Many of our patients seek advice regarding cracked and worn skin between...
This article talks about how to use peppermint essential oil to your advantage. Are given
Demodicosis of the scalp is a simple but unpleasant disease caused by the active proliferation of subcutaneous
Peeling: before and after Before starting the procedure itself, it is strongly recommended to carry out
A Guide to At-Home Phototherapy for Psoriasis Phototherapy or light therapy may help
A nevus is a benign skin tumor, popularly called a mole or birthmark. Name
One of the most harmful procedures for hair is lightening it with chemical dyes.
A keloid scar (photo below) can appear in anyone. Abrasions after falls, burns from
Diagnostics Treatment Prevention Video Melanoform nevus is one of the types of age spots (moles),
Options for the development of papillomas in the groin Pathogenesis and symptoms of the disease Complications Diagnostics Treatment Prognosis Prevention