Recipes for masks with dimexide and solcoseryl for wrinkles and acne. Contraindications for use

Solcoseryl and Dimexide have a rejuvenating effect on facial skin. From the article you can learn how to use these tools correctly.
  • With age, a woman’s appearance changes, and there is no escape from this. But many make fairly successful attempts to slow down the aging process by maintaining the satisfactory condition of their skin with special cosmetic procedures.
  • Some do it in a salon, some buy special expensive anti-aging cosmetics, others use folk remedies the old fashioned way
  • Dimexide and Solcoseryl from pharmacies are not exactly folk remedies, but also not targeted drugs. They are believed to effectively rejuvenate and tighten the skin

Solcoseryl ointment and gel in cosmetology, benefits

Solcoseryl is a pharmacological wound-healing and regenerating drug in the form of an ointment or gel.

Solcoseryl gel.

It is indicated for use for:

  • diseases of the vessels of the extremities and disorders of their patency
  • trophic ulcers
  • bedsores
  • burns
  • after skin plastic surgery
  • maceration

IMPORTANT: Solcoseryl gel is also used to treat the cornea of ​​the eye - its inflammation, erosion, ulceration, burns, as well as in the postoperative period.

Solcoseryl ointment.
The composition of Solcoseryl gel or ointment includes water, petroleum jelly, alcohol, cholesterol and animal blood components (dairy calves).

Therefore, it has a number of properties that can be used in home cosmetology to combat age-related skin changes:

  • softening
  • moisturizing
  • antiseptic
  • healing

IMPORTANT: After application to the skin, the active substances of Solcoseryl accelerate blood flow and cellular metabolism, enrich cells with oxygen, stimulate natural regenerative processes in the skin

To combat age-related changes, improve skin color, and make it velvety, women use Solcoseryl itself or its combination with other substances, for example, vitamins.

RECIPE: Mask with Solcoseryl and vitamins

You need: Solcoseryl gel – 1 teaspoon, vitamins A and E (or the drug Aevit) – 3 drops each.

  • The wound healing gel is enriched with vitamins and then applied to the face for 30 minutes.
  • After the procedure, wash your face
  • Such masks can reduce the appearance of shallow expression wrinkles

Operating principle

Solcoseryl is a hemodialysate with a wide range of components. Serum obtained from pro-young calves contains glycoproteins, nucleotides, nucleosides, oligopeptides, and amino acids.

Thanks to them, the product has the following effects:

  1. Increases the rate of transport of oxygen and glucose to cellular structures under hypoxic conditions.
  2. Increases the synthesis of intracellular substances and also increases aerobic glycolysis,
  3. Heals and regenerates the skin.
  4. Stimulates and increases the synthesis of collagen and fibroblasts in the vascular walls.
  5. Eliminates exudate and forms granulation tissue.

In addition, the drug has a membrane-stabilizing and cytoprotective effect - it protects skin cells from harmful external factors - radiation and cytostatics.

How to prepare a mask with dimexide and solcoseryl for wrinkles?

A mask with Dimexide and Solcoseryl smoothes and tightens the skin.
An anti-aging mask with Dimexide and Solcoseryl is made in the following sequence:

  1. Cleansing stage: Dimexide is diluted with boiled water 1 to 10, a cotton swab is moistened in the solution, and the skin is wiped
  2. Rejuvenation stage: Solcoseryl is applied to the face in a thin layer, left for half an hour
  3. Fixing stage: Remove the mask with cotton pads soaked in chamomile decoction

IMPORTANT: This mask can also be used for the area around the eyes, but this must be done with caution, and not from the first procedure. Do not let Dimexide get into your eyes.

Homemade Botox with dimexide and solcoseryl

Dimexide in tandem with Socoseryl is called “home Botox”. Many women who tried this remedy were delighted with it.

They say that changes in the condition of the skin become noticeable after a two-week course of masks. Many people share tips on how to enhance the effectiveness of the mask, for example:

  1. Instead of Solcoseryl gel, it is better to use ointment, it tightens the skin less
  2. Before treating the skin with Dimexide, it is recommended to carry out regular cleansing using conventional products and steam your face in a steam bath.
  3. The exposure time of Solcoseryl can be increased to 40-60 minutes, and it must be applied in a thick layer, and then periodically sprinkled with water so that it does not turn into a crust.
  4. After the procedure, you must use a moderately fatty cream

A mask with Dimexide and Solcoseryl - instead of a Botox injection.

Special instructions -

  • Solcoseryl gel should not be applied to a contaminated, infected wound, as well as a wound with purulent discharge or a wound with torn edges. In most of these cases, a doctor’s intervention is required to perform surgical treatment of the wound.
  • If pain, swelling, redness occurs in areas of the mucous membrane and skin (near the site where the gel is applied), discharge from the wound or fever occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. Most likely this indicates suppuration.
  • If, when using the gel, the wound does not heal within 2 weeks, you should urgently consult a doctor, because this may indicate the presence of tumor growth. We hope that our article on the topic: Solcoseryl Gel detailed instructions for use was useful to you!


1. Dental education of the author of the article, 2. Personal experience as a maxillofacial surgeon, dental surgeon, 2. “Outpatient surgical dentistry” (Bezrukov V.), 3.

How to make a mask with dimexide and solcoseryl for the face against acne?

The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of Dimexide with Solcoseryl, their ability to improve intracellular processes, are used not only to eliminate age-related changes in the skin, but also to fight acne.

  1. To dry out acne and disinfect the skin, you need to make a more concentrated aqueous solution of Dimexide: take 5 parts water and 1 part of the drug
  2. Cleanse the skin with a regular cleanser
  3. A cotton swab soaked in Dimexide dissolved in water burns pimples.
  4. Solcoseryl is applied to the skin in a thin layer for 10 minutes.
  5. Remains of ointment or gel are removed with a moistened cotton swab

Dimexide and Solcoseryl will help get rid of acne.

Is it effective in treating wrinkles?

The effectiveness of Dimexide in the fight against wrinkles is due to the following action of the drug:

  • improved blood circulation;
  • enhancing the absorption of beneficial substances of creams and masks;
  • cellular stimulation of processes;
  • skin tightening;
  • hydration;
  • healing of microcracks.

As for the use of Dimexide in the eye area, it is also successfully used in this sensitive area. The drug has a simulating effect on metabolic processes in tissues and helps to cope with swelling, dark circles and wrinkles.

Reviews about the effectiveness of Dimexide are contradictory, but, as a rule, negative experience with the drug is associated with improper use and inability to determine the optimal concentration of the active substance.

To avoid troubles when using Dimexide for wrinkles, you must follow the recommended proportions, apply the product only for the specified time period, and do not overuse the drug.

Some women, trying to get a quick and more pronounced effect, use a pure drug, and the only thing they achieve in this case is a chemical burn.

Contraindications and harm of masks with solcoseryl and dimescid

Unfortunately, Solcoseryl in combination with Dimexide cannot be called a universal anti-age agent: it is not suitable for everyone due to contraindications. There have also been cases of negative reactions to masks.

  1. Dimexide should not be used for very thin and sensitive skin.
  2. Dimescid is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation
  3. After using Solcoseryl it is not recommended to drive a vehicle
  4. Both of these substances should not be used if you are allergic to any of their components.

Also, in the reviews of those who tried to rejuvenate with a mask with Dimexide and Solcoseryl, it was indicated that there was an adverse reaction to the drug in the form of:

  • itching and burning
  • skin redness
  • edema
  • subsequent peeling of the skin

IMPORTANT: Solcoseryl has a specific pungent odor. There were cases that during the rejuvenation procedure it caused nausea and dizziness

Dermatologists believe that Dimexide and Solcoseryl should be used only for their intended purpose, that is, for medicinal purposes.

They say that Solcoseryl can effectively act only on damaged skin, while its active substances penetrate through entire cell membranes in small quantities and cannot cause any positive effect.

Dimexide and Solcoseryl can cause allergies.

Whether to try this method to get rid of wrinkles or not is an individual decision. But caution won't hurt.

Important nuances

The reason for disappointment after using homemade masks is most often the failure to follow important rules. To get the best results, you need to keep the following points in mind:

First of all, you need to purchase the main component of the masks. Pharmacies can offer Solcoseryl in several forms. To perform cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to take ointment, since when using the gel, the skin may feel tight and peeling. But if the skin is very oily, then using a gel can be useful, as it will have a drying effect. But preparing masks with the addition of a solution from ampoules or crushed tablets is useless. Any cosmetic composition must be applied to well-cleansed skin. In addition, the face must be steamed before the procedure.

You can take a steam bath or simply combine applying a mask with taking a hot bath. When preparing complex compositions, it is very important to follow the recommended proportions, and also to mix the ingredients very carefully so that the mixtures are homogeneous. You can apply the compositions with your fingertips, a silicone brush or a swab. It is necessary to adhere to the direction of the massage lines and move from bottom to top, that is, you need to start from the chin and finish applying the composition to the forehead. If there are no special instructions in the recipe, then you need to keep the composition on your face for forty minutes. Residues of the composition must be removed with a moistened swab.

When the bulk of the mixture has been removed, you can wash your face. The finishing touch is the application of a cream that has a moisturizing effect. For prevention, it is recommended to use this product once a month. If the goal is to fight wrinkles, then it is recommended to carry out the procedure weekly for two months, then you will need to take a break for six months, during which you can use other anti-aging agents.

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