Iodinol for nail fungus, reviews, how to treat correctly?
Quick navigation Pharmacology of the drug Is Iodinol harmful Indications for use Contraindications for use Method
Facial soap
Is it possible to wash your face with soap and how to choose the best
Everyone's attitude towards soap as a facial cleanser is different. Some believe that
Amino-Jal (Aminoyal) - Italian biorevitalizants at an affordable price
The Italian company Bioformula is developing drugs that help solve dermatological and cosmetic problems in women.
ball on the skin of the scrotum
Ball in the scrotum: causes, symptoms, examination, necessary treatment and doctor’s consultation
Testicles are male reproductive glands located in the scrotum (lat. Scrotum). Their task
Special offer
Back cleansing: types of cleansing, quality and effect of cleansing, conditions, procedure time, approximate cost and customer reviews
Verified by an expert Kuznetsova Ekaterina Olegovna Dietician, gastroenterologist, cosmetologist Date of publication: January 16, 2022 date
Rules for treating acne on the face with Acyclovir
Pimple is evil! This is what both the average teenager and adult think. Besides,
Human papillomavirus. Diagnostics. Treatment
Intraductal papilloma (ductal papilloma). Removal of papilloma on the nipple Ductal papilloma (intraductal papilloma) occurs near
The use of Metronidazole in the treatment of demodicosis, instructions for use
Demodectic mange is one of the most unpleasant eye diseases. It is caused by opportunistic parasites, mites of the genus
Feline ringworm in humans: signs and treatment methods
Feline lichen in humans requires immediate treatment, which in turn proceeds with maximum
stretch marks on the skin in men
Stretch marks in men: causes, localization and means to combat them
Stretch marks or stretch marks are a specific pathology of skin tissue in the form of characteristic scars. Usually
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