Cracks in the toes or heels are common. It calls
The article presents the results of a post-marketing multicenter clinical and laboratory study of the drugs Eplan ointment and Eplan solution,
If you have problems with digestion, intestinal papillomas may be the cause. Pathology is
The main reason for the appearance of cellulite is slow blood circulation. Its speed is influenced by lifestyle, physical
In the modern world, it is quite easy to become infected with such an unpleasant and dangerous disease as skin fungus.
Almost every second inhabitant of the earth suffers from diseases of the veins of the lower extremities - just
The manifestation of papillomas on the body can occur at absolutely any age; this type of formation is more common
Sebaceous glands located on any part of the skin can serve as a source of the appearance of a fatty cyst, but
Spine removal with liquid nitrogen is the destruction of a wart by quickly freezing the affected tissue.
Today, almost each of us knows about the existence of intestinal microflora and how