Homemade masks for very dry and sensitive skin: nourishing, moisturizing, tightening, soothing and anti-wrinkle

Sensitive facial skin occurs not only in women, but also in men. It manifests itself individually in each person, but it is often associated with thinning of the epidermis and an allergic reaction to external or internal irritants.

Cosmetologists are especially careful when treating sensitive facial skin. This is due to the peculiarities of caring for this skin type, which requires a gentle set of cosmetic procedures.

Owners of sensitive skin should take into account its unpredictability, because you never know how it will react to a particular component of skin care products. Skin sensitivity often develops with age, so it is important to know the signs and be able to identify them correctly.

Causes of dry skin

Dry skin may be due to

  • age-related changes
  • congenital features of the epidermis
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and insufficient amounts of corresponding hormones in the body
  • using low quality cosmetics
  • the presence of various gastrointestinal diseases
  • disturbances in the activity of the sebaceous glands
  • insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements, especially groups A, C, E
  • lack of the required amount of moisture
  • prolonged exposure to the open air: in the cold in winter, in the sun in summer
  • diabetes mellitus
  • dry indoor air during the heating season
  • frequent peeling

Such skin is very susceptible to the negative influence of various factors. As a result of their exposure, the skin becomes even more dry, chapped, and does not tolerate temperature changes well.

Skin care should not only be correct, but also regular, using high-quality cosmetics.

Basic steps for caring for dry skin

Homemade face masks are an effective and affordable remedy in the fight for youthful skin

Sensitive skin care

To prevent or reduce irritation, add a little vinegar to the water when taking a bath. This has a detrimental effect on bacteria. To care for sensitive dermis, it is recommended to use cosmetics that have been tested and approved by dermatologists. It is important to monitor your diet. It is necessary to exclude the intake of alcoholic beverages and do not eat spicy foods, as they excite the nervous system, which negatively affects the dermis. Sensitive skin should be protected from sunlight throughout the year. It is better to wash with warm water. The use of baby soap is allowed. When washing clothes, you should avoid using detergents with aromatic additives, as they can cause an allergic reaction on sensitive skin. It is useful to use natural oils as moisturizers. Food should be rich in vitamins and minerals. You need to drink clean water, about 1.5 liters. per day - it will remove harmful substances from the body.

Mask for dry skin with egg

Features of using eggs in cosmetology
To nourish and moisturize dry skin, it is better to use a yolk rich in lecithin.


  • promotes the penetration into the deep spheres of the epidermis of vitamin D and iron contained in the yolk, other vitamins and microelements
  • tones the skin
  • has a softening effect
  • restores the protective barrier

Eggs that are used in masks for dry skin should be homemade and fresh, i.e. "alive"

Recipe #1

  • Beat the yolk a little with a fork and apply to cleansed facial skin.
  • Application time: 10-15 minutes (until the mask dries completely and a soft crust forms on the face). When applying the mask, avoid tense facial muscles: do not talk, do not grimace, do not smile
  • Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature

Important: dry skin places increased demands on water, which is used in care procedures

Tap water contains calcium, magnesium, chlorine, pathogenic microflora, pesticides, etc. This chemical composition of “life-giving moisture” can destroy even strong and healthy skin.

For dry skin care it is recommended to use

  1. Boiled water
  2. Melt water
  3. Softened water. To soften, add one of two components to settled or boiled tap water
  • soda: 1 tsp. for 1 l
  • glycerin: 1 tbsp. l. for 1 l
  1. Drinking table water (bottled)
  2. Infusions of medicinal herbs

Recipe #2

  • 1 yolk
  • 20-30 g heavy cream. The drier the skin, the richer the cream should be

Cream in cosmetology is a source of vitamins A, B, C, iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 2 times a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 3 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 20

LA ROCHE-POSAY Effaclar Purifying Clay Mask

At the pharmacy you can take a closer look at another French brand - La Roche-Posay, namely their mask for problem skin from the Effaclar line. This product has only three key components: kaolin, corn starch (absorbent) and panthenol, which restores inflamed skin. Accordingly, there are three actions: cleansing, matting and eliminating irritations.

The mask is suitable for oily and problematic skin.

Where to buy: laroche-posay.co.uk Cost: £14

Face masks with honey for dry skin

Honey for dry skin is a source of essential vitamins and microelements.
In addition, a sweet beekeeping product can

  • penetrate into the lower spheres of the skin, saturating and nourishing it at the deepest level
  • prevent moisture evaporation due to absorbent properties

Using honey water instead of toner should become a daily procedure for those with dry skin. Honey masks will heal your skin and improve its appearance.

Be careful: honey is a strong allergen! Keep this in mind when preparing homemade skincare products.

Important: honey masks are not recommended if you have problems with capillaries.

Recipe #1

  • 10-15 g liquid honey
  • 15-20 g of oatmeal, ground to flour. For aging skin, oatmeal can be replaced with potato starch
  • 15-20 g olive oil
  • 15-20 g high fat whole milk

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Adjust the thickness of the mixture by additionally adding a little milk or flour/starch
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 1 time per week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 2 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10

Recipe #2

  • 50 g heavy cream. The drier the skin, the richer the cream should be
  • 30 g liquid honey

Important: if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath, but do not bring it to a boil to avoid losing its beneficial properties.

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 2 times a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 3 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10-20

REN Clarimatte Invisible Pores Detox Mask

For adherents of natural cosmetics, we recommend a mask from the REN brand. It contains only natural ingredients: the already familiar clay, spirulina powder, which provides elasticity to the skin, lavender and bergamot oils, which have bactericidal properties, and lavender extract, which soothes irritations.

The mask is of high quality, but at the same time very delicate, cleanses and tightens pores. It is suitable for those with normal, combination and oily skin.

Where to buy: lookfantastic.com Cost: £28

Cottage cheese mask for dry skin

Cottage cheese is loved by cosmetologists for its versatility. Curd masks

  • suitable for all skin types
  • tone and moisturize the skin
  • have a lifting effect and fight fine wrinkles
  • improve complexion
  • saturate the skin with essential microelements and vitamins

Cottage cheese used in masks for dry skin must be of high quality and fresh.

Recipe #1

  • 15-20 g fat cottage cheese
  • 10 g flax seed
  • 200 ml hot water (boiling water)

How to prepare and use:

  1. Prepare a decoction of flaxseed. For this
  • Pour boiling water over flax seed and simmer over very low heat for 10 minutes
  • let the broth cool (covered)
  • strain
  1. Mix cottage cheese and 2 tbsp thoroughly. l. decoction until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. The decoction can be replaced with linseed oil in the amount of 20 g
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 2 times a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 3 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 15

Recipe #2

  • 1 tbsp. l. green tea infusion
  • 1 tbsp. l. infusion tea leaves
  • 20 g cottage cheese

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Better to use a blender
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the mask with water or green tea infusion. The temperature of the cleansing liquid should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 2 times a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 3 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10-20

OMOROVICZA Ultramoor Mud Mask

Do you want to visit the SPA without leaving home? Then take a closer look at masks from the Hungarian brand Omorovicza. For example, Ultramoor Mud Mask, created, according to the official website of the brand, based on the healing mud of Hungarian thermal springs. And although the word “dirt” does not sound very attractive, the aroma of the mask is simply amazing. As well as the result from use: the product cleanses and mattifies the skin, tightens pores, and also has a slight lifting effect - an extract from sea plankton is responsible for this.

The mask is suitable for all skin types except atopic.

Where to buy: cultbeauty.co.uk Cost: £72

Dry yeast face mask


  • accelerate the processes of metabolism and regeneration of skin cells
  • are a natural immunomodulator
  • even out complexion

Dry yeast face mask perfectly moisturizes the skin

Recipe #1 Moisturizing mask for dry skin

  • 1.5 tbsp. l. dry or crumbled fresh yeast or
  • 3 tbsp. l. warm homemade milk
  • 1 tsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp. aloe juice

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the yeast and milk thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous paste.
  2. Add oil and aloe juice. Mix the mask components thoroughly
  3. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  4. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  5. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  6. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: once a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 2 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10

Recipe #2

Yeast face mask

Recipe #3 Mask-scrub

  • 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh crumbled yeast
  • 2 tbsp. l. quality olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. bran

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the yeast and warm oil thoroughly until a homogeneous paste is obtained.
  2. Add bran. If the bran is large, lightly grind it in a blender (not to the point of flour)
  3. Mix the bran and oil-yeast mixture thoroughly
  4. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  5. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  6. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature. While washing your face, massage your face in gentle circular motions.
  7. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: once a week
  1. Total number of course procedures: no restrictions

Banana mask for dry skin

Banana has long ceased to be an exotic fruit and is firmly entrenched in our daily, including cosmetic, menu.

The benefits of bananas have long been proven and no one doubts them. Banana berry has become a real “rejuvenating apple” for those with dry and aging skin.

The banana ripeness table will help you choose the healthiest product for a banana mask for dry skin.

The easiest way to use banana in cosmetology

  • Apply freshly prepared banana puree to cleansed facial skin. Choose a ripe but not overripe banana
  • wait 15-20 minutes
  • rinse with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  • frequency of use: no more than 2 times a day for basic care, no more than 3 times for an intensive course

You can also add heavy cream or sour cream, honey, yolk, oatmeal or starch, crushed herbal mixtures of medicinal plants, etc. to banana puree. Each time you will receive a new cosmetic product, giving your skin a second youth.

Soothing mask for sensitive skin with banana

The undoubted advantage of banana as a cosmetic product is its hypoallergenicity.

You can safely use banana in monocomponent masks. The only contraindication for such use is individual intolerance to the product.

  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l. quality olive oil. Can be replaced with flaxseed
  • freshly mashed 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove mask residue with a cosmetic wipe
  5. Rinse your face with water or chamomile/calendula infusion. The temperature of the cleansing liquid should correspond to body temperature
  6. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: once a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 2 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: up to 10

How to choose

Before you begin your search criteria, you should understand why cleansing masks are needed in the first place? First of all, to remove excess sebum, cleanse pores, remove dust particles and makeup residues. Also, regular use of such products can restore your face to a healthy glow and fresh appearance. Even if you thoroughly wash the epidermis with cleansing foams and micellar toners, this may still not be enough. Our skin needs a deeper degree of cleansing and a longer period of exposure to beneficial substances.

Cleansing masks are distinguished by the following characteristics.

By consistency

  • Cream - these products are the most common. Since this product is aimed at cleansing, clay is often added to it, which gives the product the consistency of a cream.
  • Gel - has a lighter texture. Often, such products, together with cleansing, moisturize the epidermis.
  • Fabric - presented in the form of a piece of fabric soaked in active ingredients. The effect of such products may vary, often cleaning properties are combined with rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing effects.
  • Powder is not the most convenient option; such a product should be diluted with water to give it a paste-like consistency. Many girls find it much more convenient to buy a ready-made product and immediately apply it to their face.


We recommend purchasing products with a more natural composition with a minimum of harmful additives, such as preservatives, parabens, silicones, synthetic dyes and fragrances. Fortunately, the modern cosmetics market is represented by a large number of natural products at a very reasonable cost.

What should be included in a good product:

  • Cleaning component - this ingredient should be at the forefront of the cleaning product. Most often, clay (kaolin) acts as such a component. The clay can be white, red or any other depending on the manufacturer.
  • The adsorbent element is mainly charcoal. This component is able to pull out all the dirt, dust and excess fat from the pores. This is a very powerful substance that can transform your face in just one dose.
  • Zinc – not a single cleansing mask can do without this element. This substance is known to everyone for its drying and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Glycolic acid - dissolves and exfoliates dead skin cells.
  • Salicylic acid - kills pathogens on the surface and inside the epidermis.
  • The manufacturer can also enrich cleansing products with useful ingredients, for example, plant extracts, essential oils, collagen, etc. can be included in the composition.

As for fatty oils, especially coke oil, it is best to avoid them. Oils, like Vaseline or glycerin, can clog pores and cause acne.

Depending on skin needs

The type of epidermis also plays an important role in the choice of cosmetic products.

  1. For dry and mature skin, products enriched with hyaluronic acid are suitable. Such products can moisturize the epidermis without weighing it down or leaving an oily sheen. Under no circumstances should there be alcohol in such products.
  2. For oily and combination epidermis, products containing zinc and tea tree essential oil are suitable. The composition should also contain extracts of chamomile and calendula.
  3. For sensitive skin, collagen, aloe vera, and panthenol are good ingredients.

Sour cream mask for dry skin

  • Lactic acid, part of the group of alpha hydroxyl acids, is the main component of anti-aging cosmetics. All lactic acid products contain lactic acid, but sour cream is the most suitable product for dry skin.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids do not like sunlight. Time to use them:
  • Sour cream can be used as a base for essential oils

  • Avoid using several acidic components in sour cream masks: lactic acid is not always friendly with fruit acids

The most successful companions for sour cream

  1. aroma oils
  2. yolk
  3. banana
  4. seasonal vegetables, but not cucumber

Important: a homemade product made with your own hands guarantees maximum health and beauty benefits

Anti-wrinkle mask for dry skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. freshly prepared banana puree
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l. sour cream
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 2 times a week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 3 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10-20

Criterias of choice

Tips on what to look for when purchasing:

  1. Compound. The material used by the manufacturer has direct contact with the face and must be non-allergenic. Be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates for products. The presence of natural components and a complex of various extracts will have a beneficial effect. Such care will not only be for cleansing, but also for the general improvement of the condition of the dermis.
  2. The best manufacturers. Well-known brands use natural, expensive ingredients in production, this leads to an increase in the cost of the finished product, but the maximum effect from use is achieved. With their help, you can arrange a salon treatment at home.
  3. Price. Inexpensive (budget) models contain inexpensive components that may not have the desired effect. When purchasing, pay attention to the problems that this type of mask helps solve; not all, even expensive models, will suit you.
  4. Where can I buy. You can purchase such a product in a regular cosmetic store or order it online from an online store. When purchasing online, you can find products at promotional prices, then the purchase will be cheaper than in a store. In the store you can visually evaluate the product, which is very convenient for this type of product.
  5. Varieties. The type of model should be selected individually, some prefer fabric, some need a washable model, others need a hard one. Such details should be taken into account when purchasing, otherwise the application method may not suit you.
  6. Store-bought or homemade. You can make your own cleanser at home. Step-by-step instructions on how to make a high-quality mask, as well as various recipes, can be found freely available on the Internet. Of course, you won’t be able to make a high-quality mask with hyaluronic acid or one that requires a special activator at home, but it is possible to obtain standard components for non-deep cleansing and without comprehensive care. But this will take some time, so it is often easier and cheaper to purchase a ready-made mass-produced product.

Firming mask for dry skin

Potato starch is a familiar stranger. For many, it will be a discovery that the effect of starch on facial skin is similar to the effect of Botox treatments

Starch is the main ingredient in many masks for dry skin.

Recipe #1 Starch mask for dry skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. starch
  • 1 tbsp. l. fat kefir. If the skin is very dry, replace with sour cream
  • 1 protein

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • no more than 1 time per week. You should not use protein masks too often, otherwise your skin will no longer be able to do without them.
  1. Total number of course procedures: 10-20

Another kitchen helper - gelatin - an alternative to cosmetic collagen

Recipe #2 Gelatin mask for dry skin

  • 1 tsp. gelatin
  • 8 tsp. milk
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey

How to prepare and use:

  1. Pour cold milk over the gelatin and leave until it swells.
  2. Thoroughly mix the remaining components of the mask until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  3. Place the container with the swollen gelatin in a water bath and leave until completely dissolved
  4. Carefully, stirring constantly, add liquid gelatin to the mask mixture.
  5. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  6. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes
  7. Remove any remaining mask with a cosmetic wipe or cotton sponge.
  8. Rinse your face with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  9. Frequency of mask use - no more than 1 time per week
  10. Total number of course procedures: 10-20

Nourishing mask for dry skin

Pharmacy vitamin complexes should be used to nourish the skin. Adding vitamins A and E will have a positive effect on the overall condition of the skin

  • 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin A oil solution
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin E oil solution
  • 1 tbsp. l. milk
  • rye bread crust

How to prepare and use:

  1. Heat the milk over low heat, without bringing it to a boil.
  2. Pour milk over bread
  3. Mix the mask components thoroughly. To obtain a more homogeneous mixture, use a blender
  4. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  5. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes
  6. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  7. Frequency of mask use: 1 time per week
  8. Total number of course procedures: 10

Mask for very dry face

This recipe is not a classic mask recipe. This is a tonic that can be used several times a day.

  • 200 ml milk
  • 1 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. turmeric
  • 1 tsp. chopped walnuts

Heat the mixture of milk with spices and nuts over low heat. Do not bring the milk to a boil, otherwise all the beneficial properties of the tonic will be lost.

Wipe your face with the milk-spicy mixture throughout the day as needed. There are no restrictions on the number of uses

Masks for dry mature skin

Mature age is not a death sentence for the skin. They will become your friends and allies in the fight over time.

  • essential oils
  • honey
  • aloe. A wonderful source of aloe juice is the fresh leaves of a living indoor plant.
  • starch and starch-containing products: mashed potatoes without spices and salt, potato broths, potato juice
  • gelatin
  • vitamins A and E
  • fish fat
  • vegetables and fruits
  • olive oil
  • dairy products
  • egg yolks

Face masks for dry, aging skin after 40

Recipe #1

Aroma oils for dry skin after 40 are presented in the table below. By mixing 5 drops of any of the oils with a few tablespoons of sour cream, you will get an effective skin care product.

By mixing all the oils presented in the table and adding any base oil, you will get an aroma complex that perfectly copes with age-related problems

Recipe #2

You will need freshly cut aloe leaves as raw materials for the tonic mask.

How to prepare and use:

  1. Rinse the leaves under running water, place in a colander and pour over boiling water to disinfect.
  2. Let the water drain and transfer the leaves to a sterile container with an airtight lid.
  3. The container should be kept for 12 days in a dark, cool place (at a temperature of no more than 14⁰C)
  4. During this time, the leaves will release juice and fermentation will occur.
  5. Apply the juice to cleansed facial skin with a cotton swab.
  6. Let the skin absorb the juice
  7. Apply nourishing cream

Video: How to look younger after 40?

Video: Woman after 40. Advice from an experienced cosmetologist

Mask for dry skin and aging skin over 50

Recipe #1

Aroma oils for dry skin after 50 are presented in the table below. By mixing 5 drops of any of the oils with a few tablespoons of sour cream, you will get an effective skin care product.

By mixing all the oils presented in the table and adding any base oil, you will get an aroma complex that perfectly copes with age-related problems

Recipe #2

  • 1 part pharmaceutical glycerin solution
  • 1 part liquid honey

How to prepare and use:

  1. Mix the mask components thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  2. Apply the mixture evenly to previously cleansed facial skin.
  3. Mask duration: 15-20 minutes
  4. Rinse off the mask with water. The water temperature should correspond to body temperature
  5. Frequency of mask use
  • for basic care: no more than 1 time per week
  • for intensive skin restoration: no more than 2 times a week until the condition of the skin improves
  1. Total number of course procedures: 30
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