Balm Rescuer: indications and method of use

The well-known pharmaceutical product “Rescuer” for acne is actively used. This drug for external use has a combined composition that has a complex effect on the skin. The medicine not only effectively fights acne, but also generally improves the condition of the dermis, preventing the reappearance of unwanted rashes. Before using “Rescuer”, you need to read the instructions and consult with a specialized physician who deals with dermatological problems and this can be either a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.

Operating principle

Long-term clinical studies have shown that Rescuer has a unique healing effect. It effectively initiates restoration processes in damaged tissues, which are non-inflammatory in nature. This leads to a significant acceleration of wound healing, preventing the formation of rough scars, the development of infection and intoxication.

Using Rescuer helps restore skin evenly over the entire damaged surface. A powerful bacteriostatic effect creates favorable conditions for rapid wound cleansing. By normalizing the balance of biologically active substances in the affected area, it significantly reduces pain.

The medicinal series Rescuer is available in the form of balm, cream, ointment and gel.

Composition of the drug and properties

What is the composition of Rescuer ointment? The drug contains exclusively natural ingredients. Its properties and effects determine the presence of:

  • Propolis.
  • Lipids from cow's milk.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Turpentine oil.
  • Tocopherol.
  • Tea tree essential oil.
  • Lavender oil.

Being a unique natural antibiotic produced by bees, propolis has many positive effects. It provides strengthening of natural immunity in the skin and stimulation of tissue restoration processes (dermatoplastic effect). In addition, it is characterized by the following effects:

  • Bactericidal.
  • Bacteriostatic.
  • Anesthetic.
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Sea buckthorn oil helps accelerate tissue healing, normalize physiological processes in the skin, and neutralize the presence of free radicals (antioxidant effect). At the same time, tea tree oil prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria without affecting normal microflora. Significantly improves the condition of the skin with acne (pimples), relieves irritation and has an antiseptic effect.

Special lipids (fats), which are obtained from cow's milk, can soften and increase the elasticity of the epidermis. Also prevents dry skin. Protect the skin from the negative effects of adverse environmental factors. Thanks to turpentine oil, peripheral blood circulation in the treated area improves. Neutralization of free radicals is carried out by vitamin E, which, in synergy with lipids, helps restore and strengthen the protective factors of the skin.

Composition and action

The medication consists of the following components, each of which has corresponding healing properties:

  • Milk lipids. They are characterized by a pronounced softening and regenerating effect, as well as the ability to nourish the skin, preventing drying out and ensuring the normal natural process of regeneration of damaged tissue structures.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Accelerates the healing of damaged areas of the dermis and exhibits an antioxidant effect.
  • Beeswax. Stops inflammatory processes, softens and creates a protective barrier on the wound surface from negative external factors.
  • Turpentine. Eliminates inflammation, expands vascular walls, relieves pain and stimulates regenerative processes.
  • Echinacea extract. Stimulates immunity and inhibits oxidation.
  • Lavender oil. It has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms, soothes the dermis and relieves symptoms of irritation.

“Rescuer” balm helps cleanse wounds and naturally restore damage to the outer covering of the human body, while the therapeutic effect is observed just a few hours after applying the drug to the dermis.

Indications and contraindications

The range of applications of the medicinal series Rescuer (ointment, balm, gel, cream) is quite wide. These external preparations are most effective for the following pathological conditions:

  • Superficial and deep wounds of various origins and nature.
  • Burns of any severity.
  • Bruises, hematomas and other superficial injuries.
  • Sprains of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin (for example, acne, pimples, etc.).

In case of hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to the components of the Rescuer, any type of this external medicinal product is contraindicated for use.

Are there any restrictions?

No matter how highly effective the medicinal product “Rescuer” is, not everyone is allowed to use it in the fight against acne. Persons who have an individual intolerance to any component of its composition should not use the combination drug. It is not advisable to use the medicine in advanced forms of the dermatological problem. In other cases, and even during pregnancy, using “Rescuer” in the fight against acne is not contraindicated. The main thing is to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and instructions in the instructions.

If the “Rescuer” balm is used incorrectly, allergic reactions may develop, manifested in the form of itching, burning pain, hives and swelling of the treated area of ​​the dermis. In exceptional cases, the inflammatory process may worsen. If you observe any signs of a negative reaction of the body to the components of the “Rescuer” ointment, you must stop treatment and consult with a specialized physician. It may be necessary to adjust the dosage or completely replace it with a similar, but more suitable medication.

Side effects

What undesirable effects can you encounter from using the Rescuer? In the vast majority of cases, the external agent is well tolerated and is considered a completely safe drug, which is confirmed by numerous clinical studies. In isolated cases, allergic reactions occur in the form of redness, swelling, itching, burning in the area where the medication is applied, etc.

At the same time, if I smear the skin with Rescuer and observe the appearance of side effects of various kinds, it is necessary to immediately stop using the drug and consult a specialist for advice as soon as possible.

For problem skin on the face, instead of balm, it is better to use antiseptic ointment or Acne Rescuer cream, which are quite effective for acne and other rashes.

Recommendations for use

Despite the fact that the annotation does not describe the possibility of using “Rescuer” ointment for acne, its rich composition is effective against inflamed bumps on the skin. Apply acne cream on your face as follows:

The ointment is applied with a thin ball only to the neoplasm.

  1. Clean the dermis of cosmetics and dust using antibacterial soaps, tonics and cleansing lotions.
  2. Apply a thin layer of “Rescuer” to problem areas.
  3. If necessary, you can re-treat pimples with cream, but only after the first layer has been absorbed.
  4. Use until acne is completely removed.

Features of application

If the patient has thermal damage to the skin (for example, burns or frostbite), generously treat the affected skin area with the drug. Due to body temperature, the consistency of the balm changes, becoming more fluid. This makes it possible to distribute the drug over the entire affected area without touching the painful surface of the skin. As a rule, the pain stops approximately 10 minutes after treating the damaged area. After applying the drug, it is recommended to apply a bandage with an insulating layer. Such measures will only speed up the healing process without complications (blisters, infections, etc.).

If there is a traumatic injury to the skin, including a contusion, bruise, abrasion, etc., the drug is applied directly to the affected area and covered with a bandage, which must have an insulating layer that prevents the absorption of the drug. Early application (immediately after injury) of Rescuer significantly speeds up the process of restoration of damaged tissue.

Balm “Rescuer” from OOO Lumi

Hello my dears! Today I want to talk about the miracle balm!

The story began with the fact that a classmate had a huge, inflamed pimple in the area of ​​her nose, it was breaking out, it was hurting... She was advised to buy Rescuer balm at the pharmacy! They say it will all work out right away and is inexpensive... I laughed, and she bought it! Then the session ended and I didn’t see her again to ask about the action! Then it was teenage girls who advised me, they said the very thing for pimples! And then I was showered with inflamed subcutaneous tissues in the area of ​​the lower jaw, crawling all the way up to my neck... Bee! And this is pain, abscesses, healthy inflammation, and huge immature lumps!!! Then I remembered all the advice about the RESCUE balm. Well, I bought it...

It is in an aluminum tube, dirty yellow...

The consistency is liquid, oily, and when warmed up on the body, it flows. With the addition of some very small grains...

The SMELL is specific - it smells like herbs, propolis and something else. Cutting! But I have a normal attitude towards smells, so this smell is not offensive to me either.

Now about the action. I applied it to my inflamed subcutaneous skin at night, and before going to bed (about half an hour or an hour later) I blotted off the residue with a napkin so as not to smear the bed. Girls, the next morning I couldn’t believe my eyes and feelings!!! The pain went away, the abscesses decreased, the inflammation became much smaller in diameter... And this happened overnight!!! I was simply shocked!!! And so I did the lotions for three nights, and what do you think?! My subcutaneous tissues, which had been sitting and not ripening for weeks, have ripened and even the head came out (sorry for the details)! Now I smear both large and small inflammations when I’m at home (and I’m always at home)!))) All the problems ripen faster and painlessly! I even applied it to a fresh bruise, the pain went away and I felt comfortable! I think the balm won’t let me down here either.))) That’s it!!! I advise everyone!

Mode of application:

The balm is applied liberally to the affected surface and, if necessary, covered with a bandage with an insulating layer that prevents the balm from being absorbed into the bandage. If the nature of the skin damage allows, apply with light massage movements and rub in lightly. As it is absorbed, the balm is reapplied. The duration of healing depends on the size of the traumatic surface and the urgency of the first application of the balm. The clinical healing effect appears a few hours after applying the bandage. If necessary, it can be used repeatedly until you feel comfortable.

Contraindications and side effects:

It is not recommended to use the balm on chronic wounds, as well as during trophic processes in tissues. No contraindications have been identified.


Ghee butter, olive oil, calendula oil extract, purified turpentine oil, beeswax, sea buckthorn oil, refined naftalan oil, vitamin E, vitamin A, essential oils of tea tree, rose, lavender.

Volume: 30 gr.

Medicinal series Rescuer

The medicinal series Rescuer is represented by various external agents (about 15 pieces). Let's list some of them:

  • Antiseptic cream for skin healing.
  • Moisturizing body cream.
  • Skin care cream for children and adults.
  • Regenerating gel, etc.

For example, the antiseptic cream Rescuer for skin healing includes extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins and minerals. This medicine provides high-quality care and regeneration (restoration) of the skin. It can be used for burns, wounds, cuts, abrasions, bruises, dermatitis, eczema, bedsores, diaper rash, pimples, acne, etc. The drug has a good antiseptic effect, stimulates regeneration processes, reduces irritation and inflammation, normalizes the condition and increases the protective properties of the skin. Allowed for complex therapy in dermatological practice (pimples, acne, etc.).

The regenerating gel Rescuer is quite popular. Thanks to the presence of extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins, minerals, silver colloid and panthenol, intensive stimulation of cell growth and restoration of damaged tissues is ensured. Can be used to treat the skin of the face and neck. Quite effective for various types of burns. Additionally, if you have problematic dry skin, it can be used as a daily skin care product.

Quickly relieves skin irritation caused by various factors (windy weather, soap, hygiene products, etc.). When using the gel, there is a decrease in signs of inflammation of the skin. Absorbs well without leaving greasy marks. Can be used by all family members as there are no age restrictions.

If you are unsure how to properly use Burn Rescue balm, cream, or ointment, consult a qualified healthcare professional.

Is it true that the penny cream “Rescuer” cures the skin of everything? bookmark 8

The popular inexpensive balm “Rescuer” is gaining more and more popularity on the Internet. The cheap product delights users who dedicate praise to it and claim that the cream has cured their skin of everything.

The manufacturers of the balm claim that it is made entirely from natural ingredients and does not contain any antibiotics or hormones. Indeed, it contains olive, ghee and sea buckthorn oil, calendula extract, beeswax, turpentine, vitamins A and E, essential oils of tea tree, lavender and rose.

Indications for use include burns and frostbite, blisters, scars, bruises, abrasions, cracks, swelling, acute inflammatory processes on the skin, sprains. Judging by the reviews on the Internet, the balm really easily eliminates such problems. Experts believe that the rich composition of the ointment easily copes with such skin damage, and also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Users call the balm “legendary” and claim that it should be in every medicine cabinet. Numerous reviews from the “before and after” series really prove that the balm quickly saves the skin from burns, purulent wounds, calluses and bruises.

However, it turned out that the cream also helps just dry, dehydrated skin thanks to the oils in its composition. It nourishes and moisturizes it well, preventing moisture evaporation.

In addition, many Internet users say that they use the “lifesaver” when fighting acne. It quickly neutralizes inflammation and “saves the skin from acne.” And in the case of subcutaneous acne, you should smear it on the site of inflammation at night, so that by the morning “the pus will come out from under the skin,” says a long-time fan of the product.

But that’s not all, women share their results from using the balm for cosmetic purposes. So they write on the Internet that after using the “rescuer” as a night cream, the skin became more homogeneous, and minor inflammations disappeared.

Inspired by the beneficial properties of the “lifesaver”, users are testing its properties for any skin problems. Some even claim that the cream helps get rid of stretch marks and fine wrinkles. However, you should not apply it all over your face as it may clog your pores. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. It is worth noting that among hundreds of laudatory reviews, there were 2-3 people for whom the cream was not suitable. They did not notice any visible results.

Jul 11, 2019Olga

Help is at hand

It is worth admitting that everyone has had to get burned at least once in their life. In addition, many of us often face various kinds of wounds, bruises, abrasions, and dermatological problems (pimples, blackheads, irritation). Such unpleasant situations can arise at any time and anywhere. It is quite obvious that you should have an effective first aid product on hand. The drug Rescuer is exactly the remedy that should be in every person’s home medicine cabinet.

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