Homemade body scrub: recipes with coffee, salt and other ingredients

Today you will learn how to make a body scrub at home. We will not only present here the best recipes, but also introduce you to the basic principles of preparation and the most effective ingredients for homemade scrubs. Thanks to this, you can develop your own body care formula that will take into account your personal needs:

  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Fat burning;
  • Pore ​​cleansing and moisturizing;
  • Skin nutrition;
  • Giving the body a unique aroma, etc.

General principles for making homemade scrubs with your own hands

By using a natural body scrub made by yourself, you will not only save on professional care, but also take care of the health of your skin in advance. Homemade scrubs are remarkable because they:

  1. Safely removes the layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin, revealing younger ones, leaving your body soft and smooth;
  2. Contains natural oils that moisturize and nourish the skin;
  3. May include essential oils with aromatherapy properties. You can combine and use them to relax, calm, excite or create a romantic mood. Treat yourself to a spa-like experience!

Do you want to make sure that a homemade body scrub is no worse, or even better, than a store-bought one? Then just look at the label of the product you used before. As in our recipes, all purchased scrubs contain 3 main ingredients:

  1. Exfoliant or exfoliant. This is what cleanses and smoothes the skin. Popular exfoliants are sugar and salt as they dissolve easily in water and leave no residue on the bath.

We list the best available options and the features of their use:

  • Salt is great for relaxing muscles. Of all the varieties for creating a scrub, it is best to choose sea salt, since it is the least processed and contains a wider range of trace elements and minerals.
  • Sugar is somewhat gentler than salt, so it is more preferable for sensitive skin, as well as in the presence of wounds, scratches and other defects. Brown sugar is considered to be the most gentle and nutritious in cosmetology. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, especially if you add a little vanilla essential oil to it.
  • Ground coffee will give you pleasure with its smell and reduce cellulite. The caffeine in its composition is a vasoconstrictor, so it can temporarily reduce varicose veins and rosacea.
  • Raw honey is gentle enough for sensitive skin, yet harsh enough to remove dirt and dead cells. For homemade scrubs, it is better to choose natural honey that has not been pasteurized. When pasteurized (heated), honey loses most of the antibacterial and probiotic properties it has.
  • Oatmeal is the gentlest of exfoliants. Unlike salt, sugar and coffee, it can be used simply by diluting it with a little water instead of oil. Thanks to its softening and moisturizing properties, it is ideal for dry, itchy skin. The only negative is that it does not dissolve in water, so it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

Also, a body scrub at home can be prepared using crushed seeds (for example, flax) and nuts (for example, almonds), bran, egg and nut shells, shells, raspberry seeds, strawberries, etc. However, in this article we will only look at homemade body scrub recipes using the proven exfoliants listed above.

  1. Base oil . All scrubs contain an oil that plays two key roles: holding all the ingredients together while hydrating your skin. When preparing a body scrub at home for the first time, proceed from the recommended proportion of 1/3 share of oil for every 1 share of exfoliant. Some popular options:
  • Olive – moisturizes, nourishes well and is sold in every store. It is also known to contain antioxidants that help prevent premature skin aging;
  • Coconut oil – famous for its moisturizing properties;
  • Sunflower oil is one of the most affordable on the market, but can leave a slight odor and be difficult to wash off;
  • Sweet almond oil – has a sweet, nutty aroma and is absorbed fairly quickly;
  • Grapeseed oil – has a faint sweet odor and leaves a thin film on the skin;
  • Macadamia nut oil – also has a nutty smell, and in addition leaves an oily film on the skin. Recommended for very dry skin.
  1. Aroma . If you decide to make a body scrub at home, then choose your favorite essential oils for the scent. The “aroma oils” sold on the market are synthetic, so their use is highly undesirable. Here are some interesting combinations of essential oils for different skin types (the dose is calculated for 1 cup of exfoliant and 1/3 cup of carrier oil):
  • Normal skin: 10 drops lavender, 6 geranium, 4 ylang-ylang;
  • Oily: 8 drops sandalwood oil, 6 lemon, 6 lavender;
  • Dry: 8 drops sandalwood oil, 6 geranium, 6 roses;
  • Sensitive: 6 drops chamomile, 4 roses, 2 neroli;
  • For extra hydration: 10 drops rose, 8 sandalwood, 2 patchouli;
  • For mature skin: 8 drops neroli, 6 incense, 6 ylang-ylang;
  • For acne: 10 drops lemon, 10 cypress, 5 lavender;
  • For a lack of vitamins: 10 drops of geranium, 6 roses, 4 cypress;
  • For visible capillaries: 8 drops of rose, 6 chamomile, 6 cypress.

Also, to “burn” fat and cellulite, aggressive agents such as cayenne pepper tincture, citrus extracts, sea buckthorn, etc. are sometimes added to body scrubs. They are usually used simultaneously with a warm wrap and we will tell you about them in a separate article.

Now that you know all the basic ingredients and how they work, you can safely start experimenting and creating your own homemade body scrub recipes! But first, let me offer you a few proven recipes.

How to make coffee body scrub at home

No more throwing away coffee grounds after your morning cup of coffee! Instead, save it and try making a coffee body scrub at home. It is believed that caffeine may help fight cellulite, at least more than any other exfoliant.

This homemade coffee body scrub is so easy to make that you can probably find all the ingredients to make it in your kitchen right now. Use jelly or yogurt jars to store the finished product.

So here's what you need:

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1/3 cup olive oil;
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon.

For an even more refined aroma, you can add: 8 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 8 drops of orange, 4 drops of mint.

Mix all ingredients to the consistency of wet sand.

Recipe 2: homemade coffee grounds body scrub

  • 1 cup coconut oil (the author used white, thicker and harder);
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/3 cup well-squeezed coffee grounds;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Combine coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and olive oil in a small bowl and mix well. What should happen - look at the photo from the author of the recipe.

To date, there is no consensus on which coconut oil is better to use in body care - white or transparent. They are both undeniably good. Use what is easier for you to get or is affordable. If your white butter is too hard, you can melt it in a water bath or in the microwave before mixing with the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe 3: anti-cellulite body scrub with ground coffee

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 6 tbsp. l. liquid coconut oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt.

This scrub differs from other recipes not in the method of preparation, but in the application. If you want to use it to combat cellulite, then before applying it to the body, massage the problem areas with a dry brush to exfoliate and stimulate blood flow. Use the brush in light circular motions, then apply a homemade coffee scrub with salt to your body. Repeat every time you shower for best results.


Despite all the benefits of a salt scrub, it should not be used in places where there are irritations, wounds, or cuts. This product is not used on too dry areas of the skin. Contraindications for use include skin diseases, photodermatosis, an allergic reaction to the components included in the home remedy, and severe acne.

Homemade honey body scrub recipe

Made from regular ingredients, this honey body scrub is so soothing and nourishing to your skin! We recommend trying this recipe if your skin needs additional nutrition, hydration and care, especially during the dry summer period.

In addition to the benefits of sugar, honey and olive oil already described above, this homemade body scrub contains aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has been used for centuries to heal wounds and treat sunburn due to its amazing soothing and antioxidant properties.

How to make honey body scrub at home


  • 1 cup white or brown sugar;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. raw honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of lavender, rosemary or other essential oil (your choice).

Combine all ingredients. Store the scrub in a cool, dark place.

Simplified honey scrub recipe:

  • 1 cup coconut oil;
  • 1.5 cups white sugar;
  • 1/4 cup raw honey;
  • A few drops of essential oil for aroma.


The second component – ​​oil – is selected based on the purpose of using the scrub. For example, rose oil helps smooth the skin, increase its elasticity and even fights minor wrinkles. Orange oil has an anti-cellulite effect (like all citrus fruits), stimulates carbohydrate-fat metabolism, and promotes skin regeneration. Peach oil is hypoallergenic, perfectly nourishes and softens. However, essential oils are added in quantities of no more than 4-5 drops per serving. Therefore, ordinary olive oil is used as an oil base. It contains a lot of vitamin E, has an antioxidant effect and protects against sun damage.

Homemade Exfoliating Sugar Body Scrub

You've probably heard that sugar is not good for your skin when you eat it. However, there is another fact: sugar is great for external use. A homemade sugar body scrub can even be used on your face as it is gentle on your skin and leaves it silky smooth.

Good sugar is also a humectant and contains glycolic acid, which promotes cell renewal and keeps skin fresh. But not all sugar is equally suitable for external care. Brown sugar is softer, it contains more useful elements, and therefore it is considered more preferable.

A simple homemade sugar body scrub recipe

What do you need:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup sweet almond oil (or other);
  • 20 drops vanilla essential oil or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, gradually adding almond oil.

Recipe 2: Lemon-sugar body scrub at home


  • 3 cups sugar;
  • 3/4 cup olive oil;
  • Juice from one lemon;
  • Zest of two lemons;
  • 2 tablespoons vanilla extract.

Mix the sugar with the butter and vanilla extract, then add the finely grated zest of two lemons and the juice of one. Stir and you're done!

Other recipes for making sugar scrubs:

  1. Homemade Chocolate Body Scrub: 1 cup coconut oil, ½ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup cocoa powder;
  2. Sugar scrub with lavender: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup grape seed oil, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. l. dried lavender flowers, 12 drops of lavender essential oil;
  3. Invigorating body scrub with grapefruit: ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup white sugar, zest of 1 grapefruit, 1 tbsp. l. grapefruit juice, 10 drops peppermint essential oil, 25 drops grapefruit oil, ¼ tbsp. l. beet juice (optional - added for color).

Homemade salt body scrub: a simple recipe

A homemade salt body scrub increases blood circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, helps open pores on the skin and remove toxins. It’s not for nothing that salt has long been used in bathing! As already mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is better to use sea salt, as it is more saturated with useful substances. But in any case, the salt should be ground to the consistency of regular table salt, because large grains can injure sensitive skin.

An easy recipe for a salt body scrub with aromatic oils

What do you need:

  • 1 cup finely ground salt;
  • 1/3 cup almond or other oil;
  • 8 drops grapefruit essential oil, 8 bergamot, 4 peppermint.

Mix all ingredients.

We warn you: do not use a homemade salt body scrub immediately after shaving your legs - it will sting! It is better to use it before the procedure: the oils left on the skin will make the shave smoother.

Refreshing salt body scrub at home


  • 3 cups salt;
  • 3 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils (the author used apricot kernel oil, but you can use any other at your discretion);
  • 1 tbsp. l. fine green tea;
  • 8 drops lime essential oil;
  • 8 drops of orange essential oil;
  • Zest of lime, lemon, orange or a combination of these.

Mix salt and baking soda, add oil and stir. Then add green tea, essential oils and citrus zest one by one.

Additional substance

Salt scrub is prepared according to different recipes, so these substances may be different. For example, coffee is often added. In addition to the mechanical effect on the skin, particles of coffee beans can remove toxins, improve blood microcirculation, and remove excess fluid. This scrub perfectly tones the skin of the body. Another popular ingredient is honey. It helps skin regeneration, as well as the healing of microcracks. Eggs, various dairy products, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices are also added.

How to make an oatmeal body scrub at home

There's still one more unused exfoliant ingredient left on our list!

Recipe 1: Simple Oatmeal Body Scrub

What do you need:

  • 1 cup coconut oil;
  • ½ cup brown sugar;
  • ½ cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Using a blender, grind the oatmeal to a powdery consistency. In a medium bowl, combine coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, and ground oats and mix well.

Recipe 2: Oatmeal Body Scrub with Lavender Scent


  • 1 cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 8 drops lavender essential oil, 8 drops tangerine, 8 drops rosewood, 4 drops chamomile;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried lavender petals.

Add essential oils drop by drop to avoid accumulating them in one place. To use this scrub, mix 1 tbsp each time. the resulting mixture with a small amount of water, forming a paste, which then needs to be gently rubbed into the skin.

How to properly use and store homemade body scrubs

Subject to fairly simple conditions, which we present below, the body scrub you prepare at home can be stored for several months. There are only 2 conditions:

  1. Store in a dark and cool place (can be in the refrigerator);
  2. Avoid getting water into the scrub container. As you may have noticed, all the recipes in this article do not involve the use of any preservatives, which means that water getting into the jar can lead to the growth of unwanted bacteria. Always use a dry spoon to scoop the scrub into your hand.

How to use a homemade scrub correctly? Use it no more than 2-3 times a week. Apply 1 tablespoon of product to skin previously moistened with water and rub in gently. At the end of the procedure, rinse thoroughly and enjoy silky smooth skin!

Have you tried any homemade scrub recipes yet? Tell us and our readers about your favorite ingredient combination in the comments!


Recommendations for women

A homemade scrub will not help you get rid of cellulite if you lead a sedentary lifestyle and regularly eat junk food. Here are some simple tips for women who want to stay in great shape:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. In addition to it, it is also recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices.
  • Eat more vegetables. This advice is especially relevant in the summer, when seasonal vegetables grow in the beds.
  • Do exercises in the morning, try to walk more.
  • Ensure yourself a healthy and sound sleep (at least 7-8 hours).

Be beautiful!

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