Ozone therapy: a miraculous procedure for health and youth

What it is? Is it worth doing such a procedure? We'll figure out. Let’s say right away that this material is an informational article that reflects the main aspects of the issue. Under no circumstances should such a procedure be undertaken without the permission of a qualified person. The method of losing weight should be selected together with a specialist. The Doctor Bormental clinic uses its own patented method of losing weight and maintaining results, with the help of which more than half a million people have already lost weight. Read more about our methodology here -.

Ozone therapy intravenously for health and beauty

Methods based on the use of this gas have been used around the world for over 50 years. Initially, ozone was used to treat purulent, colds, viral diseases, burns, skin lesions, and even to stop bleeding. Subsequently, this method was replaced by more modern drugs, antibiotics.

To date, ozone therapy is used in such branches of medicine as geriatrics, vascular surgery, and dentistry. Even in cosmetology, ozone has found a place and has begun to be used in complex procedures to reduce visible stretch marks and cellulite. Typically a solution of 5% concentration is used, which is administered using a special apparatus in several ways:

  • Injection (subcutaneous or intravenous).
  • Intravenously in combination with other substances.
  • Locally, as part of special creams, mixtures, masks.
  • Through the respiratory tract: sauna with ozone.

It quickly disperses throughout the body, delivering nutrients and water to the cells. It is this property of gas that formed the basis of the method. Let's take a closer look at its essence.

Healing properties of ozone

It is worth noting that scientists became interested in the healing properties of ozone at the beginning of the last century: it was the bactericidal qualities of this gas that attracted their attention. At that time, it began to be used to treat purulent and infected wounds. Subsequently, antibiotics were considered to be a panacea in the fight against all kinds of infections, and ozone was remembered only when various allergies (dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, toxic hepatitis) and other side effects from taking antibiotics acquired alarming proportions. At the same time, it became known that antibiotics are not able to fully solve the problem of infectious diseases.

Research in the field of ozone therapy has shown that, unlike antibiotics, ozone is able to penetrate inside the cell and directly destroy pathogenic bacteria and viruses, without causing harm to the human body, but having a life-giving effect.

One of the distinctive features of ozone therapy is the activation of all vital processes in the human body during its use.

The main healing properties of ozone include:

  • immunostimulating effect;
  • immunomodulatory, antiviral, bactericidal, antifungal effects;
  • increasing the regenerative functions of the body;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • cholesterol-lowering, vasodilating, antirhombatic effects;
  • prevention of premature cell aging – geroprotective effect.

What is intravenous ozone therapy?

Ozone therapy is a special technique that involves the use of drugs based on a mixture of ozone and oxygen in different ratios. This is the only way to significantly reduce the toxic properties of gas and make it safer for the human body.

Only a specialist can select the correct dosage of ozone in the mixture. The optimal concentration will not destroy cells, but will kill various pathogenic microorganisms, viruses, and bacteria.

If we talk about intravenous administration, the mixture is made based on a physiological solution of sodium chloride and the patient’s blood. The resulting solution is administered through a dropper. The main thing is that the solution is of high quality, otherwise gas embolism may develop, which often leads to death. An air bubble, if it enters the circulatory system, can clog a vessel and lead to serious, irreversible consequences.

Ozone therapy is usually prescribed in combination with other medical procedures. This makes it possible to quickly deliver the active substances to the cells and enhance the therapeutic effect. Therefore, among doctors this method is considered only as an auxiliary one and is prescribed in rare, individual cases.

Required number of sessions

Our experts recommend at least seven times. In rare cases, the therapist may recommend increasing the number of times to thirteen to fifteen. If you have been losing excess weight for 3-4 months

Ozone therapy can be repeated after a short period of time. The number of times can vary from 5 to 15, depending on the observed therapeutic effect. Ten times, spread over 3 weeks, is usually enough to remove fat deposits from the hips, legs or arms. Patients note noticeable achievements in the mirror after 4-5 visits to the clinic. By that time, the fat layer will be burned very actively, disappearing literally before our eyes. Ozone therapy gives a more lasting effect when lymphatic drainage procedures are performed in parallel with it.

The oxygen-ozone mixture is injected subcutaneously into problem areas using special nozzles with thin needles ranging from 4 to 13 mm in length. When the gas mixture is administered, the patient experiences a feeling of fullness in the puncture area, sometimes a burning sensation or pain, which is more typical for high ozone concentrations. Soon these unpleasant sensations pass (1-2 minutes after removing the needle). For better distribution of gas, a light massage is recommended.

Attention: After treating the body with ozone, it is contraindicated to wipe the skin with alcohol-containing lotions.

Scope of application of the method

This method is used in several areas:

  • Cosmetology, aesthetic medicine. Intravenous ozone injections supply cells with oxygen and enhance the effect of various procedures. In some cases, intramuscular injection is used to combat fine expression wrinkles, the first signs of skin aging. There are also procedures for losing weight throughout the body or the abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. But their effectiveness has not been proven.
  • Psychiatry. Surprisingly, there are alternative treatment methods in which ozone is used as a way to relieve nervous tension, reduce symptoms of depression, and increase a person’s life potential.
  • Medicine. Traditional medicine considers ozone therapy as an additional method for drug treatment.

Ozone injections may be prescribed by a doctor for the following reasons:

  • skin diseases affecting various parts of the body;
  • ulcer, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis and other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • inflammatory processes caused by infections, viruses, pathogens;
  • diseases associated with the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Ozone can also be used in the treatment of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernias. In this case, it is possible to inject the spine with a mixture of a certain concentration.

The benefits and harms of the procedure

To date, there are no clear studies highlighting the benefits and harms of this procedure. Therefore, so far all reviews and opinions are based only on the experience of people who have undergone ozone therapy, as well as the doctors who supervised this process.

The positive aspects include:

  • strengthening the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relief of painful symptoms, muscle relaxation;
  • reduction of inflammation on the skin;
  • saturation of cells and tissues with oxygen.

The negative points are as follows:

  • a wide list of contraindications;
  • high probability of side effects and negative consequences;
  • lack of reliable, unambiguous, scientific information on this treatment method.

Exceeding the maximum permissible concentration may result in the formation of excessive free radicals. They affect cell membranes and destroy them. As a result, the development of pathologies and various diseases, the most dangerous of which is oncology.

Separately, the possibility of using this type of therapy for pregnant women should be discussed. It may be indicated in the following cases:

  • In preparation for conception.
  • To reduce symptoms of toxicosis.
  • Fighting infections that appear during the postpartum period.
  • Relieving nervous tension caused by pregnancy.

The decision to prescribe this method is made by a gynecologist. He must assess the possible risks for the fetus and the expectant mother.


After subcutaneous injections of an ozone-oxygen mixture, there is no rehabilitation as such. Sometimes papules remain on the skin (from injections), swelling and slight hyperemia may occur. All side effects go away quickly. Most patients continue with their planned activities immediately after the procedure.

Some people experience drowsiness, slight dizziness, and weakness. Remember the feeling when you breathe in fresh air filled with ozone after a thunderstorm. It's about the same here. Symptoms of ozone “oversaturation” disappear within a few hours.

Contraindications to ozone therapy

Only a doctor can prescribe intravenous ozone therapy and explain indications and contraindications. Injection with ozone can be extremely dangerous for humans, and therefore requires a precise approach and selection of the required concentration. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Diseases that occur in an acute form or chronic in the acute stage.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the solution, allergies.
  • Bronchial asthma, respiratory tract pathologies.
  • Gynecological, genitourinary infections.
  • Diabetes mellitus of any type.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Hepatitis of any form.
  • Autoimmune disorders.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • The patient's age is less than 18 years.
  • Other diseases, if the doctor prohibits.

In fact, even for a healthy person, ozone therapy can be dangerous. It's better to weigh the pros and cons. You should not prescribe it yourself; it is recommended to seek help from highly qualified and experienced specialists.

How does the intravenous ozone therapy procedure work?

This technique differs little from other intravenous procedures. A regular dropper or syringe with a solution is used. It is administered painlessly, so local anesthesia is not required.

The ozone therapy procedure must be performed in a hospital. All instruments used, especially syringes, must be properly disinfected. Ideally, an individual kit should be allocated for each patient.

The procedure must be carried out by a specialist with at least secondary specialized education.

The clinic where the procedure is performed must be equipped with the necessary equipment. It must also have a functioning intensive care unit. Ozone therapy can cause internal bleeding, which can often only be stopped by surgery.

The mixture for administration is prepared immediately before the procedure. Otherwise, it loses its properties and becomes dangerous to the life and health of the patient. Administration is carried out slowly, at a rate of no more than 5 ml per minute.

Preparation for the procedure

The first stage of preparation is selecting a clinic. This is a very important step, since life and health directly depend on it. It is recommended to pay attention to the following key points:

  • Personnel composition. As already mentioned, ozone therapy can be carried out by employees with secondary or higher specialized education.
  • Focus on a narrow specialization. Try to find a clinic where this technique is one of the key services.
  • Availability of equipment, intensive care unit, personal hospital.
  • Value for money. Here it is necessary to analyze several hospitals and identify the average cost.
  • Reviews from other patients.

Usually all information is located on the clinic’s website. Specific questions can be clarified with the administrator or receptionist by calling the hospital number.

If the clinic has been selected and the session date has been set, you can proceed to the actual preparation:

  • do not drink alcohol the day before ozone therapy;
  • do not smoke at least 3-4 days before the procedure;
  • Eat an hour or two before visiting the doctor. Food should be light, yet nutritious and complete.

It is also recommended to avoid physical activity in the last week, normalize your daily routine, eat right, and get enough sleep.

Stages of implementation

The procedure itself consists of several main steps:

  • Examination of the patient by a doctor. It is necessary to make sure that he has fulfilled all the requirements specified above and is ready for the session. The patient must have their temperature, pulse, blood pressure measured, and undergo a visual examination.
  • Treating the surface of the skin where the dropper will be installed with an antiseptic solution.
  • Preparation of physiological mixture for injection. It is done in a special device called an ionizer. It allows you to obtain a homogeneous solution without bubbles.
  • Saturation of the physiological mixture with ozone ions. Sometimes I add the patient’s blood to the solution.
  • Installation of a dropper. Determination of the rate of administration, session time.
  • Removing the needle. Applying an antiseptic solution.
  • Apply a tight bandage to the arm to stop bleeding.

At the end of the session, the patient can stay in the hospital for several hours to monitor the condition or go home. The main thing is to be in touch with the specialist performing the procedure.

Duration, how many sessions needed

The duration of the session is determined by the speed of injection. It is set individually, usually 3-5 ml per minute. In general, ozone therapy will take about 20 minutes.

The frequency of the procedure is prescribed by a specialist. Usually daily or at intervals of one day. The number of sessions also depends on the specific case, and can reach 20.

Rules of conduct after the end of the session

The main thing after the procedure is to be attentive to the body. If weakness, nausea, dizziness, migraine or other symptoms occur, contact a specialist immediately.

It is also not recommended to put stress on the body after the session. It is better to set aside a separate day off for visiting the doctor, giving the body time to recover.

There are no restrictions for drivers of personal vehicles.

Rehabilitation and recovery

There are no special measures for rehabilitation or recovery. The points are standard for any other procedure:

  • Monitor your health.
  • Follow the recommendations prescribed by a specialist.
  • Stick to proper nutrition, help the body with healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Give up alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Don't get carried away with training.

The recovery period is individual. Usually 10-14 days are enough.


I did ozone therapy on my face. I want to warn you in advance, this is painful. After the first procedure, I persuaded myself to go for the second. But after the second, everything went away by evening. The effect is amazing: the bags under the eyes are gone, and it seems to me that I look exactly 5 years younger.
I am 15 years old! I did ozone therapy because the acne left marks (post-acne). The procedure is super! I went through it 6 times, I really liked it!
I underwent ozone body therapy and was very pleased. But it only needs to be combined with an anti-cellulite massage. This is in my case. So the achievement is amazing. My size decreased by 4 cm after the 4th visit to the clinic. Good luck to all. Be irresistible!
I like it. I did it for the first time when I was 28 years old. She looked 21-23. Now 34 I am undergoing 5 sessions again. I like. And helps with crow's feet under the eyes
I accidentally found out about this method from a newspaper and decided to try it. I came to the medical center. I collected some literature and went under IV drips. I completed the course in 10 days and, to be honest, I didn’t really believe that it would help. But within a year after undergoing ozone drips, I did not get a single cold, even during the peak of infections. This method has a great immunomodulatory effect, destroys all types of bacteria in the body, fungi, viruses, protozoa, treats almost all types of allergies and improves immunity. Our cells lack oxygen, and hence the consequences of all our diseases, and ozone just makes up for the deficiency. I recommend ozone therapy to everyone who is not irresponsible about their health. Personally, I go through it 2 times a year and am very pleased.

Consequences, complications and side effects

Since this method has not yet been fully studied or confirmed by scientific clinical studies, you need to be extremely careful and study all possible consequences and complications. These include:

  • migraine;
  • symptoms of intoxication: nausea, vomiting;
  • the appearance of a rash is the first sign of an allergic reaction;
  • blood clot formation;
  • opening of internal bleeding;
  • worsening blood clotting;
  • respiratory burn.

Patients may also experience hematomas and abrasions at the injection sites.

They usually occur when the technique is not followed, when the concentration was selected incorrectly. Another possible reason is performing the procedure yourself or hiding any restrictions from the specialist. For example, drinking alcohol a few hours before the session.

The effectiveness of the procedure: before and after results

The opinions of specialists regarding this technique are based on practical experience. There are no definitive tests yet, so all feedback on results is subjective and cannot be taken seriously. Usually they note positive dynamics, but cannot show how such a method will subsequently affect the patient’s health.

Therefore, most doctors consider ozone therapy as an additional method of treatment, but give preference to classical, traditional methods.

The only way to reduce negative risks is to find a good clinic and a competent specialist who can say unequivocally whether the procedure is needed or not. You shouldn’t play with your own health, especially now, when medicine offers a huge number of safe, researched treatment options.

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