Four techniques of rejuvenating pinch facial massage

A pinch facial massage at home will get rid of acne, blackheads, scars and other blemishes.
There are several pinch massage techniques, which you need to choose based on the task at hand. Whatever technique is chosen, you need to learn all the intricacies of massage. Do not forget that any procedure has a number of contraindications, and pinch facial massage is no exception.

Previously, we introduced readers to the pinch massage technique for weight loss and tummy tuck

What are the benefits of pinch massage?

What does this massage give? He:

  • ensures good blood flow in facial tissues,
  • relaxes, warms the facial muscles,
  • normalizes metabolic processes,
  • changes the complexion for the better,
  • removes stains, scars, unevenness,
  • eliminates wrinkles.

Do all the steps correctly and you will get a beautiful young face. It can be used on healthy as well as problematic epidermis, the main thing is that the pinching should be painless.


Pinch massage

will help if you have oily skin that can cause acne. Pinch massage is effective if you need to remove age spots, swelling or congestion on the skin, and the first result will be visible after 5-7 procedures, provided they are performed well. There will be a noticeable smoothing of skin irregularities, infiltrates and scars. It can be performed on dry skin using talc or using a baby cream with a non-greasy consistency. The very technique of this type of massage accelerates blood circulation, abundantly saturates tissue cells with nutrients and oxygen, since it is aimed at intense effects. Thanks to this procedure, the skin takes on a well-groomed appearance and good color, significantly reduces the number of fat cells, this procedure improves skin tone and leads to strengthening of body tissues as a whole.

In general, the course of pinch massage

will average ten to fifteen procedures, but if you like its results and want to achieve the best possible effect, perform two or three sets of procedures with an interval of two months between them.
Also note that contraindications for this type of massage are diseases such as allergic reactions, dermatitis, skin damage, a tendency to rosacea, viral or chronic diseases and pustular formations on the skin. Its intensity of use in any case is quite high, but if the above contraindications do not apply to you, pinch massage
will perfectly cure and serve as a preventive method against acne that has not yet entered the inflammatory stage, will help get rid of oily skin, enlarged pores, and smooth out scars with scars.

Sequence of pinch massage

To get an idea of ​​what we're talking about, watch the video, which shows how the massage should be performed.

The massage technique involves grasping the dermis, subcutaneous tissues, and facial muscles with the index and thumb, without cream.

It is most convenient to do this manipulation in the morning immediately after washing, exactly along the massage lines:

  • From the middle of the chin, use pliers to walk along the lower jaw to the lobe;
  • from the corners of the mouth - to the auricle;
  • start from the upper lip and wings of the nose - pinch to the top of the ear;
  • from the sides of the nose, pinch to the temples;
  • knead your earlobe thoroughly;
  • work well on the area under the eyebrow, starting from the inner corners of the eyes, pinching to the outer corners, then back, working on the lower eye socket;
  • stretch the bridge of your nose;
  • parallel to the eyebrows from the middle of the forehead in both directions, pinch, heading towards the temples;
  • knead your eyebrows along the entire length;
  • Treat the front area of ​​the neck from bottom to top, and the side areas from top to bottom.

The most difficult thing to do is massage the forehead, but it also needs to be worked out. Press the pads of your fingers to your forehead, then, using circular movements, begin to move the skin with the subcutaneous tissues located under it, first down, then up.

Tsvetkova's vector technique

This method is good for shaping the cheekbones and the oval of the face. It is a revolutionary new trend. This is part of medical cosmetology. It can become an alternative to plastic surgery.

The essence of the method is to rejuvenate the face by removing the “nasolabial area”. This can only be done by activating the entire muscle group of the cheekbone. Due to this, it increases and makes the face visually more prominent. The face “lifts”, excess skin disappears, and the face becomes younger.

Such an operation has many contraindications, plus some more manipulations with the face will be required.

Vector massage takes place along four main massage lines, taking into account the location of blood vessels and active areas of the face. This helps to additionally connect the body’s own forces. There are a huge number of active points on our face. By influencing them, we can achieve serious rejuvenation and tone of the facial skin.

French pinch massage according to Jacquet

Among plucking techniques, this massage is the most famous. It was invented by the French doctor Jacquet, hence the name.

It is indicated primarily for those who suffer from acne, excessive activity of the sebaceous glands, seborrhea, and circulatory disorders.

Sessions are held every day.

A distinctive feature of this procedure is a deeper capture of all layers of the epidermis. Pinching can be painful, so they alternate with vibration and stroking.

Jacquet's massage is considered difficult, so it should be done by specialists. A positive result is noticeable after the second session, and after the 8th session the skin becomes velvety and smooth. A total of 10 sessions are recommended.


Pinch massage

It has not a momentary, but a long-lasting effect. It is not easy to carry out, so you should trust a professional. This procedure is one of the most popular, therefore it is offered by many beauty salons, massage centers and other similar organizations, which means that you will always have a choice. Please note: in high-level establishments, before the massage procedure itself, the cosmetologist will perform a procedure for cleaning your pores, after which he will moisturize you with a high-quality cosmetic product.

Oriental rejuvenation procedures

This variation of massage allows you to return the girlish oval of the face even in severe cases. This technique is often called Chinese massage, although in fact it is one block of Japanese lymphatic drainage massage by Maeda Tooru.

Try this anti-aging exercise routine. All movements must be repeated until the skin becomes a pleasant pinkish color.

The technique for improving the oval of the face is described in detail here.

Main stages of the procedure:

  1. Chin pinches. With light, frequent pinching we treat the skin of the lower part of the face, moving towards the ear. If the actions are carried out correctly, you will feel a pleasant burning sensation.
  2. Pinches under the chin. Raise your head up, pinch the area under the chin from the center to the ears. This will help tighten the oval of the face and make the skin more elastic.
  3. Smoothing the chin. Slowly, with light pressure, using three fingers, knead from the middle of the chin to the ears.
  4. Smoothing the neck. Turn your head to the left, lift your chin, smooth the muscles on the right side of your neck from top to bottom with slight pressure. Then turn your head to the right, smoothing the left side of your neck.

As you can see, the plucking procedure is easy to perform even at home. How long does this manipulation last? Session duration is approximately 20 minutes, if the dermis is thin, then a little less


Pinch facial massage is recommended in the following cases:

  • early formation of wrinkles, “crow’s feet” in the area around the eyes;
  • excessive sweating on the face;
  • the presence of scars, post-acne, acne;

Pinch facial massage

  • enlarged pores;
  • swelling;
  • dull skin tone;
  • pigmentation;
  • unevenness of shade;
  • oval changes;
  • oily seborrhea;
  • hyperkeratosis - scaly keratinization.

There may also be other reasons for prescribing the procedure. Before choosing a technique, you first contact a specialist who, based on a visual examination and analysis, will give recommendations regarding the possibility of performing a massage and its technique.

Possible contraindications and side effects

When choosing a pinch massage, keep in mind that the technique is not suitable for everyone. There are contraindications that should not be neglected, otherwise you will only cause harm to the skin.

These include allergic reactions (rash, irritation), aggravated herpes, unhealed wounds, purulent formations and nearby blood vessels. It is also considered a contraindication to carry out medium or deep penetration peeling less than 3-4 weeks ago.

Although pinch massage is a safe procedure and does not cause any complications when performed correctly, side effects can sometimes occur if basic requirements are ignored, or if the master is incompetent. Undesirable consequences include:

  • skin stretching;
  • greasy shine;
  • redness, irritation, incl. small pimples appear (mainly due to performing a massage with dirty hands);
  • formation of wounds, hematomas;
  • clogging of pores due to excessive use of oils and lotions.

Therefore, it is important to approach the procedure responsibly. If in doubt, it is better to consult a professional cosmetologist.

Light anti-aging self-massage

Home pinch self-massage from Irina Tsvetkova is our answer to oriental cosmetologists. Watch the video, repeat and become younger.

By using this technique for 3 months twice a week, you will get rid of wrinkles. Fine mesh will disappear completely, and deep wrinkles will become invisible.

Before the procedure, you need to apply a scrub made from coffee grounds to your face. Mix coffee grounds with sour cream, apply to the face along the massage lines, then you can begin self-massage. When conducting, only three types of movement are used:

  • patting with fingers or palms;
  • pinching with two fingers;
  • strong pressure on the points.

The pinches and pressure are quite noticeable, but not to the point of severe pain.

Step-by-step instructions for foot massage

You are in constant motion all day, and your legs, as a means of transportation, are forced to endure all the side effects of your activity. Fatigue, tension, aching pain. This happens even if your job involves sitting in front of a computer for seven hours. During this period of time, the blood in the vessels stagnates and, as a result, not only varicose veins occur, but also other leg diseases. But all this can be easily avoided with the help of lymphatic drainage or regular massage of the feet and legs.

How to properly massage your feet

With a massage you:

  1. influence active points and nerve endings that are connected to internal organs;
  2. improve blood circulation;
  3. drive away fatigue;
  4. relieve tension in all muscle tissues and relax.

It is an active prevention of various problems with the legs and the body as a whole.

Step-by-step instructions for a foot massage procedure

A massage procedure on the foot, or any other, must begin with gentle stroking. And if you have also spent the day wearing shoes with high platforms and heels, then at the moment your foot will not even be able to take the correct position. During the bending process, you will be bothered by painful sensations, which can be avoided if you apply foot massage in the correct sequence.

  • We recommend using a rich cream, maybe even a baby cream or a special massage oil. It is not only convenient, but also good for the skin. It is responsible for nourishing, smoothing and softening dry skin on the feet. Pour some into your palm and spread it all over your leg, foot, ankle and between your toes.
  • The first thing you should start with is soft and gentle stroking of the feet.
  • The massage is best performed in a sitting position, and keep the leg suspended.
  • Continue massaging your toes. First along each finger, then across.
  • Massage the space between your fingers.
  • Now you can move to the sole using smooth wave-like movements.
  • The sole can be massaged with several movements. With your fist, all movements should be wave-like and/or bend the middle phalanges of your fingers and continue the massage procedure in a circular motion. Follow from the toes to the heel.
  • Make a few pinches on the heel and rub them with your fingers in a circular motion. Continue massaging the foot in the same way and smoothly move towards the tendon and calf muscle.
  • Use soft, smooth and straight movements to stroke the ankle joint. After warming up this part of the foot, begin rubbing. Light sliding movements from bottom to top and apply light pressure.
  • severe headache goes away after these procedures.

Massage procedures for the feet and legs are very useful, but due to limited time and work commitments, we cannot carry out this procedure before the evening. To make your legs less tired, you need to give them the opportunity to relax during the day. A little exercise for the feet will relieve accumulated tension, circulate blood through the veins and relieve fatigue.

Benefits and options for foot massage treatments

Take off your shoes. You need to stand on your feet and alternately shift your body weight from heel to toe. Do this exercise for 1 minute. It will help improve blood circulation. Place a pencil, pen, or any other oblong object with enough diameter to grip your toes on the floor, and try to lift it with the toes of each foot. In addition, there is also walking on the tiptoes or on the inside and outside of the feet. Next, try doing circular rotations with your feet in different directions.

Morning leg warm-up and evening massage treatments will relieve swelling of the legs and are active preventative measures in the fight against varicose veins.
This will also prevent the bunion from enlarging. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Who should not have a pinching massage?

Pinch sessions are contraindicated for those who have visible small vessels (stars on the skin), low intracranial pressure, or obvious skin diseases.

To see the quick effect of the procedure, you need to perform it every day. As soon as you see a noticeable improvement, pinch your face once a week.

Dear readers, you have seen several more useful procedures. Subscribe to my blog, invite your friends who also want to maintain a youthful appearance. There are many useful articles ahead that will give you the opportunity to “keep up” with your image with the fast-paced times.

Contraindications to the procedure

This list should be kept in mind when prescribing facial pinching massage to reduce the risk of unforeseen complications:

  • skin damage (allergic rashes, age spots, oily seborrhea, acne, etc.);
  • viral rashes (herpes);
  • acute illness;
  • pustules on the face;
  • the patient’s inability to tolerate pain;
  • low pressure;
  • vessels close to the skin;
  • recent peeling.

The duration of one massage session is no more than 10 minutes. This is more than enough to make your face fresher and gain additional tone. The procedure is easy to perform at home on your own, and quick results will motivate you to continue the massage.

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