Negative features of using urea in cosmetics

Urea is one of the classic agents that promote skin hydration and gentle exfoliation. You can’t expect peeling right like this, but we know one thing for sure: urea improves the penetration of actives into the deeper layers of the skin. And it moisturizes great!

Any cream or even toner with urea will moisturize your skin, as nature intended. No one uses urea crystals in their pure form; usually it is added from 2 to 10% to skin care cosmetics. 11-50% can be added to active products (peeling, foot cream). But it’s best to add urea to toners, micellar water, and serums—this is where its moisturizing properties manifest themselves to the maximum.

Urea promotes penetration of actives into the skin

Urea not only moisturizes the skin, but optimizes its water balance, and this is an invaluable service! Do not forget that creams and gels containing urea prevent the skin from losing moisture: in the summer without such care it is simply a disaster.

Urea promotes the healing of small wounds, so it is always included in pharmaceutical ointments, creams for cracked feet, after shaving and hair removal lotions.

Particular attention should be paid to the delicate exfoliating effect of urea: it does not look like peeling, but the skin looks fresh and elastic. This is especially important for acne; moisturizing and gentle exfoliation eliminate blackheads and inflammatory elements. If you want a light peeling effect, then enhance the urea with lactic acid; together they wonderfully prettify the skin.

Where to look?

A substance that looks like salt grains and does not have a pungent odor was discovered more than two centuries ago. It turned out that it is what is responsible for moisturizing the skin and softening the dermis.

Each of us has at least once encountered biochemical tests, where the amount of urea is a separate health parameter.

Functions of urea in the human body:

  • Anti-inflammatory – natural antiseptic.
  • Hygroscopic – maintaining water balance. Promotes moisture retention in cells, reduces evaporation of liquid through pores.
  • Conductive – metabolic processes in organs.
  • Protective – against various viruses.
  • Emollient – ​​skin.
  • Regenerating – wound healing.

Urea in cosmetics: how much to administer

1-2% urea in cosmetics

will help in creating toner, micellar gel, moisturizing emulsion, aftershave lotion, hand and body cream. Such a small input of urea will weaken the effects of hard water, wind, and detergents on the skin and enhance regenerative processes.

5-10% urea in cosmetics

will be required for dehydrated and aging skin. A moderate percentage of urea in cosmetic products guarantees increased skin hydration and smoothing of wrinkles (one cannot happen without the other). Creams for atopic skin, for example, cannot do without 5% urea; such formulas help soften the knees and feet, and slightly exfoliate excess skin.

10-50% urea in cosmetics

can afford medical or cosmeceutical formulas. This is when it comes to dermatitis, atopic skin, mycoses, and antibacterial compounds. At such a high concentration, urea can enhance the peeling properties of lactic acid - you are guaranteed a wow effect.

Inexpensive and effective, urea can breathe new life into your skin, improve its appearance and make it healthier. Put this classic moisturizer to work, it will definitely not disappoint you. It has no direct analogues, but any active from the “Humidifiers” section will help you strengthen the hydration phase of your cosmetics.

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What is urea

The component was originally discovered in urine several centuries ago, but it itself does not have a pungent odor. Urea crystals resemble sea salt, which is present in our body and is a natural moisturizer that makes the skin soft. Urea can be obtained synthetically (and not from urine) - then it is called “urea”: this is what is used in cosmetics.

Urea is the result of the synthesis of carbon monoxide and ammonia. Speaking from the point of view of biology and chemistry, urea is the end product of protein breakdown, which is released from the body of humans and mammals.

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Cosmetics containing synthetic urea can significantly improve skin condition . It has been scientifically proven that it can relieve inflammation and successfully fight many viruses and various harmful bacteria. Its beneficial properties are used for such problems as:

  • Prevention of skin aging . When a product with urea is applied to the skin, it penetrates into the skin, since the skin has a unique ability to absorb medicinal substances. As a result, moisture is retained and skin dryness is reduced.
  • Increasing skin immunity . When using decorative cosmetics for the face with urea, the skin becomes resistant to external irritants, such as wind, cold, and ultraviolet rays.
  • Pain relief . When applied to the face, hands or feet, painful symptoms disappear almost instantly. The skin becomes much softer and velvety.
  • Exfoliation effect . Urea actively removes dead particles of the epidermis along with accumulated dirt, and with a combination of urea and lactic acid, you can achieve an even better result.
  • Skin damage . For wounds, scratches, and burns, the drug with urea helps restore it and carefully removes damage to the skin.

Tips for use

You can buy granulated urea at any pharmacy, add it to a homemade moisturizer or mask, after dissolving the crystals in still mineral water.

Repeated scientific studies have shown that urea, which is part of cosmetics, is non-toxic. However, when applying cream with it on the face, extreme caution must be taken and protect the eyes to avoid irritation of the delicate eye membrane.

A cream containing urea is used not only for the care of the face, body, hands, but also for dry calluses on the feet. Dermatologists recommend using softening creams or foot balms with urea having a 12% concentration . This cream can gently soften dry calluses. Suitable for everyday use. In particularly advanced cases, cosmetologists advise using a cream with a higher urea content - 20% . The use of such a drug after two years from the date of its release is not allowed.

Foot cream EVO with urea 10%

Available in tubes of 50 g. Price – 80 – 120 rubles.

It has a slightly runny, greasy consistency. On the feet it is completely absorbed in about 10-15 minutes. Moisturizes dry, cracked heels. Makes it smooth, without rough burrs. Of course, it doesn’t get rid of rough corns, but overall it does a good job of moisturizing. The only downside is that it runs out quickly.

Night face cream with urea Balea Nachtcreme mit 5% Urea

Volume – 50 ml. Cost – 200-250 rubles.

Contains 5% urea, shea and olive oils, vitamin E. It has a light texture, not too greasy like other night creams. After applying it, a slight tingling sensation may be felt for 5-7 minutes. The next morning the skin feels great - the color becomes even and acquires a smooth texture. You can feel the moisturizing effect.

Possible harm

Urea, despite its beneficial properties, can be harmful:

  • Cause allergies. Urea is a fairly strong allergen and can cause a rash, severe irritation, and itchy skin. Peeling is also possible.
  • Increase sebum secretion. Those with oily skin types should not use cosmetics containing urea in large quantities, as urea causes increased sebum production.
  • Cause acne. Pimples on the skin may appear due to increased sebum secretion or be a consequence of allergies.

Cream for very dry skin Emolium Cream

Volume – 75 ml. Price – 500 – 550 rub.

Contains shea and macadamia butter, 3% urea. Developed in collaboration with dermatologists. It has a light, non-greasy consistency and is well absorbed. It is even indicated for use in atopic and other dermatitis. Perfectly moisturizes very dry skin, the effect after application lasts for a long time.

Who is not suitable for urea?

Due to the small size of the molecule, urea can penetrate quite deeply into tissues and stimulate the formation of a lipid layer. This increases the risk of getting a backlash with some abnormalities and diseases. There are contraindications :

  • Acne (acne).
  • Wounds, cuts.
  • Inflammatory process.
  • Irritation.
  • Skin diseases.

Possible risks and side effects

Urea is found in ointments and creams and is included in the list of essential drugs. This substance is considered safe, effective and affordable. A panel of experts reviewing cosmetic ingredients found that urea is safe for use in cosmetics and personal care products.

In some cases, urea may cause mild skin irritation, itching or burning. Also, an allergic reaction can manifest itself with more serious symptoms: difficulty breathing, tachycardia. In this case, be sure to seek medical help. It should also be taken into account that urea increases the absorption of some other ingredients in the product. And if there is increased sensitivity to them, then it may intensify.


The compound is on the list of safe substances, but there are still some restrictions on its use.

  • It is not recommended for use by people with oily skin prone to increased acne formation. In this case, it can lead to an increase in the number of acne.
  • Very sensitive skin. If the first signs of irritation appear, you should immediately stop using cosmetics containing urea. Ulcers may appear.
  • Children's age up to 3. Such drugs are strictly contraindicated for children.
  • Infectious diseases.

Characteristics of the substance

Urea is a derivative of carbonic acid with a melting point of 132.7 degrees Celsius , highly soluble in water, methanol, ethanol. It was first discovered in urine, so it was called urea. It is the final product of protein breakdown in the human body, the body of most animals, and fungi. Its chemical properties resemble amides of carboxylic acids, but with more pronounced nucleophilic properties of the nitrogen atom.

Urea is widely used in agriculture as a feed additive and as a nitrogen fertilizer, as well as in the medical and cosmetic industries for the production of moisturizing creams.

The humectants included in such products have the unique ability to increase or retain water in the upper layer of the skin. Some of them are hygroscopic, meaning they can absorb water. These substances include urea, or urea in other words.

Facial scrub Clean Line

Volume – 50 ml. Cost 75 – 90 rub.

This remedy enjoys mixed popularity. Some people adore it, others criticize it for its too large particles of seeds that scratch the skin. The scrub has a creamy texture with an unobtrusive aroma. Contains soybean and corn oils and lots of abrasive ground kernels. The manufacturer positions it as a panacea for cleansing the deep layers of the epidermis, but it is unlikely that the scrub is capable of this. An undoubted advantage is the absence of a feeling of tightness and dryness. Removes dead cells very well.

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