Peppermint essential oil properties and use in cosmetology. How to use mint oil for the skin of the face, lips, body?

This article talks about how to use peppermint essential oil to your advantage. Recipes for masks and facial care mixtures based on mint essential oil are given, and it also talks about how mint oil is used in cosmetology

Peppermint has long been used in medicine in the East and West. It is included in cosmetic products.

In the tombs of the pharaohs and tombs of the Roman emperors, archaeologists found dried leaves and stems of this plant, which is considered the best remedy for normalizing the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful properties of mint

  • Peppermint helps with severe skin inflammation and excessive oiliness
  • Peppermint essential oil is an antiseptic that has the ability to thoroughly and deeply cleanse pores.
  • Peppermint oil with its amazing soothing scent tones and invigorates
  • The fresh vegetative part of the plant is eaten, and
  • extracts and oils are added to pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and perfumes.
  • Mint has a pleasant, cooling aroma.

Peppermint oil fully reveals the benefits of fresh mint


The oil is used to flavor ready-made dishes, sauces, and tea. For medicinal purposes it is used to restore digestive processes and accelerate metabolism. To prepare a healing product , add 7-10 drops to 50 g. basics, it can be honey, jam, unrefined vegetable oil.

You need to take half a teaspoon in the morning and evening, the course of treatment lasts no more than 2 weeks. Before starting home therapy, you need to consult a doctor and possibly undergo an examination.

In case of an overdose, irritation of the mucous membrane, headache, migraine, sleep disturbance, and decreased blood pressure are possible. Contraindications include individual intolerance, as well as taking homeopathic medications.

Effect of mint essential oil

  • Even in the works of Hippocrates and Avicenna, a plant is mentioned that has healing properties and has a beneficial effect on the psychological state of a person.
  • After a cup of mint tea, irritation goes away and a person calms down
  • The oil increases the body's energy levels and strengthens the immune system.
  • Menthol, extracted from essential oil, is present in products that help maintain fresh breath: chewing gum, dental lotions.
  • Mint can slow down hair growth by reducing the amount of male hormones, which is why it is used in hair removal and shaving products.

The aroma oil is obtained after steam distillation of dried flowers, and not the entire vegetative part of the plant, as when obtaining other essential oils. The final liquid product is yellowish in color, sometimes turning light green, with a bright, sharp aroma, in which cold mint and warm camphor notes are closely intertwined

What diseases is peppermint used for?

  • toothache
  • heartburn attack
  • stomach cramps
  • heart pain, menstrual pain
  • upper respiratory tract disease
  • with periodontal disease; bad breath
  • for nervous exhaustion, fatigue
  • with the appearance of acne, rosacea
  • when caring for fading and aging skin, as well as in the presence of inflammation

Practical Use and Application

It is traditionally used in the following situations:

  1. Skin problems: herpes, eczema, itching.
  2. Nervous disorders : lack of concentration, neuralgia, headaches, dizziness.
  3. From the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis. Digestive system: flatulence, vomiting, nausea, dyspepsia, upset stomach.
  4. From the respiratory system : rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media.
  5. Urinary system: discomfort when urinating.
  6. Circulatory system: varicose veins, tired legs.
  7. Hair problems

Peppermint oil in cosmetology

Aroma oils, which are obtained from flowering crops, are widely used in cosmetology. These include peppermint oil from the Lamiaceae family, which contains menthol.

  • Peppermint oil quickly relieves skin irritation,
  • improves its protective functions,
  • eliminates bacterial dermatitis,
  • tightens pores and
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands for those with very oily skin
  • But if you have dry skin, then using peppermint aroma oil helps retain moisture in the skin.
  • The cooling properties of the oil in the field of cosmetology and the ability to improve blood circulation when used are used to even out skin color,
  • removing signs of fatigue and
  • healing skin in the early stages of eczema
  • Aroma oil can cope with unaesthetic vascular and capillary patterns on the skin, acne

Impact on the emotional sphere

Mint belongs to the aromas of Mercury, it symbolizes a thirst for adventure, charm and courage, while its main effect covers the sphere of intellectual development and sociability. By relieving tension, negative feelings and anxiety, mint not only increases self-confidence, but also helps to establish communication and mutual understanding, and is also great for preparing for public speaking.

Energetically, mint is the smell of renewal, restoration of vitality. In the emotional sphere, the nature of the effect of peppermint oil is restorative. It helps to cope with emotional exhaustion, overcome the effects of fatigue and tension, and effectively relieves nervousness and confusion after lack of sleep.

Peppermint is considered a feminine oil, which is not recommended for use by young men.

Peppermint oil contraindications

Peppermint oil is not an allergen, but requires careful use. In what cases should peppermint oil not be used:

  • children under 7 years old
  • for diseases of the nasopharynx, lungs, bronchitis
  • for those who are undergoing a course of homeopathic procedures (oil can cancel the effect of drugs used in homeopathy)
  • before bed (the oil has an invigorating effect)
  • pregnant and lactating
  • prone to allergies or
  • those who have sensitive skin (you need to do a sensitivity test: apply a drop of oil to the area on the bend of the elbow, in the wrist area, check for an allergic reaction the next day)


Information regarding oils is obtained from popular sources and is intended for educational purposes only, and is therefore not intended to suggest or sell this product as a diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of any disease. The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend the ingestion or internal consumption of them except under the strict supervision of a physician or physician qualified in aromatherapy and clinical herbal medicine. It is always recommended to dilute essential oils well. If you are pregnant, have epilepsy, liver failure, or have any medical problems, use essential oils only as prescribed. Never use them on children without proper knowledge or under the guidance of a professional. Never disregard professional medical advice. We do not provide medical advice or practice medicine.

All these wonderful properties are found only in pure and natural oils. This therapeutic grade CPTG quality is present in doTerra. The doTerra company also provides a discount of 25-40% for its clients.

Aromatic baths with mint oil, benefits

Warm water in a duet with mint has a fantastic relaxing effect on the body.

Just a few drops of peppermint aroma oil or a mixture of essential oils can banish anxiety, strengthen the immune system, and improve well-being.

After water treatments with mint aroma oil, the skin is cleansed, toned, and rejuvenated.

The invigorating mint aroma acts on the upper respiratory tract in a similar way to inhalation, and by dissolving in water, the oil penetrates the skin faster.

Each life situation requires selecting a specific aroma that will exhibit the healing properties necessary at the moment.

RECIPE 1: aroma baths (for relaxation and calm after a busy day at work): the first procedure with mint aroma oil should be carried out with a small amount of mint essential oil (no more than 3 drops). The oil is dissolved in an emulsifier. In the future, for a bath, you can increase the amount of oil to 7 drops. RECIPE 2: aroma bath , which will help you recover from a slight hangover: you need to dissolve it in cream, milk, honey or kefir and pour a mixture of grapefruit, orange, mint aromatic oils into the water. You can add sage, thyme, rosemary oils . RECIPE 3: tonic arowanna : pour 100 g of dried mint with hot water (8 glasses). After 20 minutes, strain and pour the resulting infusion into a bath of warm water.

Aroma bath relieves fatigue and rejuvenates. Metabolism is stimulated after a bath

To achieve deep relaxation, the aroma bath is completed by drinking tea brewed with herbs

Benefits of mint oil for facial skin

Peppermint aroma oil is an excellent cleanser.

If you prepare a mask with mint, it will quickly relieve skin irritation and improve blood circulation. After the procedure, the skin on the face is smoothed, refreshed, color improves and tone brightens.

With constant use of mint, wrinkles will not appear prematurely.

Peppermint aroma oil is ideal for caring for oily skin.

Meanwhile, the oil has the same healing effect on combination skin , as well as those prone to various rashes.

If the skin is dry , then the oil must be used with other components that moisturize and additionally nourish

Precautionary measures

When using oil for skin care, do not exceed the recommended dosage - 2-3 drops per 10 ml of base. It is also necessary to test the product for possible allergies. Apply diluted ether on your wrist and leave for 15–20 minutes. If there is no burning, redness or rash, the product can be used for cosmetic care.

There are also a number of contraindications for which the use of is not recommended :

  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnancy, lactation period;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchospasms;
  • taking homeopathic medicines.

Face masks with mint oil

RECIPE 1: skin cleansing products Action: cleanses and increases elasticity, the skin becomes fresh and healthier Ingredients: Peppermint essential oil – 4-5 drops; 1 tsp honey Preparation : drop the oil into a spoonful of honey, dissolve it in a glass of water and freeze it in ice trays in the refrigerator. Use tonic mint ice cubes to cleanse your face twice a day, after washing your face. RECIPE 2: refreshing mask Action: after the mask, the skin takes on a healthy appearance, and small wrinkles are smoothed out Ingredients : Peppermint oil – 4 drops; Boiled and cooled oatmeal – 3 tbsp How to use : combine butter with porridge. Apply to the décolleté area and face. Apply an oatmeal mask no more than 2 times a week

Peppermint oil for acne - masks

If you apply peppermint oil pointwise to problematic facial skin, then pimples, blackheads, and skin inflammations will no longer bother you RECIPE: masks for acne Ingredients: Blue clay – 15 g Mineral water – 2 tbsp. Essential oil of mint – 3 drops. Essential oils of yarrow, lavender, sage - 1 drop Preparation and use : dilute the clay with water, add all the oils drop by drop. Mix until the mixture has a creamy consistency. Apply a thin layer to the face, remove after 15 minutes. Wash with warm water


  • “During epidemics of colds, I use mint oil along with medications. I usually do inhalations by adding a couple of drops of oil to a pan of boiling water. It is better to use this recipe at the very first signs of a cold, which in such cases disappear within 2-3 days.”
  • “I often suffer from migraines, and in such cases, peppermint oil quickly helps me. I drop a few drops on a handkerchief and breathe in the oil vapors – and within 10–15 minutes the headache goes away.”
  • “After giving birth, my hair began to fall out a lot, and no shampoos or conditioners helped eliminate the problem; in the best cases, the effect was temporary. I heard from a friend that mint oil can be effective in this situation, and she turned out to be right. From time to time I make hair masks based on this product, and in general the condition of my hair has noticeably improved.”

Peppermint oil for lips

Peppermint oil adds plumpness and brightness to lips, and also has a rejuvenating effect. Aroma oil is also an excellent remedy for the prevention of herpes.

RECIPE 1 gloss to increase volume : drop 5 drops of peppermint oil into Vaseline and add 4-5 drops of almond oil. Mix Vaseline in a tube. Apply to lips with a brush

RECIPE 2: lubricate your lips with a drop of peppermint oil, which will increase blood flow and create additional volume for 2-3 hours

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase peppermint essential oil at a pharmacy or natural cosmetics store; you can also place orders online. Sold in dark glass bottle with a dropper dispenser of 5 , 10 ml.

Egyptian oil Kausar 125 ml can be purchased for 550 rubles. The price of 10 ml of domestic brands is from 45 to 80 rubles.

Can be stored at room temperature from 18° to 25°, in a place protected from direct sunlight for 2 years. The oil is not stable, so you can distinguish a spoiled product by changes in color, consistency , aroma; it becomes thick and dark.

Peppermint oil for feet

Peppermint oil has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, for tired, swollen feet, disinfectant and cleansing baths are used. RECIPE 1: Ingredients: Peppermint essential oil – 5 drops; Eucalyptus essential oil – 7 drops; Tea tree essential oil – 7 drops Preparation: mix the oils and pour the resulting mixture into a bowl full of hot water. Place your feet in the basin and wait until the water cools down. After this, do not wipe your feet RECIPE for mint scrub Ingredients: Epsom or sea salt - 4 tbsp; soybean oil or any other vegetable oil – 2 tbsp; peppermint essential oil – 8 drops Application : mix salt with soybean oil and add 8 drops of peppermint oil. The scrub relieves spasms and gives relief to tired legs RECIPE 2 : Mix 4-5 drops of peppermint essential oil with a small amount of honey, bran, sea or table salt. Add the resulting mixture to the foot bath. This procedure perfectly cools, refreshes and tones

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