How to disinfect an apartment from lichen

Ringworm in a small kitten

Most harmful organisms are easily preserved in the environment. Therefore, treatment for lichen is necessary even after the disease has been eliminated. Our company has been engaged in the professional treatment of apartments for a long time, and therefore is well versed in the nuances. Below we will tell you how to clean a room yourself, and also share the secrets of professional disinfection.

Description of the disease

There are several types of the disease in the world. They differ in the method of transmission:

  • Viral - herpes zoster and lichen rosea. The latter is common in adolescents, although it is rare among children and adults. Although open air kills most bacteria, some can survive in favorable conditions. Therefore, the destruction of lichen still remains a desirable matter;
  • Fungal - ringworm, pityriasis. The fungal type is the most dangerous for housing, as it remains in it for a long time (this will be written below). In total, there are 7 types of the disease, but we will not talk about them, since the result is still the same - it is necessary to treat, and then disinfect the lichen.

Symptoms and threat to humans: depending on the type of disease, signs may differ, as well as treatment methods. Thus, the ringworm disease manifests itself in the form of bald spots on the head of people and the fur of animals. Look for other signs:

  • The spots are purple and even white. They increase in size. Connect with each other;
  • The appearance of itching - it is always there. That’s why people often think that they don’t have lichen at all;
  • Decrease in color - the coat of cats and dogs may lose its usual richness;
  • Decreased appetite is common in pets.

There is no danger of death, but elimination of lichen is necessary - hardly anyone would want to deal with contagious people. And few people like to live in a place where there is still a risk of becoming the owner of a dangerous illness.

Disinfection of bed linen

What's the point of cleaning the apartment if the spores remain in your clothes? After carrying out cleaning activities in the room, take care of the bed linen and underwear. Replace everything with clean, washed items. With removed clothes do the following:

  • Wash at a temperature of at least 90 degrees.
  • Subsequent ironing. A hot iron completely disinfects washed items. This is the most affordable, reliable and safe cleaning method. Ironing clothes kills more than just harmful lichen spores. It can destroy helminth eggs (pinworms).

There is a misconception: lichen spores cannot withstand strong cooling. Naive people begin to simply freeze their underwear, hoping that the action will be correct. This information is false. Some living microorganisms can indeed die at low temperatures, but not spores. The microbial cell forms them in order to survive unfavorable conditions and then continue to reproduce again.

Since lichen can enter your apartment on the paws of a pet, pay due attention to your pet. Wash the coat with an antifungal shampoo. Then disinfect the things your pet has come into contact with.

Is it necessary to disinfect the apartment against lichen?

The disease disappears when the body develops immunity. Imagine that you have cured a cat. Now he is not afraid of the disease, but it is dangerous for you and the guests of the house. In addition, any infection is alive and constantly evolving. Remember the regular flu - every year the virus has a new strain. And it claims up to 2 million lives. Same as smoking. This is why it is important to disinfect against lichen. If this is not done, the following will happen:

  • The spores or bacteria will remain in hidden places;
  • Favorable conditions, which will sooner or later occur, will cause a new outbreak of the disease.

In addition, the microscopic life form mutates quickly. Therefore, each subsequent threat becomes more dangerous.

How is it transmitted? Direct contact remains the most popular method. Animal fur stuck in the inner corner of the sofa is an excellent place for dangerous organisms to live. In addition to pets, there may be ticks, bedbugs, and mosquitoes in the house, which in the future will become carriers.

Good to know: clothing treatment for shingles is mandatory. The same applies to furniture and other objects that come into contact with humans - duvet covers, sheets, bedspreads.

Disinfection for lichen in humans

Treat the entire apartment in the same way and, if possible, it is best to boil all furniture, carpets and curtains, sheets and clothes. Linen after washing should be ironed at the maximum permissible temperature. When disinfecting, protect your hair from spores and remember to wear gloves.

Means for treating premises against lichen:

  • "Belizna" and other chlorine-containing solutions
  • Vinegar, iodine or alcohol (diluted 10 times with water)
  • Chlorhexidine solution 3-4% (for upholstered furniture)
  • Washing powder
  • Lavender or citrus essential oil (suspiciously effective, expensive)

Although there are no people or animals in the room, it is helpful to light a quartz lamp for about 15 minutes. Special disinfectants are sold in pharmacies and medical stores, but they are usually intended for medical institutions and are not suitable for apartments. Routine disinfection should begin with the treatment of lichens. This will keep it to a minimum and in most cases will help prevent re-infection in people and animals that are still healthy, as well as those undergoing treatment. At the end of treatment, when all patients have recovered, they must undergo final disinfection. The remaining fungal spores must be destroyed.

How long does the danger last?

Disinfection of clothes for lichen

If with a viral variety you can still get by with regular cleaning, then with a fungal variety it is not possible. Spores and cells live in soil and objects for 7-12 years. Each of the 2555 days you will expose yourself to a threat. We recommend that people moving into a new home order disinfection of the apartment.

Case study: how neighbors saved themselves

The majority of society in the country is quite adequate (we believe this). People are aware of the danger and contact the SES on their own. Not everyone is like that. There was a case in our practice when specialists were called not by the owners of the apartment, but by their owners. The sanitary and epidemiological station workers knocked on the door, but all they heard in response was: “We didn’t call the lichen disinfection service.”

A woman living nearby came out: it turned out that she was forcibly trying to force this family to carry out the treatment. At first we were angry, thinking that these were strange antics typical of many older ladies, but then things took a different turn.

The lady began calling other residents of the apartment building. After 10 minutes, there were about 10 people standing on the stairs, vying with each other to talk about the horrors of life for this family. It turned out that the people living in the target apartment were breeding animals, and they, in turn, were constantly dying. When the neighbors forced them to open the door, it turned out that their child had been sick several times. The phrase was often heard: “In 2 weeks he will be covered in scabs again.” Those around them simply realized that it was dangerous to be around these people - they were a breeding ground for infection. We still carried out disinfection. This case was excellent proof of the dangers of unsanitary conditions and lack of treatment after treatment.

Final tips

If there is a person or animal in your home who has contracted herpes zoster, daily thorough cleaning of the room will not be enough. You need to somehow protect yourself. Even a strong immune system is powerless against viral or fungal diseases transmitted by contact. Therefore, follow the rules in relation to a sick roommate:

  • For lichen lesions on the scalp, antifungal shampoo or soap should be used. Moreover, hair washing is carried out daily.
  • Bathing takes place with the addition of selenium-containing products. Why should selenium be present in the composition? This element is indispensable for lichen lesions: it kills its spores and is harmless to humans.
  • You cannot use the patient's personal belongings.
  • If there is excessive peeling of the scalp, wear protective bandages. If you volunteer to help a patient, treat your hands with an antiseptic after the manipulations. Worn bandages are burned.

Treating an apartment against lichen spores will require considerable effort. Constant disinfection, careful communication with the patient, and adequate treatment will help clear your home of infection once and for all. Diseases caused by herpes zoster vary in severity of treatment and lengthy therapy. It is better to take preventive measures in time and prevent infection of yourself and others. In any case, the premises will have to be disinfected, since lichen spores live for many years. It is not a fact that during this time you will not pick up a dangerous “sleeping” pathogen.

Household cleaning methods

  • Quartz treatment: this is irradiation with a special apartment lamp. It is used in hospital wards where sterility is required. The equipment can be easily purchased online, but it is dangerous to use it constantly, as all bacteria in the room are destroyed, which leads to a deficiency of immunity in people. A good lamp costs more than treatment for shingles. Taking it for a one-time use is expensive. In addition, you will have to move equipment to different parts of the house - you can easily miss an area;
  • Cleaning: On the Internet you will find many tips on how to make a solution based on vinegar, soda, citric acid and good old chlorine. Such means must be used. They perfectly clean your home, eliminating many harmful substances. This will really help, but only partly. No matter how diligent a person is in the process of cleaning the room, he will not be able to get to hidden areas - places under baseboards, cavities in furniture, etc. In addition, disinfection after shingles with soap and bleach has virtually no effect on the fungal species.

It is impossible to protect yourself 100% from the remnants of the disease by resorting to improvised methods. They should be used only if it is not possible to contact specialists.

Disinfection for cat lichen

During exhibitions or walks in the garden, cats can get shingles from rodents and other cats. Cats should be quarantined and treated, and home treatment for lichen should be administered throughout the treatment period and eventually after the animals have recovered. Cat litter, toys and other “cat property” deserve special attention. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean all upholstered furniture, bedding and carpets. Use chlorine-based cleaners to clean sheets, curtains and clothing. In addition to adding disinfectants, all areas must be washed with damp water. This includes vents, baseboards, window sills, radiators, doors, etc.

Professional processing methods

Elimination of lichen is carried out using a cold or hot fog generator. Both methods involve creating thick clouds that penetrate even small cracks. The result is that 100% of the areas are covered. Look at the difference in technology:

  • Hot fog - used in large rooms. Generators emit particles with a size of 5-30 microns - a state of gas. Their use makes sense in large offices, factories, etc. Manufacturing and warehouse companies often contact us;
  • Cold fog - in the case of an ordinary apartment or house, this method is used. It is economical, and its effectiveness in small areas is sufficient.

Stages of implementation: elimination of lichen takes 30-50 minutes. You call, tell the time, specialists come and do the work.

About safety: the drugs used by our company are certified in Europe. They cannot harm mammals.

Other details: there is no smell in the room after treatment. After 2 days, you can dust and wash the floors - by this time the substances will be absorbed into the surface. They will be active for up to 2 months.

Advice! Move heavy furniture away from the walls before calling a professional. A gap of 15 cm is sufficient.

How much does ringworm treatment cost?

The price of disinfection against lichen is calculated depending on the number of square meters at the facility. The larger the area, the less you pay. There are also discounts if you order work together with your neighbors or want to simultaneously exterminate fungi and other creatures - cockroaches, bedbugs, etc. Call us, ask questions and get service with a guarantee.

Prices for disinfection of lichen

Treatment of premises up to 100 sq. m From 37 rub. per sq. m
Area from 100 to 300 sq. m From 32 rub. per sq. m
Area from 300 sq. m Negotiable

Additional Information

  • Disinfection of germs
  • Mold disinfection
  • Fungus disinfection
  • Virus disinfection
  • Disinfection of an apartment after tuberculosis
  • Disinfection for tuberculosis
  • Disinfection after plague

What is lichen

This is a group of diseases with different causes, but similar symptoms: flaky, itchy patches on the skin. Today we are looking at ringworm or feline ringworm. As the disease progresses, the hair follicles may die, causing hair to no longer grow in that area. Bacterial infections can cause suppuration. The disease is highly contagious and is transmitted by contact. It can become chronic. This is a fungal infection. Infection mainly occurs through contact with sick cats. A typical situation: a child plays with a stray kitten on the street. You can get infected from sick dogs. Shingles is more common in people with weakened immune systems and in children who have not been fully vaccinated. Fungi reproduce through spores, these spores spread quickly, spread in the air, settle on various objects and can remain indoors for a period of 6 to 9 years. The risk of re-infection still exists. Therefore, be sure to disinfect your apartment and consult a doctor. Otherwise, even strict adherence to correctly established rules of treatment and hygiene will not bring results.

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