Prevention and treatment of diaper rash and unpleasant odor between the toes

Causes and symptoms of sweaty fingers

Diaper rash is an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs in adults and children. Many factors influence the occurrence of symptoms. The main reasons for violation of the integrity of the skin in the toe area are:

  1. Fungi affect the skin and toenails. The heat generated by the body in combination with humidity creates comfortable conditions for the development of infection. In addition to diaper rash, sores, peeling, unpleasant odor and itching between the toes occur. Infection occurs through the use of the wearer’s shoes, when visiting public showers, swimming pools, or bathhouses. The first symptom of mycosis is damage to the little finger area.
  2. Low-quality shoes made from cheap material do not allow air to pass through. A steam room for the feet is created. Without the necessary ventilation, the skin between the fingers becomes inflamed, becomes inflamed, and begins to smell bad.
  3. Anatomical features of the limbs. If a person’s fingers are positioned incorrectly due to a congenital defect or past illnesses, then the air does not flow fully. A similar problem occurs in bedridden people.
  4. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules. Feet often sweat and require constant hygienic care. In its absence, the skin becomes dry and may smell.
  5. In people with extra pounds, their toes are closed quite tightly, which causes increased sweating and does not allow air to fully circulate throughout the skin.
  6. Diseases of the skin and organs cause violations of the integrity of the epidermis, resulting in the formation of diaper rash (diabetes mellitus, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency). The skin near the fingers begins to peel, itch, and crack.

Burning, redness, swollen skin, itching, cracks, wounds and an unpleasant odor are sure signs of diaper rash. Skin that is constantly exposed to damage (especially with diabetes) eventually becomes deformed, causing additional problems.

Causes of diaper rash

As follows from the very definition of “diaper rash,” the cause of this disease lies in skin irritation from various infections. The folds of the skin, where it is always warm and humid, create ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria. The bacteria themselves enter the skin along with sweat and oily skin secretions. Urine, discharge from fistulas and hemorrhoidal cones, when they come into contact with healthy skin, begin to actively multiply, and we observe a picture of redness, peeling, and erosion of the skin surface. In hot weather, diaper rash occurs more often than usual. Obese people with a large number of fat folds are especially susceptible to this disease. In infants, diaper rash occurs due to lack of proper care and hygiene. It happens that diaper rash occurs due to an allergic reaction to some food or cosmetic product. To accurately identify the cause of allergic diaper rash, an examination by specialists will be required.

Rules for caring for the skin of your toes

The skin of the feet requires special care. When diaper rash is present, care must be not only regular, but also correct. This issue is acute for diabetics.

It is necessary to identify the source causing this phenomenon and get rid of it. Only a specialist can determine the initial cause after a visual examination and laboratory testing (if necessary).

Feet with diaper rash need to be dried. To prevent fingers from smelling, use special talcum powders and powders. You should take baths daily and as often as possible. They add chamomile extract, hydrogen peroxide, potassium permanganate, and Furacilin tablet. This helps soothe the skin and has an antiseptic effect.

You need to dry your feet with a clean and dry towel. If necessary, you can dry your fingers with paper towels or use a hair dryer at minimum circulation speed.

It is better to purchase indoor slippers with an open toe to improve air circulation.

Men should purchase socks made exclusively from natural materials that absorb moisture well. They need to be changed regularly and after each foot wash. Women should avoid using synthetic tights.

Prevention of diaper rash in children

The child's bed linen and clothing should only be made from natural cotton fabrics, clean and ironed with a hot iron for disinfection. The baby must not be wet; for this, diapers should be changed as soon as they become wet. If diapers are used, it is important to pay attention to their quality and size - no hard or rubbing parts are allowed. After bathing, be sure to dry the child’s body well with a soft cotton towel and blot all skin folds. It is better to powder problem areas of the skin with special baby powders or lubricate them with boiled vegetable oil. Air baths are very important for a child, preferably several times a day. In order to eliminate the allergic nature of diaper rash in a baby, you need to use only special products for baby clothes when washing; no ordinary powders are strictly allowed for these purposes.

Rules for choosing shoes

High-quality comfortable shoes are an important component in the prevention of diseases of the skin of the feet.

To choose the “right” shoes that will not cause sweating or diaper rash, you need to follow these tips:

  1. Choose shoes made from natural materials. It is better to give preference to leather, and in the summer, cotton moccasins are suitable.
  2. Choose shoes from the “slightly more expensive” category. As a rule, cheap things are short-lived, made from materials that are harmful to health, and cause the skin to rot. In addition, expensive shoes do not get wet, which is very important when treating feet.
  3. Shoes should not be tight. Fingers pressed against each other are subject to friction, which causes cracks, wounds, and dry skin to form on the skin.
  4. You need to smell the boots before purchasing. A sharp technical smell indicates low-quality products that will greatly harm your feet.
  5. It is better to purchase shoes in the evening, as by evening the foot increases in size.
  6. You should not put your child in boots “for growth.” An additional number of socks pinches the legs, which increases friction, contributing to the rapid freezing of the extremities.

Shoes selected taking into account the recommendations will help avoid diaper rash, calluses, and preserve savings and human health.


They are accompanied by redness of the skin, severe itching, and pain. Most often they are found in the groin, on the buttocks, in the lower abdomen, in the armpits, in any folds of our skin.

There are three degrees of the disease:


It is characterized by slight redness, while the skin is not damaged, there is only a slight swelling.


Here, along with severe redness, obvious mechanical damage is visible on the skin.


Greater degree of skin damage, bright red color, formation of ulcers. The primary manifestation of diaper rash always begins with redness of areas of the skin - erythema, which gradually spreads to healthy areas. In severe forms, diaper rash is accompanied by infections. Streptococci and fungi are the most common of them.

How to get rid of diaper rash between your toes

You can remove the unpleasant phenomenon of sputum in the area of ​​the fingers of the lower extremities at home. To do this, purchase special medications at the pharmacy or prepare medications yourself from available folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Prepare a bath based on calendula, pine needles, oak bark. To do this, the ingredients are crushed and steamed with boiling water. When the infusion cools, it is filtered and added to a bowl of water. This medicine disinfects and accelerates the process of skin regeneration.

It is recommended to wipe the affected areas with a plant solution. Add 8 tablespoons of sage, 1 tablespoon each of valerian root and horsetail to a glass container. The mixture is poured with boiling water and allowed to brew. After cooling, dip a cotton swab into the broth and carefully treat the diaper rash areas.

You can make natural powder from buckwheat flour or potato starch. These products perfectly absorb excess moisture, dry wet areas, and help heal affected feet. You can treat the interdigital space with a soda solution or hydrogen peroxide.

Ointments and creams

Bepanten cream is often used to eliminate diaper rash in newborns. The active substance of the gel (dexpanthenol) is quickly absorbed into the skin, after which it is transformed into pantothenic acid. The creamy product quickly dries sweat between the fingers, cares for, and heals.

Zinc ointment is an affordable, effective remedy that helps treat diaper rash between the fingers. The ointment contains zinc oxide, which dries the skin and stops the exudation process. It is allowed to smear children and elderly people.

Calendula ointment is made from calendula tincture. Has beneficial properties. Accelerates the skin renewal process. Treatment should not be given to children under 5 years of age.

Streptocide ointment has an antiseptic effect. Accelerates healing and prevents the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Avoid contact with mucous membranes of the body.

Diaper rash: advice for parents

Skin irritation in newborns can occur for various reasons, such as friction or constant contact with moisture under the diaper. To ensure that the baby is always comfortable, parents must monitor the baby’s hygiene and the condition of his skin. What to do if you notice redness in your child?

Features of children's skin

Diaper rash can also appear on the skin of an adult, but the skin of newborns is most susceptible to inflammation. The reason is simple - the skin of babies is different from the skin of adults, it is much softer, more sensitive and does not yet have the necessary protective functions, so it easily absorbs moisture and is damaged. In addition, there are folds on the body of a newborn baby in which sweat and dirt accumulate, which can trigger the process of inflammation.

Most often, irritation appears in the diaper area - in the groin, on the legs, between the buttocks, but there are also frequent cases when the skin turns red on the neck, in the armpit area. If the skin is severely inflamed or areas of irritation are present throughout the child’s body and face, immediately seek help from a pediatrician.

Causes of diaper rash

Diaper rash occurs in almost all infants. If you pay attention to the problem in time, you can easily avoid the development of complications. The main causes of diaper rash:

1. Long contact with moisture. Inflammation may appear if the skin does not have time to dry after bathing, and also if the baby sweats. After bathing, allow your skin to dry on its own or blot away moisture with a soft cloth before putting on a diaper or clothing. Dress your child according to the weather and make sure the temperature at home is comfortable.

2. Rare diaper changes. Prolonged contact with enzymes in urine and feces irritates the baby's delicate skin. Check the diaper regularly and clean the skin thoroughly. If your baby has diarrhea, change the diaper as often as possible.

3. The baby's diaper or clothing rubs. The problem may arise due to the wrong size. Choose loose-fitting items made from soft, natural fabrics. The diaper should be fastened securely, but not tightly, so that air can circulate.

Treatment and prevention of diaper rash

Even the most attentive parents are not always able to prevent the appearance of diaper rash, because at the initial stage the child may not notice the appearance of irritation, and parents will only see the problem when changing the diaper. Treatment for diaper rash usually depends on the severity:

1. With a mild degree, only redness on the skin is visible; if you start treatment at this stage, you can avoid worsening the situation.

2. The average degree is characterized not only by redness, but also by the presence of skin damage: erosions, microcracks.

3. At the third stage, pustules and ulcers appear on the reddened areas, and the inflamed areas begin to become wet. Often a fungal or bacterial infection is associated, which significantly complicates the treatment process. The child may have a fever, loss of appetite, and poor sleep. In such a situation, parents need to urgently consult a doctor.

In order to prevent and treat mild diaper dermatitis, it is necessary to:

  • Change diapers more often. It is important to keep your baby's skin dry for as long as possible.
  • Wash your baby's skin thoroughly after removing the diaper and allow it to dry completely.
  • Leave the baby without a diaper or clothes for a while to allow the skin to “breathe.”
  • Be careful when changing the brand of diapers, laundry detergents, baby cosmetics, and food products. Inflammation may intensify against the backdrop of a change in the usual elements of the baby’s life.
  • Use baby creams and ointments under the diaper to prevent diaper rash. Such products form a protective barrier, soothe the skin and eliminate discomfort. Stolichki pharmacies offer a wide range of products for the treatment and prevention of diaper rash: Bepanten, Mustela, La-Cri, Uryazh, Johnson Baby, Libriderm, etc.

If the inflammation does not go away and the situation worsens, contact your pediatrician immediately. The doctor will determine the cause of the diaper rash and prescribe treatment, which may include medications to fight the infection, drying and anti-inflammatory drugs to quickly heal the lesions, and antihistamines.

Treatment of feet and toes

If you notice diaper rash, try to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, because it is at the early stage that healing comes much faster.

If your feet sweat, wash them more often with bactericidal soap, use talcum powder or baby powder. You can treat your feet with a solution of boric acid. For one glass of water, take 1 tsp. boric acid, the product is ready!

If you notice that you have diaper rash on your legs, immediately start making baths from a decoction of oak bark or calendula, which will disinfect the skin and promote wound healing.

How to make a decoction of oak bark: take 100 g of bark, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, heat over low heat for 25 minutes, cool, filter. Then use a cotton swab to treat your feet. After the procedure, do not wipe your feet.

Folk remedies do an excellent job with fungus and diaper rash. Here are some recipes:

  • rub your fingers and between them with fresh plantain leaves;
  • lubricate with alcohol tincture of calendula (sold in a pharmacy), diluted 1:1 with water;
  • If your feet sweat excessively, put oak leaves in your socks;
  • To reduce sweating, you can use decoctions of chamomile, sage, and thyme. One tbsp. pour a spoonful of herbs into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, moisten gauze, apply to the affected areas;
  • Twist wheatgrass between your fingers and leave overnight. Course - 1 week.

How to recognize a fungus

When a fungus forms between the fingers, cracks appear, then blisters filled with liquid, the skin begins to peel, a burning sensation and smell appear.

The worst thing is that the disease can spread higher, to the buttocks, thighs, then the treatment will take an incredibly long time, so don’t hesitate with treatment!

  • When you come home, immediately take off your stockings and socks and let your skin “breathe.”
  • If you notice a fungus, then immediately begin to treat it, make compresses, baths with salt, it does not “like” them.
  • Keep your feet in salt water for 10 minutes every day until you get rid of this problem completely.

For a compress, take Burov's solution or Domeboro powder. Dissolve them in cold water, moisten a napkin, and apply for 20 minutes. If possible, apply the compress several times during the day to reduce the burning and itching.

Symptoms and signs of foot fungus

Signs of the disease depend on the type of pathogen. If the disease occurs due to Trichophyton red, then the symptoms will be as follows:

  • the causative agent of the disease begins its activity in the interdigital folds, after which it moves to the sole, and in the absence of treatment it affects the nails, large folds of skin and the epidermis on the palms;
  • thickening of the skin;
  • dryness of the epidermis;
  • cracks;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • itching and burning;
  • white spots and stripes on the nail plate.

If the cause of the pathology is the pathogen Trichophyton interdigitalis, then in this case the following symptoms appear:

  • the fungus affects the folds between the toes, as well as the entire foot;
  • the epidermis is inflamed;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • allergies in the form of rashes, redness and itching on the face, body, upper and lower extremities;
  • The fungus from the foot spreads to the nails, but affects single plates.

When the pathogen of the genus Candida is active, the following symptoms occur:

  • swelling of the soft tissues of the foot;
  • redness of the epidermis;
  • the location of the fungus is surrounded by a dense layer of the epidermis;
  • rashes appear on the skin in the form of blisters, inside of which there is serous fluid, as well as ulcers of small diameter.

signs of mycosis of the feet

Why does fungus appear?

The cause may be a fungus - this is an organism that lives on the skin and develops well in a humid and warm environment. You can pick up a fungus anywhere: in a pool, a bathhouse, on the beach, or from someone else’s shoes if you wear them.

Therefore, do not walk barefoot in public places, because the spores of this infection live for a long time, waiting for favorable conditions to “bloom.”

Why does the skin between my toes crack?

In summer, maceration often occurs on normal skin, which usually does not sweat much. The reasons for this are increased air temperature, and, consequently, skin temperature, lack of air circulation between the fingers and accumulation of moisture. The friction of the toes against each other and the pressure of the surface of the skin on the soles of the shoes cause cracking of the thin and delicate epidermis between the toes.

Sometimes the cracks in the transitions from the interdigital surfaces to the sole are deep. We then see whitish, uneven areas of the epidermis surrounding the crack in the skin, which is often painful. Then we are faced with a wound that requires fast and effective treatment, because not only fungi, but also bacteria can penetrate through an open wound.

Maceration can occur on all areas of the foot. Calluses, plantar indentations and the area on the lateral surfaces of the toes can become macerated, that is, softened by sweat and other fluids.


Lesions can appear under the influence of external and internal factors. The first group includes:

  • poor care;
  • incorrectly selected bedding, underwear, tight clothing;
  • the temperature in the room is too high, lack of ventilation.

Internal causes of diaper rash include:

  • excessive sweating, urinary incontinence;
  • excess weight;
  • disruptions in blood circulation;
  • endocrine disorders (including diabetes mellitus).

In addition, all factors that provoke the appearance of diaper rash are classified into reversible (which can be neutralized) and irreversible (which cannot be corrected).

Diaper rash symptoms

Diaper rash is manifested by characteristic skin changes. From a practical point of view, the following 3 degrees of severity are distinguished:

  • mild – the skin only turns red (hyperemia);
  • medium - against the background of reddened skin, erosions, microcracks, and sometimes small ulcers are visible;
  • severe - in addition to reddened skin and cracks, areas of erosion, ulcers are visible, the epidermis peels off in places. Almost always there is an infection, bacterial or fungal. An extreme manifestation of severe disease is microbial eczema, in which lesions are aggravated by an autoimmune process.

The baby's behavior with first-degree diaper rash does not change in any way; skin damage is detected when changing diapers. In the second degree, the child is bothered by burning, pain and itching, which is manifested by tearfulness, moodiness, anxiety, and poor sleep. The addition of a bacterial infection is manifested by an increase in body temperature, loss of appetite and other general symptoms.

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