Cleansing and caring for facial skin with soda: advice from a cosmetologist

Face masks have always had and will have an honorable place in cosmetology. They help in skin renewal, deep cleansing, and restoration of elasticity. However, you don’t always want to spend money on expensive masks from well-known manufacturers. In this case, you can save money and make a mask at home. It will be made from natural products, have the desired consistency, consist of correctly selected components and will not cause allergies. After all, it will be made from proven ingredients. You can also safely add the required components or remove unnecessary ones.

How does baking soda affect facial skin?

A common kitchen product - sodium bicarbonate can replace a face cream, a cosmetic mask, as well as a peeling program. Such a magical effect can be explained by its exceptional composition, where useful ingredients, when combined, greatly enhance their effectiveness.


  1. Oxygen that literally revives the skin.
  2. Sodium is a kind of “conductor” of everything useful, transferring life-giving agents from the surface of the skin to the deep layers of the dermis, where they heal and nourish the skin from the inside.
  3. Hydrogen, which protects the face from the aggressiveness of the harmful effects of everything around.
  4. Carbon is the enemy of sebaceous shine and acne, which are the scourge of beauty.

Overcome acne? Trust soda!

What is the benefit

You have already realized that sodium bicarbonate is one of the best natural cosmetics, let's look at examples of how soda is useful for the face, what it can cure and overcome. So:

  • Pollution, of any type - be it from dust/dirt, or from cosmetics/make-up.
  • Acne of all types - be it teenage or hormonal.
  • A greasy sheen that spoils any look.
  • Redness.
  • Insect bites, accompanying itching.
  • Black dots.
  • Blockage of glands.
  • Swelling and bruising around the eyes.
  • Excessive oily skin.

They say that if you wash your face with soda, then old age will never come, but it is important to remember the balance, so you should immediately understand in what cases sodium bicarbonate is not a help.

Also read: How to cleanse your face with baking soda at home

Contraindications and harm

Even the most useful medicine can become a poison if you are allergic to it, sodium bicarbonate is no exception. To understand whether you have an individual intolerance to the miracle powder, do a test: prepare a paste, apply to a tender area near the elbow, wait 15 minutes, check for a negative reaction in the form of redness, peeling, itching.

Use only baby soap for your face

The miracle powder can also cause harm in the following cases:

  • contact with mucous membranes;
  • exceeding the duration of procedures;
  • increasing the dose concentration of components in recipes;
  • amateur performance contrary to the advice of cosmetologists.

Failure to follow the rules can result in tissue burns, skin irritation, skin rashes, and other unpleasant side effects. Therefore, learn to handle the healing agent correctly, then it will repay you with beauty.

Fight acne

Acne is one of the most unpleasant problems that spoil the beauty of the skin and negatively affect self-esteem. In order to cope with pimples and acne, you just need to mix baking soda with lemon juice (a few drops are enough to make a paste) and apply the resulting mixture directly to the pimples.

One caveat: this procedure should be performed at night. The fact is that exposure to sunlight on skin treated with lemon can lead to the appearance of age spots.

How to exfoliate with soda

It is important not only what recipe is used to clean your face with soda at home, but also how you do it. Those little things that are sometimes “behind the scenes” of a recipe sometimes play a decisive role. Of course, cosmetologists take such details for granted and do them “automatically,” but you have a different profession, don’t you? Therefore, let's learn the basics of handling soda, the basic rules for preparing the skin for procedures.

Also on this topic: How to make a homemade soda scrub for face and body

So, the general rules for cleansing the skin with sodium bicarbonate - advice from cosmetologists:

  1. Before the procedure, examine the cover, check for chapped areas, wounds, abrasions, and burns. If any are found, the cleansing session will have to be rescheduled. Do not exfoliate after sunbathing; it is better to cleanse your face before sunbathing.
  2. The first stage of peeling is always cleansing the face of decorative cosmetics. The second is steaming the skin. Next, proceed strictly according to the recipe that you like.
  3. Use only the food version of the product; no other types are intended for contact with the skin and can cause irreparable damage to your beauty.
  4. If you are peeling for the first time, start with a small area of ​​the dermis, for example, the forehead.
  5. When applying the composition, avoid the areas around the lips and eyes.
  6. No matter what cosmetologists tell you or dictate recipes, you should not keep the mixture with sodium bicarbonate on your face for more than a quarter of an hour.
  7. The final part of the peel always includes generous washing, then applying a moisturizer suitable for your skin type.

This is important to know! Consider the reaction of your skin not only to soda, but also to other components of the mask with which you peel.

Video: collection of soda-based masks

Precautionary measures

Since soda in its pure form is quite an active substance and can corrode any dirt (it’s not for nothing that it is used to clean kitchen utensils!), precautions should be taken into account so as not to harm the skin when bleaching. Remember that you cannot:

  • Use masks for sensitive, dry skin. This rule applies to those whose skin is prone to frequent irritation;
  • try to whiten the skin with soda in the presence of wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  • keep the compress for longer than 15 minutes;
  • apply a soda mask without first testing the composition on the wrist;
  • use in pure form, be sure to dilute with other components to obtain a more effective mixture;
  • apply more than once a week.

Recipes for cleansing skin with baking soda

Now let's talk about how to cleanse your face with baking soda using one or another recipe. The compositions may contain other ingredients besides soda, this is only for the benefit of beauty, but remember that you must check if you are allergic to them.

Cosmetics made from soap and soda

Cosmetologists jokingly call this technique “peeling for the lazy,” because there are reasons for this: the soap film on the skin helps any product applied on top of it to be distributed as evenly as possible, which means that every millimeter of the face is guaranteed to be affected. Therefore, using soap, you can simplify the entire technology: do not mix different ingredients, do not dirty dishes, do not look for other ingredients.

The key to the success of the procedure lies in the choice of soap - for the face you need to use a baby soap that has an antibacterial effect. And then everything is simple:

Step 1. Clean and steam the cover.

Step 2. Lubricate your face with soap.

Step 3. Apply soda slurry (1:1 sodium bicarbonate + water) over the soap film. Step 4. Leave for 15 minutes.

Step 5. Rinse thoroughly using warm water.

This procedure will not only cleanse the skin, get rid of blackheads, cleanse the glands, but also free the face from acne and peeling.

Oatmeal is good for both the stomach and skin

Soda mask with salt and shaving foam

The following recipe is especially good for fatty parts of the face. This is also a favorite way for beauties to enhance their tanning effect, so think about it before traveling to the sea.

For the composition you will need a small spoonful of fine salt and baking soda, which must be mixed and combined with shaving foam (you can even use a men's brand).

The prepared mixture should be applied to a cleansed, steamed face; Give the miracle mask 10 minutes to fight sebaceous fat, acne, dirt and shine. You can remove the composition with massage movements, which will deepen the cleansing. Cosmetologists recommend rinsing off alternately with warm water to begin with and cool water at the end, which will allow the cleaned pores to close again and prevent dirt from penetrating the sebaceous glands again and clogging them.

Also read: How to make a soda face mask with honey, salt, shaving foam, toothpaste

Cleansing soda mask with brewer's yeast

The good thing about a recipe with the addition of yeast is that the skin is not only cleansed, but also rejuvenated and receives life-giving nutrition.

The technology is as follows:

  • combine a spoonful of yeast and sodium bicarbonate,
  • add a vitamin C capsule to the mixture (you can find it at the pharmacy),
  • dilute the composition with water to the consistency of sour cream,
  • apply the miracle mixture,
  • mind your own business for a quarter of an hour,
  • wash off the remaining mass.

Cosmetologists do not recommend applying masks to lips and eyes.

Egg white soda for face

Peeling with protein has no equal in speed and effectiveness when it is necessary to dry out unexpected pimples on the eve of a party or date. The composition will not even leave a trace of blackheads, which treacherously spoil makeup.

Implementing this recipe is as easy as shelling pears: separate the protein, add half a small spoon of sodium bicarbonate, mix, apply, let the mixture work for a quarter of an hour to make your cover flawless. Cosmetologists advise washing off the remnants with massaging movements, this will enhance the effect.

Chamomile, shaving foam, soda

If you have sensitive skin prone to redness and irritation, then cosmetologists recommend combining sodium bicarbonate with chamomile - a miraculous plant that soothes the skin and relieves cell inflammation. Chamomile softens the aggressive effect of the miracle powder, but does not reduce the magical power of its action. Try it, you will understand! In addition, chamomile fights infections, so if you suspect their presence, “arm yourself” with a miraculous recipe.

First you need to make a chamomile decoction. It's not difficult: just pour 100 ml of boiling water into a soup spoon of flowers that are found in the pharmacy.

Also read: The benefits of baking soda for hair - care recipes, benefits and harms, reviews from housewives

While the liquid is preparing, you can move on to the main step. Combine a spoonful of sodium bicarbonate with the foam you already know, which is used for shaving. Apply the paste onto the cover for exactly a quarter of an hour. And then carefully rinse off the remaining composition using cotton pads moistened with chamomile decoction. Season your cleansed face with miracle tea again. Water is not used in this procedure.

Do you know that chamomile infusion is one of the best skin soothing remedies?

Coconut oil and baking soda for face

Another delicate composition for delicate, irritation-prone skin - with coconut oil, which perfectly nourishes, moisturizes cells, heals cracks, kills bacteria, and also evens out the pH balance - the core of beauty. An additional bonus is that after such cleansing, the dermis does not need to be moisturized; coconut oil will even take on this function.

How to carry out the procedure?

In a 1:2 ratio, combine sodium bicarbonate with coconut oil, immediately (this is the main secret) using circular smooth movements, apply the resulting paste to the surface. After 4 minutes, wash off the mixture, that’s it – cleansing in a matter of minutes, admire the result, bloom, show off, enjoy life!

Worth paying attention! It is important to use natural coconut oil, not surrogate mixtures, and also pay attention to the expiration date of the product.

Natural exfoliant (scrub)

Baking soda acts as a natural exfoliant. It is able to remove dead skin cells from its surface, thus taking care of its health.

The only thing you need to do is mix baking soda with water in proportions of 3 to 1 and rub the resulting mixture onto the area of ​​skin chosen for cleansing. Then simply rinse with warm water. The result is smooth, fresh and slightly lighter skin. Since soda also has a bleaching effect.

Baking soda is also a very powerful odor neutralizer. Therefore, it will effectively help cope with the smell of sweat. To do this, simply add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the bath and use it while washing.

How to whiten skin with baking soda

Peeling is a useful procedure, but what to do if you need more radical measures because you are suffering from an “invasion” of hated freckles or spots with an unpleasant “color”. Don’t worry, sodium bicarbonate can cope with even such serious problems, the main thing is to strengthen the concentration and work on improving the composition. Let's get started?

Before we declare war on pigmentation, let's discuss the reasons for the appearance of spots, because then you can simply prevent such a disaster in the future.

More about the properties of soda here: Table soda: healing properties, uses and healing

So, what makes freckles “born”?

  • exposure to the sun,
  • cruise,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • pregnancy,
  • fatigue,
  • poor nutrition
  • diseases.

Of course, by eliminating all of the above reasons, you will automatically get rid of pigmentation, but what to do when solving the problems will take months, but you want to be beautiful right now?!

Add the following well-known ingredients to the already familiar sodium bicarbonate, and get complete relief from freckles:

  • kefir,
  • parsley,
  • lemon,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • cranberry,
  • aspirin,
  • clay,
  • orange,
  • oatmeal,
  • yogurt.

Get acquainted with recipes that will cope with pigmentation in a matter of minutes.

See how clean your face can become after just one procedure

  • Baking soda and aspirin for face

This composition is a kind of scrub, so it will not only get rid of stains, but will also completely renew the top layer, lighten the skin, and as a bonus, eliminate redness, inflammation, and bacteria that have settled on the surface.

For the mask you need to stock up on regular cheap aspirin. Remove 5 tablets from the packaging and turn them into dust (with a rolling pin, spoon, or coffee grinder). Pour a soup spoon of water and half of that sodium bicarbonate into the powder. Mix well and apply on the cover for 15 minutes. But you will have to wash it off with chamomile decoction (but you already know how to do it).

This is a pretty aggressive composition. It works well, but you shouldn’t use the mask frequently - do it no more than once every 2 weeks.

You might also be interested in: How to Remove Hair with Baking Soda, Coconut Oil and Lemon

  • Peeling with water-soda solution

Apart from soda, nothing from the list was found in the house? No problem, use the easiest way to combat pigmentation. Dilute sodium bicarbonate in boiled (not hot) water, using your fingertips with patting movements, apply the solution to the skin. Let the mask work for a quarter of an hour, remove its remnants with a contrast rinse (warm, then cold water). Now look in the mirror: you see how much lighter the skin has become, a velvety appearance has appeared, spots, redness, and flaky crusts have disappeared.

  • Cleansing with soda, yogurt and peroxide

If you have a lot of freckles, dark spots, and you want to restore your beauty instantly, use the enhanced-action technique. To a spoonful of yogurt, add half the amount of sodium bicarbonate and a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3%. Stir, apply to skin, rinse off after 5 minutes and marvel at the difference!

This is how complex our skin is.

Worth paying attention! It is quite acceptable to replace yogurt with sour cream or kefir of any fat content.

  • Mask with oatmeal and soda

When the skin is attacked not only by spots, but also by wrinkles, it is just right to add oatmeal, famous for its usefulness, to the process. This procedure will remove pigmentation, even out the dermis, saturate the cells with useful substances, and make you younger.

The recipe is simple: grind some oatmeal into powder using a coffee grinder, add a spoonful of NaHCO3 and pour in enough boiled water to reach the consistency of sour cream. Next, move this miracle mixture to problem areas. After 10 minutes, get rid of the residue with warm water. After this session, cosmetologists advise using a tonic. Wrinkles are gone, check!

  • Mask with soda, lemon or orange

If you are tormented by pigmentation, suffer from acne, or oily shine spoils your makeup, then a fragrant citrus assistant – lemon – rushes to your aid. Take the juice of half the fruit and a soup spoon of soda, after mixing, lubricate the cover with the pulp, and rinse off after 10 minutes. Didn't find a lemon, but there are oranges on the table? A suitable replacement, use it, beauty will return too!

  • Clay-soda mask

If the case is advanced, there are a lot of spots, freckles can no longer be masked with foundation, use a mask with a double effect - soda + clay. The latter has no less pronounced cleansing effect than the first, and if you combine them, you get a miraculous effect.

Preparing the composition is hassle-free: dilute an equal volume of both components with water/milk/tea. Apply the mixture to the cover, forget about the procedure for a quarter of an hour, and rinse. You can repeat every week if once is not enough, but check first!

Skin beauty is in your hands

  • Kefir recipe for acne and blackheads

Kefir base can also help restore the natural shade of the skin, because this product is also famous for its cleansing qualities. Combine 50 ml of kefir with a couple of tablespoons of rice flour, then season the mixture with NaHCO3 on the tip of a knife. To obtain the effect, you only need 3 minutes of exposure of this composition to the dermis.

  • Soda lotions for bags under the eyes

Sodium bicarbonate can also defeat the hated bags under the eyes. To combat them, the powder should be diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream, and then add a pinch of oatmeal. Gently apply the gruel to the ill-fated bags, rest for 5 minutes, and rinse. You will see: the bags will smooth out, the creases will disappear, the shade will even out, nothing else about you will betray fatigue, age, nervous shock and the harmful effects of the environment.

You might be interested in: Top 10 baking soda shampoo recipes for stronger and healthier hair

Choosing a whitening composition

In cosmetology, the following products are considered the most tested and effective for whitening skin:

  • fermented milk products (kefir, sour cream, milk);
  • lemon juice;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • cucumber compresses;
  • parsley;
  • viburnum berries, cranberries and black currants;
  • egg white;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Super cleaning

Mechanical facial cleansing in beauty salons turns out to be a rather painful procedure. For this reason, those who have already experienced it themselves decide to use more gentle methods. And someone may simply not have the opportunity to go to the salon. In all these cases, a mask with soda and peroxide comes to the rescue, the name of which speaks for itself: it cleanses the face so deeply that it can become an alternative to mechanical cleansing.

To prepare, take 2 teaspoons of baking soda and mix them with 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide. We apply the resulting mass to problem areas; there is no need to lubricate the entire face with it. Keep the mask on for 10 tons, then wash it off with warm water. Then apply your usual daily care cream.


  • Julia, 25 years old: I have a problem skin type. Constant pimples, blackheads tormented me. A facial scrub made from baking soda and honey saved me from this torment. The face became soft, clean, without problematic rashes in just a few procedures. I recommend!
  • Olga, 28 years old: Indeed, everyone has this product. And preparing a cosmetic product will not take much time. Effective peeling without much effort and expense will please everyone. I’ll tell you another secret of using the product. In case of a burn, apply it to the problem area and do not wash off for 5-10 minutes. There will be no blister, check!
  • Antonina P., 35 years old: I have been cleansing my face with baking soda for several years. I am pleased with the immediate effect and the cleanliness of the skin after the procedure. Then I apply a lifting cream and it’s done. The contours are clear, the skin is elastic, like 5 years ago. True, the regularity of the procedure is important. Do you want to look good and young? Go for it!

To tone the body

The effect is to prevent a number of diseases, stabilize the emotional state, relieve tension and fatigue.

You can achieve similar results as follows:

  • dilute one kilogram of sodium bicarbonate in a hot bath;
  • pour in 200 milliliters of milk (the product must be fresh and of high quality, it is better to give preference to homemade);
  • supplement the resulting liquid with the available essential oil.

The optimal duration of the procedure is 30 tons. Subsequent wiping with a towel is not necessary; you can simply wrap yourself in it and let the remaining moisture be absorbed.

Depending on the area, ointments, lotions, and creams are applied to the dried body. The effectiveness of such therapeutic and cosmetic products after the described procedures increases noticeably.

Operating principle

To reduce skin rashes, it is often enough to use home remedies with baking soda. What options are at your disposal? Baking soda works on the same principle as commercial scrubs for physical exfoliation: small granules seem to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin. Unlike ground apricot kernels or coffee bean particles found in mass market products, soda dissolves when rubbed against moistened surfaces.

The effect is not limited to this, since the substance also has a whitening effect. If there are pigment spots on the skin, then regular procedures will get rid of them. But the main advantage of facial peels with soda remains the ability to remove blackheads. The substances penetrate clogged pores, dissolving dead cells, excess sebum and dirt.

If the skin is exceptionally sensitive or has inflamed rashes, resort to washing with soda. The recipe will delight you with its simplicity: add 1 tsp to 1 glass of water. base ingredient. You will get the same results as using masks or scrubs, although progress will take longer.

The frequency of the procedure is determined depending on the condition of the integument and individual reaction. Typically 2 cleanses per week are required, but the intervals will be longer if your skin is sensitive.

The most significant characteristics include:

  1. Chemical properties. Based on its ability to react, soda is classified as amphoteric, that is, in the presence of acids it acts as an alkali, and when reacting with an alkali, it acts as an acid. Thanks to this property, it is able to neutralize and soften various variants of deviations from the normal acidity of the skin surface (acidity imbalance can be the main cause of rashes).
  2. Baking soda can dry out the skin and reduce the amount of sebum. As a result, the pores will be cleaned and will not become clogged for some time, and this will prevent the appearance of blackheads and their inflammation.
  3. Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They cause a healing effect on acne that has already appeared. Baking soda reduces inflammation and fights infection if the pimple is infected.
  4. Small particles of the substance help create products that do not seriously injure the skin and have a fairly strong healing effect on it. Thanks to this property, soda helps to get rid of not only acne itself, but also stains and scars - traces that remain from past rashes.

Chemical properties

Sodium bicarbonate is a weak acid salt of carbonic acid. They are small colorless crystals, which, when the temperature rises to 50-60°C, begin to “give up” a molecule of carbon dioxide, gradually decomposing to sodium carbonate (soda ash).

Reacts with acids to form salts (chloride, acetate, sodium sulfate) and carbonic acid, which instantly breaks down to water and carbon dioxide. The powder is poorly soluble in water and is easily separated by filtration.

History of creation

Baking soda has been used in baking since ancient times. It was found by archaeologists during excavations of caves of the 1st-2nd centuries BC. Then it was extracted from the ash of seaweed or found in the form of a mineral. This chemical compound was actively used in ancient Egypt.

For the first time, the chemical formula of the compound - NaHCO3 - was established by the French scientist Henri de Monceau. Thanks to this discovery, baking soda began to be produced synthetically, which significantly reduced its cost and expanded its range of uses. Since the discovery of the formula, methods for its synthesis have constantly changed, improved, and become more economically profitable.

Methods of obtaining


  • History of creation
  • Chemical properties
  • Beneficial features
  • Possible harm
  • Medical use
  • Use in cooking
  • Application on the farm
  • Use in cosmetology
  • Other uses
  • Industrial use
  • How to select and store

The first method of industrially producing sodium carbonate was to dissolve rock salt in water, mix the solution with limestone and charcoal, and then heat it in a furnace. However, as it turned out, the output was not baking soda, but soda ash. In addition, this activity left a lot of toxic waste (calcium sulfide and hydrogen chloride), so it was quickly abandoned.

Today, baking soda is produced in two ways - “dry” and “wet”, each of which is based on the carbonization reaction (enrichment of the solution with carbon dioxide).

Types of soda

From a chemical point of view and area of ​​application, there are several types of soda: baking soda (drinking soda), ash soda (linen soda) and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide).

Possible harm

Baking soda should be consumed internally in limited quantities and according to strict indications. Bicarbonate crystals in large quantities are toxic to the mucous membrane of the digestive system and can cause severe irritation and allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to use solutions based on sodium bicarbonate for people suffering from erosive and ulcerative processes of the stomach and intestines, low stomach acidity and anacid gastritis.

If you regularly inhale carbon dioxide vapor or bicarbonate crystals, for example, in the production of soda, irritation of the respiratory mucosa may occur.

Frequent use of soda solution threatens persistent organic disorders of the digestive system. Alkalinization of gastric juice occurs, as well as a shift to the highly alkaline side of the intestinal contents.

For acne

Baking soda effectively dries out the epithelium and protects against acne. There is no need for expensive ingredients for this - everything you need for the procedure can be found in any kitchen.

Figure 2 - Applying the mixture to problem areas of the skin.

With hydrogen peroxide

Using this mask will help eliminate not only acne, but also blackheads, acne, and brighten the skin. Hydrogen peroxide is a good antiseptic. The product removes unnatural oily shine well, frees pores from fat, dirt, and germs.

To prepare the mixture you need:

  • soda - 2 parts;
  • hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 1 part.

Mix the ingredients in a cup. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick porridge. Use the resulting mixture to treat problem areas of your steamed face. After 5-10 minutes, wash with clean warm water.

How to use the composition is clearly shown in the video.

With salt

Salt is a product that helps not only cleanse the skin, but also rejuvenate it. For peeling, you can use traditional table salt or sea salt if its grains are very small, since large particles can injure the skin.


  • 15 g chopped salt;
  • the same amount of soda.

Grind the salt thoroughly. Apply a thin layer of soap or gel to clean and moisturized facial skin. Apply baking soda over the entire surface of moisturized skin and massage with light movements for 1-2 minutes. Apply salt to the same area of ​​the face, also massaging thoroughly. Rinse off the mixture with slightly warm water. Cover your face with gel or nourishing cream.

Video: step-by-step cooking recipe.

With the addition of sour cream

Dairy products contain a high percentage of useful minerals and vitamins necessary for the female body. Therefore, sour cream is widely used for peeling. The result of using sour cream in facial cleansers is smooth, soft and tender skin. The substance also has a whitening effect. A mixture of sour cream and soda will relieve inflammation, nourish the epithelium and remove acne. For those with oily skin, it is better to use this fermented milk product with a small percentage of fat content; for dry skin, it is better to use full-fat sour cream.


  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soda - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients. If the mixture is too thick, add a few drops of water. Apply the mixture using massaging movements onto your face. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Peeling with sour cream and salt will have a good effect if the mixture is applied to a steamed face.

With shaving cream

This method effectively softens and moisturizes even the deep layers of the skin, while cleansing and tightening pores. The face must be steamed before applying the mixture of cream and soda.


  • 40-45 g shaving foam;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soda

Mix the composition thoroughly. Apply exclusively to problem areas of the facial epithelium. After 15 minutes, roll the mixture off your face with light massaging movements. Rinse off the remaining mass from your face with water, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

Video instructions for use.

Indications and contraindications

Soda treatments are not suitable for everyone. There are no categorical contraindications to the use of the product, but there are some recommendations from experts:

  • It is not advisable to peel your face with soda if you have a dry type of epidermis. Alternatively, after cleansing, be sure to apply a moisturizer to replenish lost moisture;
  • If you have increased sensitivity or irritability of the skin, be careful with soda treatments. They can cause redness and discomfort;
  • If you have spider veins, then masks and scrubs with the addition of a bulk ingredient are undesirable.

For oily, combination skin types, cleansing the face with baking soda is a great find. It will cleanse the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, dry out acne, get rid of acne and soothe problem areas.

To fully assess the condition and extent of the problem before using soda for cosmetic purposes, consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Their advice and recommendations will help you organize proper facial care.

Beneficial features

The benefits of sodium bicarbonate come from its alkaline pH. It is the ability to react with acids and alkalize the environment that underlies the following beneficial properties of baking soda:

  • acid neutralizing;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipruritic;
  • drying;
  • antifungal;
  • sputum thinner;
  • softening and whitening skin.

Such a variety of useful properties allows this compound to be used in folk and traditional medicine to treat many diseases and normalize human well-being in various pathological and physiological conditions.

Application in home cosmetology

You can use baking soda on its own or with other ingredients. It all depends on the condition of the face, intended goals, and expected results. Let’s consider possible options for using the product in skin care:

  • Facial scrub is an invariable attribute of quality care. The scrub guarantees magical cleansing of the surface and pores. In addition, additional scrub ingredients (cosmetic oils, herbal infusions, natural honey) will provide nutrition and toning;
  • Soda solution is used for therapeutic, anti-inflammatory washing. For cooking you will need 1 tsp. loose powder, 1 tbsp. boiled water. Dissolve the powder in warm water, wash your face, and immediately apply a cream with a lifting effect. After the procedure, the epidermis will delight you with a healthy, toned state. Perform washing once every 7 days;
  • A soda face mask is another excellent option for combining nutrition with cleansing. The procedure guarantees gentle care for problem areas, brightens and soothes the skin;
  • Special lotions for the area near the eyes reduce puffiness and bags. A few tons of procedures - and there will be no trace of a sleepless night or fatigue.

Cleaning your face with baking soda at home is an excellent method of preparing your skin before using rejuvenation devices.

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