The effectiveness of using hydrogen peroxide for papillomas according to Neumyvakin

To avoid complications and speed up the healing of an injured area of ​​skin after removing a plantar wart or located in any other place, it is necessary to follow certain rules.

Upon completion of the wart removal procedure, medical doctors must instruct the patient in detail about the procedure and standards for wound care and select the optimal medications. Our clients can receive a full range of high-quality services in Moscow, at the clinic on Kashirskaya metro station, and in Ramenskoye, on the street. Chugunova, 21-A.

What is hydrogen peroxide?

It is necessary to take into account that papilloma is caused by HPV, which is carried by about 75% of people.
They can appear absolutely anywhere - there is no place on the human body that would be protected from papillomas, but most often they are found on the feet, palms and neck. Don’t be surprised if you notice a similar formation on your body literally immediately after:

  • suffered a prolonged cold;
  • took antibiotics for a long time;
  • suffered serious stress;
  • are hypothermic or have decreased immunity.

Scientists have proven that papillomas, as such, cannot cause harm to the human body, but they can easily cause a lot of discomfort.

Peroxide is a very strong antiseptic. It is a colorless liquid, tasteless and odorless. In fact, it is water, only oxidized.

Professor Neumyvakin about the causes of papillomas

In his works, the professor touched upon the emergence of various diseases and the most effective ways to restore the body. Neumyvakin did not ignore the issue of the development of papillomavirus.

The appearance of papillomas on the human body is associated with exposure to an infectious viral pathogen.

It is transmitted to a healthy person from a sick person due to close contact. There may be maternal transmission to the newborn, sexual intercourse or ordinary household contact.

The virus, having penetrated the human body, encounters a barrier in the form of immune defense. He has to go into a passive form for a while. Activation of the infection will occur as soon as the immune defense weakens. This usually happens when a person suffers from the influence of external and internal unfavorable factors:

  • acute course of diseases;
  • taking medications, in particular antibiotics;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • overexertion, stress, psychological problems;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • poor nutrition.

A weakened immune system cannot resist infection.

As a result, virus cells actively multiply, and skin formations appear on the body - papillomas, warts or condylomas.

Under certain conditions, papillomas disappear on their own. Occurs with a strong immune system, which recovers quickly. A similar phenomenon can be observed in children. But more often, to remove growths, it is necessary to carry out thorough treatment, which includes external treatment and internal exposure.

Mechanism of action

The appearance of growths on the skin is caused by the human papillomavirus. To combat the tumor, they mainly act on the virus, weakening its functions, as well as directly on the papilloma by removing it.

Hydrogen peroxide is a transparent pharmaceutical liquid with a specific odor. This is water oxidized with an additional oxygen atom. When the product enters the body, under the action of an enzyme it breaks down into water and oxygen, which kills viral and bacterial cells.

With regular use of hydrogen peroxide, the tissues of the formation begin to dry out without the active functioning of the virus, and the papilloma dies.

Efficiency of the method

The treatment method has conflicting reviews. Adherents of traditional treatment fully support the Neumyvakin method and testify to the positive effect of the procedure. Official medicine refutes the information, claiming that uncontrolled use of such substances can harm a person.

According to the pediatrician, E.O. Komarovsky, there is no evidence of the high effectiveness of the method.

Today, oral peroxide is used intensively only in Cuba and the countries of the former USSR. Taking the substance orally and administering it intravenously are treatment methods with absolutely unproven effectiveness.

Official medicine has not confirmed the effectiveness of H2O2 on the human papillomavirus. When deciding to be treated in this way, a person needs to be aware of the possible consequences.

Neumyvakin and treatment

Once you understand that peroxide is perceived normally by your body, it makes sense to learn in more detail about the technique proposed by Professor Neumyvakin.

Treatment with hydrogen peroxide according to Neumyvakin has already been tried by many people. The professor proves the effectiveness of such therapy with the help of multiple studies, but also says that before starting treatment, each person should be examined by a doctor and consult with him on this topic.

Particular caution should be taken if you plan to use the drug for children under 7 years of age. The main goal of this treatment is to increase immunity. Thanks to this, protective reactions will be activated in the body, and the fight against HPV is carried out independently.

Let's start treatment.

  1. Get yourself 3% hydrogen peroxide, which you will then take orally.
  2. There are certain rules for taking it: add 2 drops of the product to half a glass of water and drink throughout the day before meals - this is the first day.
  3. With each subsequent time, the number of drops must be increased by 1.
  4. After you reach a dosage of 10 drops, treatment is interrupted.
  5. After a few days, therapy is resumed at the dosage you left off at, i.e. 10 drops and continues exactly until you get rid of the problem.

Do not forget that you will need to interrupt treatment for a while so as not to harm your health - take short two-day breaks during therapy.

Low priceLack of evidence base for the effectiveness of the drug against papillomatosis
Possibility of use (external only!) in children, including infantsRelatively low efficiency
Possibility of use (external only!) in pregnant and lactating womenDuration of treatment
Low number of adverse reactions

The method was proposed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Neumyvakin I.P. In addition to removing papillomas, the system was developed to combat more serious diseases. Despite this, treatment of growths with peroxide solution is prevented by:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pregnancy status;
  • lactation;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • long-term diseases of the digestive system;
  • problems with the thyroid gland.

Eliminating the listed conditions will help avoid exacerbations and regrets.

Papillomas are localized in different areas of the skin - face, neck, armpits, hands, genitals. When a person encounters this problem, he does not always seek help from a doctor, trying to cure himself. This is mistake.

Even a benign neoplasm can degenerate under the influence of certain factors. Consultation with a specialist is necessary, first of all, to diagnose the type of papilloma and decide on removal.

In most cases, papillomas do not bother a person and are not dangerous. Only those neoplasms that are located in places of constant friction, folds, where they come into contact and can be injured by elements of clothing, as well as if they appear on the face, creating psychological discomfort are subject to removal.

If the papilloma does not bother a person, traditional medicine is against removal, since surgical intervention in rare cases can trigger the process of cell degeneration.

Hydrogen peroxide has a very small list of contraindications, which means it is safe for use. Before using the product, it is necessary to exclude the presence of the following diseases:

  • dermatitis herpetiformis (rash all over the body, grouped like herpes);
  • hyperthyroidism (thyroid dysfunction);
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not contraindications for the use of hydrogen peroxide.

How to get rid of unpleasant nodules using peroxide? To remove skin growths using this solution, it must be applied to the location of the wart, 1 drop several times a day.

You can simply lubricate the affected area with a cotton swab dipped in liquid. The advantage of the product is that it can be used to treat the skin of even infants (if they are not sensitive to the drug).

In fact, there is no 100% guarantee that you will be able to remove warts using this method. The human body is individual.

You may not know that you are intolerant to peroxide. Even a small drop of it can cause severe local irritation.

Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin is a professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, who claims that hydrogen peroxide is a panacea for all diseases and an excellent remedy for strengthening the entire body.

As you know, warts appear due to HPV, which in turn is often activated due to weakened immunity.

So, if you carry out treatment according to Neumyvakin, then the presented remedy must be taken orally. Many people think that this is a very extraordinary method of treatment, but still there is some rationality in it.

As mentioned above, when oxygen breaks down, it kills bacteria and viruses. Ivan Pavlovich claims that oxygen also enhances metabolism, thins the blood and improves the functioning of all systems.

Thus, you increase your immunity, and as a result, get rid of any viral skin growths.

Papillomas are benign neoplasms on human skin. Papilloma consists of adipose tissue, has a papillary shape and is pink or brown in color.

They can create discomfort and do not look aesthetically pleasing, especially on the face and open areas of the skin. Papillomas can be injured, sometimes this can cause the development of a tumor.

Surgery or local remedies are used to remove growths. How effective is the treatment of papillomas with hydrogen peroxide?

In the practice of traditional medicine, this pharmaceutical remedy has long been used against skin diseases; hydrogen peroxide is also used in cosmetology to eliminate rashes, age spots, acne, blackheads and other blemishes.

Papillomas are one of the benign growths caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Both women and men are equally susceptible to the disease.

Like any viral disease, papillomas should be treated promptly, as over time they can spread throughout the body. One way to combat papillomas is hydrogen peroxide. We will talk about it in this article.

How does hydrogen peroxide affect papillomas?

In medicine, 3% hydrogen peroxide is used, and it is used as an external disinfectant to treat minor damage to the skin (cuts, abrasions, scratches, etc.).

Once on the wound, peroxide forms a white foam (oxygen is released), which mechanically cleanses the wound of pathogens. But this is not the only use of this pharmaceutical product.

Treatment of papillomas with hydrogen peroxide gives results if several conditions are met. You should know that this therapy is long-term, so you need to be patient and persistent. Professor Neumyvakin has developed a system that allows the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat not only papillomas and warts, but also more complex diseases.

Why is hydrogen peroxide better than other remedies for papillomas?

Method of treating papillomas according to Neumyvakin

Dr. Neumyvakin has repeatedly mentioned that hydrogen peroxide is a universal remedy for all diseases. The professor explains that peroxide is a natural antioxidant. The substance is produced in small quantities by the intestines independently.

If the gastrointestinal tract does not work properly, production is ineffective.

When peroxide enters the body, it reacts actively with liquids.

The oxygen released during this reaction inhibits and suppresses the vital activity of dangerous pathogens.

The vital functions of the body are normalized, the functioning of the immune system is restored. Hydrogen peroxide, according to Neumyvakin, has a number of properties:

  • antioxidant effect on the entire body;
  • stabilization of the acid-base balance in internal organs and systems;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen;
  • accelerates cellular metabolism;
  • thins the blood;
  • makes it possible to get rid of active radicals;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes, cell rejuvenation.

Before starting treatment with this technique, Neumyvakin advises consulting a doctor and undergoing a diagnostic examination.

Effective home remedies

It is quite possible to get rid of an unpleasant illness at home. Here are the common methods for removing papillomas.

  1. Relief with garlic juice. Peel and squeeze the juice from the slice. Lubricate several times during the day (two to four). At night, apply a compress of gruel to the affected area. Healers claim that the method is effective.
  2. Using apple cider vinegar is no less effective. Before use, apply a sufficient amount of cream to the areas around the growths so as not to damage the healthy skin around the papilloma. Using a pipette, take a small amount of vinegar and apply it drop by drop onto the wart. The procedures must be carried out a couple of times a day. As soon as you see a positive result and the wart has already dried, stop treatment so as not to traumatize the living wound that has formed from the growth.
  3. Wormwood is a useful plant that has many uses in folk medicine. You can purchase the plant at the pharmacy already crushed and dried. Pour wormwood in the amount of a tablespoon into the prepared container and pour a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave to infuse. We use the prepared solution for compresses, apply a moistened swab once a day to the tumor. The course of therapy can be long.
  4. In summer, you can use a fresh dandelion plant. The flower is cut into several parts. White, thick milk appears at the edges. The growths are carefully lubricated with it so as not to burn the skin around the papilloma.
  5. A common method is to use celandine. Many people have heard about him. You can carry out the procedure with a fresh plant or with products based on it, which are sold in pharmacies. When fresh branches of the plant are picked, a bright yellow liquid appears. Warts are carefully lubricated with it. Avoid contact with healthy skin (may cause burns). Apply a couple of times a day. Stop using when the papilloma completely dries out and disappears.

Please note that any of the methods should be used only after consultation with your doctor, as you can cause irreparable harm to your health by self-medicating.

Properties of this product

To remove papillomas, hydrogen peroxide is used both externally and orally. The product can be purchased at the pharmacy, 3% concentration.

Normal way

This method is very simple - you need to drip 1 drop of the drug daily onto the papillomas 3 times a day. This process can drag on for a long time, and maybe in 4-7 days it will rid the skin of papillomas. It all depends on the individual reaction of the body.

One of the main factors of healing is a healthy immune system, because only with the help of the body’s immune cells in tandem with external destructive action can the virus that lives in the papilloma be overcome.


Compresses are also effective for treating papillomas. The effect of the product on the growths is longer, which means that the time of death of papilloma tissue will be reduced.

You need to take gauze or a bandage and make a small swab. Saturate it with a 3% peroxide solution, apply it to the papilloma and secure with a band-aid.

To be effective, the compress must be changed every 4 hours. After a three-day course, the papilloma will dry out and fall off.

Recipe with oak bark

Once peroxide enters the body through the skin, it breaks down into water and oxygen. This occurs due to the action of the enzyme catalase.

Water is absorbed by the body, and oxygen destroys diseased cells, viruses, bacteria, and various parasites.

This is exactly how hydrogen peroxide works for warts. Warts are skin growths often caused by the human papillomavirus.

This virus is destroyed during the use of the presented product. The result of using the solution is the death of wart cells.

Of course, peroxide can save a person not only from skin growths. The list of diseases that are treated with this liquid is large: periodontal disease, stomatitis, skin fungus, pharyngitis, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

Treatment with this solution should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since peroxide also has contraindications.

Internal use

Removal of papillomas is performed using a 3% peroxide solution and a cotton pad or swab. In addition, you should be patient. Regular treatment of tumors must be carried out daily.

To treat papillomatosis, it is necessary to treat each growth with one drop of hydrogen peroxide every 5-6 hours. The procedure is not painful at all - there should be no tingling, burning, redness or other unpleasant sensations during the process.

Before therapy, it is necessary to test the substance for personal intolerance. The action is performed by applying hydrogen peroxide to the skin area on the back of the hand.

If no side effects such as irritation are observed within 30 minutes, the substance can be used. If hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide is detected, its use as a means to remove growths is not recommended.

The effect of peroxide on tumors is personal. For some, the problem disappears after three days, while others do not get rid of unpleasant papillomas even after a week.

Recipe for external use of peroxide against papillomas

The growth is treated with three percent peroxide using a cotton swab or disk. The papilloma disappears after two weeks. An express method for removing tumors is a compress made from a gauze swab soaked in peroxide. It is attached to the skin using an adhesive plaster. The tampon must be wetted every hour. After this treatment, the papilloma will fall off in three days.

Neumyvakin method

Professor I.P. Neumyvakin gained fame thanks to his work on the medicinal properties of hydrogen peroxide. The academician claims that the substance can relieve diseases by normalizing malfunctions in the body.

Peroxide also provides significant assistance in eliminating papillomavirus. To treat a pathogenic virus, the academician recommends drinking hydrogen peroxide. According to his statement, it helps strengthen the immune system and thins the blood.

Treatment of papillomas requires the use of 3% hydrogen peroxide according to the developed scheme. On the first day, 1 drop of peroxide is diluted in 50 ml of boiled water at room temperature. The composition is divided into three parts and taken three times during the day before meals.

On each subsequent day, the dosage is increased by 1 drop of peroxide, and the volume of water does not change. On the tenth day of use, the dosage will be ten drops per 50 ml of water. Upon completion of the course, a break is taken for several days. Resumption is made from the dosage with which the previous stage of therapy ended.

To the question whether it is possible to treat papillomas located on the mucous membrane with hydrogen peroxide, there is a categorical answer - no. This leads to big problems and creates a burn.

You cannot use the method of Academician Neumyvakin if you have the following pathologies:

  • dermatitis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

For pregnant and lactating women, hydrogen peroxide can only be used externally.

Neumyvakin's works have not received recognition in traditional medicine. The healing properties of peroxide do not have an evidence base. And the use of this drug internally is prohibited by official medicine.

If folk remedies, and in particular hydrogen peroxide, are used to remove papillomas, you should remember that this problem can only be solved comprehensively. In this case, you should take various medications and supplement them with folk recipes.

You need to dilute 1 drop of the product in 50 ml of water and take this solution three times a day, increasing the number of drops daily.

In total, the dose should be increased to 10 drops over 10 days. Then take a break for several days and continue taking the medicine.

Note that in Russia, such treatment is not recognized by official medicine. This therapy is possible in the West, but only in exceptional cases.

We strongly do not recommend trying to take peroxide without consulting a doctor. Any wrong actions can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Soda baths

To remove any papillomas on the body, Neumyvakin advises taking soda baths. To do this, you need to dissolve one pack of soda in 50-60 liters of warm water (not higher than 55 degrees Celsius). If the temperature exceeds this mark, the combination of hot liquid and sodium carbonate can cause chemical burns.

You should take baths every day for 15 minutes for 5 days. After several procedures, the skin will acquire a healthy color, blood supply to organs will be restored, and papillomas will begin to disappear over time.

However, you should know that soda baths are not recommended for those who suffer from:

  • colds;
  • diabetes type l, ll;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • gynecological diseases (with the permission of the doctor);
  • allergic reactions to soda;
  • excessive dry skin.

Must read: Getting rid of a wart with a thread

Also, a bath with soda is prohibited for young children and pregnant women.

Hydrogen peroxide against papilloma, recipes

To remove formations using peroxide, use a 3% solution. Therapy involves long-term and constant treatment of the area with this remedy, at least 4-5 times a day.

After 7 days, a positive effect will be noticeable, and the papilloma will disappear. After the manipulations, you should not feel itching, burning, or tingling.

For each person, the time to get rid of papillomas is individual. For one, a couple of days will be enough, and for another, not even a week.

In addition to treatment, you can apply compresses to the papilloma. For this:

  • a cotton swab is moistened in a peroxide solution;
  • applied to papilloma;
  • secure with adhesive tape;
  • The compress is replaced after 90 minutes.

This method has a detrimental effect on benign formations after just three days.

Precautions for use

When using hydrogen peroxide, it is important to take some precautions to avoid possible complications during treatment:

  • do not use a product to remove papillomas on the eyelids to avoid getting the solution into the eyes and negatively affecting the mucous membranes;
  • do not try to get rid of growths located on the mucous membranes using peroxide;
  • Use the product with caution in children.

If treatment does not bring the expected results within two weeks, consult your doctor for further advice.


3% hydrogen peroxide should not be used for:

  • individual intolerance;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases in the stage of decompensation;
  • increased thyroid function (hypothyroidism);

Internal use of the product is prohibited by official medicine.

Despite Academician Neumyvakin presenting his method from the best side, it cannot help destroy papillomas for everyone. Patients will have to refuse this treatment if they have the following contraindications:

  1. Dermatitis;
  2. Individual intolerance to antiseptic;
  3. Impaired kidney function;
  4. Liver diseases;
  5. Thyroid diseases.

If treatment is required for a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, then she should limit herself to only the external method of using hydrogen peroxide. Taking the medicine internally may be dangerous for her or the baby.

Is it possible to wipe acne with hydrogen peroxide*: possible side effects

Peroxide has a powerful oxidizing effect, so upon contact with the skin, reactions such as166 may occur:

  • itching;
  • dryness;
  • peeling;
  • tingling;
  • redness;
  • tightness.

With prolonged interaction of peroxide with the skin, scars can form. It is especially dangerous to use an antiseptic for sensitive and dry skin, as well as in the presence of eczema, psoriasis, lesions and injuries on the face.


Treatment and removal of papillomas requires a rational, comprehensive approach. External elimination of the result of infection with the HPV virus and its active form will most often be ineffective.

The virus continues to live in the blood, which, given a favorable environment, will again begin to multiply and infect tissue cells. Simply put, by removing papillomas but not eliminating their cause, a person risks seeing new formations after a while.

Effective treatment against the growth of papillomas with hydrogen peroxide implies regularity of procedures, as well as treatment of the papillomavirus from the inside. To do this, you need to carefully monitor your health.

You can strengthen your immune system through hardening, a healthy and nutritious diet, and the absence of bad habits. In some cases, with a weakened immune system or other serious diseases, a doctor may prescribe immunostimulants and antiviral drugs.

In combination with drug treatment, hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of papillomas for a long time. To avoid relapse, it is necessary to prevent HPV infection.

Treatment of benign rashes caused by the human papillomavirus requires an integrated approach. It is impossible to eliminate growths and suppress the activity of an infectious pathogen with just one drug or procedure.

External methods of therapy do not always give a positive result, since the virus successfully lives in the blood and spreads throughout the body, provoking the appearance of new papillomas. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the tumor, and then fight it.

It is for this reason that patients are offered treatment with hydrogen peroxide by taking it orally.

The effect after taking peroxide will be noticeable if the procedures are carried out regularly. Otherwise, there is no point in counting on recovery.

Hydrogen peroxide can help get rid of the problem if a person begins to take care of his own health. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is the key to recovery. Also, do not forget about traditional medications that help quickly suppress the activity of a viral infection.

If you use hydrogen peroxide in combination with traditional drug therapy, you can achieve remission. Additionally, it will be necessary to prevent reactivation of the disease in order to reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Beneficial properties of the drug

Before using hydrogen peroxide to remove papilloma, it is necessary to test the skin for drug tolerance. To do this, apply a little liquid to the back of the hand and wait 15-30 minutes. His skin did not turn red, this indicates the absence of an allergy and the possibility of starting treatment with the drug.

Mostly, hydrogen peroxide does not cause allergies, has no adverse reactions and no special contraindications for use, except:

  • diseases of the thyroid gland, liver and kidneys;
  • herpes rashes;
  • individual intolerance.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, only external use of the drug is allowed.

You can get rid of papillomas on the body with the help of this medicine. This is due to the following beneficial properties of the drug:

  1. Antiseptic. Contact of hydrogen peroxide on damaged skin helps eliminate microbes due to their oxidation.
  2. Antimicrobial. This drug has a destructive effect on pathogenic microorganisms, thereby stopping their growth and reproduction.
  3. Disinfection. This solution reacts with blood enzymes, resulting in cleansing of the skin. The medicine brings germs to the surface.
  4. Hemostatic. Helps stop bleeding of small vessels.

Therefore, this remedy is actively used when wounds and scratches appear.

Treatment of papillomavirus infection requires an integrated approach. Even if you use unconventional methods, for example, treatment with hydrogen peroxide, it is still necessary to eliminate the problem of the disease. Here you cannot do without immunomodulating drugs, so a trip to the doctor is inevitable.

Today, the most effective drug for papillomas: Papilovir, a drug for papillomas

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