Warts on the tongue: what causes papillomas to appear in the mouth?

Warts are common on the surface of the skin, especially in middle-aged people. Children become infected with this disease quite rarely.

A wart on the tongue is a rare benign tumor that is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. When it appears, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Causes of warts on the tongue

Warts are quite unpleasant phenomena.

Their appearance on the surface of the body or in the oral cavity is directly affected by:

  • Stressful conditions;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Damage to the oral mucosa;
  • Lack of vitamins in the body;
  • Prolonged fatigue;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Presence of HIV-infected diseases;
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • Long-term use of oral contraceptives;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • Elderly age;
  • Intestinal infections;
  • Poor compliance with the rules of hygienic oral care;
  • Chemical burn.

In the human body, the virus can remain in a latent state for a long time (from 6 months to 5 years), without showing itself in any way.

List of sources

  • Alieva. S.B., Alymov Yu.V., Kropotov M.A., Mudunov A.M., Podvyaznikov S.O. Cancer of the oral mucosa. Oncology. Clinical recommendations / Ed. M. I. Davydova. – M.: Publishing group RONC, 2015, pp. 27-37.
  • Romanov, I.S. Features of regional metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity, detected during preventive lymph node dissections. / Romanov, I.S., Yakovleva L.P., Udintsov D.B., Dzhumaev M.G., Tsiklauri V.T. // Dentistry. – 2012. – T.91, No. 4. — P. 28-31.
  • Romanov I. S., Yakovleva L. P. Issues in the treatment of oral cancer. Farmateka 2013; (8):59–63.
  • Paches A.I. Tumors of the head and neck. 5th ed., supplemented and revised M.: Practical Medicine, 2013. P. 119‒146.
  • Romanov I. S. Prospects for the use of cetuximab in the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck / Oncology. Hematology. Chemotherapy. - 2015. - No. 17/1.

Symptoms of warts

Already at an early stage of development of neoplasms, the first unpleasant symptoms appear. If you do not pay attention to them and do not consult a doctor for help in time, then the symptoms of illness will only increase.

The appearance of a wart can be recognized by the appearance of the following signs:

  • Unpleasant sensations when swallowing;
  • Enlarged papillae on the surface of the tongue;
  • The appearance of a small convex formation;
  • If the growth is damaged, pain, burning and bleeding occurs;
  • Reproduction education;
  • Voice change;
  • Difficulty breathing (rare);
  • Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

In HIV-infected people, the appearance of warts in the form of small white bursting blisters on the root, tip, underside and sides of the tongue is common.

Photo of what warts on the tongue look like:

Can growths be malignant?

At any moment, the growth can degenerate into a malignant tumor. Causes: constant damage to the tumor when talking or chewing food. Tongue cancer is classified as squamous cell; other forms, such as basal cell carcinoma or carcinoma, are rarely diagnosed.

Types of malignant tumors:

  1. An ulcer is a dense neoplasm that turns into an ulcer; it often hurts and bleeds. Located on the lower surface of the tongue.
  2. Infiltrative - a seal on the tip or back surface of the tongue, covered with a white coating. Constantly and severely painful.
  3. Papillary - a solid tumor on a stalk, formed on the lateral surfaces. Characterized by slow growth.

The prevalence of tongue cancer is 5 cases per 100 thousand population . The disease is easy to diagnose. But people often do not notice or ignore the symptoms of the pathology and go to the doctor with already advanced forms of the disease.

Formation of tongue cancer

Stages and symptoms of tongue cancer:

  1. Initial . Whitish spots appear on the tongue, most often on the lateral surfaces. These are papillary growths that look very similar to plaque. During examination, doctors often mistake formations for manifestations of glossitis and stomatitis. There is no pain or discomfort.
  2. Stage of clinical manifestations . The spots gradually become denser and transform into a tumor. Pain appears, which often radiates to the neck, ears, and temporal region; the tongue, neck, and face swell. When the formation becomes infected and suppurates, unpleasant odor from the mouth is disturbing. Problems arise with swallowing, articulation, and some areas of the tongue become numb. Metastases often spread to the cervical and submandibular lymph nodes.
  3. Launched . Necrosis and tissue decay begins, the tumor penetrates deep into the tongue.
  4. Terminal . Metastases extend beyond the oral cavity - lungs, liver, bones. Treatment at this stage is ineffective, and the prognosis is disappointing.

Specific diagnosis involves examining a smear of the fingerprint to identify cancer cells. A biopsy of the tumor is required. Additional research methods - ultrasound of the tongue, lower jaw and neck, x-ray or CT scan of the skull are prescribed to identify metastases.

Video about tongue cancer:

Treatment methods:

  1. Surgical . To radically remove a malignant tumor, partial resection or complete removal of the tongue is performed. When the tumor grows into the surrounding tissue, complete resection is performed, down to the bones of the lower jaw.
  2. Radiation therapy . The tumor is irradiated with X-rays. Radiotherapy is carried out before and after surgery.
  3. Polychemotherapy . A method of treating advanced forms of the disease, used in the presence of distant metastases. Drugs – Cisplatin, Methotrexate.


Radio rays


Attention! One of the main differences between malignant and benign neoplasms is that cancerous tumors are very dense. They rise somewhat above the mucous membrane and have an uneven surface.

Routes of infection

It is important to know that papilloma is a contagious disease. The virus quickly settles on other people when they come into close contact with an infected person.

To avoid this, you must carefully avoid such routes of infection as:

  • Due to sexual contact with an infected partner;
  • While kissing;
  • When sharing personal hygiene items;
  • When receiving injured areas in the oral cavity;
  • Transmission of infection from mother to newborn child in the presence of vaginal disease.

The pathogen is transmitted less frequently through domestic contact than through sexual contact, although it can remain viable for a long time in the environment, especially in damp and warm rooms.

Mechanism of occurrence

Growths on the tongue are formed from epithelium, fat cells, muscle fibers, nerves, blood and lymphatic vessels.
The tumor can arise against the background of embryogenesis disorders - the rudiments of foreign tissue structures get onto the tongue. Under favorable conditions, HPV begins to actively multiply and penetrates the basal cells of the epithelium. The DNA of the virus invades the DNA of cells, changes their functions, causes them to actively and chaotically divide and multiply.

Doctor about condylomas in the mouth:

Types of warts

At first glance, all warts seem the same, but if you look closely, you will notice pronounced differences in their shape and color.

The following types are distinguished:

  • Flat - have a round shape, a clear contour and dark pigmentation. They do not cause severe discomfort, but if they grow strongly, it is better to get rid of them;
  • Pointed - have the shape of elongated papillae with legs attached to the surface. When spread strongly, they merge, forming fluffy ridges. They settle mainly on the tip and side of the tongue or cheeks. Their appearance is characterized by the presence of a mass of unpleasant sensations.

It is worth noting that the appearance of a genital wart on a child’s tongue is fraught with disruption of the correct functioning of the speech apparatus.


The dentist diagnoses and treats growths on the tongue.
Sometimes additional consultation with a dermatologist, endocrinologist, virologist, immunologist and otolaryngologist may be required. Examination and diagnostic methods:

  1. Anamnesis collection, examination of the oral cavity and skin. The doctor notes the color, shape and consistency of the growth on the tongue, its surface, and location.
  2. A general blood test shows the presence and intensity of inflammatory processes in the body.
  3. Tissue biopsy - biomaterial is sent for histological examination.
  4. PCR diagnostics – identifying the type of causative agent of the pathological process.
  5. Analysis for thyroid hormones.
  6. Digen test.

The methods allow us to identify the characteristics of the disease with high accuracy. But at the initial stage of HPV development, there are often false positive and false negative results.

Why is it worth treating and removing warts on the tongue?

It is not only possible, but also necessary to treat lingual papillomas at an early stage!

A timely visit to a medical specialist will help you avoid a lot of troubles:

  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Deprivation of the ability to talk;
  • The appearance of pain when swallowing and chewing food;
  • Transition of a wart to a cancerous stage;
  • Frequent activation of the gag reflex, resulting in the formation of dehydration;
  • Speech unintelligibility.

If this problem has become somewhat neglected, then in order to avoid suppuration and death (from lack of oxygen), you should immediately consult a dentist for surgical help.

How to remove a wart on the tongue?

There are several modern methods for removing warts on the tongue.

Before choosing a method for removing a wart on the tongue, you should undergo a thorough medical examination by your doctor to confirm that the wart is not malignant.

Laser removal

The procedure does not require any special preparation.

It is important to know that this method is strictly contraindicated in patients who have:

  • malignant tumor;
  • large warts - over 3 cm;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

The laser removal procedure consists of several simple steps:

  • Local anesthesia;
  • Cutting off the growth body;
  • Burning out the tumor stalk with a laser;
  • Surface treatment with an antiseptic solution.

In the postoperative period, under no circumstances should you allow household chemicals to come into contact with the wound, tear off the resulting crust, or expose the area to direct sunlight.

It is worth noting the following advantages of the procedure:Disadvantages of the procedure:
  • The duration of laser removal lasts no more than 20 minutes;
  • There is no hemorrhage - the laser cauterizes the blood vessels;
  • Complete painlessness;
  • The virus does not spread further;
  • Highly effective result;
  • Sterility;
  • Control by a specialist of the beam penetration depth;
  • Suitable for treating children from two years of age.
  • The disadvantage of this method is the risk of deep burns due to malfunction of the device.
  • In rare cases, side effects may occur such as long-lasting pigmentation, swelling, hyperemia, blistering and slight redness.

This method is ideal for removing growths at all locations in the oral cavity. The recovery period lasts no more than 15 days.

The average cost of such a procedure is 1,500 rubles .


A mandatory stage of preparation for this procedure is the treatment of existing infectious diseases.

This procedure is strictly contraindicated for people who often experience convulsions, epilepsy attacks, exacerbation of chronic diseases, hypertension, vasospasm, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

The cryodestruction procedure consists of several simple steps:

  • The specialist treats the localization site with a disinfectant;
  • After this, cauterizes the wart with liquid nitrogen;
  • The procedure is repeated the required number of times after a one-minute pause.

The postoperative period is accompanied by minor pain and lasts for 2-3 weeks.

Wart removal with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction has the following advantages:Disadvantages of the procedure:
  • The duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 seconds;
  • Anesthesia is used in rare cases;
  • There is no risk of bleeding;
  • In the future, the infection does not spread;
  • Suitable for children from 1 year of age.
  • Possible re-operation;
  • Painful sensations;
  • High risk of scarring;
  • Uncontrollability of freezing depth;
  • A sharp decrease in immunity, due to which doctors immediately prescribe immunostimulating drugs to patients.

It is worth noting that the appearance of a bubble at the site of papilloma removal indicates insufficient freezing of the area. At the same time, small formations completely disappear, and large ones require a repeat procedure, three weeks after the first operation.

It is important to know that it is prohibited to open the formed bubble yourself! It will open on its own within 5 days after formation.

This procedure is used to remove tumors on the front of the tongue and the surface of the cheeks.

The average cost of one session is 1000 rubles .


Electrocoalization is the process of removing benign growths by burning with an electrode.

Preparation for electrocoalization involves preliminary elimination of the presence of infectious diseases.

People with:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • allergies to anesthetics;
  • herpes during an exacerbation;
  • chronic somatic diseases;
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Treatment is carried out strictly in the following sequence:

  • Heating the device to 80°C;
  • Application of anesthetic;
  • Touching the electrode.

After surgery, it is prohibited to expose postoperative areas to direct sunlight or touch non-sterile items.

It is worth noting that this method is not included in the advanced types of tumor removal.

This method has many advantages:Electrocoalization also has its disadvantages:
  • The procedure does not require special preparation.
  • Short duration of treatment.
  • After performing electrical manipulations, you can immediately go home.
  • There is no need to repeat the procedure in the future.
  • It is possible to remove all papillomas at once.
  • The procedure is performed for children from 3 years of age.
  • The patient feels a slight burning sensation and pain during the operation;
  • Deeply embedded warts cannot always be burned out with electric current;
  • If the procedure was performed by an inexperienced doctor, then, with an incorrectly selected current discharge, pronounced scars may remain on the surface.

It is important to know that this method is performed exclusively on the front of the tongue and cheeks. The recovery period lasts no more than two weeks.

The average cost of such a procedure is 350 rubles for the removal of one tumor.

Surgical removal

Contraindications to surgical interventions include:

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • People with exacerbation of herpes;
  • The period of infectious and inflammatory processes.

Operation process:

  • The patient is given anesthetics;
  • Then the wart is excised with a scalpel;
  • Clean the damaged area;
  • Stitches are applied.

Sutures are removed on the 14th day after the procedure. It is worth noting that the patient spends the entire postoperative period in the hospital under the strict supervision of a doctor.

During this period, it is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time, be irresponsible about personal hygiene, and also tear off the formed protective film.

The advantages of this procedure include the effectiveness of the result, while the disadvantages include a long recovery period, hospitalization, scar formation and subsequent painful removal of sutures.

Surgical removal is allowed for children from 5 years of age. This procedure is intended to remove warts at all locations.

The average cost of the operation is 1300 rubles .

Stages of the disease

Stages of tongue cancer

We offer you a table of correspondence between tongue tumor stages and clinical TNM classification, which uses the following designations:

  • T – indicates the primary tumor: Tx – the primary tumor cannot be assessed;
  • T0 – no data on the primary tumor;
  • Тis – cancer in situ (pre-invasive stage);
  • T1-T4 – the primary tumor is enlarged and/or widespread.
  • N – indicates the condition of regional lymph nodes:
      Nx – regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed;
  • N0 – there are no metastases in regional lymph nodes;
  • N1-N3 – the degree of lymph node involvement is increased.
  • M - shows whether there are distant metastases:
      M0 – no distant metastases;
  • M1 – there are distant metastases.
  • Correspondence table for stages of tongue cancer TNM classification

    TNM stage
    0 (carcinoma in situ)Tis, N0, M0
    IT1, N0, M0
    IIT2, N0, M0
    IIIT3, N0, M0 or T1-T3, N1, M0
    IV4a: T4a, N0 M0 or T4aN1, M0 or T1-T4a, N2, M0 4b: T4b, any N, M0 or any T, N3, M0 4c: any T, any N, M1

    Drug treatment

    It is important to know that treatment of warts with medications is effective only in the early stages of development.

    After undergoing a preliminary examination by a specialist, the doctor prescribes the following medications:

    • Isoprinosine - this drug acts to enhance the production of interferon protein, activating blood cells and inhibiting all inflammatory foci. For two weeks, the patient needs to take the drug 2 times a day. After which, as prescribed by the doctor, the course can be extended to 30 days. This drug can be taken from 4 years of age. It is worth noting that it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The average cost of this drug is 320 rubles ;
    • Interferon - this medicine helps to destroy viruses, generally strengthen the immune system and increases the body's resistance to pathological processes. This drug is prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation with extreme caution. To treat pathological formations, the drug must be used for 2 months. Its use is possible from the moment of birth. The average cost of the drug is 100 rubles ;
    • Complivit is a complex of vitamins and minerals. It is used to restore the body's immunity. Use 1 tablet per day for 1 month. Available for different ages. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles ;
    • Acyclovir is an antiviral drug. Sometimes this drug is replaced by isoprinosine. For 5 days, this drug should be taken 1 tablet 5 times a day (strictly every 4 hours, not including at night). It is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, women during breastfeeding and those with individual lactose intolerance. The average cost of a medicine is 180 rubles ;
    • Panavir is a plant-based antiviral drug. The course of treatment is one week. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate the damaged areas 3 times a day with strict adherence to an interval of two days. This drug is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women and children under 18 years of age. The average cost of a medicine is 110 rubles .


    Diet for tongue cancer

    • Efficacy: therapeutic effect for a month
    • Timing: constantly
    • Cost of products: 1300-1500 rubles per week

    Difficulties with swallowing in the patient before and after surgery force the installation of a nasoesophageal tube. Through it, broth with meat and eggs beaten in a blender, sour cream, cream and other high-calorie liquid products are introduced. A nutritional mixture must be prescribed in addition to the main diet . This is a liquid high-calorie and high-protein mixture enriched with micronutrients. This can be Nutrizon Advance , Nutrizon Protein Advance , Nutrizon Energy , Nutrizon Protein Intense , Supportan Mixture for enteral nutrition, Fresubin original , Fresubin Energy , Nutricomp . With the transition to natural nutrition, a diet table with liquid dishes is organized - puree soup, boiled fish and meat (veal), poultry (turkey, chicken), whipped in a blender, meat and fish soufflé, liquid omelet, yoghurt, milk, cauliflower, broccoli in the form of mashed potatoes, mashed potatoes.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    It is important to know that warts in the early stages of development can be treated not only with medicinal and methodological methods, but also with folk remedies.

    Here are the most effective of them:

    • Chicken egg white - used to lubricate the affected surface. To do this, you need to take one egg, separate the white from the yolk and beat thoroughly. This procedure must be carried out every 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure is 14 days, after which the dried warts will fall off on their own. Picking them out and touching them with your hands is strictly prohibited, otherwise the virus will take over other parts of the body;
    • Garlic balls - for preparation you will need crushed garlic cloves and a small amount of flour to form lumps. This ball must be attached to the wart for 2 hours. The duration of the procedure is 10 days. It is worth noting that during this treatment method, it is quite normal to experience a burning sensation in the damaged area;
    • Chestnut infusion - prepared as follows: pour 0.5 cups of chestnut with boiling water and leave for 6 hours. This infusion should be taken orally in small sips, not holding each portion in the mouth for long. Treatment must be repeated every day for two weeks;
    • Rubbing the affected area with laundry soap is also considered an effective treatment method. To do this, apply a copious amount of laundry soap to the protruding tongue in the area where the growth has formed and hold it for 10 minutes, after which you should rinse the mouth thoroughly with warm running water. This treatment should be continued until the papilloma completely disappears;
    • Treatment with castor oil - place cotton wool well moistened with oil on the infected area for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, you just need to remove the cotton wool from your mouth. The course of such treatment is 7 days;
    • Garlic infusion - 3 large cloves of garlic must be poured with boiling water (250 ml), tightly closed with a lid and left to infuse for 2 hours. You need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with this decoction 2-3 times a day for 10 days;
    • For oral administration, the following decoction is prepared : strawberry, St. John's wort and hawthorn leaves must be scalded and poured with boiling water. Leave for 25 minutes. Take 3 tablespoons before each meal for 7 days. This will not only help you get rid of warts quickly, but also strengthen your overall immune system.

    Preventive measures

    The main methods of prevention are strengthening the immune system and maintaining good hygiene.

    How to prevent growths from appearing:

    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • exercise regularly, spend more time outdoors;
    • avoid stressful situations, learn to relax, master meditative techniques;
    • wash your hands frequently and thoroughly, especially after going outside or visiting the toilet;
    • Always use only your own towels and personal items;
    • adjust your diet - give up unhealthy and heavy foods, eat more vegetables and fruits, fermented milk products, cereals, lean meat and fish;
    • observe the drinking regime - you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean still water per day;
    • promptly identify and treat dental diseases and pathologies of internal organs.

    An effective method for preventing the formation of papillomas on the tongue is HPV vaccination. The Cervarix and Gardasil vaccines have contraindications and side effects, so they are not suitable for everyone. Vaccination does not completely protect against infection, but it does promote the production of antibodies that help the body fight infection more quickly.

    It is advisable to vaccinate up to 26 years of age. The protective effect is designed for 8 years. Contraindications: pregnancy and breastfeeding, any gum problems.


    In order to avoid accidental infection, you must:

    • Strict adherence to personal hygiene;
    • Reducing stressful situations;
    • Strengthening the immune system;
    • Timely treatment of viral diseases;
    • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
    • Proper nutrition;
    • Limit close contacts with an infected partner;
    • Avoiding hypothermia;
    • Complete rest, lasting at least 8 hours.
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