What cosmetic procedures are prohibited for acne?

Dealing with problem areas of the skin and acne is quite difficult. Here it is important to remove blackheads, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent further appearance of acne. Scrubs, peelings, masks will help with this. But sometimes these remedies are not enough to completely forget about acne. You will need the help of a professional cosmetologist and additional cosmetic procedures.

When it comes to treating acne, there are several main methods:

  • chemical peels;
  • plasma therapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • care procedures.

Causes of acne

The content of the article

How many of us have encountered such a common problem as acne? Many people are familiar with this skin ailment, so it is worth refreshing your memory with some regularity about the causes and ways to prevent acne.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Improper skin cleansing or lack thereof
    . We spend every day in the bustle of the city, and it is difficult to imagine how many harmful substances settle on the skin.
  • Makeup
    . This is a continuation of the first point. We apply makeup every day, which can already cause discomfort to the skin, since not all cosmetics consist of high-quality components. Using a large amount of decorative cosmetics in the heat provokes the appearance of acne. And if you leave the make-up on overnight, it’s scary to imagine what kind of stress it will put on the skin.
  • Touching with dirty hands
    etc. It’s not even worth commenting here.
  • Rare change of bed linen and towels
    . Just imagine how much time our face is in close contact with the pillow... About a third of the day. And during this time, the settled dust, the remaining dirt on the face, do their job. When it comes to towels, the ideal solution is to use disposable paper towels. But it is recommended to change fabric ones every other day.
  • Increased production of hormones.
    Hormones enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, which is why the latter cease to function normally. fat cannot come to the surface, resulting in inflammation.
  • Poor nutrition
    . Proper nutrition is generally the key to solving many problems. Acne is no exception. By consuming unlimited quantities of heavy and fatty foods, sweets and alcohol, we deprive ourselves of the pleasure of clear and smooth skin. Don't underestimate the power of vegetables, fruits and the nutrients they contain.
  • Cancellation of oral contraceptives. The body gets used to receiving sex hormones from birth control pills, and reacts to stopping their use and changes in hormonal levels with rashes.

Skin care treatments

A cosmetologist can also help with choosing skincare treatments that have a positive effect on acne and can reduce the severity of the disease. For example, a doctor may prescribe enzyme serums, masks that improve immunity, concentrates (ampoules, keratolytic). On their basis, alginate masks are created that are used for problem skin.

To understand which cosmetic procedures will be effective in a particular case and will cope with acne, you should first visit a cosmetologist. He studies the clinical picture, determines the problem, the cause of acne, and then selects the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of acne

Contact a qualified specialist

. You should not self-medicate, as acne may indicate serious problems that cannot be missed now. A dermatologist will identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment, individually selecting methods.

Improving nutrition quality

. It’s corny, but it’s worth including vegetables and fruits in your diet. Some of them, in particular lemons and apples, contain substances that promote skin regeneration. And to cleanse the body from the inside, bran, dried fruits and legumes are ideal.

Proper skin care

. To choose a product, you need to make sure that it:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • suitable for your skin type;
  • does not contain soap;
  • has a neutral pH level;
  • contains exfoliating agents;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Diagnosis of acne: symptoms and types

Acne, also known as acne, is one of the most common skin diseases. It is an inflammation of the skin. The appearance of acne is caused by increased work of the sebaceous glands, increased proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and an increase in the number of keratinized cells in the epidermal layer. As a result, unsightly pimples called acne appear on the skin.

Acne can be localized on any part of the body, but most often it affects the face. One of the most unpleasant consequences that acne causes is post-acne (scars or spots that appear on the skin due to improper care or treatment, as well as subsequent squeezing of pimples).

There are several stages of acne, each of which is characterized by a certain degree of manifestation:

Comedonal is the most initial and mildest degree of acne. There is no inflammation, there are closed or open comedones on the skin, as well as reddish pimples without purulent contents. The number of comedones and acne on the skin at the initial stage does not exceed ten pieces.

Papulopustular is a moderate stage of acne, in which the number of comedones and papules increases. Inflamed pimples with purulent contents appear. You may feel discomfort when touching the skin.

Nodular is a more severe stage of acne, in which the number of pimples can reach seventy. Inflammatory areas grow, purulent papules can connect with each other, forming nodes. This form requires long-term and complex treatment.

Acne is the most severe form of acne, in which the number of papules, comedones and pustules increases significantly. Acne can affect the entire face, and painful boils appear under the skin. There is severe pain in the skin. The acne stage requires qualified help and competent treatment.

Chemical peeling of the face

Chemical facial peeling is a procedure in which the patient's dead skin cells are removed using organic fruit acids or mechanical treatment. Acidic substances help deeply cleanse the skin and remove harmful substances, resulting in smoother, healthier and more radiant facial skin.

The procedure is divided into 3 types:

  • superficial peeling - removes the top skin cells, suppressing the primary manifestations of acne;
  • middle peeling - removes epidermal cells to the basement membrane, helping to solve dermatological problems and problems of age-related changes;
  • deep peeling - affects the basement membrane, allowing you to remove serious facial imperfections; the effect lasts for about a year.

Treatment of acne and pimples with laser

  • To relieve inflammation, the modern Fotona SP Dynamis neodymium laser is actively used. Under the influence of laser beam energy, bacteria that produce porphyrin in the epidermal layers of the skin are destroyed by free radical oxygen formed when this same porphyrin is heated. The energy of the neodymium laser kills the bacterial flora and heats the vessels leading to the sebaceous glands, which significantly reduces the production of sebum. Inflammatory elements absorb long waves in the infrared spectrum and, as a result, chronic and acute processes are stopped. Anti-inflammatory laser treatment for acne is fast, effective and virtually painless. Very often, doctors at our clinic combine manual facial cleansing procedures with laser exposure.
  • When treating enlarged pores, congestion and age spots with laser, several types of lasers are used: fractional non-ablative (without damaging the skin) erbium laser Palomar 1540, high-intensity light laser IPL Quantum Lumenis. When carrying out such procedures, metabolic processes are launched in the skin tissues, the work of skin fibroblasts is stimulated and, as a result, the synthesis of elastin and collagen is activated, which give the skin good elasticity. In addition, areas of hyperpigmentation are coagulated and lysed. Therefore, as a result of these procedures, not only the relief and color of the skin is evened out, but also its restoration.
  • For laser treatment of post-acne (consequences of acne) - various scars, scars, dimples, etc. – laser peels and laser skin resurfacing are actively used with erbium ablative (skin damage) lasers Fotona SP Dynamis and Palomar 2940. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia. After completing the manipulations, a special ointment is applied to the patient’s skin, which protects it from possible injury and infection. The skin heals in 1–6 days (it all depends on the specific procedure performed and its intensity). The end result of such effects is smooth, smooth skin.

The number of laser procedures for the treatment of acne and acne, post-acne treatment, as well as the intensity of laser exposure is determined by a dermatologist in accordance with the Global Acne Severity Scale (GSS).

Ultrasound therapy

Ultrasound therapy is a gentle facial cleansing technique in which the doctor uses a special device that interacts with sound vibrations on the skin. Ultrasonic cleansing is aimed at cleansing the surface layers of the skin, gently exfoliating dead skin cells and cleansing contaminated pores.

This method of cleaning is suitable for patients who do not have serious problems with the epidermis, since the procedure is aimed only at the external manifestations of the problem, but does not destroy the cause of its occurrence

The effect of ultrasound helps only with minor facial dirt, relieves minor inflammation, evens out fine wrinkles and improves blood circulation. After the procedure, the complexion significantly improves, the skin looks fresh, healthy, radiant, soft and moisturized.

Ultrasonic cleansing is meant as a complex therapy, which includes not only cleansing the skin using ultrasound, but also the use of additional cosmetics - all kinds of creams, masks and serums. Comprehensive care will allow you to achieve better results, since with ultrasonic facial cleansing, the stratum corneum of the epidermis becomes much thinner, which allows the active substances of the products to penetrate from its surface into the deeper layers of the skin.


Peeling is the process of exfoliating dead cells from the surface of the skin. It is carried out using various drugs that help dissolve the stratum corneum. In addition to preventing acne, such procedures help whiten, remove acne scars, freckles and age spots, and even out the appearance.

Their action is based on the skin's reaction to the burn. The drug actually burns the epidermis layer. The depth of effect depends on the concentration of the active substance. The skin responds by increasing metabolism and regeneration processes.

Peeling is usually carried out during periods of decreased solar activity. The skin after the procedure is characterized by increased sensitivity and a tendency to form pigment spots, so autumn and winter are the ideal time for the procedure.

Our clinic offers two types of peelings for problem skin:

  • Acne peeling with a drug from IMAGE Skincare (USA). Recommended for skin of I and II degree of damage, with hyperkeratosis, comedones, acne spots, enlarged pores and increased oiliness.

The drug is based on aloe vera. The main active ingredients are salicylic and glycolic acids; in addition, extracts of medicinal plants are used that have whitening and anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Salicylic-azelaine peeling from Juliette Armand (Greece). Designed for oily skin prone to acne. Exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, deeply cleanses and mattifies, removes age spots, tightens pores.

The main active ingredients are salicylic and azelaic acids. Their combination has not only a powerful cleansing effect, but also an anti-inflammatory effect.

Peeling procedure stages:

  1. Consultation with a cosmetologist and selection of the drug.
  2. The skin is completely cleansed of makeup and oil
  3. The doctor applies peeling to the skin starting from the forehead and going down to the chin.
  4. The drug is aged for fifteen minutes to an hour. During the process, a burning sensation of varying severity may be felt, depending on the sensitivity of the skin and the concentration of the acid.
  5. A neutralizer is applied.
  6. Residues of the product are removed from the skin.
  7. A soothing cream or mask is applied.

Post-procedure care:

  • during the first 24 hours after peeling, you should not use cosmetics, wash your face or touch the skin;
  • in the next three days it is necessary to limit physical activity and the use of oily cosmetics. It is recommended to use moisturizers and anti-inflammatory agents;
  • Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, it is necessary to use sunscreen with an SPF factor of at least 30 units, regardless of the time of year. This will prevent the risk of age spots. It is also necessary to refrain from visiting a solarium, bathhouse or sauna. Do not remove crusts and peeling mechanically.

The final result appears approximately two weeks after the session. It is advisable to carry them out in courses, at intervals, on the recommendation of a cosmetologist.

Contraindications for peeling:

  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • neoplasms;
  • rosacea;
  • herpes.


Mesotherapy is a fairly serious way to combat skin imperfections. The procedure consists of injecting under the skin with strong chemical components (antibiotics and immunostimulating drugs), which help destroy harmful bacteria and cope with clogging of pores due to the large secretion of sebaceous secretions from the skin. This type of therapy is recommended for patients with a pronounced problem of acne and pimples.

Mesotherapy is not recommended for persons under 25 years of age, as well as for patients suffering from highly sensitive skin. In general, injections do not cause significant harm to health and effectively eliminate the causes of skin rashes.

Thus, different cosmetic procedures are aimed at different skin problems, have their pros and cons, and in order to determine the right therapy, you should consult a specialist.

Injection procedures

These techniques can improve the condition of the skin and reduce problems that already exist. Usually meso cocktails are used, which differ in their composition. Their goal is to combat skin oiliness, pigmentation, and strengthen the skin’s immunity.

Cosmetic procedures for acne treatment

There are many hardware, injection and other cosmetic methods that will help get rid of acne once and for all. In the treatment of acne, cosmetologists often resort to mesotherapy . The cosmetologist selects the composition of the cocktail individually, taking into account the characteristics of the skin, the severity of the problem and other associated pathologies. As a result of mesotherapy, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized, existing inflammations resolve, the synthesis of collagen and elastin increases, due to which skin restoration occurs much faster. Also, with the help of mesotherapy, you can moisturize the skin, get rid of post-acne and pigmentation, and even out your complexion.

Another popular injectable acne treatment is ozone therapy . The procedure is used for any form of acne and provides a lasting and pronounced result. During the process of ozone therapy, an ozone-oxygen mixture is introduced into problem areas of the skin, which has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, relieving the inflammatory process. Ozone therapy increases blood circulation, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, restores protective functions, and increases local immunity. Ozone therapy is recommended to be carried out in courses consisting of 8-10 procedures.

One of the most common and effective ways to treat acne is peeling . The procedure consists of exfoliating the keratinized layer of cells, removing sebaceous plugs and blackheads, evening out skin tone, eliminating inflammation and peeling. The acid used is selected individually. It provides gentle exfoliation and rapid skin restoration. During acne, medium or deep peeling can be performed. The first acts on the surface of the skin, it is effective in the first forms of acne, helps cleanse pores of comedones and helps narrow pores. Deep peeling affects the deeper layers of the epidermis and cleanses the pores well of various impurities, evens out the tone and complexion, and prevents the reappearance of acne.

Among the hardware methods for treating acne, cosmetologists can resort to the darsonvalization . This method has been used for a long time and has proven itself well. The effect on inflammation is produced by high frequency current, which destroys bacteria that cause acne. Darsonvalization also narrows pores, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, dilates capillaries and helps nutrients be better absorbed. Darsonval stimulates the production of natural elastin and collagen, due to which the skin begins to cope with its problem on its own. To achieve a pronounced result, cosmetologists recommend performing about 15 procedures.

Cryomassage is another effective method for treating acne. During the procedure, the skin is treated with liquid nitrogen. The therapeutic effect is explained by a sharp change in temperature, which improves blood circulation, tones the skin, relieves swelling and inflammation. To treat acne, you will need about 10 cryomassage sessions.

Acne is also treated with laser - a very effective method.

Intense laser radiation affects the deep layers of the skin, destroying pathogenic bacteria that provoke the appearance of acne. The laser melts sebum, unclogs the ducts of the sebaceous glands, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and restores natural tissue regeneration. Laser acne treatment is especially effective for removing deep and old comedones, cystic formations, pustular acne, and inflamed elements.

Disincrustation is an effective hardware method for treating acne. This procedure is a type of iontophoresis. During the process of desincrustation, the skin is exposed to galvanic current, which deeply cleanses the pores of various impurities, delicately exfoliates dead cells, dissolves sebaceous plugs and washes out subcutaneous fat. As a result, you get clean, smooth, healthy and radiant skin that does not need to be masked with heavy foundation.

A non-invasive and innovative method of light therapy is also used to treat acne of various forms. During the procedure, the skin is exposed to a light wave of a certain length, which has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. As a result of light therapy, pathogens that cause acne are destroyed. The procedure is completely painless and very effective.

One of the unique methods of treating acne is plasma lifting , during which the patient is given injections of his own platelet-rich plasma. Under the influence of plasmolifting, active processes of renewal and rejuvenation begin in the skin, as a result of which acne almost completely disappears. The patient enjoys the perfect reflection in the mirror: the skin after plasma lifting will be like that of a baby.

Treating acne on the face with cosmetics

Acne treatment is a rather labor-intensive process that requires regularity and a systematic approach. At the initial stage of treating acne on the face, you can get by with special cosmetics containing certain components and intended specifically for problem, oily and combination skin. Look for clay, extracts of medicinal herbs and plants (chamomile, centella asiatica, green tea, juniper, sage, thyme, citrus fruits), antioxidants, vitamins, papain, salicylic acid, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components in cosmetics.

The American cosmetics manufacturer Beauty Style has developed an entire “Control” line, which is especially suitable for problem, oily, mixed and combination skin. In the line you will find a product for every stage of care:

Corrective serum “Control” against skin imperfections improves the overall appearance and condition of the skin, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, tightens pores and stimulates natural regeneration processes.

Express peeling for oily and combination skin “Control” qualitatively and deeply cleanses pores, evens out microrelief, regulates sebum production, tones the skin and reduces the risk of acne. Contains soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components.

The “Control” cleansing cream mask contains sea clay, which perfectly dries out inflammation, reduces the number of pimples and is an excellent component for the treatment of acne. The vitamin-mineral complex included in the composition saturates the skin with necessary components and activates regeneration processes. The skin acquires a beautiful healthy glow and becomes matte.

Night regenerating cream "Control" works while you sleep. The light texture penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, does not clog pores, and does not provoke the appearance of an oily film. Night cream has astringent, drying, soothing and moisturizing properties, and also protects the skin from environmental influences.

Mattifying lotion “Control” does not contain aggressive components and alcohol. It regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, dries out pimples, destroys pathogens and improves the appearance of the skin.

Day matting emulsion cream “Control” is recommended for the care of oily and problem skin and can be used as daily care. Green tea extract has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects, hyaluronic acid maintains optimal moisture levels in cells, Asian centella extract strengthens blood vessels and improves complexion.

Enzyme peeling cream “Control” contains a unique substance - papain, which softens dead skin cells and thoroughly cleanses pores of sebaceous plugs, comedones and sebum. The product prevents inflammation, stimulates regeneration and works almost instantly.

Cleansing foaming gel “Control” from the Beauty Style brand will delicately remove impurities from the skin without disturbing the natural hydrobalance. The skin is cleansed, the pores breathe, sebum production is under reliable control.

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