4 ways to cover up redness on the face - recommendations from a makeup artist

Redness of the facial skin, even temporary, most often indicates problems with the capillaries. Sharp blood filling of small vessels with their fragility causes their expansion. As a result, temporary red spots, and then spider veins or spider veins form (rosacea) and rosacea (rosacea). More often redness on the face worries women after 30-35 years. Women with fair, sensitive skin are especially affected.

Causes of redness on the face

Redness on the face can occur for various reasons.

They may be as follows:

  • Problem skin . As a rule, it has not only an uneven texture caused by rashes, but also a noticeable, pronounced pink color. As a rule, the condition of the skin is an indicator of the general condition of the body. In this case, the redness may disappear after competent and comprehensive skin treatment prescribed by a dermatologist.

You should not self-medicate!

  • Allergies can cause red spots to appear on the skin. As a rule, it is local in nature, that is, redness does not appear throughout the entire face.
  • Sunburn , which first causes painful redness of the upper layers of the skin, and then their peeling.
  • Closely located vessels on the face (rosacea) and/or poor circulation can also cause constant redness.

Of course, it is necessary, first of all, to find out the cause of this condition. And having already dealt with it or minimized it, move on to camouflage.

Often the first three reasons from the list above can be eliminated quite easily with the right treatment. After this, the redness disappears.

As for rosacea, it is most likely impossible to do without covering it with the use of decorative means.

Why does the face turn red?

The causes of facial redness can be varied:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Harmful effects on the skin of the sun, wind, cold, polluted environment;
  • Too “intense” hygiene or cosmetic procedures;
  • Washing with too cold or hot water;
  • Incorrectly selected facial skin care products;
  • Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (low acidity of gastric juice, chronic constipation, worms).

Treatment or prevention of redness?

Treatment of rosacea and rosacea is long and not simple. Most often you have to seek the help of specialists. For prevention, you need to monitor your nutritional diet: eat more foods containing vitamins P, K and C, give up yoghurt, cheese, legumes, liver, tomatoes, chocolate, smoked and spicy foods - it is better to try to prevent this disease and not lead to it stage requiring radical measures.

The basic rule for preventing redness on the face is not to provoke vasodilation. Therefore, if you notice a predisposition to redness, avoid thermal procedures on the face (steam baths, warming masks, etc.), prolonged exposure to the sun, wind, cold, sudden temperature changes, mechanical damage (rubbing, vigorous rubbing of cream, etc.). d.).

Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption also negatively affect the condition of blood vessels. And, of course, try to avoid stress. Constant nervous tension and depression can undermine the health of the entire body, including affecting the condition of the skin.

Using a green base for red facial skin

According to color rules, redness can be neutralized by adding green pigment. Therefore, it is the green makeup base that is used in such cases. When one shade is applied to another, the color is neutralized and the skin acquires a grayish tint.

  • Apply the green base using a damp sponge or your hands, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then apply your foundation.
  • The green base can also be used spot-on if the redness is local. Apply foundation to these areas in the same way as over the rest of the skin and your complexion will even out.

Secrets of caring for reddened skin

Small, short-term redness can become large and permanent if not stopped in time. Redness-prone skin requires special attention to daily care

In the morning , apply moisturizer to protect your skin from wind, cold and polluted environments. Choose a cream according to your skin type: dry, oily, combination. In summer, it is advisable to use a cream with UV protection. To care for rosacea, it is better to choose a moisturizer with a slight greenish tint based on plant ingredients, which can mask up to 30% of the redness (for example, Diroséal cream from Avene).

In the evening , use a nourishing cream that helps restore skin cells. The choice of night cream depends on age, since the ingredients of the cream are selected taking into account age-related characteristics. Apply the product with light movements without rubbing the skin. You should not apply the cream a few minutes before bedtime. Let your skin, not your pillow, absorb the beneficial cream!

Extracts of green tea, mimosa, chestnut, orange, green apple strengthen blood vessels. Skin products with these ingredients will be very useful

Selecting a foundation to cover redness

If you don't like multi-layered makeup, you can get by with foundation. However, in this case you will have to be very careful when choosing a suitable foundation. Even though you know what to look for, most likely you will still find your product not the first time, but through trial and error.

So, you can use:

Why is my face red?

The fight against red dots begins after identifying the causes, the main ones are the following:

  • Frequent exposure to the sun causes pigmentation to appear on the face;
  • Shower too hot;
  • Uncontrolled physical activity;
  • Frequent allergic reactions caused by the characteristics of the body;
  • Stress, overwork, anxiety;
  • Skin infections;
  • Manifestation of vitamin deficiency in the spring-autumn period;
  • Persistent acne;
  • Rosacea;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Seborrhea;
  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Wind and cold are harmful;
  • Incorrectly selected cleansers;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth mentioning separately about allergies; frequent manifestations can be the consequences of taking medications or food, contact with dust or plants, etc. Inflammations arise quickly, and most often it is impossible to disguise them beyond recognition; to do this, you need to apply a set of cosmetic procedures.

A negative reaction to cosmetics also occurs spontaneously; it is necessary to conduct a test control before using a new product. Overexcitement or constant stressful situations at work and at home can cause red spots to appear on the face; to get rid of them, you will need adequate treatment from a doctor.

Spot masking of redness on the face

Pimples are masked like this:

  • After treating the entire facial skin, a thick concealer so that not only it is covered, but also a little of the skin nearby.
  • After this, the edges of the product are shaded, and the product on the pimple itself remains untouched. This is necessary to achieve optimal coverage: if you start blending concealer applied directly to the pimple, it will not be covered.
  • Then powder this area a little more densely than the rest of your face.

Preventive measures: how to prevent the development of rosacea?

Removing rosacea and fighting it is a long, troublesome task and involves vascular therapy. How to minimize the occurrence of rosacea. The rules are simple:

  • try not to go outside in low temperatures and strong winds;
  • minimize sun exposure or use a sun protection factor;
  • do not visit baths and saunas;
  • tune in to dietary nutrition, excluding spices, alcohol, hot dishes and drinks;
  • do not take risks and refuse traumatic cosmetic procedures;
  • act on the skin gently and delicately, focusing on cleansing and moisturizing;
  • avoid excessive physical activity.

But rosacea can also occur for other reasons. A competent approach, a good dermatologist and properly structured therapy are the cornerstones in the treatment of rosacea.

Long-term treatment is aimed at strengthening the condition of blood vessels and relieving inflammatory manifestations. After therapy, you should apply the recommended medications to your skin for several months and adjust your lifestyle. Usually women do everything necessary to restore their original appearance and fair, blemish-free skin.

Features of makeup for red facial skin

Having chosen the ideal foundation for yourself or getting used to using a green base for makeup, do not forget that if there is redness on the skin, you must follow the rules in makeup.


  • Do not wear red lipstick : it will again enhance the red undertone of the skin.
  • Be careful with shades of warm shades , it is better to use neutral colors.
  • Do not overuse blush : if you think that the redness is still somewhat noticeable, do not use it.

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a non-infectious skin disease. The main symptom is redness of the epidermis as a result of inflammation. The danger of the disease is that at first the redness appears and disappears for a long time, and then appears again. The problem becomes urgent when the redness does not go away at all.


Rosacea covers the nose, forehead, and cheeks. Redness may spread to the neck, chest, back and scalp. With prolonged development of the disease, redness turns into papules - nodular formations and pustules - bubbles with liquid, after which pigmentation and peeling are possible. The skin swells and turns red. 20% of patients have eye lesions (rhinophyma). General symptoms:

  • redness of the affected areas and swelling that occurs simultaneously;
  • increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin;
  • the appearance of spider veins and spider veins around the wings of the nose;
  • in places of redness, the appearance of papules and pustules;
  • thickening of the affected areas of the dermis and associated curvature of the facial shape;
  • if the disease “spreads” to the eyes, then reddened and swollen eyelids are noticeable, itching develops at the roots of the eyelashes and crusts appear;
  • there is a feeling of dryness in the eyes or watery eyes;
  • on the affected areas there may be a burning sensation, slight tingling, itching;
  • pain is felt when touched;
  • In the area of ​​redness, the skin is hot to the touch.

Removing rosacea is difficult, since the disease is characterized by a chronic course with periods of remission and exacerbation. During remission, only redness is usually noticeable. In the acute stage, all other symptoms of the pathology appear.

Note: Such redness develops after 30 years in women with fair skin. The disease affects 8-10% of people on earth. In men, rosacea rarely develops, but is more severe.

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