The best and simplest soda peeling recipes for face and hair

Regular facial peeling is a mandatory procedure at any age. On sale you can find a huge number of products separately for the face, body and lips. There are also a huge number of traditional methods, one of which is soda peeling.

Photo: Author: valuavitaly.

This substance is available to everyone and is sold in any grocery store.

Benefits of the method

Peeling with soda is the simplest method that helps to cleanse the skin very quickly and effectively. However, this method is used only at home, but this does not make it any less effective. Few people know that soda is one of the components of blood plasma. Soda is able to neutralize all acids present in the body, increase its alkaline reserves, and it also normalizes the acid-base balance.

Benefits of cleansing your skin with baking soda:

  1. Effective cleansing of the skin. Abrasive particles, acting on the epidermis, have a pronounced exfoliating and cleansing effect. Baking soda also helps regulate fat secretion.
  2. Treatment of acne and acne. Effectively fights inflammation, has an antibacterial and strong wound healing effect.
  3. Soothes the skin and saturates it with nutrients.
  4. It has a rejuvenating and tonic effect, tightens pores.
  5. It is highly effective. Already after the first use, a positive effect is noticeable.
  6. Does not injure the skin. Soda peeling affects only the upper layers of the skin, so injury to the epidermis is completely excluded.
  7. Does not cause pain. During the procedure, a person may only feel a slight tingling sensation. After it ends, a slight redness appears, but after about 60 minutes it completely disappears.
  8. An accessible and simple way. This procedure for cleansing the skin is easy and understandable for everyone, and all the necessary products for preparing the product can be found in any kitchen.

Soda peeling is recommended for those who have freckles or age spots, wrinkles, inflammation, acne, and also for those whose skin is of the oily type. The skin after this procedure becomes clean, soft and radiant.


Baking soda is a universal remedy approved by cosmetologists.

However, for each skin type, preparations are selected individually. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the body's reaction to each new drug.

Soda is not recommended for use under the following conditions:

  • too dry skin - due to the absorbent effect, there is a risk of reducing the already low level of secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • damage to the skin, including wounds, scratches, ulcers that form at the site of acne;
  • inflammatory reactions - it is better to skip areas with acne so as not to injure the epidermis;
  • allergic reactions - unlike pure soda, other components of soda scrubs can cause redness, itching, irritation or a rash on the face;
  • too tanned skin - in the hot season or after visiting a solarium, the top layer is too dry, and it is undesirable to use scrubs.

Attention! Owners of this skin type should not experiment - peeling even with the most gentle methods may be contraindicated for them.

Instructions for use

Before you begin direct soda peeling, you need to prepare the skin. For this, heating is used. Experts recommend a “steam bath”. First, prepare a herbal infusion. If the skin is dry, then you need to take 25 grams of dried linden and mint; for oily epidermis, it is recommended to prepare 25 grams of chamomile and sage (dry). In a fairly wide cup or small basin you need to pour 2.5 liters of just boiled water, and then add the grass there. Wash your face and apply a rich cream to the skin around your eyes. Steaming your face lasts about 10 minutes, while you need to cover your head with a thick towel. Use a napkin to blot your face. After the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed to the actual cleaning.

Basic rules for peeling with soda:

  1. It should be remembered that the soda composition is applied only to the prepared skin surface.
  2. This product should not be applied to the skin around the eyes. This product is also not suitable for cleansing thin and sensitive epidermis.
  3. Before applying the composition to your facial skin, check whether you are allergic to it. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin of the wrist; after 15–25 minutes, evaluate the result. If there is redness or rashes, then this composition cannot be used.
  4. Apply the composition with massaging movements.
  5. The product can not be applied to the entire surface of the skin, but only to problem areas.
  6. After completing the procedure, you should wash your face with lukewarm water, and then with cold water.
  7. After such a procedure, it is necessary to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to the skin.

Currently reading: A unique combination of soda and shaving foam for all occasions

Skin care after procedures

Soda peeling involves comprehensive post-peeling skin care, consisting of the following steps:

  • the use of moisturizing or nourishing (in winter) creams with hyaluronic acid, proteins, amino acids, RSA;
  • use cosmetics containing antioxidants, phospholipids, panthenol, and natural oils to prevent dehydration;
  • Washing can only be done on the 2nd day with warm boiled water;
  • exclusion of decorative cosmetics;
  • drink plenty of water (2-3 liters of water per day);
  • Do not use exfoliants for 2 weeks.

During the recovery period, you need to use healing products with panthenol, especially if a middle or deep cleansing has been performed. Use sulfate-free products to wash your face, and apply sunscreen before going outside.

Soda facial peeling for problem skin

If your skin has age spots, freckles, pimples, blackheads or acne, then peeling with soda will definitely help you get rid of all these problems. There are a large number of highly effective recipes:

  1. Sugar-soda peeling. In order to prepare such a remedy, you need to prepare granulated sugar, cow butter and baking soda. In 200 grams of pre-boiled lukewarm water, dissolve 1 small spoon of granulated sugar and baking soda. Take a cotton pad and soak it in the resulting mixture, wipe your skin with it for 4 minutes. Then wait until the product dries well, after which you need to wash your face with soap, and the water should be at room temperature. Afterwards, apply a thin layer of cow oil to dry skin and wait 60 minutes. After the specified time has passed, wash your face again, but with lukewarm water (do not use soap).
  2. Soda with aloe juice. 25 grams of baking soda should be combined with freshly squeezed aloe juice. The resulting mixture should have a paste-like structure. The resulting composition should be applied with light movements to those areas where there is a problem. Wait a third of an hour and wash your face carefully.
  3. Vinegar-soda peeling . You will need to mix 10 grams of baking soda with 25 milligrams of table vinegar at a six percent concentration. Apply the resulting foam to your face, and rub it in gently, without strong pressure. After a quarter of an hour you should wash your face.
  4. Flour and soda for acne. 2 small spoons of soda should be mixed with 2 large spoons of wheat, oat or buckwheat flour. Stir well. You need to add enough water to the resulting mixture to get a creamy mass. Apply the composition to the skin with light circular movements and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. The product is removed with a cotton pad, which must be moistened in lukewarm water. This peeling should be repeated no more than once every 7 days.
  5. Starch and soda. 1 large spoon of soda should be mixed with 2 large spoons of potato starch. You need to pour such a volume of mineral water into the resulting mixture to form a paste-like mass. It should be applied to the skin surface with light rubbing movements. Then you need to wash your face.
  6. Honey and soda. Combine honey (preferably liquid) and baking soda in a 2:1 ratio. Mix everything well and apply to your face with your fingertips. Massage your face for just a minute and then wash your face. Repeat the procedure no more than once every 2 weeks.


To achieve good results, you must follow simple rules and strictly follow the recommendations.

For face

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and impurities using facial foam.
  2. After peeling, toning is carried out using a cotton pad soaked in tonic (boiled water with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is used as a tonic).
  3. At the end of the procedure, you need to apply cream according to your skin type.
  4. It is allowed to use face masks, both ready-made and homemade (with the addition of sour cream, oatmeal, eggs, fruit, drinking yogurt)
  5. Frequency: for dry skin – 1 time per week, for oily skin – 2 times per week. A peeling course requires 3-7 procedures.
  6. The procedure is undesirable during the sunny season.

For body

  1. Before peeling, you need to cleanse the skin with shower gel and a washcloth.
  2. Products containing oils must also be washed off using shower gel.
  3. After body peeling, you need to apply cream or milk.
  4. The frequency is 1-2 procedures per week. The course requires 10-15 procedures.

For hair

  1. Exfoliation is performed on unwashed hair.
  2. After peeling, you need to rinse your hair with shampoo twice.
  3. It is not advisable to use a hairdryer for drying on the day of the procedure.
  4. Frequency of treatment for dry dermis: 1 time per week. The course consists of 3-5 procedures.

Facial peeling with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Peeling with soda and hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of pimples, acne, blackheads, and also lighten the skin. This composition also perfectly eliminates oily shine.

To prepare this composition you will need three percent hydrogen peroxide. In a small cup, combine baking soda (2 parts) and peroxide (1 part), but note that the resulting product should look like a thick porridge. It is recommended to apply the resulting mass exclusively to those areas of the skin that have problems. Wait about 10 minutes. and wash with clean water.

Mechanism of action

The peeling effect on the dermis is due to several properties of baking soda, namely:

  1. The product in powder form acts as a soft scrub and helps exfoliate the horny scales of the epidermis.
  2. Soda is sodium bicarbonate (other names are sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate), which upon contact with water gives an alkaline reaction. And the alkaline solution causes disinfecting, drying effects, and also helps cleanse pores (blackheads) by saponifying fats; in other words, alkali dissolves fat in the pores.

Effects of the procedure on the skin:

  • cleansing;
  • removal of horny scales;
  • tone alignment, relief, lightening;
  • surface disinfection;
  • cleansing pores, blackheads, comedones;
  • getting rid of small wrinkles;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • removal of dandruff on the head;
  • reducing the number of inflammations and acne.

Facial peeling with baking soda and salt

Peeling with a mixture of baking soda and salt will not only help get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads, but will also rejuvenate the skin. Instead of simple table salt, you can use sea salt, but it must be very fine, otherwise the epidermis will be injured.

  1. Popular recipe. Apply a gel intended for washing to a moistened skin surface. Then, with light circular movements, 1 large spoon of soda is distributed over the surface of the epidermis. After this, the same amount of salt should be applied in the same way. Massage the skin with light movements for a couple of minutes. It is necessary to wash off the composition with lukewarm clean water.
  2. Soda, salt and foam. You can use both foam and gel. You should not squeeze out very much of the product into your palm, and then pour 10 grams of salt and the same amount of soda into it. This composition should be spread on problem areas and massaged for 2 minutes. Then the product must be washed off.
  3. Salt, three percent hydrogen peroxide and soda. In order to prepare the product, you need to combine soda and salt in a 1:1 ratio and pour into the resulting mixture such a volume of peroxide so that the product has the consistency of a paste. It is applied to the skin and rubbed in with light movements for a couple of minutes. Then you need to wash your face. To significantly increase the effectiveness of the composition, it is recommended to pour 2 drops of tea tree oil into it.
  4. Sour cream-soda-salt peeling. In a bowl, combine salt, soda and low-fat sour cream in a ratio of 1:1:5. Apply the mixture to your face and wait 10 minutes. After this time, you need to wash your face with lukewarm water.
  5. Peeling with shaving cream. In a bowl you need to combine salt, soda and shaving cream in a ratio of 1:1:1. The resulting mixture should be spread onto problem areas of the epidermis with rubbing movements. Wait about 10 minutes and wash with lukewarm water, and then cool. After this, apply a small amount of lemon juice to the surface of the skin.

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Little tricks: advice from a cosmetologist

  • If there are large inflamed pimples on the skin, you need to increase the amount of water so that instead of powder you get a saturated solution.
  • If necessary, enhance the exfoliating effect, you need to add coarser salt.
  • The amount of oil directly affects the softening properties of the exfoliant, therefore, by adjusting its volume, you can achieve the required softness depending on your skin type and the problem being solved.
  • If there is inflammation, after chemical peeling you can enhance its effect with salt applications.

Peeling soda for hair

Soda can be used to exfoliate not only the skin of the face and body, but also the hair. This method will allow your hair to maintain its cleanliness and freshness for 5-7 days, and will eliminate excess oiliness. It will also make your hair much stronger and healthier. If you have unsuccessfully dyed your hair, one or more peeling procedures using soda will help remove the dye.

Exfoliating hair with soda is very easy and simple. But at the same time it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence and know a few rules:

  1. To prepare the peeling agent, you need to dissolve 2 large spoons of soda in 200 grams of lukewarm water. Stir everything very well so that the soda is completely dissolved.
  2. This composition is applied to the entire length of the hair and scalp, and thoroughly massaged. When soda interacts with sebum, sodium salt and glycerin are formed, and these substances are the main components of very useful glycerin soap.
  3. Rinse your hair well with clean lukewarm or cool water. The soda should wash off very easily and quickly.
  4. After you rinse your hair, you can rinse it with a special solution consisting of 1 liter of water and 4 large spoons of apple cider vinegar. This rinse will make your hair very soft and shiny.

If you don’t want to completely give up store-bought shampoo, you can resort to another peeling recipe. To do this, immediately before washing your hair, you need to prepare the following mixture. Combine 1 small spoon of baking soda, 3 large spoons of lukewarm water and the required amount of shampoo. Apply the mixture to your head, massage for 5 minutes and rinse. As a result, your hair will become cleaner and less oily.

Attention! Soda peeling is not suitable for very dry and brittle hair.

Currently reading: Method of lightening hair with soda



This is how SODA is perceived by taste buds.

SODIUM HYDROCARBONATE (as the common food ingredient is scientifically called) is part of human blood plasma.

Therefore, among the main advantages of FACIAL PEELING WITH SODA is its absolute physiology .

Another advantage of the procedure is the normalization of ACID-BASE BALANCE : a term whose existence we learned about in the 90s from chewing gum advertising.

In relation to the skin it means ANTISEPTIC EFFECT :

  • alkalis destroy the environment comfortable for bacteria,
  • The formation of sebaceous plugs and inflammatory elements is prevented.

We recommend: How to properly do HAND PEELING

Like all other exfoliation methods, peeling with soda and salt has a KERATOLYTIC (exfoliating) EFFECT .

Pores are deeply cleansed, dead cells are dissolved, oxygen supply to the skin is enhanced, due to which vitamins and microelements enter deep into the tissues.

As a result, the effectiveness of any cosmetic products : serums, creams, masks increases by 80%.

And finally, a unique 2-in-1 combination of chemical and mechanical methods:

  • stimulates blood microcirculation,
  • starts metabolic processes,
  • provokes natural functions of renewal of collagen and elastin fibers.

As a result, the face acquires a pleasant, uniform shade, becomes fresher and younger.

Despite bordering on chemical methods, peeling with soda in skillful hands is almost completely safe and universal :

A) is only superficial,

B) does not cause discomfort,

C) does not require rehabilitation,

D) easy to perform,

D) can be used both for the face and body, and for hair.

The effectiveness of this product is largely due to its chemical components.

The formula (NaHCO3) is based on the elements sodium, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen.

The effect can be supplemented and adjusted with other ingredients:

Activated carbon powderDeeper Cleaning
Lemon juiceBest matting
Hydrogen peroxideAnti-acne

Side effects and contraindications

Like other cosmetic facial procedures, peeling with soda has a number of disadvantages and limitations.

Among the main contraindications:

  • Cuperosis (visible small vessels: for example, at the wings of the nose);
  • Pimples in the first stage, with a purulent core;
  • Dermatological diseases in the treatment area;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

How to do an allergy test

Before using the composition on the face, you should first check its safety on the inside of the elbow or forearm.:

  • apply the peeling agent for a few minutes;
  • make sure there is no allergic reaction;
  • rinse with warm, then cold water.

In case of abnormal ITCHING or REDMENT, it is better to abandon the procedure in favor of other methods.

Side effects

If you do not pay attention to the recommendations on precautionary measures, the following COMPLICATIONS may occur:

  • skin irritation;
  • redness (erythema, hyperemia, allergy);
  • burns.

That's why you should first read the list of tips on how to properly peel with soda (sodium) for the face.

Feedback from our readers

You can leave your reviews about the use of soda for peeling, they will be useful to other users of the site!

Svetlana, 37 years old

“I only recently learned about soda peels and have already tried their effectiveness on myself. At first I was scared that irritation might come out or it would sting badly, but none of this happened. I exfoliate with baking soda and sea salt once every 1.5–2 weeks, and now my skin has become perfect, otherwise I was constantly tormented by acne, and there are much fewer age spots. I do everything as you wrote here. First, I steam my face thoroughly, and then I do the peeling.”

Christina, 23 years old

“I came across this article by accident, read it and decided to try to remove freckles this way, and at the same time get rid of blackheads. I did peeling with peroxide and then with sea salt. I'm very pleased with the result. Of course, the freckles didn’t disappear completely, but they became barely visible. I recommend it to everyone, just try not to get this “hellish” mixture into your eyes, it burns horror! This is such a great recipe, I recommend it to everyone!”

Valeria, 18 years old

“I still can’t get rid of pimples, I’m so tired of them. So I decided to try baking soda, maybe it will help. Has anyone already tried it? Which recipe is better to try?

Marina, 53 years old

“But my hair is very oily. I just wash it in the morning, and by the evening it’s already greasy and all stuck together. Therefore, you have to wash almost every day. I read about washing your hair with baking soda and decided to try it. At first there were no significant changes, I already wanted to quit, but then I decided to try washing my hair this way two more times, and it was not in vain. I noticed that after the sixth procedure, my hair began to become dirty much more slowly, and it began to look much better. I will continue the experiment further..."

Karina, 27 years old

“And I’m allergic to store-bought scrubs, foams and other crap. Therefore, I try to use exclusively natural products, and they consider baking soda mixed with sea salt to be the most effective way to cleanse the face of dead cells, and it also quickly removes those terrible blackheads. I only make sure to grind sea salt in a coffee grinder, otherwise it scratches the skin.”

Polina, 51 years old

“But I’m looking for an effective scrub to make my skin lighter, otherwise it’s become kind of gray lately. I tried several store-bought products, but I don’t have much money for expensive ones, and cheap ones don’t help much. I want to try baking soda with peroxide. Maybe someone has already tried it? How is it? Doesn’t it burn too much and is there any result?

Preparatory stage

Before using soda, be sure to clean the surface of your face from dirt and cosmetics, otherwise grains of soda will rub harmful substances into the skin. The face must be washed with water and a special gel or milk. After cleansing, it is recommended to warm up the skin and steam it in a bath. For this purpose, take dried chamomile or mint, add hot water, let it brew for 10–15 minutes, and then use it for its intended purpose. The face is lowered over hot water and remains in this position for 10 to 20 minutes. After using the bath, you can begin peeling.

The product can be used at any time of the year, but it is still not recommended to use it in winter, replacing it with something more gentle. This is explained by the fact that in winter the skin often suffers from a lack of moisture, becoming dry, and this procedure can only worsen the situation.

The benefits and effects of soda exfoliation

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a white, finely crystalline powder that, when dissolved in water, has a slightly alkaline reaction that promotes:

  • opening of pores, their effective cleansing, narrowing;
  • activation of blood circulation in small vessels and capillaries;
  • whitening, lightening pigment spots;
  • release of dead cells;
  • restoration of cellular respiration.

Sodium bicarbonate has a fairly strong antiseptic and antibacterial effect, so peelings based on it can quickly get rid of acne , comedones, and inflammation.

Exfoliation sessions with baking soda effectively relax the facial muscles, freeing them from tension. The exfoliation process takes place evenly over the entire treated surface.

After soda peelings, renewal and regeneration processes are launched in the epidermis. As a result, the skin becomes noticeably cleaner, younger, and softer.

Sodium bicarbonate most effectively exfoliates oily and combination types, normalizing sebum secretion.

For normal or dry skin types, it is recommended to combine soda with softening ingredients (milk, cream, cosmetic oil, bananas, avocados, etc.).

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