Camphor oil for face in cosmetology: TOP 10 anti-wrinkle masks

Camphor oil is a natural cosmetic product that has many valuable properties. In cosmetology, it is most often used for facial skin. It is ideal for treating skin lesions as it has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates sebum production. Camphor oil is included in many pharmaceutical products, but it can also be used without other additives. The oil will also be useful in the fight against such unpleasant problems as dandruff or hyperhidrosis. Find out how you should use it to get the best results in the shortest possible time.

Properties of camphor oil

Camphor oil has been known in India since ancient times. Camphor is an organic chemical compound obtained from the camphor cinnamon tree. Its chemical formula is C10H16O. This tree grows in Southeast Asia, as well as Australia and Africa. Camphor itself is now also obtained synthetically from pine oils.

The oil is obtained from camphor through the process of extraction, that is, the removal of a component of the mixture by diffusion.

This product contains:

  • borneol;
  • camphene;
  • pinene;
  • alcohol;
  • camphor;
  • safrole;
  • terpenes.

All these substances give the oil a persistent, characteristic aroma. After using it you will feel cool and fresh. Therefore, the oil is very often used in perfumery and aromatherapy.

Camphor oil is found in many cosmetics, such as facial cleansers or makeup removers. It is also found in masks and creams. Camphor oil can also be found in balms, lipsticks, body lotions, deodorants, antiperspirants, perfumes, bath oils and hair cosmetics.

Camphor oil owes its popularity to its properties: it fights dandruff, acne, blackheads and herpes, prevents excessive sweating, stimulates hair growth and regulates sebum secretion.

When purchasing it, you should pay attention to the composition. The best effect is obtained with a 100% preparation, which is slightly more expensive than a solution. Only white camphor oil is safe for your health. Brown and yellow contain high amounts of safrole, which is toxic and can cause cancer. However, most products available in stores contain only white camphor oil.

Pros and cons of natural oils

Often, instead of factory-made anti-wrinkle creams, followers of non-purchase cosmetics use natural oils.

Oils are good for the skin.

“Extracts” consisting of plants are noticeably more economical than branded products and at the same time are often suitable for resolving related issues.

In particular, in addition to smoothing the face, they promote nutrition or protect against acne, heal damage on the lips and hands, and contribute to the disappearance of circles around the eyes.

So, let's look at the positive and negative aspects of oils from natural plants.

universal (use in different directions and variations)waste of time preparing butter
low cost compared to creamsthere are thresholds in use
only natural, plant-based, hypoallergenic substanceshas a short shelf life or cannot be stored at all
deep penetration, excellent results
characterized by long-lasting action

Note! Natural oils will not completely heal wrinkles. This result can only be achieved by resorting to plastic surgery.

The plant substances that make up natural oils help to “smooth out” the smallest grooves and correct the position of “absorbed” wrinkles. The visible effect will appear after a month of systematic sessions, but will protect against the appearance of new wrinkles for a long time.

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What is it used for?

Camphor oil can be used in its pure form. For example, apply a few drops to a cotton pad and wipe your face with it to give it a healthy color.

To get rid of calluses, it is recommended to rub camphor oil on dry skin. To relieve pain in muscles or joints, rub the product into sore spots. It can also be used to disinfect wounds. Camphor oil can also be used for facial massage.

Interestingly, camphor oil relaxes and increases libido. Therefore, it is an excellent aphrodisiac!

Camphor oil is liquid, so it is applied to the skin pointwise. It is allowed to mix it with other cosmetics. Apply the oil to your face using a cotton swab. After application, you need to wait until the product is absorbed. Camphor oil can also be added to a bath (a few drops) to work on the skin of the entire body.

Suitable for whom and for what?

Camphor oil for the face against wrinkles is recommended to be used for age-related skin pigmentation problems and for women with inflamed and oily skin.

Camphor oil helps treat wrinkles

According to reviews, it is suitable for relieving oily skin of excess oil, curing acne, drying out pimples, dry skin, whitening, fighting existing wrinkles, as well as preventing the formation of new wrinkles, to reduce skin porosity.

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Home recipes for use

Camphor oil is used in the production of cosmetics as one of the ingredients in various creams and care products. It gives a feeling of coolness and freshness, making it ideal for facial care.

For inflammation

Camphor is also used in the production of toners for oily and combination skin, mainly due to its strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Ointment recipe:

  • 5 drops of camphor oil;
  • 4 drops lemon verbena essential oil;
  • 3 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 10 ml base oil.

The base oil must match your skin type to avoid possible pore blockage:

  • for dry and mature skin with signs of aging, coconut, avocado, macadamia, and wheat germ oils are suitable;
  • when caring for normal and combination skin, it is better to use sweet almond, argan and apricot oils;
  • for oily skin, jojoba, black cumin, hemp, flaxseed or borage oils are recommended.

The mixture is best applied at night in moderate quantities, and always on a cleansed face. This natural homemade ointment helps in treating almost all types of inflammation - both internal and external.

For oily skin

Oily skin causes many care problems and requires attention and care. Excess sebum accumulating on its surface contributes to the formation of blackheads, inflammation and pimples. Try a mask with camphor oil.


  • 1 tbsp. l. kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 3 drops of camphor oil.

Apply the mask with a cosmetic spatula for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and apply cream or light gel.

Whitening mask

Freckles look pretty cute, but their owners most often look for effective ways to get rid of them. One way to get rid of freckles or significantly lighten them can be a whitening mask with camphor oil.

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. spoons of 10 percent sour cream;
  • a pinch of finely chopped parsley;
  • 1/2 tsp. lemon juice;
  • 3 drops of camphor.

Mix the mixture well and apply to cleansed facial skin for 15-25 minutes, then rinse with cool water. If you decide to use this method, you need to be patient. It is necessary to do 5-7 procedures in a course.

For wrinkles

There are many ready-made anti-wrinkle masks on the cosmetic market. But a homemade mask with the addition of camphor oil will be an excellent alternative to expensive store-bought products.


  • 10 g oat flour;
  • 20 ml kefir;
  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 3 drops of camphor oil.

Whisk the mixture thoroughly to form a homogeneous paste. Apply it to a clean face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. After this, consolidate the result and apply anti-aging serum. It is advisable to do this mask every other day for a whole month. It smooths out wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also stimulates its renewal and gives it radiance.

From sagging eyelids

The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. This means that the first signs of aging appear there, which are caused by the rapid loss of collagen in this area. A mask made from a mixture of several oils is effective against age-related wrinkles under the eyes.


  • 6 drops of camphor;
  • 8 drops of grape and apricot oils.

Mix the oils thoroughly and heat in a water bath for a couple of minutes. Then apply the mixture to the skin around the eyes and lightly pat with your fingertips. Leave the oil mixture on for 15 minutes and rinse gently. Repeat the procedure at least twice a week. The result is firm and elastic skin.

For pigment spots

The appearance of pigmentation on the skin is the result of abnormal local accumulation of melanin. One way to combat age spots is homemade masks with camphor. To prepare an effective composition you need to mix:

  • 3 drops of camphor;
  • 1 tbsp. l. jojoba oils;
  • 1 tbsp. l. blue clay;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 1 tbsp. l. warm water.

Stir until a creamy consistency is formed and apply to previously cleansed and steamed skin. Leave on face for 25 minutes, then wash off. Make a mask three times a week. The effect is incredibly smooth and radiant skin without pigment spots.

For acne

It has long been known that camphor can be useful in treating acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It helps remove acne, prevents the development of skin inflammation, and also relieves swelling and redness.

  1. Pour 1 cup of virgin coconut oil into a jar. Add 1 teaspoon of camphor essential oil and mix thoroughly.
  2. After washing your face with your cleanser, pat your skin dry and apply some acne oil.
  3. Massage problem skin for 5 minutes.
  4. Do not wash off the oil from your face, leave it overnight.
  5. The next morning, wash off the oil with warm water and cleanser.
  6. Perform the procedure regularly once a day.

There is also another effective recipe for acne. Mix 3 drops of camphor oil with a teaspoon of cumin oil. Apply it on your face. Repeat the procedure morning and evening. The mixture can be used as a mask by mixing it with cosmetic clay to form a paste. Apply for 15-20 minutes.

Causes of female aging

Every woman is afraid of losing her youth. But unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. Age-related changes on the skin of the face are only an external reflection of internal processes in the body that occur at the cellular level. On average, the body begins to age after 25 years, but for some this moment comes later, for others earlier. There are several reasons for this:

  • genetic predisposition. Every organism has a genetic program that gradually reduces the functionality of all systems over time;
  • wrong lifestyle. In addition to natural changes in the body, we ourselves aggravate the situation by leading an incorrect lifestyle. This includes eating unhealthy foods, drinking alcohol and smoking, lack of sleep, etc. Each of these factors contributes its destructive share to the life of the body;
  • influence of external factors. Frequent exposure to the baking sun or aggressive frost leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin, a slowdown in regeneration processes, disruption of the sebaceous glands and, as a result, overdrying and rapid aging of cells;
  • stress. Constant nervous tension leads to increased production of the hormone cortisol, which affects metabolic processes and even hormonal levels;
  • frequent and serious illnesses. After illnesses, especially severe ones, the body’s immune system is in a weakened state, the protective functions work weakly, so any negative impact has a destructive effect;
  • lack of muscle activity. Inactivity weakens the muscles of the body, reduces tissue tone, contributes to the development of obesity, ailments of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, bringing old age closer.

The female body begins to age after 25 years, but for some this process begins earlier, and for others later

The role of oils in facial rejuvenation

The most visible signs of aging appear on the face in the form of sagging skin and wrinkles. However, with the right approach, these shortcomings can be eliminated or their appearance can be delayed. To do this, the skin must receive regular and complete cosmetic care. Various natural oils for facial skin rejuvenation can easily cope with this task. Each of them has individual beneficial characteristics, depending on the chemical composition of the product, but they all have a number of basic qualities that are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the skin:

  • promote moisture retention;
  • soften;
  • nourish;
  • increase elasticity;
  • prevent inflammation;
  • tone up.

The benefits of natural oils in facial skin care are undeniable.


Despite its properties, camphor oil is not suitable for everyone. Low concentrations are safe for most people, but too high a dose of camphor can lead to health problems. Depending on body weight, just 4 g of the substance can even lead to death. For this reason, accurate and careful dosing of the product is essential for its correct use.

Exceeding the recommended dose may cause unwanted symptoms such as:

  • seizures;
  • hyperactivity;
  • confusion;
  • irritability.

Do not use the oil on children under 6 years of age. Their tolerance to camphor is much lower than that of adults, so an overdose of the drug may occur. During pregnancy, camphor oil can be used only with the consent of the attending physician. Even external use can negatively affect fetal development. Caution should also be exercised during breastfeeding. Also, the oil should not be used by people suffering from epilepsy or Parkinson's disease.

Not recommended for anyone

You will have to refrain from using natural oil or masks with its presence under the following factors:

Individual intolerance or allergy;

  • Epilepsy;
  • Dried, weathered skin;
  • Abrasions, ulcers on the skin of the face;
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema);
  • Heart diseases;
  • Fruiting and lactation period;
  • With the simultaneous use of homeopathic medicines.

Carefully! According to reviews, if the dose of essential oil is exceeded, more than two milliliters may cause clouding in the head, nausea, vomiting and increased irritation.

Camphor oil for facial rejuvenation, even when used externally for wrinkles, should be used carefully, avoiding overdose.

Indications for use, or What camphor fights

Camphor has a specific but pleasant spicy aroma.
The liquid may be pale yellow or colorless. It has a number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the appearance and health of the skin. By using camphor oil on the face, you can solve the following problems:

  • pimples, acne;
  • oily shine, excessive sweating;
  • skin irritation and inflammation;
  • small and medium wrinkles;
  • age spots and freckles;
  • scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion.

Today, not only pure oil is found on sale, but also various of its derivatives. For example, ointments and alcohol solutions. But only 100% natural camphor is suitable for a high-quality solution to skin problems on the face.

A little history

The unique properties of camphor have been used since ancient times in India and Bengal to flavor sweets and drinks. During the Arab Caliphate, it was widely used for medical purposes to treat ulcers and skin infections. Chinese and Indian doctors thoroughly studied the properties of camphor, their knowledge is still used throughout the world today.

Arab scientists were the first to obtain ether using steam distillation. The method is still used today almost unchanged. The oil was used in cooking to flavor sweet dishes; antimicrobial and analgesic properties were used in ancient Chinese, Arabic, and Indian medicine. Women also often used ether.

Adding it to water helped cleanse the skin, freshness, and rejuvenation. This product was used to rinse the hair, adding shine and shine.

Application for lips, eyelashes, hair

Ether is often used to care for curls. Returns strength, beauty, restores dry, damaged strands. It is recommended to use to strengthen follicles, combat hair loss, and accelerate growth. Enriching shampoos with oil will reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, making curls lush and voluminous.

Advice. It is useful to carry out aroma combing, it prevents tangling, splitting, and makes the hair soft and shiny.

Not recommended for use on eyelashes and lips. Camphor irritates thin sensitive skin and can lead to irritation, swelling, and cause tearing. If liquid gets in contact, rinse with plenty of water and consult a doctor if necessary.


A few reviews from women on the Internet:

“I have oily skin, so I get acne very often. I have tried many masks, creams and oils. I recently read reviews on the Internet about camphor oil. Almost everyone was positive. I was intrigued by this and decided to try it on myself. I found a recipe that described everything in detail (what ingredients and how to make it). I made a yeast mask. After the first use I saw improvements. My happiness knew no bounds. I recommend it to everyone."

Alla, 26 years old

“Camphor oil has been on my shelf for a long time. Left over from my grandmother. Nobody dared to use it like that. A friend who saw this product recommended it for facial skin. I often had purulent rashes, it was difficult to get rid of them, and sometimes it took weeks. Used it in the form of compresses. The suppuration went away instantly, and if I saw redness - the formation of a new pimple - I immediately applied oil to the spot and everything went away after a few hours. It's the best I've ever used."

Yulia, 31 years old

Main benefits for the face

  • The ability to have a calming effect on the skin.
  • Returns vitality to the inflamed epidermis.
  • Relieves the skin of a tired look.
  • Activates the growth of new cells. Rejuvenates by stimulating collagen production.
  • Evens out the relief of the skin.
  • Has a tightening effect, smoothing out facial wrinkles.
  • Regenerates damaged cells.
  • Disinfects ulcers and eliminates any rash on the dermis.
  • Used to relieve swelling and relieve itching.
  • Heals inflamed acne.
  • Regular use protects against new rashes.
  • Stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Normalizes water balance.
  • Controls the production of excess sebum.
  • Prevents the likelihood of inflammation.
  • Improves complexion.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase essential oil in natural cosmetics stores or place an order online. Available in different volumes from 2 to 50 ml, the price also depends on the volume and manufacturer, ranging from 80 to 800 rubles. It is recommended to purchase it in a dark glass bottle with a dropper dispenser. Store at a temperature of 5–25° in a place protected from sunlight for no more than 9 months.

It is better to buy a concentrated product in small volumes of up to 10 ml; just a few drops are enough to enrich recipes.

Attention! It is difficult to distinguish spoiled oil by external characteristics; you can only rely on the information on expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

What does it help with?

This remedy can cure various diseases:

  • skin diseases;
  • otitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • radiculitis;
  • sprains;
  • myositis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis
  • poisoning;
  • colds (cough, runny nose);
  • hair loss, dry hair;
  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • epilepsy;
  • asthma;
  • bedsores;
  • inflammatory diseases.
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