"Klenzit" and "Klenzit-S" for acne: what is the difference between the composition, instructions for use

From this article you will learn:

  • indications for use in acne and pimples,
  • instructions for use,
  • reviews of drugs from the Klenzit line.

The article was written by a specialist with higher medical education.

Klenzit and Klenzit-S are a line of medications for external use (in the form of gels) that are intended for the treatment of acne and pimples. The main active component of these drugs is the retinoid adapalene 0.1%, which significantly reduces the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands, normalizes the phenomena of follicular hyperkeratosis, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

But if the Klenzit gel contains only adapalene, then Klenzit-S, in addition to adapalene, also contains the antibiotic clindamycin 1%. The latter has antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes (P.acnes) and Staphylococcus epidermidis (S.epidermidis), which play an important role in the formation of acne and pimples, such as comedones, papules or pustules.

Preparations Klenzit-S and Klenzit: photos

The drugs are produced by Indian pharmaceutical companies and are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. Age restrictions exist only for the Klenzit-S gel, which is recommended for use only in persons over 12 years of age. In this article, we will tell you about international protocols for the treatment of acne (acne and pimples), and you will be able to understand which of these drugs should be used specifically in your case, as well as for how long.

How much do the Klenzit line drugs cost in pharmacies:

The drugs are available in tubes of 15 and 30 g, but due to the fact that the treatment is long-term, it is irrational to buy small packages. For Klenzit gel, the price will be from 800 rubles (for a 30 g tube), and it is cheaper among drugs with 0.1% adapalene - in pharmacies with the same composition you can only find “Adaklin” for 550 rubles. But the latter is available only in the form of a cream, while gel forms of topical retinoids are more effective (with equal concentrations of adapalene).

Another similar drug, Differin, will cost from 900 rubles (30 g tube). As for the drug Klenzit-S, the price for it will be from 870 rubles. But we immediately want to warn you that incorrect prescription and use of the drug Klenzit-S can play a cruel joke and lead to the formation of antibiotic resistance in P.acnes bacteria. And in turn, this will certainly lead to a worsening of the disease in the long term.

Klenzit C for acne: composition

Klenzit C owes its effectiveness to adapalene and clindamycin. Acting comprehensively, they fight the cause of acne formation and help the skin recover after a long inflammatory process.

Clindamycin is an antibacterial agent, a member of the lincosamide group. Its wide spectrum of action prevents the synthesis of microbial protein, which brings about its inevitable death. After applying the substance to the skin, clindamycin phosphate is hydrolyzed in the sebaceous glands in a short period of time and actively fights microorganisms that form acne.

Adapalene is a derivative of vitamin A. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It affects comedones of varying degrees of maturity and normalizes keratinization processes. Studies have shown that retinoic acid nuclear receptors are bound by adapalene, which explains the mechanism of action of the active substance. Adapalene restores the normal course of differentiation processes of follicular epithelial cells, reducing the number of micro comedones formed, and also suppresses the formation of inflammatory reactions.

Which patients will we prescribe Klenzit-S

  • If you have acne (comedones), it makes no sense to prescribe this drug for acne, because in this case, only non-inflammatory elements (comedones/acne) will appear on the skin. In this case, we need regular Clenzit gel without antibiotic content. But the use of antibiotics in this case is not only pointless, but also harmful, because contributes to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacterium P.acnes. And then in the future, when you may be advised to use antibiotics, they will no longer be effective for you.
  • If you have acne (mainly papules) - papules are inflammatory formations without pus inside, and according to the strategy of “treating the principle of clinical manifestations” (UpToDate 2009) - papules are optimally treated with a combination of “adapalene 0.1% + benzoyl peroxide”. Thus, in the morning you can use the drug Baziron AS, and in the evening before bed - the usual mono-component gel Clenzit with adapalene.
  • If you have acne (pustules), the presence of pustules with pus suggests the unambiguous use of antibiotics as part of complex therapy.
    If we have a mild or moderate severity of the disease, we will prescribe the patient Klenzit-S gel in the evening, and in the morning the drug Baziron AS (with benzoyl peroxide). If we have severe acne, we prescribe a combination: “oral antibiotic + Baziron AS in the morning + Clenzit gel in the evening before bed.” Remember that antibiotics themselves are quite ineffective, the effect of their use is not very long-lasting, and in addition, their use without the parallel use of benzoyl peroxide quickly leads to the formation of antibiotic-resistant strains of the bacterium P.acnes. In turn, this will lead to worsening of the clinical manifestations of your acne.

Important: please note that reducing the population of P.acnes bacteria is possible not only with the help of antibiotics. In this regard, the following methods will be very effective - phototherapy (IPL) using the Lumenis M-22 device, as well as photodynamic therapy. During these procedures, the cell walls of the P. acnes bacteria are destroyed, and in this way we can dramatically reduce the number of inflammatory elements on the skin - even without the use of antibiotics. Read more about light treatment methods at the link below:

→ International acne treatment protocols

Klenzit C: indications

The drug is prescribed for acne, which most often appears on the face of adolescents. Mainly during puberty, young people and girls begin to change their hormonal levels, and with it the functioning of all body systems. The sebaceous glands, especially on the face, work excessively during this period. If the pores become clogged during the day and there is no daily toilet of the skin, the accumulated sebum under the crusty plugs becomes an excellent breeding ground for the proliferation of bacteria. This is used by the microorganisms Propionibacterium acnes. They begin to actively multiply, thereby provoking the formation of foci of inflammation.

The presence of pus in a rash is always an indicator of the presence of bacteria, since pus is formed as a result of the appearance of microbial waste products. A rash with purulent contents on the face is a direct indication for contacting a specialist who will prescribe Klenzit C.

Indications and contraindications

The main indications for use are the presence of pimples and acne, pustules on the face or body, as well as excessive oily skin. There are many more contraindications, since the gel contains many chemical compounds that can negatively affect health. Clenzit C should not be used in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding, as the drug enters the bloodstream and can harm the baby’s condition;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to one or more components of the drug, which is clarified during a preliminary consultation with a doctor;
  • when taking other medications containing retinoic acid or retinoids, additional use of Klenzit s cream may cause side effects;
  • in the presence of open skin lesions - wounds, burns, abrasions - the use of the drug can cause inflammation, itching, burning and other side effects;
  • advanced forms of dermatitis and eczema are also a limitation for the use of the drug in order to avoid complications.

During the treatment course, it is recommended to temporarily avoid visiting the solarium and the beach, since skin weakened by the action of the drug will be more prone to ultraviolet burns than usual. If you need to stay in the sun for a long time, you should try to cover the treated area of ​​skin with clothing or use sunscreen with the approval of your doctor.

Clenzit C: instructions

The gel is used exclusively externally. Before application, it is necessary to rinse the skin, removing all visible contaminants, after which the surface should be dried. The product is applied with careful movements without damaging the inflamed areas. It is recommended to use the gel once a day, before bed.

It is important to avoid contact with eyes and lips, as the product is not intended for use on mucous membranes.

The effect does not become noticeable immediately. It will take at least 1 week before the appearance of the skin begins to improve. In some situations, the expected effect may occur after 4 weeks. A long recovery period is associated with the maturation period of acne. The destruction of bacteria is accompanied by the accumulation of purulent contents, which intensifies after the death of the microorganism.

Sustained remission is observed after 3 months. If symptoms return, you can repeat the course, but only after consultation with a specialist. You should not increase the dosage and amount of applied gel in order to speed up the onset of recovery, as this does not provide the expected effect, but only increases the risk of developing adverse reactions.

Possible adverse reactions from Clenzit C

The following list of reactions may occur on the skin:

  • dryness and flaking;
  • burning at the site of application;
  • dermatitis;
  • swelling of the epidermis;
  • hives.

An allergic reaction often manifests itself in the organ of vision in the form of swelling of the eyelids, itching, erythema and a burning sensation. In addition, reactions from the digestive system may occur in the form of abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting. If any side effect occurs, treatment is stopped or the dose is adjusted downwards.


The Klenzit gel itself is an Indian analogue of the European anti-acne drug Differina. However, there are other products with a similar principle of action or the same active substance in the composition.

Analogues of "Klenzit":

  1. Retinoic ointment is an inexpensive analogue of Klenzit. It contains another substance – isotretinoin. Available in the form of ointment 0.05% or 0.1%. May cause other side effects. Costs 250 - 300 rubles. Ointment with a higher concentration will cost more.
  2. “Videstim” is a cheap analogue with retinol in its composition. The dosage of the substance is 0.5%. Do not use in cases of vitamin A overdose or sensitive skin. Price 100 – 200 rub. depending on the size of the tube.
  3. "Adaklin" - contains adapalene 1 mg. Produced as a cream in a 30 ml tube. Used in the same way as Klenzit. Cost 500 – 550 rub.

Reception features

Treatment with Klenzit C gel is not prescribed to children under 12 years of age, as well as to expectant and nursing mothers. During the first few days of using the gel, acne may worsen. This is not a manifestation of adverse reactions. The abundant formation of pus is explained by the death of bacteria and the ripening of acne, without which it is impossible to achieve cleansing of the skin.

Clenzit C increases the skin's surface sensitivity to sunlight. In this regard, experts do not recommend being in the open sun during the period of gel treatment. It should also be borne in mind that negative reactions from the gastrointestinal tract do not always occur during use of the drug. Sometimes the first pain, nausea or diarrhea occurs 21 days after stopping treatment. If diarrhea is associated with treatment with Klenzit C, it is unacceptable to use drugs that stop intestinal motility to stop it.

The simultaneous use of systemic medications does not affect the effect of the gel, just as the active substances of Klenzit C do not in any way affect the course of treatment with drugs intended for oral administration, since they are practically not absorbed into the blood. However, concomitant use of clindamycin and erythromycin should be avoided. During clinical trials, it was found that the use of clindamycin affects neuromuscular transmission, enhancing the effect of muscle relaxants.

Treatment with Klenzit C has not been studied to reduce the reaction rate, so it is impossible to say unambiguously about the safety of the drug for drivers and people whose activities involve operating complex mechanisms.

Features and purpose of the drug

“Klenzit” is a cream or gel, the main active ingredient of which is adapalene. Adapalene is a synthetic analogue of retinoic acid. Cosmetic and pharmacological products based on this chemical compound are used to treat acne, pimples and comedones. The drug fights inflammation and oily skin.

Judging by the reviews of cosmetologists, “Klenzit” is capable of not only eliminating rashes and irritations, but also smoothing out wrinkles. This effect has not been clinically proven, but many women noticed the positive effect of the cream on aging skin. Even the host of the popular TV program “Live Healthy!” Elena Malysheva said in one of the TV show episodes that Klenzit can be used to combat wrinkles.

How do retinoids help fight wrinkles?

Retinoids are different types of vitamin A. Retinoid-based preparations are prescribed by dermatologists and cosmetologists to treat acne and acne. In addition, they have a positive effect on the condition of the skin - smooth out wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, restore firmness and elasticity to the skin.

Retinoids are divided into several biological types: retinoic acid, retinaldehyde, retinol and retinol esters. Adapalene and retinoic acid are highly effective. They penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, where the components of many cosmetic products do not reach. Preparations based on retinoids have the following effects:

  • improve the process of production of collagen fibers, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
  • accelerate regenerative and metabolic processes;
  • regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tighten pores;
  • remove sebaceous plugs;
  • treat inflammation and prevent their reappearance;
  • even out facial tone;
  • smooth out wrinkles and scars.

Retinoid-based preparations are available in the form of ointment, cream or gel. Ointment and cream have a thicker and greasy consistency, so they are recommended for use on dry skin. The consistency of the gel is thinner and lighter, so it is better suited for oily and combination skin.

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