Manual lymphatic drainage facial massage at home

Facial swelling, commonly known as “lymphoedema” or “tissue congestion,” can occur for a number of reasons, but is usually associated with some type of damage to the lymphatic system. Symptoms include a feeling of swelling in the face, but in some people the swelling may be more localized. In addition, edema can cause problems with the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels, and they must be excluded. Although symptoms may differ from person to person, the underlying cause is usually the same.

The main goal of any treatment option is to focus on the underlying cause of facial swelling. If it is due to a minor problem such as a sluggish immune response or lymphatic congestion, capillary clotting, massage will definitely reduce swelling and allow the face to return to its normal appearance.

According to research, the average person has between 501 and 700 lymph nodes in the body. Of these lymph nodes, some of the most important are located in the facial area, including the neck. When these knots become blocked by fluid, they can contribute to skin aging, acne, and a dull complexion. Fortunately, lymphatic drainage facial massage, which can be performed either by professionals or at home, is a simple and effective solution.

The benefits of massage for facial swelling in adults

If you are concerned about fluid accumulation under the skin, then lymphatic drainage massage may be the cosmetic treatment for you. The procedure involves gentle massage of the lymph nodes located around the eyes, ears and neck. This process helps flush out toxins from the lymphatic system around the face as it encourages accumulated fluid to return to the blood vessels for general circulation. This relieves pain, pressure and swelling.

Lymphatic drainage facial massage can be an excellent way to combat acne symptoms. Cosmetologists report that 90% of the world's population suffers from acne throughout their lives. But when lymphatic drainage facial massage is performed regularly, it prevents overload of the lymphatic system, promotes better blood circulation, improves the appearance of the skin, preventing clogged pores.

Although lymphatic drainage facial massage can be performed in the comfort of your home, it should be done with caution. Optimal results can only be achieved when the correct lymphatic drainage points are targeted and gently massaged. In addition, the pressure on the skin must be correct. If it is soft or the massage is done in the wrong direction, it will not be effective. This is why you should always choose a lymphatic drainage facial massage from a professional esthetician.

Nose massage

In what cases will a nasal massage help and how to do it correctly: KP memo

Lymphatic drainage facial massage is an effective means of combating toxins and swelling in the face and neck. However, no matter your age or skin condition, you will be amazed at how much a lymphatic drainage facial massage will improve the radiance and overall appearance of your face. Treating yourself to a professional lymphatic drainage facial massage is something you should do as part of your regular health and beauty routine.

Salon procedure

Since various clinics and beauty salons purchase expensive massage devices, there is a high probability of a positive result.

Hardware procedures involve various techniques:

  • microcurrent therapy;
  • drainage massage with silicone fingers;
  • radiofrequency exposure;
  • electrophoresis;
  • influence of infrared rays;
  • And so on.

Advice. Before going to a cosmetologist, it is better to consult an ophthalmologist or dermatologist, because machine massage, unlike manual massage, has a greater number of contraindications.

Contraindications for massage for facial swelling for adults

It is important to understand that for any massage there are a number of contraindications, neglecting which is dangerous for health. The following conditions are contraindications for facial massage against swelling:

  • any types of oncology;
  • colds, flu;
  • any forms of tuberculosis;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • pimples, pustules, wounds on the skin in the affected area;
  • enlarged lymph nodes, lymphadenitis;
  • rosacea of ​​the skin, the presence of dermatoses;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • neuralgia in the trigeminal nerve area;
  • allergic swelling of the face.

In these cases, massage is dangerous, and negative consequences may occur.


KP's guide to the main types of massage, their benefits and contraindications

Reasons for appearance

There are two types of bags under the eyes:

  1. Appeared as a result of edema. At the same time, bags under the eyes can appear once or daily as a result of the accumulation of excess fluid, which the body does not have time to remove in time. Bags under the eyes, caused by swelling, are most noticeable after sleep and decrease or disappear completely in the late afternoon, when gravity and stimulated circulation cause fluid to flow away from the upper body.
  2. Associated with the proliferation of adipose tissue. The fact is that the eyeball is separated from the orbit by a layer of fatty tissue (periorbital tissue). When the periorbital tissue grows, the orbital septum becomes tense, and as a result, the septum extends beyond the orbit, forming “bags.” Such bags under the eyes are permanent and do not depend on the time of day.

There are many reasons that cause the appearance of bags under the eyes:

  • Heredity. If the bags appeared in childhood or adolescence and remain forever, the matter is most likely due to a hereditary predisposition to the growth of fatty tissue, i.e. there are bags under the eyes of the second type. By the way, if the cause of the growth of fatty tissue is heredity, then bags under the eyes are often combined with skin lipomas, or fatty deposits in other parts of the body. In addition, there are certain types of constitutions that are predisposed to a certain eyelid shape. Thus, bags appear more often in people of dense build.
  • Swelling of the eyelids as a result of taking alcohol, drugs. When characteristic bulges appear under the eyes after a stormy party, the cause-and-effect relationship is as easy as pie: taking alcohol or drugs in combination with insufficient sleep causes swelling of the periorbital tissue, leading to undesirable cosmetic consequences. In this case, there are bags under the eyes of the first type.
  • Swelling of the eyelids as a result of excess salt in the body. Swelling of the eyelids is also caused by excessive consumption of salty foods - as you know, salt retains water in the body, a large volume of which is contained in adipose tissue, including inside the eye socket. As a result of swelling, temporary or permanent bags under the eyes of the first type appear.
  • Swelling of the eyelids as a result of various diseases. Water retention (edema) in the periorbital tissue can be caused by various kidney diseases, allergic diseases (rhinitis, conjunctivitis), respiratory infections, inflammation of the sinuses, and endocrine diseases.
  • Hormonal changes in the body. Many women experience bags under their eyes during some phases of their menstrual cycle. In such cases, fluid retention (swelling of the eyelids) is associated with hormonal changes. In this case, bags under the eyes of the first type appear for a short time, which disappear after the hormonal levels normalize.
  • Excessive ultraviolet radiation. Swelling of the eyelids can also appear under the eyes in overzealous fans of resorts and solariums - in this case, the cause will be excess ultraviolet radiation.
  • Overwork, stress, lack of walks in the fresh air, poor environment. The most common cause of swelling of the eyelids (the appearance of bags under the eyes of the first type) is general fatigue and eye strain, for example, when sitting for a long time at the computer or in front of the TV, stress, fatigue, poor environment.
  • Lack of sleep, incorrect sleeping position. Swelling of the eyelids is often caused by chronic lack of sleep, as well as incorrect head position during sleep. Read more about the correct position to sleep in without negative cosmetic consequences for our appearance, as well as how to learn to relax and get enough sleep in our article “Healthy sleep - the return of beauty.”
  • Allergic reactions to irritants in the air and food. As a consequence of allergies, swelling of the eyelids may occur.
  • Age. With age, in some people, the periorbital tissue, for an as yet unclear reason, gradually grows and sag under the skin of the lower eyelid. Outwardly, this is manifested by the appearance of permanent bags under the eyes of the second type and their gradual increase.

Regardless of the cause, long-term bags under the eyes often lead to a gradual increase in pigmentation of the lower eyelids. It is visually aggravated by the shadow from the bags themselves, leading to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes. In some people, due to individual characteristics, the capillary network shines through the skin of the eyelids (especially after lack of sleep or excessive libations), which creates the same effect of dark circles.

How to give a massage for facial swelling to adults at home

Every morning after cleansing your face, you can take your usual face cream or serum, apply it to your palms and rub into massage points on the face and décolleté, where lymphatic fluid can become clogged, which can also lead to swelling of the face. The cream and serum help to gently massage the skin without rubbing or irritating it.

Here are some simple tips to reduce swelling. Try them in the morning at home, in the afternoon at work, anywhere and anytime!

Apply gentle pressure with your fingers to the area just below where your collarbone begins. For some, this may cause a little pain because lymph fluid is clogged in the area. As soon as you let them go, the discomfort will go away.

Gently rub the sides of your neck in a downward motion from under the ears to the shoulders. This releases all the tense muscles and also helps flush out toxins accumulated in the décolleté area.

Using one finger, press the front ends of your eyebrows. This helps reduce swelling around the eyes.

Apply pressure to the lower half of the area between your lower lip and chin.

Finally, press on a soft area of ​​skin in front of your earlobes and find an area that hurts slightly when you press on it - massage that area for a few seconds. Then massage the hollow area just behind your earlobes.

These simple steps should help reduce morning puffiness, as well as improve blood circulation in the face, causing the skin to more efficiently absorb nutrients and improve elasticity.

Eye exercises

Photo: Yandex.Pictures

  • Close your eyes, use your fingertips to make circular movements around the eyes, starting from the temples to the nose below and from the nose to the temples above the eyebrows. Repeat 10 times.
  • During the exercise, you need to breathe evenly. You should also be in a comfortable position, preferably lying on a bed or sitting in a soft chair.
  • Massage your eyelids with the portion of your palm between the start of your thumb and the soft pad near your wrist. Move smoothly and gently. After the exercise, do not look immediately at bright light.
  • Close your eyes and cover them with your palms. Darkness promotes relaxation of the eyes and eyelids. The exercise should last 2–3 minutes.

Popular questions and answers

Georgy Temichev, a doctor of physical therapy and sports medicine, orthopedic traumatologist, and rehabilitation specialist, answered popular questions about massage for facial swelling.

Is it possible to combat facial swelling through massage?

You can fight the problem if the swelling is lymphatic, and on the face they often are. If the swelling is still venous, for example, simply an elevated position of the head during rest and night sleep will be sufficient. Then there will be no swelling.

How often should adults get a massage for facial swelling?

Massage for swelling should be done only when necessary. If there is swelling, we do it; if not, there is no need for massage for prevention. Let me emphasize that it’s better not to do a massage then, because it doesn’t make sense.

Japanese dumplings “Gedza” with minced fish

Category: Hot dishes Flour dishes Dumplings, manti, khinkali

Many dishes of Japanese, Korean and Chinese cuisine have long taken root on our table, many have become favorites. Gyoza is one of them. Many people know the recipe for classic gyoza with minced meat and Chinese cabbage. In addition, there are many recipes with different fillings, there are even sweet ones. I offer a recipe with minced chum salmon.

Is it possible to reduce swelling due to lymphostasis using compression garments?

The use of compression garments can reduce the symptoms of the disease, improve the functioning of the lymphatic system, and stop the progression of the pathology. In the treatment of the lower extremities, elastic socks are used for lymphostasis, and for the treatment of arms, a sleeve is used for lymphostasis. Compression sleeves or knee socks for lymphostasis can be bought in specialized stores or ordered online.

Compression garments apply the necessary pressure, which is evenly distributed throughout the pathological area. There are 4 compression classes (from 18 to 50 and above mm Hg), so the type of compression garments should be prescribed by your doctor. Properly selected underwear will not cause discomfort and will have the required therapeutic effect.


There are different types of eye massage – this is where you should start. Before looking for a massage therapist or massager to improve vision at home, you should decide on the most pressing problem (or problems) for you and choose a way to solve them.

So, there are these types of physiotherapeutic procedures:

Glasses-massagers for vision restoration

  • Eye massage to restore vision includes many techniques and methods, aimed primarily at stimulating blood circulation in the eye area. By improving the nutrition of the eye structures, it is possible to improve cell regeneration and partially restore vision in case of degenerative tissue changes. To increase visual acuity, acupressure techniques are often used, in which by pressing on certain bioactive points, the brain centers responsible for the perception and processing of visual images are stimulated.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage of the eyes is indicated for the first age-related changes in the skin of the area around the eyes; it helps eliminate puffiness, bags, circles, smooth out wrinkles and lighten pigmentation of sensitive skin. These types of massages can be performed in medical centers, beauty salons, or independently at home; anti-aging cosmetics are often additionally used, which are applied to the skin before the procedure.
  • A relaxing massage is recommended for absolutely everyone, taking into account the constant impact on the eyes of mobile gadgets, computer monitors, TV screens and other man-made factors, burdened heredity, and poor lifestyle. A properly performed massage to relieve eye strain guarantees a fresh look, visual acuity and the absence of such unpleasant symptoms as irritation, redness and dryness of the eyes.

And there is also a special therapeutic massage for infants with obstruction of the lacrimal canal - dacryocystitis - and massage for meibomitis - inflammation of the lacrimal glands. In both cases, the purpose of the massage is to stimulate the outflow of pus and tear fluid accumulated in the lacrimal canaliculi and glands.

The latest technologies allow you to perform any type of massage yourself, at a time convenient for you at home, during your lunch break at work or on the road

Note: Recently, special magnetic acupuncture eye simulators have become increasingly popular. These are simple devices that consist of a goggle mask with mini-fingers on the inside made of soft silicone. When you turn on the device, these fingers begin to vibrate and move, due to which the tissues are stimulated. The most innovative devices are equipped with additional functions such as infrared or ultrasonic radiation. According to patient reviews, in terms of effectiveness, procedures with such a massager, if done regularly, can easily replace Botox procedures.

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