How to lighten hair with lemon at home?

One of the most harmful procedures for hair is lightening it with chemical dyes. Especially when it comes to washes of dark shades to blonde. If you don’t want to expose yourself to chemicals in dyes, you can use lemon to lighten your hair.

Even in ancient times, before they began to actively use hydrogen peroxide, ladies generously spilled citrus juice on their hair and walked like this for hours under the scorching sun. Later they learned to combine lemon with other products. Some recipes from those times are still popular today, because they make it possible to lighten hair without chemical components.

Lemon for lightening hair

Beneficial properties of lemon for skin

Citrus fruit is a universal remedy that includes many vitamins and microelements. Thanks to its unique composition, the fruit has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • exfoliates dead cells and stimulates the growth of healthy skin;
  • destroys germs and strengthens the immune system, which helps to quickly cope with acne;
  • makes the dermis softer and more elastic;
  • regulates sebum synthesis, copes with oily sheen;
  • cleanses and tones the epithelium;
  • produces a pronounced lifting effect;
  • makes the skin smoother, copes with pigmentation and freckles;
  • launches recovery processes;
  • copes with swelling.

Precautionary measures

When using lemon juice for acne, you need to follow a few basic rules:

  • applying the product exclusively to previously cleansed skin;
  • opening the pores by applying a warm towel to the face;
  • room temperature of the product.

Attention! When wiping the skin with a slice of fruit, you should be careful and avoid the areas around the eyes, as well as mucous membranes.

Lemon juice sometimes provokes unwanted reactions. To avoid them, you should conduct a sensitivity test in advance. The product is applied to the elbow or wrist area. If there is no redness or burning, the product can be used on the face.

How to remove age spots on the face with lemon

Lemon successfully whitens the skin due to its high content of ascorbic acid. Cosmetics with the addition of citrus fruits help quickly cope with pigmentation.

This natural product can replace expensive cosmetic procedures that have an aggressive effect and disrupt the structure of the dermis. It also becomes an excellent alternative to synthetic products.

To remove age spots, lemon can be used as the sole ingredient in home remedies or mixed with other substances.

To whiten the dermis, you can use the pulp, juice or essential oil of the fruit. There are several basic methods for lightening the skin - peeling, cream, compress, tonic or mask with lemon.

Lemon for age spots

Operating principle

Almost all dyeing procedures with synthetic products involve not only the outer coating of the hair shell, but also penetration into its shaft. In this case, the scales open and the natural pigment is destroyed, which is replaced by a change in color or lightening. Lemon works in a similar way.

The juice of this citrus is able to penetrate into the structures of curls with the help of natural components: essential oils, vitamins, acids, minerals. Therefore, lemon is suitable not only for achieving light shades, but also nourishes the hair, giving it a healthy shine.

This fruit also removes well the layers of dye pigments that were previously used to dye your hair. True, for this you need to use the method for several weeks, but even after that, artificial shades that are too dark cannot be greatly lightened.

Natural hair color is bleached better. For example, when using juice to lighten light brown hair, the result is wheat-colored strands. For hair with different shades of blonde, you can achieve an even tone and remove yellowness.

All main variations of lightening results are presented in the table:

Original shadeResult after lightening
Light blonde (linen, platinum, ash, pearlescent)Removing yellowness, aligning the original color.
Rich blonde (golden, wheat, light brown)Light blond
Light brown (neutral brown)Light brown, wheat
Light brown (caramel, honey, nut, ginger)Light brown, golden
Dark brown (chestnut, graphite, chocolate)Light and rich brown
Light red (light copper, amber)Rich blonde
Auburn (fiery red, dark copperLight red
Brunette (black)The color does not change, a coppery sheen is added.

The disadvantages of such lightening include a gradual return to the original shade in the event of a long-term cessation of regular procedures. However, the natural soft effect of lemon covers all the nuances, because as a result, the hair is not only lightened, but also healthier.

Conditions for using lemon in home care

To remove pigmentation successfully, you need to follow the basic recommendations:

  1. Apply lemon-based products to clean and dry skin.
  2. It is allowed to keep the compositions for no more than 15-20 minutes. If a burning sensation occurs, the product must be washed off immediately.
  3. Only a course of whitening masks will help you achieve stable results. It must last at least 1 month.
  4. It is worth washing off the products with warm water. You can add a small amount of soda to neutralize the acid.
  5. After using masks with citrus fruits, you should not go outside for 2-3 hours. This is due to the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Finally, you should apply a nourishing cream to your face. A product with panthenol is also suitable.
  7. Those with dry skin can use whitening products a maximum of once a week. For girls with oily skin, this can be done 2 times every 14 days.

Apply lemon-based products to clean and dry skin.

Photos before and after

Photos show the end result most accurately. In many cases, the natural pigment is lightened to golden or copper tones. Some representatives of the fair sex do not experience pronounced lightening, but their hair acquires a beautiful tint and its natural color is emphasized.

Of course, by lightening your hair with chemical dyeing you can achieve much greater bleaching effects, but, unfortunately, such actions greatly damage your hair.

Lemon lightening is not capable of radically changing the image, but the benefits of natural ingredients minimize side effects. This allows you to carry out high-quality hair care at home, which is in no way inferior to procedures in beauty salons.

Whitening mask recipes

Today there are many recipes that can be used to cope with pigmentation. To remove stains, you can use lemon alone or mix it with other ingredients.

Citric acid mask

This product copes with pigmentation and oily sheen of the dermis. To prepare the composition, ordinary water is suitable. To make the lightening effect more noticeable, you can use herbal infusions - parsley, dandelion, mint.

To prepare the product, you need to take 1 small spoon of citric acid and mix with 5 tablespoons of water or decoction. Apply the composition to problem areas for 5 minutes.

Mask with oatmeal and milk

This product is suitable for girls with dry or normal skin. To make it, you need to grind 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, add 1 small spoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then pour warm milk into the mixture to get the consistency of sour cream. You need to keep the composition for a quarter of an hour.

Lemon-egg mask

The product has a whitening effect, reduces the oiliness of the dermis, and copes with acne. To make it, you need to beat the egg white, add 1 small spoon of lemon juice and mix well. Apply with a brush to problem areas. After 10 minutes, wash your face.

Oil mixture

This composition has pronounced whitening characteristics. To make it you will need essential oils - 6 drops lemon, 14 drops wheat germ, 8 drops chamomile. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, add 3 g of salt.

Rub the composition into age spots twice a day. After the procedure, it is prohibited to go outside for 1.5 hours. Otherwise there is a risk of burns.

Whitening age spots with lemon is a fairly effective procedure. With the correct use of medicinal products, it will be possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin in a short time.


There may be a situation where a girl is allergic to citrus fruits. Therefore, before using lemon, you need to do a trial use. To do this, it is applied on the inside of the arm in the elbow area. If after a while the skin does not turn red, you can use lemon for facial skin care. This must be done so that the mask does not cause irritation.


  1. Allergy and intolerance to citrus fruits;
  2. If a boil has formed on the face;
  3. In places of severe suppuration or open wounds.
  4. But in some cases it is recommended to use lemon:
  5. If your skin is oily or combination;
  6. If you have freckles and pigmentation on the face;
  7. With the regular appearance of pimples and blackheads;
  8. Do not lighten injured skin areas;
  9. For facial skin rejuvenation, for women in adulthood.

It is recommended to wash your face with water after using lemon; you can add chamomile infusion. This also applies to facial skin care after removing the mask. Such measures must be taken to prevent the skin from drying out. And the places where pimples and boils appear can be treated pointwise.


So, lemon is simply a wonderful remedy against acne, blackheads, oily skin, scars, age spots and even freckles. It is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of rashes, acne and post-acne, helping quickly and effectively.

But lemon requires extremely careful use, as it is a very sour and aggressive citrus, which, if overzealous, can cause an allergic reaction.

That is why, before starting “lemon” procedures, it is necessary to check the skin’s sensitivity to citrus, starting with the minimum concentration in the masks used.

Healthy Habits

Various stresses, poor nutrition and the environment contribute to the accumulation of large amounts of toxins in our body. Toxins are known to be poisons that cause harm to our body. This poison often manifests itself in the form of pimples on the surface of the skin. Therefore, the restoration process should be carried out not only by applying external agents. If acne in your case does not go away or often reappears, you should deliberately begin to cleanse your body.


Lemon is used in medicine and cosmetology. Its components are used to treat colds, combat pain and swelling, improve the condition of the vascular system, and as a diuretic.

Sour fruits are included in a variety of home remedies to eliminate acne, the stains that remain after it, and to tone the skin. Contains:

  • Bioflavonoids;
  • Nitrogenous and mineral substances;
  • Alkaline elements;
  • Vitamin complex;
  • Organic acids;
  • Phytoncides;
  • Copper;
  • Potassium salts.

Ready-made cosmetics

Sometimes it is better to pay attention to ready-made cosmetics. Such products contain many components that complement each other. Thanks to this, skin lightening will proceed faster . In addition, the risk of causing harm with ready-made preparations (subject to the correct selection of the product for the skin type) is reduced to a minimum. In homemade masks, you can easily make a mistake with the dosage of the aggressive component.

The following tools have proven themselves well:

  1. REDERMIC C cream from La Roche Posay. Suitable for dry skin. It evens out the complexion, activates collagen synthesis and smoothes out wrinkles. A delicate, velvety cream soothes, nourishes the skin and restores its elasticity.
  2. Intensive anti-wrinkle concentrate with 12.5% ​​vitamin C Kiehl's. The drug contains hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, lemon oil. Such components ensure evenness of skin texture and tone. In addition, the serum helps smooth out wrinkles and has a rejuvenating effect.
  3. Vichy Mineral Peeling Mask “Double Radiance”. The mask exfoliates dead cells and renews the epidermis. The fruit acids included in the preparation actively even out the color and texture of the skin.

The main disadvantage of such products is the presence of chemical components.

Cosmetics - photo gallery

REDERMIC C cream from La Roche Posay improves complexion

Intensive anti-wrinkle concentrate with 12.5% ​​vitamin C evens out skin texture and tone

Vichy mineral peeling mask “Double Radiance” exfoliates dead layers and whitens the skin

Drinking lemon juice for acne

Drinking lemon juice can help clear up acne only if you drink lemon water on an empty stomach every morning. To prepare this drink, simply squeeze a little juice into a glass of warm water. You can also add small pieces of fruit directly to the water. If you want to make your drink sweeter, you need to add a teaspoon of honey instead of sugar.

Washing your face with lemon water every morning will help keep your skin fresh throughout the day.

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