Diaper rash (symptoms, causes, treatment, prevention)

If you start talking about the main problems of young children, you will definitely mention diaper rash. And almost immediately you can get a lot of advice on their prevention and treatment. But often this disease also affects adults.

Diaper rash is a disease characterized by inflammation in the skin folds. Inflammation occurs as a result of excessive sweating, poor or poor hygiene, and prolonged rubbing of the skin by clothing or other objects. Allergies, excess weight, and decreased immunity also contribute to the development of diaper rash.

Of course, people who have limited physical activity are most susceptible to diaper rash: after a stroke, accidents, those suffering from cerebral palsy, those in the intensive care unit, and so on.

But an inactive lifestyle, obesity, frequent visits to the pool (chlorinated water) and sensitive skin can contribute to the development of diaper rash. Most often, the groin folds, armpits, buttocks, between the fingers, behind the ears, and in folds formed as a result of obesity are affected. In women, it is often under the mammary glands.

What does diaper rash look like in babies?

Experts distinguish three degrees of diaper rash in newborns.

1st degree.

The initial stage of diaper rash in children is characterized by slight redness. Such diaper rash most often occurs in the folds of the skin. Usually the child will not pay attention to this minor discomfort, but parents should take the symptoms very seriously. As a rule, getting rid of diaper rash in newborns at the first stage is quite simple, but if you miss the moment, it will be more difficult later.

2nd degree.

At the next stage, the baby develops severe diaper rash - its color becomes more intense, and damage to the surface layer of the skin (erosion) appears. Diaper rash of the second degree causes anxiety in the baby. He may reach out with his hands and react nervously when touching sore areas, for example, when changing a diaper. This stage already requires special means, but before treating diaper rash in infants, parents should definitely consult a doctor.

3rd degree.

Bright redness, intense erosion, wet cracks in the skin, ulcers and small ulcers - this is what diaper rash looks like in a newborn at the most serious stage. The child feels constant itching, and this affects his behavior. The baby's sleep and appetite worsen, he is often capricious and cries. Such severe diaper rash in a newborn requires immediate consultation with a doctor and starting treatment as quickly as possible.

We hope our description helped you understand. But if you wish, you can find diaper rash in girls and boys in photos on the Internet and see what this disease looks like at different stages.


In the initial stage of the disease, it is enough to remove the causes of its appearance. It is necessary to frequently and thoroughly wash all folds of the skin with warm water, a pink solution of potassium permanganate, and special antiseptic agents. After washing, be sure to thoroughly blot with a cotton cloth until completely dry, powder with talcum powder or use baby cream, zinc ointment, or any drying creams and ointments. It is necessary to ensure free access of air to the sore areas; if necessary, gauze pads can be attached to them. For moderate severity of diaper rash, lotions and compresses are effective. Therapeutic baths based on medicinal herbs are very helpful in the fight against diaper rash. In addition to the purely therapeutic effect, they provide an opportunity to rest and relax, and have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole.

Why do diaper rash occur in children?

To understand how to get rid of diaper rash, you first need to understand why it occurs. Indeed, at the first stage, it is often enough to simply remove the irritants so that the baby’s diaper rash disappears.


Moisture is the main cause of diaper rash in a newborn. In an effort to protect their baby from colds, parents often overheat the room or wrap the baby too tightly, causing the baby to sweat. Diaper rash from sweat in newborns primarily appears in the armpits, skin folds and other places of increased sweating.

Regular water procedures wash away body secretions and a significant amount of bacteria from the skin. However, what helps with diaper rash in newborns can also cause it. Water remaining on the skin after bathing is another source of excess moisture. To prevent it from getting under clothes, it is recommended to dry the baby thoroughly and let his body breathe for 10–15 minutes before dressing.

And, of course, diaper rash in newborns can appear from moisture from diapers. Pay attention to your baby's signals and carry out hygiene procedures in a timely manner. Remember: diapers can reduce the risk of diaper rash on the bottom of newborns, but only if they are changed regularly.


Diaper rash can occur due to mechanical stress on the skin. To prevent this from happening, do not swaddle your baby too tightly, do not put tight clothes on him, and avoid synthetic fabrics. Due to friction, diaper rash can also appear under the diaper belt of a newborn. This usually happens if the belt is too tight, or diapers of dubious quality were purchased.

Chemical irritants

Another reason why a newborn baby may develop diaper rash is the baby's sensitivity to certain chemicals. They can get on the skin from clothes, diapers, and cosmetics. What helps against “chemical” diaper rash in newborns? The answer is simple: buy products for your child only from manufacturers in which you are 100% confident.

Other factors

There are a number of factors that can increase the risk of this disease - excess weight, a tendency to allergies, the location of blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. There is also a gender dependence: diaper rash occurs more often in newborn girls than in boys.

Development and symptoms

The disease itself develops very quickly, literally in a couple of hours. The sweat and sebaceous glands produce a secretion that has an irritating effect. And increased temperature and humidity in the folds of the body create favorable conditions for further pathological process.

If the disease is ignored, fungal, viral and bacterial infections may occur, which will require longer and more labor-intensive treatment.

At the very beginning, diaper rash appears as slight redness in the skin folds; there may be signs of maceration or small cracks in the skin. But as it progresses, erosions may appear, which over time become covered with a dark gray coating. Itching, burning and pain are added, due to which the patients' movements become more limited.

According to their course, diaper rash can be acute or chronic. And there are three stages of the disease:

  1. redness appears, but the integrity of the skin is not compromised;
  2. erosion appears;
  3. The affected area increases, the course itself is aggravated by the appearance of cracks and crusts.

Where do diaper rashes usually form? Under a diaper?

Problems usually appear in the folds of the skin, i.e. in places where moisture evaporation is difficult. The most comfortable place for diaper rash in a newborn is between the legs - in the groin area and between the buttocks, under the armpits. Also, diaper rash in a baby can form on the neck and between the toes.

As you can see, this disease manifests itself not only on the butt in a diaper. It can pop up unexpectedly anywhere. Diaper rash can even occur behind the ears, especially in newborns whose parents wear hats that are too thick and tight.


Increased sweating and friction are of primary importance in the development of diaper rash. Friction leads to maceration of the skin and microtraumas, which creates conditions for the development of infection. In places of damage, bacteria and fungi begin to actively multiply. Dermatophytes (a type of fungus) destroy the keratin of the stratum corneum, which leads to severe and long-term chronic inflammation. With a bacterial infection, diaper rash can develop rapidly - within a few hours. With prolonged existence, diaper rash transforms into microbial eczema.

Rice. 6 and 7. Yeast diaper rash under the breasts of a woman.

Are prickly heat and diaper rash in newborns the same thing?

No, these are different diseases. Diaper rash in newborns occurs due to various reasons, and prickly heat, as the name suggests, is only caused by excessive sweating. At the initial stage, prickly heat manifests itself in a similar way - as slight redness of the skin, but then develops into small blisters with clear or cloudy contents.

For a better understanding, find a photo of prickly heat and, for example, diaper rash on a newborn’s bottom - as you will see, they look completely different.

The good news is that there is no need to treat heat rash, you just need to eliminate its causes - overheating of the baby and clogged pores. Traditional methods of preventing diaper rash in newborns, including maintaining the correct temperature in the room, water and air baths, usually eliminate miliaria.

Complications, prognosis and diagnosis of the disease

The prognosis for intertrigo is generally favorable. Ulcerations, cellulitis and sepsis occur mainly in patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity and HIV-infected people.

Diagnosis of the disease is based on data. obtained during examination of the patient and medical history. If necessary, methods of microscopy and culture of biological material are used to identify pathogens.

To prescribe adequate treatment, intertrigo should be distinguished from diseases such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

How to avoid diaper rash?

Many diseases are easier to prevent than to cure, and diaper rash in a newborn is no exception. What to do to protect your baby from this scourge? Nothing complicated!

  1. Avoid situations where your child sweats:
      Monitor the temperature in the room. It is advisable that the thermometer does not rise above 18–20 degrees. This will significantly increase the chances of both avoiding diaper rash and protecting the baby from prickly heat.
  2. Refuse synthetics in favor of natural fabrics (cotton, linen).
  3. Try not to wrap your baby up.
  4. Minimize the risk of friction:
      Do not put tight clothes on your child.
  5. Avoid rough fabrics.
  6. Follow the rules of hygiene:
      Bathe your baby daily.
  7. Treat skin folds with protective cream or baby oil. Pay special attention to problem areas - under the arms, on the neck, in the groin, between the buttocks.
  8. After bathing, dry your baby's body with a towel, but do not rub him. In addition to regular textile towels, you can also use paper towels.
  9. To avoid diaper rash, use only products from reputable manufacturers.
  10. Change diapers regularly and do not forget about the benefits of air baths lasting about 10-15 minutes.

Traditional methods of treating diaper rash.

You can treat manifestations of dermatitis in elderly women using an iodine solution: 1 drop of iodine per 200 grams of water. The affected skin is washed with this solution, then wiped with a soft cloth to dry. After using this method, it is not advisable to immediately put on clothes - you need to wait at least 10-15 minutes.

When using these methods, it is necessary to take into account concomitant diseases (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, dementia, etc.) so as not to cause harm.

It is also necessary to do lotions on a regular basis. Eucalyptus is great for this. After preparing two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves, place them in 200 ml. water and heat in a water bath for 7 minutes. Then wet a cotton napkin with this decoction and apply it to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes.


For patients prone to excessive sweating and diaper rash, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Dress according to the season, do not wear tight underwear and avoid synthetic clothing.
  • During the hot season, work in an air-conditioned room.
  • Follow hygiene procedures daily, dry the folds thoroughly, wipe with salicylic alcohol and powder them with a mixture of talc and zinc oxide .
  • After bowel movements and urination (involuntary and natural), wash the skin folds.
  • Take frequent air baths (lie with your arms up, legs out, place rollers between your fingers, thus spreading your fingers).
  • Bedridden patients often change their underwear (bed and underwear) to dry ones.
  • In case of candidiasis of the skin, bedding and underwear should be disinfected by boiling.

Baths for diaper rash.

For skin rashes, medicinal herbal baths are quite effective. This treatment method tones the body well and promotes relaxation, and also leads to improved blood circulation. Method of preparation: you will need 50 grams of oak bark and string , add 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Then you need to strain and cool the broth, add it to a bath with warm water.

Pharmaceutical chamomile is also suitable for such therapy. You will need 1 tablespoon of flowers, which needs to be filled with half a liter of hot water. Let it brew for 40 minutes and add to the bath.

Yarrow perfectly eliminates flaking and inflammation, and also helps reduce itching. Take 1 kilogram of herb, fill it with 3 liters of water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, you can pour the resulting tincture into the bath.

List of sources

  • Samtsov A.V., Sukharev A.V., Nazarov R.N., Bondar O.I., Patrushev A.V., Fedotova M.A. The effectiveness of Pimafukort cream in the treatment of patients with intertrigo of fungal etiology / Russian Journal of Skin and Venereal Diseases. 2011;14(4):42-46.
  • Dermatovenereology: National manual edited by prof. Yu.S. Butova //Moscow. "Geotar-Media", 2014, p. 886.
  • Nosonova A.V. Complex differentiated therapy of patients with infections of large skin folds using etiotropic drugs and immunomodulators / Dermatovenerology. Cosmetology. Sexopathology. — 2012.— No. 1-4.— P. 297-302.
  • Skripkin Yu. K. et al. Skin and venereal diseases: A guide for doctors. – M., 2001. – P. 4-13
  • Gorlanov I. A., Zaslavsky D. V., Leina L. M. Skin diseases associated with obesity / Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology. - 2016. - No. 6, pp. 20-26.

Stages of development of diaper rash

The symptoms of diaper rash are easy to identify by eye and are quite specific. A mild degree of diaper rash should not cause panic, because with timely and proper care, this skin irritation can be quickly eliminated. But subsequent stages of the disease can subsequently cause a lot of problems that can be dealt with for years. Diaper rash in the second and third stages of development is classified as a dermatological disease.

  1. Diaper rash at the first stage is called erythematous. The skin at the site of the lesion has slight redness. If there is increased sweat and sebum production in this area, the skin will be constantly hydrated. It is important to eliminate friction at this stage; this will help stop the development of the problem and solve it yourself.
  2. At the second stage, irritation between the folds of the skin joins the redness. If the problem is not noticed in time, the condition of the skin will begin to rapidly deteriorate. Sweating, increased sebum secretion and, of course, friction will aggravate the problem. Skin can rub against skin or against clothing; tight clothing and unnatural fabrics are especially dangerous in this regard.
  3. At the third stage, the problem reaches the level of disease. In addition to irritation and redness, cracks appear on the skin, which turn into wounds. Overhydration and friction are complemented by an attached infection (its occurrence is more than likely). All this leads to the development of serious damage to the skin, which is simply impossible to cope with on your own without medical help.

Urinary and fecal incontinence are also common causes of diaper rash in older women. In the absence of timely hygiene, high humidity and the specific composition of secretions have an extremely adverse effect on the skin and lead to irritation.

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