Redness and itching between the fingers: what is it, how to treat

The skin between the fingers is the most delicate part of the human body; irritation and redness can occur for many reasons (they are the same in adults and children). Some of them go away on their own (for example, nervous strain), others require serious treatment. There are two ways to get rid of these symptoms: the use of drugs and the use of traditional medicine.

  • Treatment
  • Vitamins
  • Folk remedies
  • Prevention
  • Causes of irritation

    The most common cause of redness and irritation of the skin between the fingers is prolonged contact with household chemicals and care products. The aggressive components in their composition negatively affect delicate skin.

    A similar symptom occurs when there is an individual intolerance to any component in the product. After using cleansers, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly with soap: remaining particles may cause irritation without itching.

    Causes of irritation between the fingers in adults and children:

    1. Genetic disorders. Metabolic failure causes peeling and drying of the skin, as it disrupts the process of cell hydration.
    2. Allergic reactions. The disease manifests itself as redness and occurs on medications and food. Allergens can be inhaled and enter the body.
    3. Autoimmune disorders. Immune cells begin to fight the body, as a result of which the person feels itching and the skin begins to peel off.
    4. Frequent hygiene procedures. When using soap or antiseptic, the skin dries out.
    5. Intense friction. When under nervous tension, a person may not notice how he mechanically begins to rub the skin. The result is a reddened area.
    6. Low air humidity. Dry skin caused by inappropriate temperature conditions manifests itself as irritation without itching.


    It is enough to scratch, for example, an insect bite with unwashed hands, so that the smallest fungal spores end up on the skin. Having not met the proper resistance from the immune system and finding itself in heat and moisture, the fungus begins its activity that affects the epidermis. Representatives of the genus Candida do not even need a carrier - they are always on our skin and are activated under favorable circumstances.


    The first thing a person who has been attacked by fungi pays attention to is itching between the fingers. At the same time, a crack appears, which becomes larger every day. The next symptom is peeling of the epidermis. The skin peels off in micro flaps. Without treatment, there is a further increase in the area of ​​the lesion, and the entire palm begins to suffer.


    Interdigital candidiasis can be suspected by the characteristic location of the rash - between the middle and ring fingers. At the first stage, the manifestations of mycosis are insignificant; a person sees only a few bubbles, which do not cause any particular trouble and soon disappear. Then the process gets worse:

    • there is redness and itching between the fingers,
    • the boundaries of the lesion are outlined,
    • a little later the hearth acquires a whitish tint,
    • there is swelling and tissue maceration.
    • the area is ulcerated,
    • the erosion does not spread and always remains between the fingers.


    To get rid of the disease, the use of pharmaceuticals is required. To eliminate discomfort in children, medications are needed that are not contraindicated at a particular age. It is imperative to read the instructions for using medications and coordinate their use with your doctor so as not to harm the child.

    Skin diseases are treated as follows:

    DiseaseTreatment for adultsTreatment for children
    Contact dermatitisHormonal ointments (Fucicort, Advantan, Lokoid)Anti-allergenic agents (Fenistil - from 1 month, Zyrtek drops - from 6 months, Tavegil - from 1 year)
    ScabiesOintments with anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects (Wilkinson ointment).Local agents (benzyl benzoate - from 3 years, permethrin - from 1 year, Spregal - for infants)
    EczemaAntihistamines (Zyrtec, Suprastin and Tavegil)Antihistamines (Suprastin - from 1 year, Fenkarol - from 2 years, Sandosten - from 1 year)
    FungusHormonal ointments and creams (miconazole, clotrimazole, ketoconazole)Antiseptics (Lamisil - from 12 years, Candide - for infants, Mikozan - from 4 years)
    Prickly heatAntibacterial agents (tetracycline ointment, Baneocin, Levomekol)Anti-inflammatory ointments and creams (zinc ointment - for infants, Bepanten and Desitin - from birth)
    HivesCompress solutions (salicylic acid, diphenhydramine, menthol)Sorbents (Smecta and Enterosgel - for infants, Lactofiltrum - from 3 years)
    PsoriasisProducts based on solid oil (Magnipsor, Kartalin, Solipsor)Glucocorticoid ointments 0.5% (Prednisolone - from 1 year, Flucinar - from 2 years, Lorinden - from 10 years)

    To treat pathologies, the doctor may prescribe drugs from other groups (for example, antihistamines are also used to get rid of prickly heat). The method of use and dosage of medications are indicated in the instructions for each of them.

    If the redness is not caused by diseases, then general treatment recommendations will help. With their help, you can eliminate the symptom (itching, redness), but you cannot get rid of the cause of the discomfort. For this purpose, drugs and folk remedies are also used.


    To cure inflammatory processes on the skin, you need to consult a dermatologist. In most cases, the doctor prescribes antihistamines (anti-allergenic) drugs. They come in the form:

    • ointments (Protopic, Winkilson ointment);
    • creams (Gistan, Momederm);
    • tablets (Claritin, Cetrin);
    • drops (Zodak, Suprastinex).

    Hormonal (Sinaflan, Elokom) and non-hormonal agents (Fenistil, La-Cri) are also used.


    You can remove skin irritation caused by a lack of nutrients and reduced immunity by taking special complexes. The following vitamins are needed:

    • A, E, C (retinol, tocopherol and ascorbic acid) - increase immunity;
    • group B - participate in hematopoietic processes;
    • F (essential fatty acids) - heal wounds, eliminate inflammation.

    Vitamin complexes for adults containing the listed substances include:

    • Alphabet;
    • Vitrum Beauty;
    • Complivit;
    • Immunal;
    • Centrum.

    The following products containing vitamins are suitable for children:

    • Pikovit (from year);
    • Vitrum Baby (from 2 years old);
    • Alphabet Kindergarten (from 3 years old);
    • Complivit Oftalmo (from 3 years);
    • Solgar Omega-3 (from 7 years).

    Folk remedies

    You can treat discomfort between your fingers with tincture of valerian and motherwort. They have an antihistamine effect. To prepare a standard lotion from motherwort tincture to treat an itchy area, you need to reduce the alcohol content to 40% by diluting it with water.

    Valerian tincture should be diluted with half a glass of water and drunk half an hour before meals (the number of drops is from 15 to 30). The drug will calm the nervous system and eliminate allergy symptoms.

    It is useful to keep your hands in herbal baths. For their preparation and use you need:

    1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. oak bark, string, chamomile, pour 600 ml of water.
    2. Leave for half an hour.
    3. Dip your hand into the liquid if there is redness between the fingers.

    These decoctions will have a disinfecting, soothing and anti-inflammatory effect.

    You can reduce irritation and soften the skin using homemade ointments. Ingredients and process for preparing effective products:

    Type of ointmentIngredientsCooking methodApplication
    • aloe juice - 50 ml;
    • beeswax - 50 g;
    • sunflower oil - 1 cup;
    • laundry soap - 50 g
    1. Place all components in a container.
    2. Heat in a water bath until dissolved
    Use twice daily
    • olive oil - 50 ml;
    • oat flakes – 50 g
    1. Combine ingredients.
    2. Mix until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
    Apply a thick layer for 20 minutes
    • butter - 100 g;
    • bulbs - 4 pcs.;
    • baby soap - 1/3;
    • pine resin - 50 g;
    • beeswax - 30 g
    1. Melt the butter and bring to a boil.
    2. Chop the onions and add to the oil.
    3. Boil over low heat for 7 minutes, stirring.
    4. Add crushed soap, wax, resin.
    5. Cook for 20 minutes.
    6. Strain and pour into a glass container
    Apply to cotton cloth and secure with a bandage on the affected area. Make a compress at night and change it in the morning

    Before using folk remedies, you should consult a doctor who will prescribe a safe course of treatment. Otherwise, the condition may worsen and allergy symptoms, irritation, itching, and redness will become more pronounced.

    It is prohibited to use the products if you have an individual intolerance to the components specified in the recipe.


    One of the most unpleasant and common contagious skin diseases is called mycosis. It is provoked by a fungal pathogen. The disease develops quickly under favorable conditions: weakened immunity, past infections, addictions.

    Infection occurs quite easily - it is enough to touch the things of a sick person or come into contact with him. The largest tissue damage occurs in the nail area. The symptoms begin this way: most often, after a shower, redness appears between the fingers, which, in addition, also itches. The edge of the nail plate changes its shape, which is accompanied by painful sensations. Then it becomes deformed, brittle and weak.

    Important! If the development of the fungus is not stopped at this stage, then red spots appear all over the body.

    Read also: Mikozolon: instructions for using the ointment, price and cheap analogues


    You can prevent the appearance of new irritation by following the rules of nutrition and care. Recommendations for protecting your skin from damage:

    1. Wash your hands with water that is not too hot or cold.
    2. Wear gloves in winter.
    3. Wash your hands with baby soap.
    4. Apply protective cream to them in the summer.
    5. Use skin nourishing creams every day.
    6. Exfoliate 2 times a week to remove remaining dead cells.

    Nutrition affects the protective functions of the skin. It is worth limiting the consumption of the following products:

    • Sahara;
    • milk;
    • fast food;
    • fried food;
    • conservation;
    • chocolate (milk).


    To relieve itching and inflammation, antihistamines are prescribed, such as Claritin, Cetrin, Fenistil, Suprastin, Loratadine.

    If there are bacteria in the body, they must be suppressed with the help of antibiotics. Which pills should be taken can only be decided by your doctor. As for local external treatment, Erythromycin ointment and other creams that protect inflamed skin areas from the spread of microbes are excellent.

    Read also: Analogs of the drug Diflucan

    Hormonal ointments (Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Ketonazole) are used to suppress fungal infections. If the test results reveal mycosis, the doctor may also prescribe boric acid, rivanol or resorcinol.

    In turn, hormonal ointments are also used for dermatitis. The following drugs are suitable: Lokoid, Advantan, Fucicort. They will also help in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition to the above-mentioned remedies, tar and zinc ointment are used; these preparations are based on solid oil (Solipsor, Kartalin, Magnipsor).

    Why does it itch between the thumb and index finger?

    Be sure to pay attention if itching occurs between the thumb and index finger. This is a signal that you have focused attention on yourself and your problems. Such self-absorption alienates you from others and leads to loneliness and alienation. Better try to expand your social circle, gain experience and knowledge from people and spend time in the pleasant company of loved ones.

    There is also a very pleasant interpretation. Such an itch indicates that you can count on success in money matters. You will be lucky to win the lottery or a loved one will soon be pleased with an excellent gift.

    Fortune telling “Card of the Day for today”

    The next 24 hours can be perfect for you and present a lot of invaluable opportunities if you use the right tips. Listen to the Universe and appreciate its clues that can improve your life.

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    Traditional methods

    These treatment methods are used strictly after visiting a doctor and prescribing the necessary medications. Folk remedies are only an addition to the main treatment. The following procedures have proven themselves to be effective:

    • First pour boiling water over the blueberries (100 grams), then cool, and apply the crushed berries, wrapped in gauze, to the source of inflammation.
    • Olive oil has healing properties. They can be used to rub problem areas. Everyone also knows the beneficial properties of sesame oil.
    • Grate the carrots on a fine grater, wrap in gauze, and apply to the reddened area of ​​the skin.

    Wedding signs

    Wedding signs are also associated with fingers, which you should take a closer look at. If before the marriage ceremony a young girl is itching between her fingers, then she can relax. The celebration will take place without problems, and the relationship itself will be strong and happy.

    Does it itch at night the day before the ceremony? Then you should worry. Some trouble or problem will arise due to which you will have to set the wedding date for another day. There's nothing you can do about it.

    Fortune telling “On his thoughts about me”

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