The effectiveness of using tar soap against papillomas

Patients ask about how to use tar soap for human papillomas, or HPV. These formations, as a rule, do not show any symptoms or discomfort. This is a virus that is transmitted sexually or through household contact. Papillomas look like growths or warts with a sharp end. But experts advise eliminating these formations, since careless movement can damage them. And the consequences can be dire.

The mechanism of action of tar soap

How to get rid of HPV? There are a large number of methods for treating papillomas, folk remedies and medications. Many people try to avoid excessive use of pharmaceuticals and turn to traditional medicine.

How is papillomas removed with tar soap? This product is similar in composition to the household product, but, unlike it, it contains 10% birch tar. Therefore, it has a dark color and a pungent odor, which not everyone likes. However, tar has beneficial properties:

  • regenerating function;
  • antiseptic qualities.

Since laundry soap for papillomas contains alkaline and acidic compounds, the skin may become irritated. And tar soap, due to the anti-inflammatory effect of tar, will prevent this process.

Features of soap

The main difference between tar soap and a household product is that during its production, 10% tar of natural origin is added. Due to this additive, soap has an excellent cleansing effect, dries the skin and all its pathologies well, and also heals wounds.

The use of this product is carried out within the same methodology as the use of the household composition. Many people are ready to refuse to use this composition because of the specific odor, however, it does not remain on the skin, but evaporates immediately after a few minutes. To prevent tar soap from spreading its aroma throughout the entire kitchen or bathroom, you should store it in a closed soap dish.

How to use tar soap?

Methods of preparation and application:

  1. You need to take soap against papillomas and treat the affected area of ​​the body. Leave it until dry. After the procedure, rinse with water. But it will still be better if you leave such a mask overnight.

  2. Grind the soap and add warm water for 30–60 minutes. Then strain the resulting mixture through a gauze bandage. Lather what remains on the bandage with clean hands on the papillomas before going to bed.

Is it possible to use tar soap to treat papillomas in intimate places? On the neck? The skin tissue in these areas is very delicate, so using soap can cause dryness and irritation. To avoid this, it is recommended to use tar oil.

Useful properties of tar soap for papillomas

Birch tar has natural disinfecting properties, which is why it is actively used in folk medicine. Soap with tar helps improve blood circulation in the washed skin tissues, which in turn increases its regenerative abilities.

In addition, the following properties of tar soap are noted:

  • Drying of oily areas of the skin, and the area with normal epidermis does not change its properties;
  • Elimination of oily sheen;
  • Normalization of blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;
  • Disinfection, antifungal effect;
  • Resorption of scars.

Dermatologists recommend the cleanser to combat psoriasis, skin rashes, acne, rashes and external manifestations of allergic reactions. Antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use tar soap for papillomas.

The therapeutic effect of the product is explained by the presence of tar in its composition, which is a powerful natural antiseptic. When using tar soap, an alkaline environment is formed on the affected area, which is detrimental to papillomas. Thus, the product provokes the destruction of skin cells affected by HPV.

In addition, tar soap promotes rapid healing of the skin.

Important! Despite the fact that the use of tar soap against papillomas is a simple and affordable method of treatment, you should still consult a specialist before starting the procedures.

Multi-ingredient recipes

How is papilloma treated with tar oil? This is a mixture of vegetable oil and tar, created specifically for those cases when soap or a pure product is not suitable for the patient. It can be purchased at a pharmacy.

Apply a small amount of oil to the papilloma, preferably at night. Birch tar in its pure form is no less effective. 2 drops on a cotton pad and a compress overnight are enough. The virus will go away in a few days.

Birch tar is obtained by extracting it from the bark of the corresponding tree. Then it is cleaned of impurities and sold.

It is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of tar soap. The latter include a chemical composition that includes acids and alkalis. They peel the skin, and it often happens that treatment for papillomas has to be stopped to prevent allergies.

The smell is very pungent, not every person will like it. But it disappears a few minutes after applying the product.

The advantages include:

  • speed of therapy;
  • anti-inflammatory and restorative functions (skin heals quickly);
  • antiseptic properties;
  • natural origin of the component;
  • affordable price.

Soap is suitable for the treatment of flat-shaped papillomas, when the likelihood of mechanical damage to the skin is very low. If the disease is already advanced, then it is better to resort to an ointment made from tar, oil or a pure product. They are also used when formations appear on the neck and in intimate places, since excessive drying is harmful for mucous and delicate tissues.

Is using laundry soap effective against papillomas?

Judging by the reviews of people who tried to cope with papillomavirus on their own, laundry soap is an effective means for removing papillomas.

Let's try to figure out what the action of soap is, how to use it correctly, and also what other methods there are to combat these tumors.

What kind of neoplasms are these?

Papillomas, or as they are often popularly called, warts, are benign neoplasms that appear on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes due to infection of the body with the human papillomavirus (HPV).

It is almost impossible to protect yourself from it, since it is transmitted to a healthy person at the slightest contact with infected skin.

This can be either sexual contact or a banal handshake.

Restrictions on use

Can tar be used by pregnant women and children? In general, there are no special contraindications for use. If a person has increased sensitivity to this component, then it is not recommended. Pregnant and nursing mothers should avoid this drug.

In the first case, it can cause nausea or vomiting (due to the smell), as well as allergic reactions, which are extremely unhelpful in this situation.

Nursing mothers are not recommended to treat with this folk remedy due to milk. It may turn rancid or take on a tar smell. At the same time, the baby is able to refuse breastfeeding. It is better to interrupt breastfeeding during HPV treatment.

Children, especially those under one year of age, do not tolerate the drug very well. If you do not pay attention to negative symptoms, it is easy to disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Therefore, use is possible after consultation with a specialist.

Patient reviews

Reviews about the drug are quite numerous. For every 20–30 positive there is 1 negative. This is a good statistic. Negative reviews are mainly related to the unpleasant odor and quality of the soap, which depends on the manufacturer. And complete recovery, on average, occurs 7–10 days after starting to use the substance.

For example, Svetlana T. from Saratov wanted to remove papilloma on the shoulder using the folk method. I bought tar soap from an expensive manufacturer. Unfortunately for her, there were no results, and the smell of tar did not leave her all night.

And Vasilisa K. from Moscow writes that as soon as she applied the product to the wart, it began to go away the first time.

Results of treatment of papillomas with tar soap

Procedures using birch tar have not undergone clinical studies, which means that the effectiveness of treating papillomas with tar soap has not been confirmed by statistical data. Patients evaluate this traditional method of removing tumors caused by HPV differently. For some, the remedy turned out to be very effective, while others do not recognize its effectiveness.

The negative aspects of the product include an unpleasant odor, as well as low effectiveness. It should be noted that in many respects the quality of tar soap for papillomas depends on the manufacturer, and if the composition is natural, then exfoliation of the growth cells begins after 10 days of systematic use. However, the high price of soap does not guarantee quality.

Those patients who combine traditional treatment with alternative ones note that the use of tar soap is quite effective. They talk about quick results and the absence of relapses of the disease.

When the use of tar soap for papillomas on the body gives a positive result, it can be continued to be used as a prevention of relapses, since no one is immune from repeated manifestations of the disease. As a preventive measure, areas of the skin where formations have appeared must be treated at least once a week.

In some cases, when using tar soap for papillomas, negative reactions

, because the aggressive composition of the product can irritate the skin and delicate mucous membranes. Often, drying out of the skin under the influence of the product can lead to the formation of microcracks and self-infection with new strains of HPV. On the other hand, fatty acids in soap prevent the healing of small wounds, so if the papilloma is accidentally injured during soaping, it will be more difficult to stop the bleeding.

  • Read about the best herbs for human papillomavirus

Additional recommendations

If a wart has grown on the eyelid, then removing it with soap will not work. Either oil or tar will help here. If burning and itching occurs during use, then therapy with tar soap will have to be stopped and switched to a medicinal method of treatment. For example, Vishnevsky’s ointment contains a certain percentage of tar, but this amount will be significantly less than in soap.

Papillomas can return even after they are removed with a laser or liquid nitrogen. Therefore, for prevention, it is worth treating the body with tar soap 1-2 times a week. If a person suffers from any chronic skin disease, such as dermatitis, then soap therapy for papillomas is contraindicated.

Tar oil or pure product should be stored in a dark, cool place out of reach of children. Taking the drug orally may cause nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal upset and diarrhea. You can add the juice of aloe, celandine, chamomile, etc. to birch tar. This is done for an additional effect.

Doctors prescribe soap or its individual components (tar) in combination with antiviral and antifungal medications. The use of tar in folk medicine has long been positively assessed. But still, do not forget that before taking such medications you should consult an allergist and other specialists.

Mechanism of action of laundry soap

Soap in its structure is a very strong mixture of potassium and sodium salts.
Plus, various additives provide not only high cleansing properties, but also powerful antibacterial properties. Of course, soap is produced for household needs, but, as it turns out, it is a great help for skin diseases. ATTENTION! To create a specific aroma, a variety of components (flavoring agents) are added to the soap composition. You should pay attention to them; you need to choose soap (for treatment) without aromatic additives!

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