How to remove a double chin at home in a week?

January 17, 2022, 14:00 - Public news service - OSN A double chin changes the shape of the face and visually adds age. But tissue prolapse in an aesthetically significant area can be corrected, and this does not always require surgical intervention. Why does tissue ptosis occur? How to remove a double chin quickly? And how can we prevent it from appearing again? Plastic surgeon, head of the plastic surgery department of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Russia, Viktor Shcherbinin, answered these questions to the Public News Service .

Features of the problem

Even wrinkles do not reveal age as much as a swollen oval of the face. This includes jowls and a double chin. At the same time, most often the “youth angle” depends on two factors: age and posture. Young girls have a clear oval: the “angles of youth” really look like angles. They have no jowls, so the lower jaw line is clearly defined. They also have well-defined cheekbones and taut cheeks. The oval of the face begins to float when muscle tone and skin turgor decrease, and subcutaneous fatty tissue is depleted.

The floating oval becomes noticeable after 35 years. The reason most often lies in posture and disturbances in the statics of the head, as well as the condition of the dermis, muscles, and adipose tissue. Moreover, disruptions in blood flow and lymph flow also lead to sagging tissue.

After twenty years, the production of collagen and elastin decreases, so the skin loses its former firmness and elasticity, becomes thinner and flabby.

With age, muscles atrophy and spasm, causing the muscular frame of the face to suffer. Spasm of the masticatory muscles occurs in almost every person. They pull the lower jaw up and back, resulting in excess tissue appearing under the cheekbones and jaw. And if there is still swelling or fat, then all this weight pulls the face down even more.

There are three important muscles in the area where the jowls form. Therefore, if a clamp occurs in one, then the others are connected. The “extra” skin sags, like a pug’s.

Moreover, when some muscles stop performing their functions, others begin to work for them. Because of this, they are greatly overstrained, and the muscle frame is no longer able to support soft tissue as before.

At the “Face Oval and Chin” intensive, all exercises are selected specifically to work on this area.

Is it possible to reduce or remove a double chin?

An aesthetic defect can be corrected; its result largely depends on the following factors.

  1. Reason for appearance. If the defect is caused by problems with bite or poor posture, it will not be possible to cope with it without eliminating the cause. If the appearance is caused by excess weight, a decrease in body weight will also lead to a decrease in protrusion in the submandibular area.
  2. The degree of skin sagging. Minor sagging is easier to deal with than severe sagging. Therefore, the sooner the fight against them is started, the more noticeable and faster the result will be achieved.
  3. Age. Since skin elasticity decreases over time, after 45 years of age it will be more difficult to cope with the problem than at 30 years of age. In adolescence, the problem can be easily corrected.

However, even in adulthood and with a pronounced, noticeable defect, it can be visually reduced and the chin made more toned.

Who is recommended and can do it

Massage is an easy, pleasant and safe way to regain your beautiful appearance. It can even be done as a preventative measure to prevent the signs of aging.

But if you still doubt whether to do it or not, here are some indications:

  • Swelling, bags under the eyes
  • Wrinkles, deep nasolabial folds
  • Dry skin
  • Bryli
  • "Crow's Feet"
  • Flabbiness
  • Dark spots
  • Acne
  • Enlarged pores
  • Double chin

What effect can you get?

If you massage regularly and correctly, you may notice the following changes:

  • Swelling will significantly decrease or disappear altogether
  • Facial contours will become clearer
  • Improved complexion
  • The skin will become more elastic
  • Wrinkles will be reduced
  • Bags under the eyes will go away
  • Fat deposits on the cheeks will be reduced
  • The double chin will go away

It also helps relieve tension in the muscles of the face and neck - one of the causes of deep wrinkles and sagging skin. Massage from the outside can solve aesthetic problems from the inside.

Recommendations from experts

A double chin, once it has already appeared, is quite difficult to get rid of and will take a lot of time and effort. Once the wrinkle on the neck has been removed, there is no guarantee that it will not appear again. In this case, experts advise determining the factors that can provoke the recurrence of the problem and adhering to some preventive measures.

Initially, you should pay attention to your posture. The skin most often begins to sag if the body is constantly incorrectly positioned during writing, working with a computer, or walking. You should walk and sit with your shoulders turned, your neck stretched and your back straight. If you follow this rule, the result will become noticeable over time. If it is impossible to independently control the posture of the body, you can use a special orthopedic corset.

You also need to choose the right pillow for sleeping. It is recommended to use an orthopedic pillow or simply a hard and low pad. Resting on a high pillow can cause the spine to become curved, as well as some cosmetic imperfections, including extra folds and a double chin.

You can also get rid of a cosmetic defect by losing weight. The crease in the neck is basically fat deposits that need to be removed. Following a strict diet is prohibited; it can only weaken the muscles, causing the skin to sag. You should lose weight wisely, in combination with the use of special cosmetics, as well as gymnastic exercises.

In addition, you should chew properly while eating. Working the facial muscles is the best way to prevent the appearance of a crease on the neck. Chewing must be of high quality - do not hesitate to work with your jaws.

However, the most effective way to prevent a double chin is to laugh and smile. If a person smiles or laughs, many facial muscles begin to function, which allows you to keep your skin young for a long time.

For information on various methods of combating the appearance of a double chin, watch the video:

How to do it correctly

The main purpose of the massage is to relax spasmodic muscles and lymphatic drainage (swelling).

If you plan to perform the procedure yourself, be sure to learn the correct technique, order, and massage lines. If you don't move along them, there will be no effect. Head from the middle of the forehead to the temples, from the wings of the nose to the ears, from the chin to the ears.

You also need to work in the direction of lymph movement - from the center to the periphery along the face and from top to bottom from the jaw to the collarbones along the neck.

Try not to make too sudden or too intense movements. Complete the procedure by patting your fingertips all over your face. After the procedure, you can apply a care product. Its effectiveness will be much higher.

See what techniques Annette offers:

  1. Lifting effect with your own hands
    You warm your palms, place them on your temples, wait a little until they warm up, then begin to massage them in a circular motion.
  2. Express face lifting
    As in the exercise above, place your palms on your temples and hold in this position. Then gradually move your hands towards the top of your head, as if you want to tie your hair into a ponytail. Repeat the exercise several times.
  3. Lymphatic drainage massage from the double chin
    With your thumb and forefinger, you take the skin on the chin and, as it were, “push” it under the jaw arch. Move from the middle of the chin to the ears and back.

How to remove a double chin using salon procedures

Cosmetic procedures can correct the oval of the face, cheeks and problem areas. They are highly effective and it is with them that you need to start working with the problem area if home methods do not bring the expected result.

In addition, it is important to remember that even if you have the desire and opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, you should not ignore these techniques. According to Viktor Shcherbinin, plastic surgery is prescribed only if there is no effect from conservative, that is, non-surgical treatment methods.

Salon procedures will help solve the problem (Photo:


Method of applying cold to a problem area. It is based on the low resistance of fat cells to low temperatures, due to which controlled cooling stimulates their destruction. The death of fat cells is natural - it is achieved through the process of apoptosis, therefore it is safe for the body and is not accompanied by inflammatory reactions.

Among modern techniques, this is one of the procedures that allows you to get rid of a double chin quickly: the reduction in the volume of the problem area is noticeable after just one or two procedures. The number of treatments is recommended by the doctor; courses of one to three procedures are carried out every 2 months.

Lipolytic mesotherapy

An injection technique that involves introducing fat-burning components into the subcutaneous fat. Lipolitics destroy adipose tissue cells, allowing you to correct the contours of the treated area. Additionally, the cocktails may contain vitamins, amino acids and other substances that help increase skin turgor, elasticity, and moisture.

The procedure is moderately painful, as it involves multiple skin punctures in the correction area. Due to the fact that the neck area is highly sensitive, it is important to consider its discomfort, as well as the likelihood of swelling and redness of the tissues persisting from several hours to several days. Correction requires six procedures.

You can use injection techniques (Photo:

Thread lifting

The procedure allows you to remove a double chin after 40 or 50 years by introducing mesothreads into the corrected area. The technique is minimally invasive, involving minimal intervention in the tissue structure. The doctor inserts self-absorbable or non-absorbable threads into the required areas, which strengthen the facial frame and return it to shape.

The procedure is painless as it is performed under anesthesia. After it, redness and swelling may be observed, which disappear within two to three weeks.

Ultrasound therapy

A non-invasive and painless method that involves exposing the problem area to sound waves of a certain frequency. They perform micromassage of tissues, helping to improve blood circulation in the problem area and improve skin permeability. The use of cosmetics with a lifting effect during the procedure additionally tightens the skin and gives it tone.

Ultrasound therapy is carried out in a course, the duration of which is recommended by a cosmetologist.

Microcurrent therapy

During the procedure, the muscles of the neck are exposed to low-power currents, which increases blood circulation and stimulates the saturation of tissues with nutrients and oxygen. The effect will be noticeable after the first exposure, since microcurrents accelerate the outflow of venous blood and support lymphatic drainage: accelerating the outflow of fluid from the problem area visually reduces its volume.

The procedures are also carried out in a course. How much will be enough to remove a double chin will be determined by a cosmetologist.

Hardware techniques are effective in solving the problem (Photo:

RF lifting

Another procedure for tightening the skin and reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat. The effect is achieved by heating the deep layers of the skin by exposing them to radio waves of a given frequency. Thanks to heating, the fat layer becomes thinner, blood vessels reflexively dilate, which improves blood flow and helps accelerate metabolic processes in tissues.

Changes that occur with collagen fibers also help to get rid of 2 chins: long and stretched (which is typical for the age after 40 years), they shrink, which leads to a noticeable tightening of the treated area.

The RF lifting course should be completed 1-2 times a year, depending on the severity of the problem. Today, there are devices for home use that allow you to perform procedures at home.

Preparing for the session

You should not massage after Botox, fillers or threads. You need to wait at least two to four weeks. If you regularly do similar procedures, but want to add massage, then there is a high probability that Botox or fillers will resolve even faster. This is due to a general increase in cellular turnover and blood flow.

But we are for massage and against such punitive options for “beauty.” You can read more about the profound effects of fillers and Botox in our articles.

Regardless of the type of massage, it is important to cleanse the skin of cosmetics and any other contaminants. This is best done using gel or foam.

Then apply oil or nourishing cream to your skin. We recommend using squalane, a light sugar cane oil that will provide comfort during the massage and also nourish the skin with all the necessary substances. Wait until the product is completely absorbed, blot off the excess with a paper napkin and only then begin the massage.

Popular questions about fighting a double chin

Here we have collected answers to popular questions about the problem and techniques to combat it.

How to remove a double chin in a day

There are no ways to deal with a defect in one day. You can turn to professional techniques (cryopolysis, thread lifting), but they will only “smooth out” the problem during one procedure, and will not get rid of it.

In addition, it is important to take into account the condition of the skin: with its reduced tone, lack of elasticity and pronounced sagging, even professional techniques are not able to bring quick results.

How to quickly remove a double chin in a week

You should combine home care techniques and professional treatments. This result can be achieved by combining, for example, exercises, massage, cryolysis or RF lifting procedures.

In this case, the result will greatly depend on the initial state of the body, the problem area and age: the older the patient, the more difficult it is to restore the required tone to the tissues of the submandibular region.

But maintaining a normal weight and daily self-care, including massage and gymnastics for the submandibular area, will be an effective way to combat and prevent the problem at any age.

Let us remind you that the Public News Service previously told how to properly care for your skin in winter and gave 10 simple tips from a cosmetologist.

Classic massage

This is the most common procedure, characterized by smooth sliding movements, stroking, rubbing or vibration. The specialist alternates these techniques. As a result, blood circulation improves and lymph outflows. It is often aimed at increasing skin elasticity and improving complexion.

How the procedure goes:

  • The specialist cleanses the skin, removes cosmetics;
  • Exfoliates using a scrub or clay
  • Apply oil or cream to hands;
  • Performs light stroking or rubbing of the skin with fingertips;
  • He strictly adheres to massage lines;
  • He then moves on to the cheeks, eyes, nose and finally the forehead.

We use homemade masks

You need to fight jowls not only in the cosmetologist’s office, but also at home. A good tightening effect can be achieved using masks based on white clay and honey. For the first option you will need 2 tablespoons of dry white clay, 1 tablespoon of grape juice and 1 teaspoon of wheat germ. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply them to your face. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

For a honey mask, beat the egg white, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey heated in a water bath. Apply the mixture to your face for 15-20 minutes, then rinse gently with warm water. Do not forget that regularity of procedures is important in home care. Alternate masks 1-2 times a week.

Plastic massage

This variety is also used to restore firmness, elasticity to the skin, make it fresher, and also tighten the oval. This is a complex technique and requires a specialist to perform the procedure. It affects certain points on the face and neck, triggering cell and tissue regeneration processes. The nervous and lymphatic systems are normalized, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively. Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin. If it is oily, lubricate it with talcum powder; if it is dry, apply moisturizer. Also, before the session, it is steamed and deeply cleansed. The course includes 10-15 sessions, which are carried out every other day. This type consists of several techniques: stroking, superficial kneading, deep kneading, effleurage, vibration movements.

Double chin correction MesoSculpt

MesoSculpt C71 (Mesosculpt) is a new, unparalleled gel implant produced by the American company ABG LAB LLC, specializing in the development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of aesthetic medicine. In the Russian Federation, its use for subcutaneous and intradermal injections has been permitted since November 2022.

The substances that make up MesoSculpt C71 have a complex effect on the tissue in the injection area. After injection of the drug, a gradual decrease in the volume of fat cells occurs without damaging them, the mechanism of tissue revitalization is launched, the processes of collagen and elastin synthesis are stimulated, which in turn provides tightening of skin that has begun to sag.

Advantages and disadvantages of MesoSculpt C71

Compared to the use of some lipolytics, MesoSculpt C71 has a number of advantages:

  • multi-impact on tissue in the correction area provides a well-defined modeling and rejuvenating effect;
  • reduction in the volume of local fat deposits occurs without damage to lipids, i.e., without necrosis of fat cells and complications associated with this process;
  • absence of severe pain both during the procedure and during the rehabilitation period;
  • the correction result lasts for a long time (up to 2 years);
  • absence of specific side effects and complications after correction with MesoSculpt C71.

The disadvantages of the MesoSculpt C71 gel implant include the relatively high cost of the drug itself.

How is correction done with MesoSculpt C71

Double chin correction with MesoSculpt C71 is preceded by a face-to-face consultation, during which the cosmetologist examines the patient, performs the necessary tests and decides on the duration of the course, which usually consists of several treatment sessions and 1-3 preventive ones.

The procedures themselves are performed on an outpatient basis, take little time and do not require the use of special equipment.

  • The package containing a syringe with 1 ml of MesoSculpt C71 (without a needle) is opened in the presence of the patient.
  • After cleaning the correction area from contamination, it is treated twice with an antiseptic. In some cases, with a low pain threshold, local anesthesia is used.
  • Then the specialist performs MesoSculpt C71 injections: he grabs the skin fold and injects the required amount of the drug into it to a depth of 4-6 mm.
  • At the end of the procedure, the correction area is once again treated with an antiseptic. A soothing mask or cold compress may be applied to reduce discomfort.

Side effects

  • No specific side effects have been identified for MesoSculpt C71.
  • Due to the relatively small volume of fat depot in the chin area, there is practically no risk of side effects typical for the use of lipolytics, such as fever, minor disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory system organs.
  • In the correction area, there may be temporary discomfort associated with the injections: slight itching, slight hyperemia, slight swelling, etc.


Contraindications for double chin correction MesoSculpt C71 are:

  • age under 18 years;
  • allergy to any of the active ingredients or the drug as a whole;
  • cosmetic implants in the submandibular area;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

MesoSculpt C71 injections: preparation and rehabilitation

MesoSculpt C71 injections do not require special preparation. Patients receive individual recommendations during a preliminary in-person consultation with a cosmetologist.

The result of the correction can be fully assessed 10-15 days after the main course of injections.

After each procedure, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • During the day, you cannot apply cosmetics to the correction area, visit baths and solariums, be in direct sunlight, or allow hypothermia or overheating;
  • For two days you must refrain from sports training, physical overload at home and at work.

Japanese facial massage

It has other names: asahi, zogan. The procedure has no age restrictions, so Japanese women start doing it as early as possible. Still, preventing the first signs of aging is much easier than getting rid of them. It is aimed not only at treating the surface of the skin, but also at the lymph nodes, bones of the face and skull. This procedure actively disperses lymph, improves blood circulation, and starts regeneration processes. The technique is as follows: a straight back is required, start by working on the forehead. The fingers are placed in the middle of the forehead, gradually moved towards the temples and down to the neck. To get rid of nasolabial swelling, massage the wings of the nose for a minute. For jowls, do the following: fix the chin with one hand, and with the other move from it to the outer corner of the eye.

It should not be done for people with skin diseases, diseases of the lymphatic system and severe diabetes.

Italian lifting

This technique is performed while sitting, head down and elbows resting on knees. Be sure to cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics. If desired, a nourishing cream or lotion can be applied. Having taken the desired position, the face is “lowered” in the palms so that it is parallel to the floor.

To smooth out wrinkles, apply strong pressure to your palms with your forehead. The entire mass of the head should be transferred to the frontal area. Remain in this position for twenty seconds.

Then the palms are moved to the temples and slowly lowered to the ear area. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your wrist supports your chin. In this position, make several rubbing movements with your fingers.

Next, perform patting movements under the eyes to remove swelling and bruising.

The procedure is completed in the same position, with the chin resting on the wrist. Perform circular movements around the lips, cheeks, nose and forehead.

Why does it occur in men?

A double chin does not bother men as much as it does women, but they also have it often.

What, all men have a perfectly straight back? Of course not. And for modern people it’s so special! Most of them work at a computer, relax curled up on the sofa, and like to sleep on higher pillows. The head is almost always extended forward and tilted. The muscles of the shoulder and neck regions spasm, the skin under the lower jaw sags and fills with swelling and fat.

Men, just like women, get fat and age. And in both cases, they are at risk of developing a double chin. But they can grow a stylish beard and problem solved!

Pinch massage to eliminate a double chin

To achieve a better result, it is also recommended to do it using talcum powder or baby powder. It is performed by lightly pinching the thumb and index finger.

How the procedure goes:

  1. The specialist begins the massage from the center of the chin. He makes frequent pinching movements, moving along the edge of the oval of the face, reaching the earlobe.
  2. Then he moves to the chin, works this area, and returns back to the ears.
  3. It also massages the neck with light pinching from top to bottom.
  4. The massage ends with light stroking in the direction from the chin to the collarbone.

Honey massage

It is believed that using honey during the procedure helps to tone and rejuvenate the skin. Liquid honey is suitable and needs to be heated in a water bath. Crystallized will scratch the skin very strongly, so it is not recommended.

The hair is collected in a bun so that it does not interfere with the procedure. As before any massage, the face must be cleaned, washed with warm water, and wiped with a paper napkin.

First, do a warm-up:

  1. Light circular movements of the palms move from the center to the edges.
  2. Then perform tapping movements all over the face.
  3. Apply a thin layer of honey to the heated skin.
  4. Wait about 5-10 minutes until the skin absorbs the required amount of honey.

Now the procedure itself:

Start from the chin. Use your index, middle and ring fingers to lightly press on the skin, hold in this position for a few seconds, then remove your hand. There should be no pain.

Then they move on to the nasolabium, cheeks and forehead.

If a white coating appears on your fingers, wash it off with warm water and continue the procedure with clean, dry fingers.

The remaining honey is washed off with warm water, then an ice cube is passed over the skin. The second option, of course, can ruin the whole effect. We wrote about why ice is harmful to the skin in this article.

Before this massage, you should do a test for an allergic reaction. If no redness, itching or other irritation appears on the skin, then you can proceed. Also, it should not be done if you have rosacea, thyroid diseases, herpes, asthma or diabetes.

As you can see, salons offer quite a lot of techniques, which in essence are not very different. But why spend money on it when you can do the same thing yourself? You understand your body, face, skin better. By performing the procedure regularly, you will definitely notice the result in the mirror. Moreover, you can do it at any time convenient for you. Morning, afternoon, or maybe even at night?

Many techniques affect the skin superficially and are more suitable for young girls. We recommend deep self-massage at any age. After all, it fights age-related changes: wrinkles, folds, jowls. This massage works not only at the skin level, but also at the level of muscles, fascia and lymph flow.

We cannot guarantee 100% success with the above techniques. However, we can proudly recommend the “SmeloNET” marathon. Hundreds of thousands of women have already completed it and achieved the desired results. They not only tightened up the oval of the face, but also corrected posture (after all, everything in the body is interconnected), got rid of jowls and smoothed out wrinkles

Lipolytic mesotherapy

Intradermal administration of lipolytic meso-cocktails is one of the modern minimally invasive methods for eliminating a double chin. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform several procedures with an interval of 8-10 days.

There are two types of meso-cocktails for injection lipolysis:

  • liporeducers - help reduce the volume of fat cells;
  • true lipolytics - they destroy fat cells into components that are excreted through the lymph flow.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

  • Thanks to lipolytic mesotherapy, the volume of fat depot in the submandibular area can be significantly reduced.
  • All manipulations are performed on an outpatient basis.
  • The results of injection lipolysis last for a long time (at least a year).
  • Injection of lipolytic mesococktails has no specific side effects or complications.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to effectively eliminate a double chin using this technique. If there is a large amount of sagging skin that has lost its elasticity (for example, as a result of gravitational ptosis), the use of lipolytic mesotherapy is not advisable.

How is lipolytic mesotherapy for the double chin performed?

  • First, cleansing and antiseptic treatment of the correction area is performed. If necessary (low pain threshold), an anesthetic is applied.
  • Then a series of intradermal injections is performed to evenly distribute the meso-cocktail.
  • The procedure is completed with antiseptic treatment and application of a soothing mask or cooling compress.

Contraindications and side effects

Like other types of injection plastic surgery, correction using lipolytic meso-cocktails is not carried out in cases of individual intolerance to individual components or the drug as a whole, the presence of skin and autoimmune pathologies, ARVI, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc.

With the correct selection of the drug and proper implementation of the procedure, side effects are short-lived and are associated with the technique of administering the mesococktail:

  • during the first 2-3 days after the session, there may be redness, swelling, a burning sensation in the correction area, a feeling of fullness at the points where the needle was inserted;
  • Within a week, bruising from the injections may be noticeable.

Preparation and rehabilitation period

The day before a lipolytic mesotherapy session, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol, reduce physical activity as much as possible, and also follow the individual recommendations received at a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist (for example, stop taking certain medications for a while).

  • Immediately after completion of the session, in order to distribute the meso-cocktail evenly, you need to rest quietly in a lying position and drink 400-500 ml of water to restore the water-salt balance.
  • On the first day after injections of lipolytic meso-cocktails, for faster skin restoration and elimination of possible discomfort, it is recommended to apply cooling compresses to the correction area.
  • During the entire course and 2 weeks after its completion, you should not visit the sauna or be in direct sunlight.

To effectively remove fat and preserve the result for a longer period after lipolytic mesotherapy, it is recommended:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water daily;
  • Take regular walks in the fresh air;
  • avoid insolation of the correction zone;
  • use sunscreen at any time of the year.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that facelift massage is basically universal, you should be careful with some contraindications:

  • Lymph node diseases
  • Oncology at sites of exposure
  • Acute sinusitis
  • Neuritis of the facial nerves
  • Eczema, herpes, skin rashes
  • Fragility of skin vessels
  • Wounds, cuts
  • Rosacea and severe rosacea
  • Papillomas on the face and neck

It is also not recommended to do this procedure during the rehabilitation period after chemical peels. If dizziness, nausea or any other discomfort occurs, you must stop the procedure.

Cosmetics for correcting facial contours

Decorative cosmetics for modeling the oval of the face are produced in the form of dry crumbly products and cream. For makeup you will need:

  • A foundation that does not differ in color and shade from the color of the skin.
  • Blush or bronzer.
  • Highlighter or very light foundation.
  • Final coating powder.

The color and tone of such products are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the skin . For example, pink shades of powder and foundation are not recommended for skin with pronounced capillary networks, but are good for skin with a natural yellowish tint. For blush or bronzer, dark beige and brown colors without bright pigments are preferred, and the tone is cool.

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