thing is to motivate yourself correctly, to understand that exercise will help you look beautiful and young.

Exercise sets

Today, basic complexes are known, each of which is aimed at solving a specific problem. That is, to combat sagging skin, eliminate a double chin or “crow’s feet” around the eyes, different techniques and different exercises will be used. Each of them will include meditative exercises, massage, gymnastics and, of course, restoration of peace of mind.

You need to start the exercises by taking a position that is comfortable for you, allowing you to maintain a straight posture. This is followed by a mandatory warm-up, preparing the muscles for work, after which you can begin training.


Yoga for the face already on the second day after the exercises significantly smooths out nasolabial folds and crow's feet, the whole face is tightened and the next morning it no longer looks as puffy and wrinkled as it happens in most ordinary people. Today, July 17, 2016, is the tenth day of my acquaintance with yoga for the face, and so far nothing alarming, on the contrary, my face is becoming fresher day by day. This is my limited personal experience. By the way, Hatha yoga offers very effective asanas not only against wrinkles, but also for rejuvenating the entire body - Shirsasana, Viparita Karani, Sarvangasana. From the point of view of Hatha yoga, wrinkles are the result of the influence of gravity on us, so it is recommended to take inverted poses. The effect is amazing, I speak from personal experience.


Everything is correct! I am 50 years old, I have been doing facial gymnastics periodically since I was 40 years old. I look 35 as soon as I start working out. Nothing improves better, I know from experience, like gymnastics! Plastic surgery does not improve, the face after it is swollen and puffy.


Yeah! This complex relieves facial muscle tension well) I tried it too and liked it. Now I'm working hard. Just 8-10 minutes a day and you can already see a great effect)


I did this kind of gymnastics - you take air into your mouth and move it from cheek to cheek with force, as if you were pushing it out. You also take air into your mouth and blow it out with pressure, but press your lips together, as if you were inflating a rubber balloon. I worked a lot, my face was not in the best condition, but gymnastics quickly picked everything up.


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