Ideal oval face: lifting the cheeks and highlighting the cheekbones

Why do many people like expressive cheekbones so much? Because at any age they are a sign of youth and health of the body. Nature has endowed some with an ideal appearance from birth, while others suffer from their imperfections even in their youth. But even impeccable features are subject to age-related changes. After 30 years, the subcutaneous fat layer decreases, the muscles become deformed, changing facial features. Nothing lasts forever in this world, but you should never give up. Exercises for the cheekbones will help correct the shape of your face at any age. We'll talk about them in this article.

How to do exercises for cheekbones

Today, every girl wants to have a fashionable, high-cheekbone face. A whole set of exercises has been developed that will help define the cheekbones, removing the plumpness of the cheeks.

Get ready to do exercises that will help you get a fashionable face.

  1. Puffing out the cheeks. First puff out one cheek, then the other. It is necessary to draw in as much air as possible, and when releasing it, forcefully push it out. Perform 5 times on each side.
  2. Rolling air. Blow air first under the upper, then under the lower lip. Do this 5-6 times.
  3. Roll the air in a circle, first through your cheeks, then through your lips - 5 times.
  4. Rinse your mouth as if it were water for 1 minute.
  5. Run your tongue around your gums 5 times.
  6. Show your upper teeth and gums. Repeat 10 times.
  7. Fix the nasolabial fold, start winking desperately. “Wink” 10 times.
  8. To tighten the oval of the face and remove the double chin, you need to perform this exercise 10 times: place your fingers under the corners of your lips, say the letter “Y”.
  9. Pull your cheeks in and press your lips tightly together. Try smiling, holding the smile for 6 seconds, repeat 4 times.
  10. Open your eyes wide, smile widely with your mouth open, hold for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times.
  11. Say the letter “O”, then the letter “X”, engaging all the facial muscles. Repeat -10 times.

To see the result, do this complex for 14 days. If your face is not too plump, you can achieve results in a week.


I didn’t think that I would have cheeks like a bulldog. Of course, I knew that women after 30 show signs of aging, but expressed this way is too much. In general, I had to act. Of all the methods, I chose facial gymnastics and was extremely surprised to see the result after 2 weeks of classes. I continue charging, I am very pleased with the effect. Alena, housewife, 35 years old

Women and men often turn to me for beauty advice. I recommend to my clients that comprehensive skin care be supplemented with facial exercises and massage. With regular exercise, excellent results are achieved, and the massage technique helps to relax the muscles. Taken together, everything guarantees excellent results within a month. Evgeniya, cosmetologist, 30 years old

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Lymphatic drainage massage

A simple facial massage will help:

  • highlight cheekbones;
  • improve skin color;
  • remove excess fluid from soft tissues;
  • increase the tone of the muscles on the face;
  • tighten the contour.

If you can’t find time every day, then 2-3 times a week also gives good results.

Massage stages:

  • Lubricate your hands with cream.
  • Place your palms on your face to increase blood flow, starting from the center, moving towards the temple.
  • Using your fingertips, stroke your face from the back of your nose to your temples, then down to your neck, 5 times.
  • Under the eyes, gently sweep from the outer corner to the inner corner.
  • From the wings of the nose, sweep under the cheekbones to the top of the ear, then down to the neck, 5 times.
  • Swipe from the corners of the mouth to the middle of the ear, then from the center of the chin to the earlobe, 5 times.

The following movements will help remove cheeks:

  1. Walk along the same lines with quick taps with your fingertips, along each line 5-6 times.
  2. Next, use point pressure to follow the same lines, avoiding the area under the eyes.
  3. Place the edges of your palms on your cheek, starting from the back of your nose, like a saw, move your palms along your cheekbones to your temple.
  4. Make 10 circles on each cheek clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  5. When completing the massage, stroke your entire face along the indicated lines.

From personal experience. Try this type of massage regularly to stop or reverse the aging of your skin.

See also on the blog: How to do facial massage: 10 best techniques

Causes of sagging cheek skin

The oval of the face sags due to loss of skin elasticity and weakening of facial muscles in both men and women. Among the fairer sex, this problem occurs more often, since their skin is more delicate. The appearance of jowls is caused by:

  1. Excess weight. Fat is distributed evenly in our body, and the face, of course, also suffers. Excess fat tissue fills the cheeks, rounding the face, causing the loss of defined cheekbones and sagging skin.
  2. Dramatic weight loss. With a large and rapid weight loss, the skin does not have time to adapt to the new contours of the face (and the body as a whole), which leads to sagging and sagging cheeks.
  3. Bad habits. Alcohol and smoking, constant lack of sleep lead to premature aging of the skin and loss of its tone.
  4. Age-related changes. With age, collagen production in the body decreases, so the skin becomes sluggish, the oval of the face sags, and wrinkles appear.
  5. Heredity. If chubby cheeks have been passed down to you, then be prepared to meticulously work on defining your cheekbones. The characteristics of metabolic processes and fat accumulation are also genetically transmitted.
  6. Facial structure. Plump cheeks, weak cheekbones, and an undeveloped chin are clear signs that work on the oval of the face should begin as early as possible.
  7. Hormonal imbalance and endocrine diseases. Problems with hormones lead to facial swelling. In this case, it is worth concentrating on the treatment of hormonal imbalances under the supervision of a doctor.

The main deposit of fat on the face is located in the cheeks, so the problem of sagging oval appears quite often

Even such seemingly harmless habits as excessive facial expressions, reading while lying down and sleeping on a high pillow lead to the early appearance of wrinkles on the cheeks and sagging of the oval of the face.

How to quickly highlight cheekbones

The fastest way to make your cheekbones stand out is to apply makeup. The main role will be played by blush, with which you can create the desired relief on your face.

To make beautiful makeup, it is important to choose the right blush. Pale pink blush will suit fair-skinned ladies, while dark-skinned girls should choose a crimson or beige-pink shade. Peach tones will look good on warm skin tones.

Cosmetics can beautify any face, but they can also ruin it. How to find where to apply blush? Go to the mirror, smile broadly. If the cheekbones stand out strongly, then a few strokes with a brush are enough. Lightly apply a product with a pearlescent shade to the convex part, and use a darker tone to mark the line under the cheekbones.

Beautiful reliefs on a round face can be created if blush is applied from below the cheekbones, gradually reaching the temporal area. This technique will help draw out the roundness.

Products applied to the middle of the cheek will help reduce a long face.

For oval face types, the color is applied under the cheekbones, shaded from the temples down. On a square-shaped face, blush is applied on the sides of the cheekbones.

Look at the photo to better understand the application method.

Professional approach

Home care is a preventive and supportive measure, saving us in the early stages of the problem. If a cosmetic defect is already pronounced, and you want to get rid of it quickly, then you should contact professional cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. The effect of salon procedures is often noticeable after the first session, but in most cases it is necessary to complete a whole course.

A professional cosmetologist will select a course of procedures that is necessary for you.

Professional procedures can be divided into two types:

  1. Minimally invasive. The most gentle methods that do not require surgical intervention. These include thread lifting of the lower third of the face, the use of high-density fillers or lipofilling in the cheekbones, 3D modeling, hardware (laser, ultrasound lifting, thermage, etc.).
  2. Surgical. Various types of plastic surgery are performed in clinics by a plastic surgeon under anesthesia.

Minimally invasive techniques

Salon procedures are excellent at combating the initial sagging of the face, which is already problematic to eliminate on your own. The effect is noticeable immediately, but a whole series is required. Unfortunately, the results from visiting a cosmetologist will not last the rest of your life; you will need to repeat the course from time to time.

Table: cosmetic procedures, their descriptions and limitations

ProcedureWhat's the pointRestrictions
Contour plasticSubcutaneous injection of gels based on dense hyaluronic or polylactic acid. Allows you to compensate for the lack of volume in the soft tissues of the cheeks or increase the volume of the cheekbones, due to which the skin above them is tightened. One procedure is enough to get the full effect. The result with the introduction of HA lasts about 12 months, with the introduction of other fillers - up to 3 years. Not used for soft tissue ptosis (sagging) caused by excess subcutaneous fat deposits or Bisha's lumps.
BioreinforcementInjections of high-density hyaluronic acid using special techniques that create a kind of frame that tightens and secures the soft tissues of the face. Lasts 1.5–2 years. Indicated only for mild to moderate sagging cheeks without excess fat deposits or skin folds.
LipofillingSubcutaneous injection of the patient's own, pre-processed fat. Allows you to compensate for the lack of volume in the soft tissues of the cheeks, increase the volume of the cheekbones, and thereby tighten the skin in this area. The effect lasts for 2–3 years. Not used for soft tissue ptosis caused by excess subcutaneous fat deposits or Bisha's lumps. The main disadvantage is that, as a rule, only 30–50% of the injected fat filler takes root, meaning correction may soon be needed.
Lifting with threadsInstallation of special threads, with the help of which the skin and soft tissues are moved to a new position and fixed in it. The procedure also activates the skin's production of its own collagen and elastin. Both biodegradable and non-absorbable threads can be used. Gives a long-term and natural effect of lifting the lower third of the face, on average for 3-5 years, depending on the type and number of threads. Even when using a biodegradable material, which dissolves after about 8–12 months, a fibrous framework remains under the skin, supporting it for quite a long time. Not used if there is a clear lack of soft tissue or if the subcutaneous fat layer is too thin (in this case, the threads will be visible through the skin).
ThermoliftingThermal effect on the skin, as a result of which the work of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells) is activated. Metabolism and blood circulation accelerate, cell renewal starts, collagen and elastin are synthesized. It will take 5–15 sessions with breaks from several days to a week. Used in the early stages of sagging soft tissues and to prevent facial aging processes. There are a number of health contraindications. Laser and light treatments are not performed during periods of active sun to avoid hyperpigmentation.
Microcurrent therapyImpact on the soft tissues of the face with weak electronic impulses. The muscle fibers contract and become toned, creating a slight lifting effect. The procedure is completely painless and atraumatic, there is no rehabilitation period. A course of 10–15 sessions is required with an interval of 6–8 months. Suitable mainly for the prevention of age-related changes, with mild ptosis of soft tissues. The corrective effect itself is very weak.

The disadvantages of eliminating the problem in this way are the high cost of the procedures and their pain.

Plastic surgery

In advanced cases, only a plastic surgeon can fix the problem.

Table: indications for surgery and its types

OperationIndicationsWhat's the point
Liposuction of subcutaneous fatExcess subcutaneous fat without significant excess skinIt is performed using one of the gentle methods (most often radio frequency). Fat cells are destroyed, and then their contents are removed using a special microcannula.
Removing Bisha's lumpsLarge fat pads without significant excess skinThe doctor makes incisions on the inside of the cheeks and removes the fat pads. As a result, the skin, which they pulled down with their weight, straightens and the oval of the face becomes smoother.
Cheek surgery (installation of facial implants)Moderate sagging skin with insufficient soft tissue volumeBiocompatible endoprostheses are placed in the cheekbone area, which add volume to the lower third of the face and thereby tighten the skin folds.
Circular lift or isolated lift of the lower third of the faceSignificant sagging of soft tissues with excess skinThe surgeon tightens the skin (and sometimes deeper tissue, down to the superficial muscle layer) and fixes it in a new position.

Often after plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures are prescribed that will correct and maintain the result of the surgical intervention. So, after removing Bisha's lumps or liposuction, a course of thermolifting is necessary so that the skin is successfully tightened in accordance with the new face shape.

The effect of successful plastic surgery will last about 10 years, but it will have to be maintained with regular visits to a cosmetologist.

There is no need to be afraid of scars during plastic surgery. The doctor makes incisions on the inside of the cheeks and behind the ear, where they are completely invisible.

Photo gallery: results of professional techniques

Contour plastic rejuvenates the face, clearly outlines it

Lipofilling tightens the cheeks and smoothes out wrinkles

Thread lift lifts the face and makes the oval clearer

As soon as apple cheeks became fashionable, many stars decided to undergo surgery to remove Bisha's lumps

Cheek surgery is very popular now

The face after a circular lift looks toned and youthful

Useful massage

Cheekbone massage is another method to give your face the desired definition. First comes gymnastics, which ends with a special type of massage.

  1. First, the skin is warmed in a circular motion.
  2. Gently rub with fingers from the chin, moving towards the forehead.
  3. Cosmetic oil is applied.
  4. Then they take plastic vacuum jars, pull in the cheeks, and place the jar on the cavity, which they hold for about 1 minute.
  5. After this, move the jar higher on the cheek.

After this procedure, your face will glow with youth and health.

Zygomatic muscles

Before pumping up a man’s cheekbones with exercises, it is advisable to know the anatomy and functions of the zygomatic muscles. This will allow you to feel them better during gymnastics and understand how they work and whether they are loaded enough. The zygomatic muscles are divided into small and large and take an active part in facial expressions. But their main function is to form a smile; without them it is impossible to stretch the lips, raise the corners of the mouth, pull to the side or protrude the upper lip.

The zygomatic major muscles on one side are attached to the zygomatic arches and zygomatic bones on both sides of the face, then descend to the upper lip and end in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold, attaching to the orbicularis oris muscle. Located just below the zygomatic minor muscles, the upper end is attached symmetrically to the zygomatic arches in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth, where they are attached to the orbicularis oris muscle.

It should be especially noted that the muscles of the cheeks and cheekbones not only perform facial functions, but largely determine the contour of the face and support its frame. If they weaken, then the cheeks sag, jowls and deep folds appear. Therefore, it is advisable to combine exercises for cheekbones and cheeks in one complex, this way two goals are achieved at once: cheekbones are enlarged and the shape of the face is improved.

How to make a man's cheekbones

Every guy also wants to have beautiful, strong-willed cheekbones. Men also resort to the same methods as women. But there is one reliable way - men's gymnastics. Just clench your teeth and play with your nodules. This will make your cheekbones bigger and much more noticeable.

Dear friends. Today you learned another way to beauty. Be sure to use it to keep up with fashion.

Also on our website you can read: 8 exercises by Yamuna Zeik “Save your face.”

Why cheeks sag: what to do with sagging

You can figure this out by thoroughly finding out why such a problem arises. There are several reasons for this, which we propose to consider in more detail.

Incorrect regimen and excess weight

Bad habits, such as cigarettes or alcoholic drinks, cause the body to age much faster, affecting blood vessels, internal organs, and all life support structures. Therefore, the chances of smokers seeing jowls in the mirror are much more real than those who lead a healthy lifestyle, are constantly on the move, and are often in the fresh air.

The second issue is nutrition. The abundance of fatty, sweet, spicy, fried and smoked foods has never benefited anyone. Excess body weight appears, and excess fat is deposited not only on the sides and abdomen, but also on the face, causing the thin epidermis to sag. It is worth eating more vegetables and fruits, giving preference to dishes rich in fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Habit of clenching teeth

Contrary to misconceptions, this option is also quite possible. The masticatory muscle, which spasms and is greatly shortened, becomes overstrained, becomes hypertonic, and creates a distortion. The resulting excess tissues drop, and the person wonders why the cheeks sag and sag, and what to do about it. It is advisable to control yourself and give up constantly clenching your teeth to the point of pain.

Age, gravity and hormonal imbalances

Gravitational ptosis is a sagging of the dermis under the influence of natural causes, gravity. On the face there are so-called Bisha lumps, which are accumulations of lipid tissue of the face. Over the years, the integument becomes less and less elastic, becomes thinner, and is less supported by collagen fibers and elastin. Under the pressure of fat, they fall lower and lower, forming folds.

Sometimes the processes described above can be caused by a lack or excess of any hormones in the body. They also aggravate dehydration and sagging, which can lead to the development of a defect. Therefore, it is worth using active cosmetics. One of the effective options is the placental mask from PlaReceta, suitable for intensive rejuvenation and deep restoration of the dermis.

We recommend

GHC Placental Cosmetic - 3-D modeling mask with placenta hydrolyzate

Bb Laboratories – Regenerating placental-hyaluronic mask

PlaReceta - Placental mask for intensive rejuvenation

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Dentistry and spinal curvature

Often, unhealthy teeth, as well as problems with gums, can contribute to the development of an inflammatory process within the soft tissues. As a result, the latter become deformed, creating irregular or unclear lines of the chin and oval as a whole. This is also possible with improperly performed prosthetics.

Many people don’t even realize that posture can cause early wrinkles, as well as such an unpleasant defect as jowls. When stooping, the geometry of the body is disrupted, the muscles tense unevenly, some stretch excessively, while others contract and spasm. In the process, they become increasingly overgrown with a lipid layer, which is why unpleasant double chins and sagging are formed.

Does chewing gum help you develop a manly jaw?

Chewing gum, or chewing in general, improves your jawline. In the past, people chewed much more than they do now. This contributed to the development of expressive jaws and straight dentition - people's jaws grew to accommodate all their large teeth. Today, crooked teeth, narrow faces and drooping jaws are so commonplace that few people are surprised by them.

Pay attention! When you chew gum, your body thinks you need a longer, wider jaw to improve chewing function. This widens the jaw line and gives a sharp angle to the lower jaw.

If you want to have a “strong” jaw, chew your food well, enrich your diet with raw apples, carrots, bran bread and steak - this is as effective as chewing gum. Proper chewing and swallowing of food means swallowing food from the back of the mouth, without including the cheek muscles. But the right products aren't always nearby, so chewing gum can help train your chewing muscles and develop a defined jawline.

Although some experts say that chewing gum does not help. Since it is impossible to reduce something point by point: you cannot reduce the amount of fat in a certain area, it leaves the whole body. You cannot have a thin face, thick arms, a huge belly and weak legs - the body does not allow such disproportion. So what really helps to correct the jaw line?

A woman's view of a man's jaw

Women prefer men whose faces inspire them with confidence; they all want a sexually mature partner, not a youth without a chin. Standards of attractiveness have no social, racial or cultural boundaries. Despite the fact that women around the world have different tastes regarding a man's weight and body type, absolutely everyone likes the same thing in a man's face.

Did you know? Women's mate preferences change during the ovulatory cycle. When women are fertile in their cycle, they are especially attracted to a man's face, voice, body, socially dominant behavior and smells.

They want men with big eyes and a “strong” jaw, and they don’t like men who have a big nose but no chin. Large eyes, like those of a child, indicate the sincerity and spontaneity of the partner. Powerful jaws indicate not only age and experience - a woman understands that the guy has gone through puberty. And wide cheeks and high cheekbones are integral signs of male physical maturity and strength.

How to get a sharp chin and expressive cheekbones?

Surgical intervention

Modern plastic surgery offers several ways to change cheekbones. They are effective, but quite expensive, temporary and fraught with complications, such as implant rejection. In addition, most people have an extremely negative attitude towards any operation; only a very compelling argument forces them to lie down on the surgical table. The most popular correction methods are:

  • Lipofilling is a procedure that allows a man to pump up his cheekbones like a balloon with air. Only instead of air, subcutaneous fat taken from the patient from other parts of the body is used. Fat is injected under the skin in the cheekbone area, which visually enlarges. Over time, this fat begins to dissolve, the face takes on the same shape as before the operation, it must be repeated.
  • Contour injections are the most gentle method that enlarges and changes the shape of the cheekbones by injecting substances containing hyaluronic acid under the skin. The effect of the injections lasts up to two years.
  • Mentoplasty is a rather complex and expensive operation for the implantation of special implants near the cheekbones. It is performed under general anesthesia and in rare cases causes rejection of a foreign body. Guaranteed and permanently changes the contour of the cheekbones, without leaving scars on the face.

How can a man pump up his cheekbones without resorting to unpleasant and expensive procedures? How to avoid becoming a regular and dependent client of cosmetic surgeons for years to come. The solution is simple and lies on the surface. You need to pump up your facial muscles in the same way as you pump up your biceps, back muscles or abs, using special facial gymnastics.

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