Herpes on the chin - causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

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Herpes on the chin is a fairly rare form of herpes infection . And although the causative agent is the same virus as on the lips, the infection on the chin is a kind of “game of luck.” The location of herpes manifestation is very individual and largely depends on the location of the virus in the nerve cells. The appearance of herpes on the chin may mean that herpes has become firmly established in the body, and this accordingly requires taking the necessary measures.

Causes of rashes on the chin

Acne on the face is not always just a cosmetic problem. A rash on the chin in women can be a symptom of digestive problems or gynecological problems . It is especially worth paying attention to your health for those who have small pimples that appear periodically in the same place.

. To get rid of such rashes, you need to cure the underlying problem in the body, otherwise all external remedies will be useless.

Another reason for the appearance of pimples is a cold . With hypothermia, lack of vitamins, high humidity or sharp drafts, single pimples may appear on the face and body, which are a symptom of decreased local immunity. A cold on the chin is often a companion to ARVI or influenza.

And the third option why rashes appeared on the chin is herpes . You can distinguish herpes on the chin from acne by the following signs:

  1. small size;
  2. herpes is not a single blister, but a whole “bouquet”, and with herpes the rash increases in size;
  3. with herpes, the vesicles are first filled with a clear liquid, which then becomes cloudy, after which the vesicle bursts and turns into an ulcer; colds and symptomatic blisters usually do not ulcerate and can go away without a trace.

Causes of herpes on the chin

The chin is not the most typical place for herpetic blisters to break out. Much more often they appear on the edges of the lips, near the nose or on the body. If bubbles appear on the chin in the area of ​​the lower jaw, this indicates that the herpes virus has been living and developing in the body for a long time. Herpes on the chin is usually caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1 - the same one that causes sores on the lips.

The herpes virus is extremely contagious; it enters the body of an adult through the mucous membrane. If the rash appears near the lips or nose, that is, next to the mucous membrane

, or even right on it, that is, there is a possibility that the person only recently caught herpes, which means that antiviral therapy started on time will have a good effect. Rashes on the chin, alas, indicate that the virus has damaged nerve cells.

Methods for diagnosing herpes

Diagnosis of herpes is carried out, first of all, on the basis of examination of the patient, since herpetic rashes have a certain specificity. However, your doctor may order laboratory tests. Laboratory tests can detect infection even in the absence of obvious manifestations.

Herpes test

Be prepared that if you suspect a herpes infection, the doctor will write a referral for a blood test, which will determine the presence of antibodies to the herpes virus in the blood. Based on the results of the analysis, it will be possible to judge not only the presence of the pathogen, but also its activity.

More information about the diagnostic method

Sign up for diagnostics To accurately diagnose the disease, make an appointment with specialists from the Family Doctor network.

Symptoms of herpes on the chin

Unlike labial herpes (localized in the lip area), the obligatory symptom of which is itching before the appearance of blisters, herpes on the chin can begin without this prodromal stage. This can be explained simply - the skin on the chin is rougher than around the lips.

Herpetic blisters on the chin appear quickly and usually immediately spread over a large area. The inflammation can reach 5 centimeters in diameter

and spread to the nose, cheeks, ears.
The appearance of blisters on the chin can be accompanied by severe toothache and headache - this means that the trigeminal nerve is damaged by viral cells.
Advice If you experience a severe headache, ear or toothache, you should consult a doctor. Ignoring such symptoms or self-medicating can lead to very serious problems.

The remaining symptoms of herpes are the same as in other areas of the face and body:

  • itching;
  • skin redness;
  • soreness in the area of ​​the rash;
  • temperature increase;
  • headache;
  • enlargement of lymph nodes located next to the inflammation.

In 2-4 days

the bubbles appear, they burst and turn into painful ulcers , which begin to dry out, crust over and heal. The wound heals within 10-14 days

Advice It is undesirable to touch herpes on the chin with your hands - the blisters spread easily, the period when the blisters burst is considered especially dangerous - the liquid flowing from them (bodice) contains a very high concentration of the virus.

Types of disease in children

There are 80 types of herpes virus, of which 8 are dangerous to humans. The nature of the disease and the type of herpetic rash depend on the type of herpes simplex virus (HSV):

  • Type 1 HSV - looks like cold-like rashes in the form of blisters on the lips, causes herpetic stomatitis and herpetic encephalitis.
  • Type 2 HSV – manifests itself as a rash on the genitals (genital herpes).
  • Type 3 HSV – causes chickenpox and recurrent herpes zoster.
  • The 4th type of HSV - Epshane-Barr virus, causes malignant lymphoma and infectious mononucleosis - an acute viral disease with fever, damage to the respiratory tract, lymph nodes, liver, spleen and blood.
  • Type 5 HSV – cytomegalovirus; affects the respiratory system, internal organs, intestines, eyes, brain, nervous and urinary systems.
  • Type 6 HSV - causes viral eczema - exanthema - pseudorubella-type rash;
  • The 7th and 8th types of HSV have not been sufficiently studied. Source: A.G. Lateral Herpesvirus infections in children - an urgent problem of modern clinical practice // Children's infections, 2010, No. 2, pp. 3-7

What causes herpes on the chin

The virus can live in the body for years without detecting itself. With various factors of decreased immunity, the virus begins to develop and manifest itself on the face and body of a person. These factors include:

  • stress;
  • colds;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins - seasonal or associated with an unbalanced diet;
  • premenstrual period;
  • taking medications that reduce the body's resistance (immunosuppressants, etc.).

Trauma, for example, when shaving, can also trigger herpetic inflammation on the chin . The virus, dormant for the time being, can manifest itself as bubbles that appear on abrasions, scratches, cuts, because damage to the skin is, albeit insignificant, but a decrease in local immunity.

Treatment of herpes on the chin

Treatment of herpes that appears on the chin will take a little longer

than standard herpes on the lips.
This is due to the fact that many simply do not notice the prodromal stage, and it is at this time that antiviral drugs are effective. If time is lost, then treatment should be limited to regeneration of damaged tissue and preventing the spread of blisters . For accompanying symptoms (headache, toothache, skin soreness), it is necessary to take painkillers. When the temperature rises to 38 degrees,
it is better to bring it down.

Antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes

As you know, it is impossible to get rid of the herpes virus. However, you can reduce its activity. Antiviral drugs are used for this. The following remedies are effective against herpes:

  1. acyclovir - tablets and ointment , the most popular drug for the treatment of herpes. Tablets are taken at the first symptoms , the duration of the course is at least 5 days, provided that 200 mg is taken every 4 hours (8 hours at night). Children over 2 years of age can take acyclovir, but strictly under the supervision of a doctor. It is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. When taking tablets, you should also use ointment - lubricate the affected areas every 4-5 hours for 7-10 days. If the skin lesion is small in size and there are no other symptoms, only an ointment may be sufficient, especially if treatment is started at the first signs of the disease.
  2. Zovirax is the most famous ointment based on the same acyclovir, used according to the instructions.
  3. valacyclovir (Valtrex) is a drug that in the human body is converted into acyclovir, which is active against the herpes simplex virus. The tablets are taken twice a day for 5 days , it is advisable to start treatment at the first signs. The drug is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age and persons with impaired renal function. Harm to pregnant women has not been proven, the medicine is not teratogenic, however, use in each specific case should be prescribed by a doctor.
  4. famciclovir (famvir) is a drug that, when ingested, is converted into panciclovir, which is active against viruses resistant to acyclovir. The selection of a treatment regimen should be carried out by a doctor.

These are only the basic antiviral drugs that help quickly cure herpes on the chin. They are effective if taken on the first day of symptoms. But even if you missed this moment

, you should start taking pills and you should definitely use antiviral ointments and creams.
They prevent the spread of blisters, relieve itching and soreness. You can use any external products containing acyclovir. If herpes appears on a child’s chin, it is better to use oxolinic or zinc ointment.

Folk remedies

If it was not possible to intercept the disease, then it is necessary to reduce the harm from it

And if folk remedies are useless to fight the virus, then they can be used to restore the skin. To relieve itching, dry out blisters and speed up skin restoration, oils such as rosehip, calendula, sea buckthorn, and fir
. By the way, it is believed that fir oil also has an antiviral effect.

Advice: Aloe juice helps to quickly cope with herpes on the chin. They lubricate the affected skin with it and make lotions. You can apply a fresh cut of aloe leaf.

To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to use infusions and decoctions of plants:

  • celandine;
  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • Oak bark.

They lubricate the sore spot or make lotions. All herbs have an antiseptic effect , relieve itching and accelerate healing.

Products for immunity

Herpes on the chin is always a symptom of low immunity. If herpes recurs 3-4 times a year or more often

, then antiviral drugs are not enough. In this case, courses of immunostimulating drugs are necessary. Among the most effective it is worth noting:

  1. interferon preparations (viferon, cycloferon, etc.) - they stimulate the body and activate the fight of cells against the virus;
  2. drugs that stimulate the release of the body’s own interferon are amiksin, kagocel, arbidol, lavomax;
  3. isoprinosine is a drug that has an antiviral and body-stimulating effect;
  4. Icopid - a drug to suppress the activity of viruses and increase immunity;
  5. Echinacea is a natural immunostimulant, taken in courses in the form of tincture or decoction.

Immunostimulating and immunomodulating drugs are prescribed simultaneously with antiviral therapy. They should also even in the absence of visible manifestations of herpes, if the disease reminds itself more than twice a year.

Which doctor's help might be needed for herpes?

With the questions “what causes herpes to constantly appear on the lips” and “I’m tormented by herpes - what to do?” You can contact your therapist first. He will subsequently refer you to an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist (if we are talking about an oral virus). Patients with a genital infection should see a gynecologist (women) or a urologist (men). Since the pathology may be associated with diseases of the internal organs, you may need to consult a gastroenterologist, hepatologist or pulmonologist.

How to quickly cure herpes on the chin

Using only antiviral ointments without comprehensive treatment can lead to the fact that there will be no visible manifestations of herpes, but in the cells the virus will grow and strengthen, one day manifesting itself in a more severe form. If herpes on the chin appears for the first time, it is worth combining the use of antiviral tablets and creams. If painful blisters appear on the chin several times a year, this is a reason to go to the doctor to select adequate antiviral therapy and immunostimulants.

Herpetic inflammation on the chin is a signal that the body cannot cope with viruses, which means it is necessary to reconsider your own attitude to health and lifestyle. A healthy human body is able to cope with viruses without drug support. To prevent herpes on the chin from recurring, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle:

  • Healthy food;
  • take vitamins for seasonal “vitaminosis”;
  • spend more time in the fresh air, take a walk;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke;
  • prevent exacerbation of chronic diseases.

A healthy lifestyle and strong immunity are the best prevention of herpes on the chin.

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