In Soviet times, the darsonval device was in almost all physiotherapy rooms, and the darsonvalization procedure
A drug with antifungal and antibacterial effect - Skin-cap in the form of a cream, prescribed for treatment
What does lichen look like? During the course of the disease, rashes appear - most often they take the form
The most common dermatological diseases include lichen - an infectious lesion of skin areas caused by
Oral dermatitis is a local skin lesion, which consists of small papules (pimples) localized
Pharmacological action Antifungal drug for external use with a wide spectrum of antifungal activity. In small
Skin problems can occur at any age: during adolescence due to hormonal changes
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular services of plastic surgeons, because
Papilloma is a formation that can appear on the skin or mucous membranes of a person and
Indications for correction of cheekbones and cheeks Proportional, high cheekbones with a clearly defined contour make