When and at what time of day is it better to make face masks?

No matter how thorough the basic facial care is, you cannot do without additional help. What is meant by additional help for our skin? That's right - this is a face mask that can solve cosmetic problems and even have a therapeutic effect. In addition, modern cosmetic masks can work wonders. But it must be selected and used correctly so as not to cause harm. Therefore, we will reveal the main principles of mask care.

  1. Why is it necessary to do face masks regularly?
  2. Cosmetic face masks: classification
  3. Consider the purpose of face masks
  4. Frequency of use of face masks
  5. Which face masks are effective in the morning and which in the evening?
  6. Basic principles of applying a face mask
  7. Are face masks compatible with each other and is it possible to make several at once?
  8. Is it possible to combine a face mask and scrub?

How to make nourishing face masks correctly

To get the maximum effect, know how to make masks correctly:

  • Before preparation, each component is tested for an allergic reaction; the finished mixture is also applied to the inside of the elbow and checked for redness or irritation.
  • Before application, the hair is completely collected, tucked under a cap or an elastic bandage, and decorative cosmetics are removed. It is recommended to steam your face. This will ensure the penetration of beneficial substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • The finished mass is distributed along massage lines starting from the chin. Liquid consistencies are applied in a lying position, trying to avoid contact with the eyes and the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle. When distributing the mixture, try not to grimace or smile.
  • It is recommended to apply gel emulsions with your fingers, paste emulsions with a plastic or wooden spatula, and liquid emulsions with a makeup brush made from natural fibers.
  • Thick, dense consistencies are first removed using a damp swab, film masks are removed with your fingers, and rolled up if necessary. The remains are washed off with water, herbal infusion or tonic. For washing, use boiled or filtered water; tap water dries out the dermis.
  • After washing your face, spray your face with cold water to close the pores.

After the procedures, you can use your usual creams.

12 tips from cosmetologists for using masks

Homemade facial care cosmetics are not a professional product, but they also have their own rules of use:

  1. Do not make masks with a thick texture in the hot season, otherwise your skin will not be able to breathe normally. But in winter and in the off-season you can get the maximum benefit from them.
  2. Do not go outside immediately after morning and afternoon procedures, especially if there is wind and frost outside. Wait about 30-60 minutes. And if you don’t have that much time, give preference to night masks.
  3. For homemade recipes, use only fresh ingredients. Wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly before use.
  4. Do not store the finished mask in the refrigerator, use the composition immediately and throw away the excess.
  5. Fruits, vegetables, essential oils, honey, eggs and other foods can cause allergies. Test the recipe on your wrist or elbow before applying to your face.
  6. Make a mask only after preliminary preparation of the skin. First, remove any remaining makeup, then steam your face to open the pores, and then use the composition.
  7. To prevent the mask from drying out too much and crumbling, apply it in a thick layer.
  8. Always apply and remove the mixture using massage lines.
  9. Masks intended for the face should not be applied to the lips, eyelids and area around the eyes. There are particularly sensitive areas here that require special care products.
  10. Wash off the mask with a damp sponge. It will help soak the used composition and gently remove residues.
  11. Whether or not to apply cream after a mask is a matter of individual preference and habit. But you should not apply decorative cosmetics. Wait at least half an hour before applying powder and foundation.
  12. Take a break of 2 days between procedures. Light morning masks can be done more often.

By following the recommendations and knowing the best time to apply masks, you will get good results.

How often can you use the mask?

One of the main advantages of such cosmetics is the quick effect. After the first application, the face becomes fresher and more well-groomed, so it is recommended to use this product regularly. This does not mean that the mixture must be applied at every opportunity, because this is fraught with additional problems.

Important points when using:

  1. Compliance with skin type, age, following the manufacturer’s recommendations for application and frequency of use.
  2. Use well combined with a relaxing facial massage. Rest and complete relaxation are also welcome, so you should lie down comfortably, relax your facial muscles, and detach yourself from everyday worries and problems.
  3. The mixture must be washed off with warm water. It is good to use decoctions of medicinal herbs or wipe your face with it after the procedure. This will help relieve swelling, remove circles under the eyes, and also helps to tone the dermis.

It is necessary to use such cosmetics in a course. Usually these are 5–10 procedures, after which it is advisable to take a break so that the effectiveness does not decrease. This occurs after the dermis is oversaturated with nutrients.

How many times a week can you do it and why should you not use it every day?

Typically, cosmetologists advise using such cosmetics no more than 1-2 times a week, so it is better to adhere to the rules indicated on the packaging of the purchased products.

Main risks with daily use:

  1. The dermis is quickly saturated with all nutrients, after which the rate of their absorption deteriorates.
  2. Excessive care can cause a backlash, lead to dermatitis or allergies, and deterioration of the dermis.
  3. Reduced effectiveness of the cosmetic product.
  4. Insufficient production of your own collagen and elastane in the future.

Such a statement does not mean that you should completely abandon the use of such means. Cosmetic masks are famous for their quick effect and are considered an excellent alternative to expensive professional procedures. The big advantage of such products is their ease of application and use.

When is it better to apply the mask: morning or evening

To ensure the desired result, it is worth studying the basic rules for using such cosmetics. It is advisable to apply the mask in the evening, but some mixtures have a more active effect in the first half of the day.

From what age can it be used?

“Acquaintance” with such cosmetics should begin no earlier than 20–25 years. Anti-aging formulations are used from the age of 25 or earlier when the first signs of skin aging appear.

The best store-bought care creams

In stores and pharmacies you will find hundreds of products, for example, the following popular mid-priced products:

  • Bioderma Atoderm Intensive Baume Facial Balm. Product for dry and sensitive skin. Absorbs for a long time, has a pleasant smell, nourishes, moisturizes, and does not cause allergies. Contains sunflower oil.
  • La Roche-Posay CICAPLAST BAUME B5 SPF50. Suitable for normal skin. Contains no fragrance, does not cause hyperpigmentation, and has SPF 50.
  • Librederm SERACIN Mattifying Day Cream For Oily Skin Seracin. Mattifying composition for oily skin. The product adsorbs sebum and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Moisturizes, relieves redness, prevents acne. Contains burdock extract, gulyavnik extract, hydroacid, zinc salt.
  • Natura Siberica Day face cream. Product for oily and combination skin. It has a mattifying, nourishing, moisturizing effect, and has SPF 15. The product contains phytopeptides, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C. At first, a slight tingling may occur upon application.
  • Black pearl Self-rejuvenation 36+. Suitable for sensitive skin. Promotes the production of its own molecules of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. Distributes well, moisturizes, evens out tone.
  • AVENE Cleanance HYDRA. Suitable for problem skin. Helps with acne, nourishes, moisturizes, removes oily sheen.

After the masks, you should apply cream in accordance with your dermatological characteristics.

The cost of creams ranges from 250 to 1500 rubles. The ideal drug for you may be in both the economy and premium segments.

Evening - for cleansing and nutrition

After 6 pm and before 9 pm is the best time for such procedures.

In the evening, dry and normal skin wants cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Oily - cleansing and treatment.

Any skin will benefit from evening masks made from vegetables and fruits, which have a soothing, anti-inflammatory, and whitening effect.

Apricot compounds soothe, zucchini, eggplant relieve inflammation, tomatoes rejuvenate. For such masks it is better in the evening, as there may be slight skin irritation.

A well-chosen and timely mask will help you have a great day.

Negative skin reaction to the mask

In some cases, atypical reactions of the body to the composition of the chosen product are noted. If after application the skin begins to burn, sweating, shortness of breath, and discomfort appear, the mixture should be rinsed off with warm water and use a soothing cream. Depending on the severity of the reactions, you may need to visit a dermatologist or take antiallergic medications.

Redness on the face as an allergic reaction to a cosmetic product

Allergic reactions can manifest themselves in different ways. They usually include symptoms such as facial redness, burning sensation, discomfort and a feeling of tightness on the skin, and the appearance of a rash.


Too aggressive components in the composition can cause chemical burns and redness of the skin, further treatment of which must be entrusted to a specialist.

To avoid atypical manifestations of the body on the composition of a cosmetic mask, before the first use it is worth conducting a sensitivity test. To do this, the prepared or purchased composition is applied to the elbow or the back of the wrist, where the area that is sensitive to external influences is located. If after 10-15 minutes no negative changes have occurred on the skin (redness, itching, hives), the product can also be used on the face. Otherwise, the remaining product is removed with a dry cloth, and antihistamines must be taken. If severe negative symptoms occur, seek medical help. It should be noted that an allergic reaction can occur to any of the components of the drug, so even self-prepared home remedies are not a guarantee of safety.

Moisturizing banana face mask (video)

Sour cream mask for the morning

To make it, you need to take half a spoonful of cottage cheese and sour cream. The components must be mixed and applied to the face area. You need to keep it for 1/4 hour, after which you carefully wipe off the mixture with a napkin.

Coffee mask

You need to take equal amounts of banana puree and coffee grounds. Mix these ingredients with a dessert spoon of heavy cream. The resulting composition should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 1/4 hour. After the allotted time, you need to wash off the mask with non-hot water.

Herbal mask for morning use

To make a mask, you need to take 3 tablespoons of dry chamomile and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, moisten gauze in the resulting mixture and place it on your face. Leave for 20 minutes. and remove with non-hot water.

Thanks to these simple masks, you can quickly put your tired and withered face in order.

After the motivation, it is very important to pay attention to your appearance, because your mood for the whole day partly depends on the reflection in the mirror. With just a little time you can get a fresh, toned and radiant face.

How often can you apply masks to your face?

Initially, you need to understand that most of the success of cosmetic procedures depends on whether you have chosen the right composition of the product and whether it suits your skin type.

For example, with flaking, seborrhea or overly sensitive skin, it is recommended to approach regular care differently.

The answer to the question of how often you can apply a mask depends on the individual characteristics of your facial skin, its type, etc. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

The frequency of applying the product to the face depends directly on the skin type:

Oily skin. It is not recommended for ladies with oily skin to frequently use nourishing and moisturizing masks, since the face will have an oily sheen after the mask.

It is recommended to apply such products no more than once a week.

Also, there is no need to overuse age-related mixtures, since oily skin fades more slowly than dry skin.

But cleansing procedures need to be done more often.

Normal facial skin. Ladies with normal skin type can apply moisturizing masks up to twice a week.

When is the best time to apply the product and how often to do it depends on your individual preferences.

Up to two times a week you can cleanse the skin using film masks.

Dry skin. Girls and women with dry facial skin suffer from flaking and dryness

Therefore, they need to pay special attention to nutrition and hydration of the skin.

Cosmetic procedures aimed at moisturizing should be done at least three times a week.

But it’s better not to use scrubs too often, as they dry out already dry skin.

Sensitive skin. If you have delicate, sensitive skin, in order not to cause redness or allergic reactions, cosmetic procedures must be done very carefully.

For sensitive skin, nourishing creams and masks have worked well, which are recommended to be applied to the face up to four times a week.

But it’s better not to use peelings and overly exfoliating scrubs.

Combination skin. For representatives of the fair sex with a combination skin type, it is much more difficult to care for it, since it combines the features of each type of epidermis described above.

The frequency of applying cosmetics depends directly on how the sebaceous glands function.

If your skin has an oily sheen, do not overuse moisturizing creams and masks, replacing them with mattifying and cleansing ones.

When wondering at what time and how to apply a mask to your face, consider the biorhythms of your skin:

  • morning hours are the ideal time to apply a mask;
  • Before 12 noon, it is advisable to apply masks that remove excess fat;
  • from 3 to 6 pm it is better not to do any cosmetic procedures;
  • from 19 to 23 our body is less sensitive to pain, so you can do peelings and apply scrubs.

Homemade morning face masks. Benefit. Properties

If early in the morning after waking up, the skin shows bruises under the eyes, swelling, peeling, and pallor, everything indicates that it lacks nutrients. This can be easily changed using morning masks. What is their feature? They increase skin tone, improve blood circulation, activate the natural production of collagen and elastin, and improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Their secret is simple. They refresh the face in a short period of time. Face masks should be done in the morning by women of all ages. But they are especially indicated for women over 30-40 years of age, since their skin ages much faster than that of young girls.

Who should use face masks in the morning?

  • If there is swelling, bruises, bags under the eyes.
  • With a large number of deep wrinkles.
  • There are many age spots.
  • There is dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Areas with acne, clogged pores, and increased oiliness.

Rules of application

  1. First, it is recommended to wash off your makeup and cleanse your pores of harmful substances.
  2. The ingredients must be fresh and used immediately after preparation.
  3. Before use, they need to be crushed on a fine grater or blender until smooth, so that there are no lumps that can damage the skin.
  4. Do an allergic reaction test. Apply a small amount of the cosmetic product to your wrist, leave for 10-15 minutes, and observe whether there is redness or irritation. If they occur, it means that this component is not suitable for you, and it needs to be replaced with another, more suitable one. If everything is fine, it can be applied.
  5. Masks are applied two to three times a week, for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Remove them with running water.
  7. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to your face.

How to make face masks correctly

The benefits and effectiveness of such compositions directly depend on certain rules for selection and preparation. Not all formulations will be beneficial to your skin, so you should not get too involved in these generally useful procedures. In order for masks to bring exclusively positive emotions and always excellent results, you must take into account the information below.

The main nuances of using masks at home:

  • Selection of composition according to real needs. All masks can be divided by type of action into cleansing, nourishing, whitening, moisturizing and anti-aging. Based on the existing problem or desires, you can choose the appropriate type. You should not use inappropriate mixtures, because the effectiveness and results in this case will be very doubtful. Fortunately, most of the compositions are more or less similar to each other and have diverse effects, so the choice will not be so difficult.
  • You cannot use the same composition for a long time. Despite the fact that such a mask has already proven its effectiveness and suits you 100%, over time its effectiveness may decrease or disappear completely. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to periodically give the skin a rest and use other ingredients. After a break, you can return to your favorite recipe.
  • The results may take some time. Despite the active components, the effect of any substance is determined purely individually. For maximum effect, a course of 10–15 procedures is required, and you cannot count on instant results even when using professional products. The greatest benefits for the skin will come from regular use of the composition with certain “rest” intervals.
  • Checking for an allergic reaction is mandatory! Unfortunately, most people ignore this simple procedure. Opponents of home rejuvenation methods, for the most part, simply had negative experience using such compounds, and therefore are afraid to try further. To avoid this, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test before using any of the selected formulations.
  • Compliance with recommendations for preparing formulations. Incorrect proportions of active substances can have the opposite effect and harm the skin. Homemade mixtures cannot be stored for a long time, because the composition does not contain preservatives, and the substances may deteriorate. The best option is to prepare the mask immediately before use. Some formulations can be stored in a cool place (refrigerator) for up to 10 days, but a fresh portion will bring maximum benefit.

The above list would not be complete without mentioning the need to regularly use homemade masks. The principle: the more the better, this is where it works in the opposite direction.

How long to keep?

We told you how to use a hair mask. How long should you keep it? Often, the instructions for store-bought products indicate the recommended time of contact with hair. And on average it takes no more than 15 minutes. After this period, the mask is simply washed off with warm, but not hot water. An additional cold rinse procedure “seals” the cuticles, preventing hair from losing moisture. Dry clean strands with a towel and do not blow dry them.

Oil masks are washed off with plenty of water and gentle shampoo, otherwise the curls will become greasy and look unkempt.

As for homemade masks, the duration of their contact with the hair depends on the composition.

Main components of the maskDuration of use
Pepper tincture, pepper, onion, garlic, mustard, henna, horseradish and other aggressive ingredients that dry out the skin and hair structureNo more than 30 minutes
Essential oilsWill not cause harm even if left overnight
Honey, eggsFrom 30 minutes to several hours
GelatinFrom 60 minutes to 2-3 hours

It is worth noting that products with honey, egg and gelatin are washed off only with cool water, otherwise they are difficult to remove from the hair. To remove the unpleasant odor from some ingredients (onions, garlic, etc.), it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice to the rinse water. Tinctures and herbal decoctions intended for rubbing into the roots do not need to be washed off.

Recipes for homemade mixtures consist of an available set of ingredients, but before use you should find out how safe they are and whether they will cause allergies.

Initially, it is recommended to apply a few drops of the mask to your wrist and, if irritation does not appear within a few minutes, then you can safely act.

Pay special attention to the time the product is left on your hair - do not improvise and follow the recommendations, otherwise some aggressive components may damage your curls. You should also immediately wash off the drug if there is a feeling of itching, burning, etc.

How to wear a mask correctly on the street, in an elevator and in a store

Wearing a mask correctly is no less important than having one.

The recommendations given by WHO are clear and understandable:

  1. We hope. Wash your hands with soap or use an antiseptic. We put on the mask so that it fits as tightly as possible.
  2. We wear it. We do not touch the mask or adjust it. If this happens, repeat the hand treatment. A damp mask must be replaced; reuse is not advisable.
  3. We're filming. To remove the mask, grab the elastic bands from the back (without touching the mask itself). Throw it into a closed waste container, then sanitize your hands or wash with soap.

Morning face masks at home: folk recipes

The best homemade face mask in the morning

The product will help remove signs of fatigue, lighten age spots, smooth out wrinkles, restore firmness and elasticity, and slow down the aging process. Finely chop the parsley, grind, take three tbsp. l. mass, pour 200 ml. water, leave for 50 minutes. Two tbsp. l. pour rolled oats with the prepared herbal infusion, wait 7-10 minutes. until it swells. Distribute the contents on the problematic surface, leave to soak for 15 minutes, lie down to rest. After time, wash with running water at room temperature.

Morning face mask with banana

The composition moisturizes, tones the skin, enriches it with vitamins and minerals, smooths out wrinkles. Peel one small banana, grind until puree, add 0.5 tbsp. l. liquid honey, mix everything, spread the mixture in an even layer on the epidermis, wait 20 minutes, after the specified time, wash with running water at room temperature.

Hydrating morning face mask

The product will help moisturize dry areas, normalize water balance, eliminate peeling, and relieve inflammation. To one art. l. liquid honey add one tsp. aloe juice, stir, distribute the mixture evenly on the skin, after 15-20 minutes. wash with running tap water.

Quick morning face mask

If you want to look good, but you are in a hurry, you can prepare the following anti-aging composition. By two st. l. fat cottage cheese, add one egg yolk, beaten until foamy, stir the ingredients, distribute evenly on the skin, leave for 11 - 15 minutes. Rinse off the remaining part of the cosmetic product with running water from the tap.

Purifying morning face mask

If, after waking up, your face is noticeably greasy, there are pimples, and other skin rashes, it is recommended to use this recipe. White clay in the amount of one or two tbsp. l. dilute with a small portion of water to obtain a fluid, homogeneous mass. Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to the mixture, apply the mixture to the skin after 10-15 minutes. Rinse off any remaining residue with running tap water.

Morning eye mask with sour cream

The product is used to rejuvenate the eyelids. It relieves swelling, bruises, and eliminates wrinkles. Combine cottage cheese and sour cream in equal proportions (0.5 tbsp each), stir everything well, spread on the eyelids. Wait 15 minutes, then carefully remove the product with a paper towel and rinse with tap water.

Morning coffee face mask

The product eliminates wrinkles, tones and rejuvenates the epidermis. Connect one st. l. banana puree, one tsp. homemade sour cream, a small portion of coffee grounds, stir all ingredients, distribute on problem areas, after 10-15 minutes. wash with running tap water.

Refreshing morning face mask

If you went to bed late and your appearance in the morning leaves much to be desired, you can prepare a refreshing natural recipe. By two st. l. homemade medium-fat sour cream, add 2-3 drops of lavender ether, mix everything. Apply the mixture to the skin in the direction of the massage lines, after 11 minutes. wash with running water, then wipe the surface with ice cubes from chamomile infusion.

Morning face mask made from herbs

The recipe will help get rid of puffiness, remove signs of fatigue, and slow down the aging process. Mix three tbsp. l. chamomile and coltsfoot, pour 200 ml of herbal mixture. boiling water, leave for 50 minutes, cool, strain. Dip a gauze napkin into the prepared infusion, apply to the skin, and leave for 20 minutes. After the specified time, wash with running water at room temperature. It is recommended to do a course consisting of 7-10 procedures, then take a break. If necessary, repeat it after one month.

The result of using morning masks

When you wake up, be sure to pay attention to yourself. After all, you really want to look refreshed and feel cheerful

After a course of anti-aging procedures, you will notice wonderful changes:

  • Traces of fatigue will disappear.
  • The inflammation will stop.
  • Acne will disappear.
  • The skin will become fresh.
  • Firmness and elasticity will be restored.

Now you know how to prepare face masks in the morning at home, and you can use the recipes you like for their intended purpose, for your own benefit.


Complex impact masks

You can prepare toning, moisturizing and nourishing morning masks as follows:

  • grape fruits are finely grated, combined with egg whites and sour cream;
  • cottage cheese (40 g) is mixed with 50 ml of heated milk;
  • grapefruit pulp is crushed and mixed with the yolk;
  • 50 g of white clay is combined with 20 ml of lemon juice and egg white;
  • lemon zest is finely grated, mixed with lemon juice and sour cream;
  • Brewer's yeast (20 g) is mixed with 15 drops of lemon juice and dissolved in 50 ml of hot water.

Be beautiful!
May 28, 2015

What is the best face cream suitable for winter?

A wide variety of tests in recent years have shown that a good face cream does not have to be expensive. Even cheap products do what they promise and can sometimes even outperform luxury face creams.

Which face cream is better to choose for winter – moisturizing or nourishing?

Is it possible to use facial moisturizer in winter? This question is often heard by cosmetologist O.V. Zhukovskaya.

“While lightweight gels and lotions are ideal for summer skin, you should be careful with creams with a high water content. Because on a windy, frosty day, the water freezes and lies on the skin like ice. This gradually enlarges the blood vessels, which manifests itself as constant redness of the cheek, which disappears only with laser treatment,” says Oksana Vladimirovna.

Since the water in moisturizers can freeze on the skin, it is recommended to use a nourishing cream with an oil or lipid content of at least 50%

Composition of face cream in winter

The ideal cream for the cold season contains a higher oil content and moisture-binding hyaluronic acid. Cosmetologists recommend looking for the following nutritional ingredients in winter care creams:

  • urea – penetrates the skin and binds water;
  • glycerin - designed to protect dry, cracked and itchy skin, penetrates it, and also lies on the surface as a slightly oily protective film. This prevents moisture evaporation and helps retain it;
  • Evening primrose oil – softens flaky and very dry skin;
  • linoleic acid – prevents dryness and roughness;
  • almond oil – useful for very dry and flaky skin;
  • Avocado oil – promotes cell regeneration and is especially suitable for caring for dry, cracked skin;
  • wheat germ oil - ideal for particularly dry skin because it has unique moisturizing properties;
  • hyaluronic acid – good for retaining moisture, strengthening the outer layers, softening and smoothing;
  • argan oil – soothes chapped, dry skin;
  • shea butter – indispensable for dry and dehydrated faces;
  • panthenol – protects against irritation;
  • vitamins A – promotes blood circulation;
  • Vitamin E – makes the skin elastic and strengthens its protective properties.

All creams must be applied to the face and neck at least half an hour before going out into the cold, otherwise you risk getting hypothermia of the skin.

Don't forget to apply the cream to your neck and décolleté!

Be sure to use a humidifier in winter and try to drink more water!

How to use:

  1. Apply the cream in a small amount (the size of a pea) with light movements of your fingers, so that it is absorbed by itself. The rule “the more the better” does not work in this case: the skin will not absorb more cream than it is capable of.
  2. Do not rub the skin; any intense rubbing leads to stretching and wrinkles.
  3. If you apply a lot of cream, be sure to blot off the excess with a napkin.

Protective face cream against cold and frost

If you spend a lot of time outside in cold weather, for example, during winter sports, then you need to protect your facial skin with special waterless creams. This also applies to sensitive skin.

The wind enhances the effect of the cold, so even if in winter the temperature in your area is above five degrees, but it is windy, you will need a protective face cream.

How to use:

  1. apply protective cream in a thin layer;
  2. do not use it daily;
  3. wash it off after spending time outdoors.

Protective winter face cream clogs your pores too much. If you apply it thickly and often, the skin will not be able to breathe properly, and sweat will stop evaporating. The result is a moist environment that is nutritious for bacteria and fungi.

Sunscreen for face in winter

Sun protection is also important in winter, especially in the mountains: even when the sun is hidden behind the clouds, due to the height and reflection from the snow, exposure to UV rays becomes more intense.

If you need sunscreen, you can combine it with daytime cream and apply it on top.

In the cold season, use a cream with at least 15 sun protection factor, and preferably 30-50. UV protection products should be applied at least fifteen minutes before going outside.

Vaseline for the face in winter

In the past, Vaseline was a popular means of protecting the skin from frost. It is made from petroleum waste and is one of the oldest and most widely used paraffinic hydrocarbon products. This product has a side effect: it clogs her pores so much that she can no longer breathe. However, Vaseline is no longer relevant, since there have long been good alternatives in the form of modern creams with harmless natural ingredients.

Use on dirty or clean hair?

Which hair is best to apply on - dirty, clean, or it doesn’t matter which one?
After washing with shampoo, the keratin scales of the hair open, which allows nutrients to more easily penetrate into the cells. And the main components of the masks cover some of the scales, making the hair shiny and smooth. Therefore, experts recommend applying the products to washed and slightly damp hair. Only masks prepared with oils can be applied to dry, dirty strands, since their residues are quite difficult to wash off and make the hair greasy; in other cases, apply to clean hair.

It is better to apply home-prepared compositions to slightly damp and dirty hair - in this case, the components of the mask will lie more smoothly and be absorbed faster.

IMPORTANT: you can massage the scalp while applying the mask only when it is washed. Otherwise, styling products and dirt will penetrate into the skin cells. Now you know when it is better to apply - before or after washing your hair

Now you know when it is better to apply - before or after washing your hair.

Regular cleansing of the scalp from dead cells and fat improves the flow of oxygen and also softens the hair structure. Therefore, it is advisable to apply masks after peeling, because... at this moment, the tone increases, cellular metabolism is activated, and the hair roots receive nutrition due to the acceleration of blood supply. This complex effect helps solve the following problems:

  • hair loss;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • violation of fat metabolism.

Essential oils, which can be added as an additional component to masks, also improve the condition of hair. In this case, the dense composition of the mass fills the cavity between the scales and solves the problem of split ends and brittle hair.

You now know, including how to apply it correctly - before or after washing your hair. As you can see, in some situations it can be done on clean hair, and in others on dirty hair.

How many times should you wash your mask and how?

Exactly the same wearing rules apply to a reusable mask, only after removal it should be processed for reuse. Here are the official recommendations of Roszdravnadzor:

  • wash with soap or detergent;
  • then treat with a steam generator or an iron with a steam function;
  • then dry it by ironing it with a hot iron, without the steam function.

The mask acts as only one barrier to infection and will be effective in combination with facial protection, hygiene, maintaining distance and self-isolation.

Evening and night. From 20:00 to 5 am

  • 20:00 – 22:00. The body is completely ready to remove accumulated toxins. A bath or Turkish sauna will show excellent results. But such luxury can be enjoyed no more than once a week. And on other days, just prepare your face and body for rest. Carefully remove makeup and cleanse, apply a nourishing mask and cream or toner. It is better to apply any care product half an hour before bedtime so that it has time to be thoroughly absorbed.
  • 23:00 – 5:00. There is an active renewal of epidermal cells. But under the obligatory condition that at this time you sleep in a sweet dream. During deep, sound sleep, cells divide and regenerate 8 times more actively and faster than during daylight hours. Therefore, you do not need to apply the same cream or serum at night as you do during the day. It’s not for nothing that night products are rich in biologically useful components that will be better absorbed during rest. At night, local products that are applied only to the “needed” areas will also work well.

Photo: lady.tochka.net

Even if you sleep during the day and work at night, you do not need to change night and day medications. Day cream, in addition to its direct properties, can also protect against ultraviolet rays, but at night this is completely useless. Night products should moisturize and nourish, and daytime products should protect well.

A procedure that, regardless of your daily routine, should be done daily, or, even better, twice a day, is high-quality cleansing. You should always cleanse your face after an active period of the day before going to bed, regardless of when you go to bed.

How does a sheet mask work?

Fabric-based face masks have their own secret of success: it is in a fabric made of artificial non-woven material or fibers of plant origin. It follows the contours of the face, fits tightly to the skin and creates the effect of a compress with caring serum. Useful components reach their destination and do not disappear into nowhere.

Another plus is that the skin comes into contact with a large amount of moisturizing serum at the same time. 15-20 minutes is enough for the epidermal cells to absorb the missing moisture. Thanks to this property, it is useful to keep fabric masks in your cosmetic bag all year round. In summer they can be used as an SOS after a dehydrating tan. In winter, they will provide the skin with additional support: they will help you more easily survive the vagaries of the weather and avoid peeling due to air dried out by radiators.

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