How to treat a burn with Dimexide: drugs and folk remedies

Dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide) is a concentrate for topical use that has an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and absorbable effect. The medicine penetrates well into the deep structures of the dermis and is often used as lotions or compresses. But the drug must be used with caution and only in diluted form, otherwise you can get burned by Dimexide.

Symptoms of a burn

Before you start using the drug at home, it is important to wear rubber gloves to prevent chemical burns from Dimexide on the skin. Then you need to moisten a bandage napkin in the solution and cover the damaged area with it. It is important to strictly follow the prescribed dosage, since exceeding it can also cause a burn.

The first sign of a burn is redness and wrinkling of the skin, followed by a white color.

After this it is possible to develop:

  • skin rashes;
  • itching;
  • pain;
  • strong burning sensation.

Symptoms of skin damage from the drug

The symptoms of a skin burn with Dimexide are not specific, since the product itself belongs to an intermediate class of chemical substances that are conditionally dangerous to the epithelium and exhibits the properties of both alkali and acid in special cases. Possible primary symptoms:

  • Severe itching and redness of the skin (a burn with Dimexide is shown in the photo);
  • Formation of increasing pain syndrome;
  • Hyperemia of the skin.

With the development of moderate and severe degrees of chemical burn after using Dimexide, the following signs are observed:

  • The appearance of blisters with clear or serous contents;
  • Formation of a scab with a loose internal structure or a dry hard crust;
  • Systemic pathological reactions. Dizziness, weakness, changes in heart rate, blood pressure, dyspeptic disorders and so on. They are formed as a consequence of toxemia of the body, a response autoimmune process and other generalized problems, which in most cases require mandatory hospitalization of a person in a hospital and complex intensive care.

First aid techniques

This medication is often used as the basis for medicinal compresses to treat various skin injuries. If you neglect the instructions for use, the patient may experience a severe burn from Dimexide. In cases where the instructions were nevertheless violated, the remnants of the drug are immediately removed. If signs of a chemical burn appear, the affected area should be washed thoroughly with clean water.

If the burn occurs on the face, the affected area should be covered with a cold compress and changed regularly.

Once the water has completely dried, cover the burn area with a loose gauze bandage. Next, you must definitely visit a doctor.

Please note that if a child has even a small burn after Dimexide, it must be shown to a specialist.

What is Dimexide

Dimexide is an effective and affordable drug used in various fields of medicine. Concentrate:

  • promotes healing of wounds and trophic ulcers;
  • reduces inflammation in joints with arthrosis and arthritis, neuralgia, gout;
  • helps with bruises and sprains;
  • used in dermatology for the treatment of eczema, furunculosis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, acne;
  • prescribed by dentists for the treatment of pulpitis and periodontitis;
  • used in cosmetology for resorption of keloid scars, preparation of face masks against wrinkles.

The drug quickly passes through biological membranes, and in combination with other medications ensures their penetration into the deep layers of the skin.

Treatment methods

You can cure a skin burn from Dimexide not only in a medical facility, but also at home. Let's look at the specifics of each.

Hospital treatment

When the patient is admitted to the hospital, a specialist must examine him and determine the extent of the burn. If the injury is serious, it will be treated as an inpatient. To do this, use special solutions with an antiseptic effect or irrigation with mixtures (Furacilin and Novocaine). After this, the burn site is dried and the resulting crust is removed.

If bubbles with liquid appear on the wound, the large ones are removed and the small ones are kept. These actions minimize the risk of infection. At the discretion of the specialist, the burn can be covered with a bandage or left open. The victim must be given immunoglobulin to prevent the development of tetanus.

If the skin begins to rot, it should be treated with:

  • dressings;
  • treatment with medications with anti-inflammatory effects.

If the wound is very serious, surgery is performed.

Home treatment

If the burn is minor, it can be treated at home. The patient should be in a calm state; after performing emergency procedures, the wound should be covered with a sterile bandage and changed twice a day. It is allowed to treat the burn with Panthenol and sea buckthorn oil: they will help relieve pain and swelling. Before using medications, the wound is washed well. You can replace Panthenol with Olazol or zinc ointment.

Some patients noted that they treated wounds after Dimexide with Solcoseryl. At the beginning of therapy, it is better to use the gel, then replacing it with ointment.

If the burn is severe, it can be treated with hydrocortisone and prednisolone ointment. The preparations are applied in a thin layer.

You can cure a burn at home with a special 20% or 30% solution of Dimexide. The medicine can be used as a lotion or compress. How to do it:

  • soak the bandage in the solution;
  • place on the burn;
  • wrap the affected area with cling film;
  • cover the top with natural fabric.

You need to keep the compress for half an hour. As a rule, the course of treatment lasts 10 days.

Chlorophyllipt shows a good therapeutic effect in situations where Dimexide can cause burns.


  • stimulates the restoration of damaged tissue;
  • destroys microbes;
  • neutralizes toxins;
  • stops inflammation.

Treatment with traditional methods

A burn from Dimexide can be treated with folk recipes. Suitable for this:

  • Potato starch. It is diluted with water to a paste and applied to the wound;
  • Fresh cabbage leaves. They are washed, dried and applied to the burn;
  • Lavender oil. They need to constantly lubricate the affected skin.

It is also advisable to use a decoction of oak bark. To prepare, you need to pour boiling water over a teaspoon of the substance and simmer for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Then strain and apply the resulting mass to the burn. The course of treatment is five days.

Description of the product

The active substance of the drug is dimethyl sulfoxide . The product is available in the form of a concentrate for preparing a solution for external use, a concentrate for preparing a solution, as well as in the form of an ointment and gel.

It is used in the form of lotions or applications and provides:

  • anti-inflammatory – reduces swelling and hyperemia,
  • local anesthetic – blocks sensory nerve endings, reducing pain,
  • fibrinolytic – dissolves fibrin clots that prevent skin renewal (regeneration),
  • antiseptic effect - destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

It is important! Dimexide - used exclusively externally. Taking the drug orally can cause the most severe complications, and even lead to death.

An important property of Dimexide is the ability to penetrate well through the skin and mucous membranes , therefore it is often used in combination with heparin, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, for better penetration of these medicinal substances to the site of action.

It is used in the form of lotions or applications for the treatment of inflammatory processes on the skin: the resulting solution is applied to gauze, applied to the affected surface and left for 20-30 minutes, wrapped on top with cotton cloth and heat-insulating material (cotton wool, woolen scarf, etc.).

Correct care

In addition to information about what to do in case of a burn with Dimexide, it is also important to know the following nuances:

  • use only clean materials for dressings and compresses;
  • do not treat the burn with cotton wool or a non-sterile bandage;
  • medicinal gels are allowed to be used at the early stage of a burn, ointments - during the recovery period;
  • Do not remove the formed crust yourself and do not damage the bubbles;
  • minimize contact of the burn with any surfaces;
  • Do not cool the wound with ice.

Possible consequences

Burns with Dimexide can have the following consequences:

  • Formation of scars and contractures on the skin. Characteristic for severe degrees of chemical burns after healing of damaged tissues;
  • Development of shock . A consequence of an allergic reaction or complex damage to large areas of skin;
  • The appearance of burn toxemia and sepsis. Develop in the absence of any qualified pre-medical and medical care against the background of a severe form of pathology;
  • Penetration of secondary bacterial , fungal or viral infections. A consequence of weakening local immunity in the problem area.


Read the instructions on your medication package inserts very carefully. This will help protect you from unwanted consequences, correctly calculate the dosage and get the desired result.

If you do get a burn, follow all the above recommendations. With proper treatment, the resulting wound heals within 5-7 days after it occurs. Any chemical burn is initially neutralized with ordinary water, and the affected location must be protected from exposure to the external environment.

Preventive measures

The following simple measures will help avoid burns:

  • Do not use Dimexide without doctor's recommendation.
  • Do not exceed the recommended dose of Dimexide powder when preparing the solution; stir the concentrated substance thoroughly, as undissolved particles of the drug can cause a burn.
  • Do not use if you are hypersensitive, or for treating children under 12 years of age.
  • Do not rub the product into the skin.
  • Do not leave the application for more than 20-30 minutes.

To check whether there is an allergic reaction to this product, before using it, apply a small amount of solution with a cotton swab to the area of ​​the skin in the area of ​​the elbow. If within two hours there is no skin reaction in the form of rash, itching or redness, you can use the drug, but be sure to be careful.

Medicines in the fight against burns

Everyone thinks about what means and how to treat a burn so that recovery goes faster. The most effective, undoubtedly, are pharmaceutical drugs with anti-inflammatory, anti-burn and regenerating effects. Such medicines are:

  • liquid chlorophyll
    . It neutralizes the effect of the “culprit” of the burn, promotes rapid restoration of skin tissue and has an antimicrobial effect, fighting inflammation;
  • Panthenol
    . The composition contains B vitamins. The drug has a pronounced antiseptic and healing effect. Available in aerosol and cream form;
  • . A drug whose main effect is aimed at improving metabolic processes at the cellular level and accelerating regeneration. Available in the form of gel and ointment. The gel is designed for lubricating fresh wounds after burns, and the ointment is used when the wound stops getting wet;
  • Olazol
    . The drug belongs to the group of wound-healing agents. Has an anesthetic and antibacterial effect. Able to quickly relieve inflammation and swelling after a burn with dimexide;
  • . An aerosol containing propolis, menthol and D vitamins. It has a pronounced cooling and analgesic effect.

When treating burns with Dimexide, the following rules should be followed:

  1. The material used for compresses and lotions must be sterile.
  2. The use of adhesive tape or cotton wool is not allowed.
  3. Preparations in gel form are used to treat burns at the initial stage of their development.
  4. Ointments are used to heal damage when the wound is already beginning to dry out.
  5. Peeling off crusts and opening blisters from burns is strictly prohibited!
  6. Once again, you should not touch the wound with your hands.
  7. Do not use ice for cooling purposes, as this can cause frostbite.

In order to prevent burns from Dimexide, you must comply with all the requirements of the instructions for the drug. Only correct use of the product eliminates the possibility of side effects.

. Be careful and exercise caution to avoid getting burned.

Dimexide is considered a popular medicine, on the basis of which a large number of masks, lotions and compresses are made. Often the dosage form (solution) is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. But this liquid is highly concentrated, so Dimexide burns often occur - what to do in such a situation?


In cases of small-scale lesions, traditional methods of treatment are often used.

Prepare potato starch, turn on the water on gas. Then dilute the components in proportions 2:1. After thorough stirring, you will get a paste. It is used as a compress. The procedure is carried out before going to bed; gauze or a bandage is carefully wrapped around this combination. To enhance the recovery process, fresh cabbage leaves are used for medicinal purposes.

For quick and effective recovery, sea buckthorn oil is used. This natural drug has no contraindications. Use a purchased, affordable product, or make your own homemade equivalent. After cooling the affected area, lubricate the skin.

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