Basic rules for using tar soap for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a dermatological disease that requires particularly careful skin care. When cleaning, it is necessary to use mild detergents that have medicinal properties. Only in this way can it be possible to prevent the development of psoriasis and normalize the functionality of cells. One of the popular medicinal and cosmetic preparations is tar soap for psoriasis. It helps to care for the epidermis damaged by the disease and helps to minimize symptoms that are unpleasant for the patient.

Tar soap for psoriasis

Tar has long been used for psoriasis because it has healing properties :

  • disinfects, eliminates germs;
  • relieves itching in psoriasis;
  • relieves inflammation and redness;
  • helps eliminate purulent elements.

The most convenient way to use tar is to wash with tar soap . It is surprising that the soap itself contains only 10% tar, but this amount is sufficient for a therapeutic effect for psoriasis.

In addition to birch tar, saponified vegetable oils and herbal extracts are added to tar soap. Therefore, its composition is completely natural.

When using, keep in mind that tar should not be used for kidney disease . In addition, tar increases susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, so you should use it with caution in the sunny season.

Tar soap for psoriasis: list

Use of tar soap for psoriasis: can be used daily, and for some patients - even twice a day.

  • tar soap from Nevskaya Cosmetics;
  • Bio Beauty gel tar soap;
  • Tegrin Medicated Soap;
  • varieties of Crimean natural tar soap with additives of mud, stevia, sulfur.

In addition, you can make tar soap yourself. To do this, take birch tar and baby soap in equal parts, mix, roll into balls (or put in a mold), and dry. The resulting soap can be used for daily washing.

Tar soap for psoriasis: reviews

Reviews about tar soap are contradictory, but mostly positive. They note that this soap does not dry out the skin and helps remove plaques:

Review of tar soap by user sonia

Review of tar soap by cardinal

Review of tar soap by user zhenis

Review of tar soap by user Olik

Review of tar soap by user Amir

Properties and composition

Tar soap is a unique product that has a powerful restorative effect. It is based on aging birch or coniferous wood. They contain a large amount of tar. This natural component has many beneficial effects, including:

  1. relieves inflammation on the skin;
  2. restores natural blood circulation;
  3. eliminates purulent formations;
  4. accelerates skin restoration and regeneration;
  5. kills pathogenic microorganisms: bacteria and fungi;
  6. cleanses the skin of the stratum corneum.

In addition, tar soap for psoriasis has the following effects:

  • relieves itching and burning sensations;
  • normalizes nutrition, softens the skin;
  • accelerates the healing process of damaged areas of the integument;
  • relieves peeling, moisturizes.

Washing the skin with tar helps cleanse it of pathogenic microorganisms, which has a beneficial effect on the healing of damaged areas.

Tar soap for psoriasis can only get rid of the disease if you can completely stop using synthetic cosmetics. In the initial stages, it is acceptable to use regular shower gels. However, if psoriatic rashes have spread throughout the body, all hygiene procedures should be carried out using tar. It should be used until the condition completely improves.

Tar shampoo for psoriasis

Tar shampoos have been used against psoriasis of the scalp since the times of Ancient Rus'. They differ in the type of tar that is included in the composition - birch, juniper, pine.

Tar shampoo for psoriasis: list

Russian and Western companies produce tar shampoos:

Shampoo Psoril

  • shampoo “Psorilom” (medicinal);
  • "Friderm tar" - medicinal;
  • "Algopix" ​​- medicinal shampoo;
  • shampoo from Nevskaya Cosmetics (Russia) - cosmetic;
  • tar shampoo 911 (Russia) - cosmetic;
  • shampoo from grandmother Agafya (Russia) - cosmetic;
  • Finnish tar shampoo - cosmetic;
  • tar shampoo “Golden silk” - cosmetic;
  • shampoo Tana (Russia) - cosmetic;
  • “Birch-tar” shampoo - cosmetic;
  • tar shampoo “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” - cosmetic.

Tar shampoos have a great advantage: a completely natural composition.

Tar shampoo for psoriasis: reviews

Be careful: tar shampoos do not help all patients; in some they provoke allergies on the head.

Review of tar shampoo by user 777

Review of tar shampoo by user Marinkaa


The natural product is highly valued by dermatologists. It is prescribed for the treatment of various forms of dermatological diseases. It is important to know about contraindications to its use:

  • allergy to active ingredients;
  • sensitive skin and also prone to increased dryness;
  • the presence of open wounds, inflammatory lesions, abrasions, purulent foci, etc. on the surface of the epidermis;
  • renal failure.

Doctors do not prohibit the use of a therapeutic and hygienic product during pregnancy. When breastfeeding, the product is allowed to be used only if the newborn has no contraindications to the use of the corresponding products. Before starting a course of therapy, a young mother should consult with a pediatrician about the advisability and need for appropriate treatment.

If there are contraindications to the use of a natural product, it is recommended to use laundry soap for psoriasis.

Conclusions about tar soap and shampoos

Tar soap helps get rid of itching on the head and body; you can use it every day. It’s not difficult to choose: almost all tar soaps are of a natural composition and contain 10% tar , which is enough for a therapeutic effect.

Be careful with shampoos: they can cause allergic reactions. Most reviews, however, are also positive.

Read in detail about the healing properties of tar in the material: “Tar for psoriasis.”

If you are a supporter of natural treatment methods, be sure to check out the collection of recipes against psoriasis: “53 traditional methods for psoriasis.”

The most modern and effective treatment method: “Ultraviolet 311 nm against psoriasis.” In addition, this method is also natural, because the sun has long been considered a healer of many diseases .

Indications for use

Dermatologists prescribe soap to patients for psoriasis to treat any form of the disease. Depending on the stage of complexity of the disease, the positive effect of therapy is observed after a certain time. For example, the use of tar soap for the vulgar form gives a positive therapeutic effect after just a single use of the active agent. To notice a decrease in symptoms in the exudative form, 2-4 times the use of a natural product is required.

A product with tar is prescribed for the treatment of psoriasis of the surface of the skin, nails and scalp.

The best remedies for Psoriasis

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Antipsoriasis cream 990 rub.

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Magnipsor ointment RUB 1,490

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Ultraviolet lamp Dermalight ® RUB 14,900.

How to make soap at home

If a patient with psoriasis for some reason does not want to use the finished product (it contains, although an insignificant, but still noticeable percentage of synthetic additives that can cause allergic reactions), he can make such a remedy with his own hands.

An approximate recipe for making homemade tar soap looks something like this:

  • A piece of regular baby soap (can be bought in a store or pharmacy) without additives or fragrances;
  • Olive or linseed oil (20 g is enough);
  • 15 g of tar substance (sold in pharmacies and specialty stores);
  • 10 g purified water.

A piece of soap is grated, mixed with purified water and placed in a steam bath - the mass should acquire a homogeneous consistency. After the composition has completely cooled, you need to add the prepared tar to it and pour in the oil. The mixture is poured into molds and left in a cool place to harden - usually 1-2 days are enough for this. Once ready, the natural product is used instead of regular soap for washing, compresses, hair washing and other medicinal purposes.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is widely used in folk medicine and everyday life.

Properties of laundry soap:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • relieves itching;
  • reduces skin irritation;
  • cleanses the upper layers of the dermis from toxins and bacterial parasites.

Antibacterial action is an important criterion when choosing a drug for the treatment of psoriasis. Eliminating a possible infection reduces the likelihood of infection of damaged skin areas and speeds up tissue restoration.

Indications for use

The main symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • the formation of a reddened spot raised above adjacent areas of the skin;
  • waxy crusts on the affected areas;
  • peeling of the dermis;
  • itching;
  • scales on psoriatic plaques are easily separated.

The alkaline environment of laundry soap promotes drying and healing of affected skin areas, and reducing itching reduces the likelihood of plaques being scratched.


The use of laundry soap for psoriasis has its contraindications:

  • dryness of the upper layers of the skin;
  • increased tissue sensitivity.

Under the influence of the alkaline environment of the soap solution, noticeable irritation may appear on the skin, so long-term use of soap is not recommended to avoid overdrying.

How to use it correctly

The method of using laundry soap as a medicine prescribes:

  1. Cover the affected areas with a thick soap solution 3 times a day.
  2. The soap solution should remain on the skin for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Use for plaques on the scalp 2 times a week.

Important information: What kind of ointment is Radevit?

Using laundry soap, you can make a mask according to a folk recipe:

  1. Rub the soap.
  2. Mix 2 tablespoons of tar and soap shavings.
  3. Add 1 cup chicken fat, 3 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon each of salt and fir oil.
  4. Stir until a uniform consistency is obtained.
  5. Before use, you need to add a little medical bile.
  6. The resulting mass is applied to the skin before bedtime.
  7. In the morning, the mask must be washed off thoroughly.

For the first use, it is recommended to use the product for a short time to avoid side effects or burning. Folk remedies are a good solution during remission of the disease or during periods of minor rashes. If large-scale skin lesions occur, a complex effect of medications and procedures prescribed by a dermatologist is required.

Treatment of psoriasis with tar and laundry soap, despite the availability of modern medicine, is still a fairly popular method. This is a safe way to reduce the risk of complications or allergies to chemical components.

Efficiency of therapy

According to patient reviews, inexpensive and effective cosmetics with tar significantly improve the skin, reduce the area of ​​psoriatic rashes, and relieve pain, itching and discomfort.

I like the tar smell and the price of the soap. Treatment also helps with exacerbations. The only negative is that you need to additionally lubricate the body with a rich cream, otherwise the soap will greatly tighten and dry the skin.

Anna, Minsk.

I have been suffering from psoriasis for a long time. I tried many remedies, but they didn’t help. The soap was recommended to me. Just a couple of days later the rash went away and the peeling disappeared. I will continue to use it.

Sofia, Kaluga.

How to wash properly

During periods of exacerbation of psoriasis, showering and bathing should be done a little less frequently than usual. You should not use your usual gel, shampoo or soap for hygiene procedures for psoriasis.

During the period of exacerbation of psoriasis, a person must perform all hygiene procedures, guided by the following principles:

  • try to spend less time in the shower and in the bath;
  • use a special anti-psoriasis gel, shampoo and soap;
  • choose only mild skin care products that have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • before taking a bath or shower, lubricate the areas of skin affected by psoriasis with regular Vaseline;
  • dry the skin with a soft towel, using light movements so as not to touch the inflamed area;
  • Be sure to wipe your skin dry.

If we are talking about washing the face, a person also needs to use a special gel so that the effect is as soft and positive as possible. When a person washes during an exacerbation of psoriasis, it is better for him not to use hard washcloths, because they can seriously damage the skin. If a gel is used, a small amount of psoriasis medication must be used.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is widely used in folk medicine and everyday life.

The medicinal qualities of the product are explained by its composition, which includes a large amount of fatty acids and exclusively natural ingredients.

Properties of laundry soap:

  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • relieves itching;
  • reduces skin irritation;
  • cleanses the upper layers of the dermis from toxins and bacterial parasites.

Antibacterial action is an important criterion when choosing a drug for the treatment of psoriasis. Eliminating a possible infection reduces the likelihood of infection of damaged skin areas and speeds up tissue restoration.

Indications for use

The main symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • the formation of a reddened spot raised above adjacent areas of the skin;
  • waxy crusts on the affected areas;
  • peeling of the dermis;
  • itching;
  • scales on psoriatic plaques are easily separated.

The alkaline environment of laundry soap promotes drying and healing of affected skin areas, and reducing itching reduces the likelihood of plaques being scratched.


The use of laundry soap for psoriasis has its contraindications:

  • dryness of the upper layers of the skin;
  • increased tissue sensitivity.

Under the influence of the alkaline environment of the soap solution, noticeable irritation may appear on the skin, so long-term use of soap is not recommended to avoid overdrying.

How to use it correctly

The method of using laundry soap as a medicine prescribes:

  1. Cover the affected areas with a thick soap solution 3 times a day.
  2. The soap solution should remain on the skin for no more than 10 minutes.
  3. Use for plaques on the scalp 2 times a week.

Using laundry soap, you can make a mask according to a folk recipe:

  1. Rub the soap.
  2. Mix 2 tablespoons of tar and soap shavings.
  3. Add 1 cup chicken fat, 3 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon each of salt and fir oil.
  4. Stir until a uniform consistency is obtained.
  5. Before use, you need to add a little medical bile.
  6. The resulting mass is applied to the skin before bedtime.
  7. In the morning, the mask must be washed off thoroughly.

For the first use, it is recommended to use the product for a short time to avoid side effects or burning. Folk remedies are a good solution during remission of the disease or during periods of minor rashes. If large-scale skin lesions occur, a complex effect of medications and procedures prescribed by a dermatologist is required.

Treatment of psoriasis with tar and laundry soap, despite the availability of modern medicine, is still a fairly popular method. This is a safe way to reduce the risk of complications or allergies to chemical components.

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