Natural oils in FEMEGYL® cosmetic products

The main reason for the appearance of cellulite is slow blood circulation. Its speed is influenced by lifestyle, physical activity, nutrition and individual characteristics of a person. All anti-cellulite procedures: baths, wraps, massages are aimed at speeding up the exchange of lymph and blood to empty fat cells of stagnant fluid. To do this, use bath salts, oils and other natural ingredients that stimulate blood circulation and trigger lipolysis.

Many people love massage for its pleasant sensations and quick results. A course of home anti-cellulite massage can significantly reduce cellulite, and at the same time get rid of several extra pounds. The main thing is to choose a high-quality oil that will enhance and consolidate the effect.

Benefits of anti-cellulite massage

Anti-cellulite massage is useful not only for those who have already noticed a lumpy mesh on their body, but also for those with smooth, elastic skin. Such procedures have a preventive and therapeutic effect, positively affecting blood vessels, muscles and, first of all, the skin. During the massage, the skin is actively compressed and unclenched, body temperature rises, and the rate of blood and lymphatic exchange becomes faster. These simple steps give an amazing effect:

  • The skin restores turgor, becomes more elastic and toned;
  • The massage removes excess fluid, which removes swelling and centimeters in problem areas;
  • Evens out skin texture and tone, making stretch marks less noticeable;
  • Relieves muscle tension after sports;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood circulation, prevents the deposition of salt in the joints;
  • Increases overall body tone.

Manual massage, including self-massage, is considered more effective than hardware procedures, since changes become visible after just a few sessions. Many people use this when they need to quickly get in shape for an event or vacation. The effect is enhanced by properly selected massage oil. It should have a natural composition without impurities and contain components that will help with a specific problem.

Loose skin: where does it come from?

At the age of 15-20, a person’s skin most often looks flawless: it is smooth, toned, moisturized and velvety.

But with age, the situation changes dramatically, and the skin of the body becomes sluggish, dry, flabby, and, to be honest, completely unattractive.

Why does this happen? First of all, because no one has canceled the natural aging processes.

In addition, the skin is greatly affected by poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, weight gain or rapid weight loss, as well as pregnancy in the fair half of humanity.

The most common cause of sagging skin is the natural aging process.

But the presence of all factors does not mean that loose skin is a death sentence. It can and should be fought, and most importantly, comprehensively.

Which oil is best for anti-cellulite massage?

In cosmetology, oils are divided into two groups: basic and essential. The former are used for skin care, protection, moisturizing, softening. Essential ones are included in the composition in order to complement the action of the basic ones, to benefit from aromatherapy, to gently influence the emotional sphere and to add a pleasant aroma to the product.

If you look a little deeper into the topic, you can divide base oils into four more categories:

  1. Stabilizing , that is, oils that are stable and do not oxidize when mixed. They are hypoallergenic and often become the basis for various cosmetics. This category includes jojoba oil, sesame seed oil, and marula seed oil.
  2. Caring oils, that is, oils that best care for the skin: nourish, protect against UV exposure, accelerate regeneration, soften, moisturize. These include olive oil, avocado oil, macadamia oil, almond oil, grape seed oil, etc.
  3. Active - those that quickly oxidize after application to the body. This is elderberry, cranberry, and caraway oil. As a rule, they are not used in anti-cellulite cosmetics.
  4. Butters are fatty and dense oils that have a solid consistency but quickly melt on the skin: coconut, shea, shea butter.

To combat cellulite, it is best to choose caring oils or batters, be sure to add one or more essential oils to them. They also differ in action:

  • Juniper, chamomile, cedar, pine, sandalwood, and rosemary oils are suitable for lymphatic drainage and removal of toxins
  • To warm up the body and improve blood circulation, oils of cinnamon, black pepper, ginger, tea tree, lemongrass, cypress, cloves, and thyme are suitable.
  • For weight loss and the breakdown of subcutaneous fat , mint, bergamot, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, sage, and cypress oils are suitable.
  • For lifting and elasticity of the skin , lavender, rosewood, rose, patchouli, geranium, rosemary, and ginger oil are suitable.

What is a comprehensive skin care approach?

An integrated approach to solving the problem of sagging skin consists of a number of actions on your part.

To get rid of annoying flabbiness once and for all, you need to:

Please note: once you begin comprehensive rejuvenation of the body’s skin, do not give up this path once you achieve the desired results. The skin, if you lead the wrong lifestyle, can stretch again and become flabby.

TOP 10 massage oils for cellulite

We have compiled a list of the best oils for massaging problem areas and body care that really help get rid of cellulite.

Grapefruit oil

A massage with grapefruit oil normalizes blood circulation and restores nutrition to cells, as a result of which they are freed from excess water, and cellulite gradually disappears. The oil is rich in vitamins and organic acids, which cleanse the blood of accumulated toxins and effectively break down fatty deposits. The aroma of grapefruit reduces cravings for sweets, improves mood, and helps relieve anxiety and stress.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil has powerful antiseptic and regenerating properties. It restores the water-lipid balance, increases skin elasticity, accelerates the healing of post-acne, scars, scars, stretch marks. The oil is an excellent prevention of cellulite: it stimulates local blood circulation, softens rough skin and reduces the accumulation of fat in cells. The intense aroma of rosemary stabilizes the emotional background, relaxes, and relieves headaches.

Geranium oil

Geranium oil improves the resorption of scars and evens out skin tone, soothes inflammation and even normalizes sugar levels and hormonal levels. Its anti-inflammatory properties are used to combat cellulite, stretch marks and acne. When adding oil to the composition, it enhances the effect of other components, and its aroma restores internal harmony and helps in the fight against apathy and depression.

Lemon oil

Lemon oil is widely used in cosmetology and anti-cellulite procedures due to its fat-burning and whitening effects. With regular use, the oil evens out the relief and tone of the skin, increases the elasticity and firmness of the body, and makes stretch marks and vascular networks less noticeable. Lemon will restore skin tone, and its invigorating aroma will awaken energy.

Lime oil

Lime oil is very similar in effect to lemon oil. It also increases skin elasticity and tone, regulates sebum production, brightens and evens out skin texture. Like all citrus fruits, lime stimulates metabolism and blood circulation, removes fluid, helping to sculpt the figure, get rid of cellulite and excess weight. Its complex aroma with a slight bitterness increases concentration and induces positive thoughts.

Orange oil

Orange oil is used in the vast majority of anti-cellulite cosmetics and is rightfully considered the most effective natural remedy for this problem. The toning and smoothing properties of the oil can make the skin softer, smooth out wrinkles, and relieve swelling. Orange intensively moisturizes the skin and maintains optimal fluid balance in the cells. Its sweet citrus aroma helps fight insomnia and stress, improves psycho-emotional health and keeps appetite under control.

Lemongrass oil

Lemongrass has a warming effect that literally “drowns” fat in cells, smoothing cellulite and increasing skin elasticity. Like lemon, it has brightening and anti-inflammatory properties, refreshing and transforming the skin. Lemongrass helps eliminate toxins, improves the functioning of the lymphatic system and deeply moisturizes. Its aroma tones, improves performance and memory, and gives a powerful boost of energy.

Cinnamon oil

Cinnamon is also a warming oil; it has a soft, pleasant aroma and, unlike citrus oils, a denser consistency. It contains a record amount of antioxidants that strengthen and rejuvenate the skin and effectively fight cellulite, especially in the early stages. Cinnamon is added to massage mixtures for a tonic, restorative and nourishing effect. Its spicy aroma causes mild euphoria and helps overcome anxiety and depression.

Sweet almond oil

Almond oil helps the skin restore its former elasticity and increases its ability to regenerate. A massage using this oil will reduce body volume by removing excess fluid. At the same time, sweet almond oil normalizes the water balance in the cells, returning the skin to a fresh, toned appearance. It effectively smoothes cellulite, scars, stretch marks and other relief imperfections. The oil is rich in omega-9 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins E and K, which are incredibly beneficial for any skin.

Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a natural antioxidant that contains large amounts of vitamin E. It helps the skin retain moisture, resist the harmful effects of toxins, and stimulate collagen synthesis for youthful and elastic skin. The consistency of the oil is similar to wax, which allows it to create a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, rather than simply being absorbed without leaving a residue. Among other things, jojoba oil relieves inflammation and regulates the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, which leads to clearing of acne.

Sport exercises

Depending on in which area of ​​the body, after losing weight, the hated skin folds have formed, it is necessary to do physical exercises aimed at tightening. If the skin tone on your legs is lost, perform the following complex:

  1. Keeping your back straight, squat. Make sure your back doesn't hunch. To increase the load on the inner thighs, it is useful to spread your legs wide and spread your knees.
  2. Swing your legs in different directions. To avoid losing your balance, hold on to the back of the chair. Perform the exercise in the morning and evening 30 times.

Simple exercises help with sagging skin on your hands:

  1. Take 2 dumbbells weighing 1.5 kg. If you don't have dumbbells, you can replace them with large books or plastic bottles filled with water. Place your arms in front of you, then bend your elbows.
  2. As you exhale, spread your arms with weights to the sides. While inhaling, return them to their original position.

If your hips look ugly, don’t be too lazy to dedicate 20 minutes a day to their beauty and health:

  1. Lay out a gymnastics mat and lie on your side.
  2. Lift one leg up. Attach the second one to it.
  3. Hold your limbs in the air for 10 seconds, lower one leg, then the other. The exercise is repeated 5-7 times.

If stretch marks bother you on your chest, make it a habit to do push-ups every day. The number of push-ups should be gradually increased to 20 times. You can do push-ups from the sofa and even from the wall. Press the wall firmly with your palms for a couple of minutes. Imagine that you need to move it.

For abdominal folds, add the following physical exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head, and spread your legs as wide as possible to the sides. Maintaining high speed, turn your torso in one direction or the other. People with scoliosis and other spinal diseases need to be careful.
  2. Without changing your position, alternately tilt left and right, trying to touch the floor with your hands.
  3. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your pelvis along with your torso, trying to lift your shoulder blades off the floor. When you feel maximum muscle tension, hold your breath for 5 seconds and lower your torso.


Physical activity is part of programs for losing weight and maintaining a normal figure. The complex for tightening the skin on the abdomen also includes sports exercises that increase turgor. But before using this method, you need to undergo an examination or a more detailed examination by a doctor to exclude contraindications.

Morning jogging

During running, subcutaneous processes are activated. But to increase skin turgor, you need to spend at least 40-50 minutes. During the first 20-30 minutes, excess fluid is removed from the body.


Swimming speeds up metabolism, eliminates cellulite, and tightens the skin. You need to visit the establishment at least 2 times a week. Then the effect will become noticeable after a month. In the pool, the most primitive exercises produce results. Therefore, in addition to swimming, you can perform a set of exercises aimed at the abs and thigh area.

Yoga classes

An effective way to eliminate sagging skin problems. Exercise must be combined with proper nutrition.

The main elements that increase turgor:

  • cobra pose;
  • bow pose;
  • boat pose;
  • bar;
  • wind release pose.


An innovative method in fitness, representing a set of exercises. The movements are similar to the elements of yoga. The main purpose of callanetics is to model the figure by stretching and contracting individual muscle groups.

Set of exercises

Exercises with a hoop for sagging belly

PlankFrom the “lying” position, supported on the elbows and toes, the body is extended in the form of a plank. The task is to hold it for at least 20 seconds. You will need to do three approaches.
PressOne variation of the exercise involves lifting the torso and legs from a “lying on your back” position. Perform 20 rubles. in three approaches.
Hoop exercisesThe ideal option is a hula hoop. It is enough to spend 15-25 minutes daily on exercises to increase skin turgor in the abdominal area. If you feel severe pain after exercise, it is recommended to start with a regular hoop.

All the exercises are easy and simple to do; it takes about half an hour to practice. But after the first week of intensive training in combination with a well-designed menu, the result is guaranteed. First successes give you strength and motivate you to new achievements.

How to choose massage oil

In order not to provoke an allergy and really get the expected effect from the massage product, it is advisable to check it on four points.

  • Compound. The oil should be free of fragrances, phthalates, mineral oils and other components that are harmful to the skin. It’s great if the product contains vitamins A, E, C, D and microelements such as iron and copper.
  • Purpose. Depending on the type of massage (cupping, classic manual, lymphatic drainage), you can choose oil with different effects. For example, warming, cooling or calming.
  • Manufacturer. Always read reviews, choose stores you trust and don’t test anything that seems suspicious.
  • Texture and density. You can choose a denser oil (like jojoba) or a lighter oil (like citrus fruits), the main thing is that it is well absorbed and does not spread over the skin.

Sports and proper nutrition

If we talk about the problem of a “small tummy”, then the first thing you should know is that locally fat does not burn and does not go away. And to ensure that this area is always in good shape, we will consider the most effective method - sports and proper nutrition.

This is the basis of everything; cosmetology can only act as an addition. In each of us, fat is genetically distributed and localized in certain places. For some - on the hips, for others - on the stomach. After pregnancy and childbirth, each with its own genetic characteristics, the tissue begins to recover. And the best thing you can do for her is to nourish her from the inside and, if the result does not completely suit you, then involve cosmetology.

The first thing to do is to eliminate sweets, since sugar is the main enemy of our skin. When it enters the bloodstream, sugar forms toxic molecules that subsequently damage the collagen and elastin inherent in these tissues, namely, they are responsible for smoothness and elasticity.

Anti-cellulite cosmetics Epsom

We would like to introduce you to the Anti-cellu massage oil massage oil from our new anti-cellulite line. It combines anti-cellulite and skin care properties and, thanks to the contrasting alternation of heating and cooling processes, has an amazing effect:

  • reduces cellulite and stretch marks;
  • removes toxins and stagnant liquid;
  • models the figure;
  • tones and deeply nourishes the skin.

The oil contains exclusively natural ingredients that do not cause allergies and are suitable for regular use. Briefly about the ingredients:

  • Sweet almond oil normalizes the water balance in the body, smoothes the skin, perfectly fights stretch marks and small scars, and improves the ability to regenerate.
  • Jojoba oil nourishes and protects the skin, and is an effective natural remedy for the prevention and elimination of stretch marks, cellulite, and scars.
  • Wheat germ and rice bran oil effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, saturates it with essential amino acids, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and protects against the negative effects of UV rays.
  • Orange essential oil promotes rejuvenation of the entire body: improves mood, increases tone, has a lymphatic drainage effect, lightens age spots and evens out skin tone.
  • Essential oils of lemon and lime gently whiten and make freckles and vascular patterns less noticeable, have antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, relieve fatigue and envelop the skin with a light and fresh citrus aroma.
  • Lemongrass essential oil regulates hydrolipid metabolism, evens out the relief, improves the color and structure of the skin, gives a fresh appearance, restores elasticity and vitality to the skin.

The oil has a subtle tropical aroma and a pleasant consistency, making it convenient to use. It is enough to warm up a few drops in your palms, and then apply with massage movements to those areas of the body where you do not want to see cellulite. It can also be used after a shower for prevention and moisturizing.

The contrasting combination of “hot and cold” leaves no chance for imperfections. Hot treatment reduces fat cells and smoothes the skin, while cold treatment destroys fat and removes excess volume. A pleasant bonus is the aromatherapy effect of the composition of essential oils. The oil is suitable for daily use and works better in combination with other products from the anti-cellulite line, such as a hot or cold scrub.

Speaking about anti-cellulite cosmetics, we cannot remain silent about additional products that will enhance and consolidate the effect. All of them are 100% natural components, they combine perfectly with each other, and we have them in stock.

  • Dead Sea bath salt eliminates fat deposits and sculpts the figure, eliminating cellulite.
  • Crimean bath salt tones and rejuvenates the skin, smoothes its texture and removes excess fluid.
  • The dry massage brush stimulates blood circulation and lymph flow, significantly reducing volume and cellulite. The effect of the procedure is noticeable immediately and becomes more obvious over time.
  • Coffee scrub gently exfoliates the skin, warms it up, evens out color and texture.
  • Hot and cold wraps either warm or refresh the skin. Such opposite actions give a similar effect: they remove fluid, break down fatty deposits, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Body corrector gel models the figure, reduces swelling and destroys the fat layer.


A balanced diet is an indispensable assistant in the fight against ugly skin.
The daily menu must include products that can strengthen the skin structure. These are considered:

  1. Proteins can be animal or plant. Seafood, meat, and eggs are rich in animal proteins. And plant proteins are found in beans and vegetables, and much less in cereals.
  2. Vegetable fats should be consumed. Oil will do, preferably cold pressed. It is recommended to add oil to vegetable dishes, porridges, and so on.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. For daily consumption, it is recommended to select foods rich in complex carbohydrates. They are high in vegetables and grains. But from time to time the body needs simple carbohydrates obtained from fruits, both fresh and dried, and honey.

Don’t forget about collagen-containing products - seaweed, fish, berries and fruits, herbs, vegetables.

Let's join the fight

The scale of the tragedy, oh, we assessed the scope of work, exhaled and got down to the list. What you have to do:

  1. Establish nutrition if you have problems with it. Breastfeeding mothers should continue the diet; non-breastfeeding mothers should watch what they put into their mouths.
  2. Let's find out from the doctor whether there are varicose veins (and other diseases, such as diabetes) and whether wraps can be done.
  3. We are writing a list of what is needed for the procedures.

Girls, if you have the opportunity to go to salons for body wraps, you are happy, run and sign up, we don’t envy the rest, we can do everything at home too. Perhaps the main problem here is to keep the child occupied during the procedure, either do it at bedtime, or engage him in something interesting during this time, or have someone sit with him. In general, if you want, there will be a way out, I already know that for sure (and yes, the eldest was in my arms around the clock, but you can find time in this situation).

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