How to use laundry soap for papillomas: reviews

There may come a time in a person’s life when unsightly defects appear on the body. They come in the form of pimples, rashes or warts. In rare cases, bruises and wrinkles appear in the eye area. But the ugliest ones are papillomas. Moreover, they appear not only on the face and neck, but also in any other place. I would like to say right away that they should not cause you strong feelings. For a long time, many different methods of folk treatment have been known, thanks to which you can quickly get rid of them in a few days. This article describes in detail how to use laundry soap for papillomas and reviews about it.

Briefly about papillomas

Many people are lifelong carriers of the human papillomavirus (hereinafter referred to as HPV), but benign formations, often called warts, do not always appear on the skin.

Among the root causes of HPV infection are the following factors:

  • tactile contacts – handshakes, kisses;
  • use of common household items;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • infection from the mother when passing through an infected birth canal.

HPV is usually activated after a sharp weakening of the immune system. The most common occurrence of papillomas

they begin to bother you if they are localized on the arms, face, and legs that are open to view. You cannot practice removing papillomas at home if the papillomas begin to become inflamed, painful, or change in size. Such manifestations are a signal to seek qualified medical advice.

Laundry soap. Mechanism of action

To understand whether treatment of papillomas with laundry soap is really effective, you need to get acquainted with its qualitative characteristics.

Its antiseptic properties have long been known. Cleansing the skin of impurities when soaping is simultaneously accompanied by its disinfection.

This is explained by the inclusion of sodium and potassium salts in the structural formula, as well as the presence of some acids - lauric, stearic, palmic.

Carrying out treatment

If papilloma occurs, treatment at home with laundry soap involves using the most useful varieties without dyes and all kinds of fragrances. It is in this form that the most effective cleansing effect is ensured.

The course duration varies, although usually after 4 to 5 days redness appears on the treated areas, indicating that the warts will no longer need to be lubricated.

Gradually they dry up and disappear imperceptibly. The maximum duration of the course is two weeks. If repeated procedures are required, a two-week break must be provided.

How to prepare soap-based ointment

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Laundry soap is used in its pure form, as part of ointments and compresses. During the preparation of various mixtures, components are added that enhance the disinfecting and therapeutic effect and help mitigate the aggression of acids and alkalis. It is important to follow the instructions for using such mixtures so that getting rid of papillomas is safe and effective.

Effective ointment recipes:

  1. Onion ointment: a standard bar of 73% laundry soap is divided into two parts, 1/2 of the substance is rubbed on a fine grater, pounded in a mortar until it becomes pasty. A fresh medium-sized onion is crushed to a puree in a blender. Mix the two ingredients until smooth and place in the refrigerator to cool. Apply at night, generously lubricating the growths for 7-10 days.
  2. Garlic baby cream: grind a head of garlic (5-7 cloves, previously peeled) on a fine grater and 1 bar of soap, add 1 tablespoon of baby cream. The gruel is thoroughly mixed, applied to the papilloma, liberally at night. The course of therapy is 1 week.
  3. Herbal ointment: the block is crushed in a meat grinder or grated on a fine grater, filled with a decoction of medicinal herbs (birch buds, yarrow, St. John's wort, sage, chamomile, immortelle) in a volume of 250 ml. Heat over low heat, without bringing to a boil, so that the substance dissolves in the broth without crumbs. Infuse the resulting mixture for up to half an hour, express through gauze. The resulting product is applied to the area of ​​skin formation once a day at night. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  4. Soap ointment with a warming effect for removing papillomatosis from the face and neck: rub 1 bar of soap into a glass of hot water (240 ml), add auxiliary components: 1 teaspoon of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of camphor alcohol, 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a mixer or using a whisk until foamy. Leave for 5-10 minutes and apply this foam thickly to the site of HPV infection. After the foam has thickened and dried (15-20 minutes), it is thoroughly washed off under running water. It is necessary to treat the skin with nourishing cream or oil (coconut, olive, vaseline). The course of treatment is 7 days.

Security level

Since in folk practice getting rid of unaesthetic warts using laundry soap has been practiced for a long time, we can confidently note the safety of this method.

The main condition is to strictly follow the recommendations. You should select factory-made soaps for medicinal purposes, without trying to purchase homemade varieties offered by folk craftsmen.

One of the key criteria in selecting the most effective type of laundry soap is the percentage of fatty acids in its structural formula. It can be 65, 70, 72 percent. In order to avoid irritation, it is recommended to give preference to bars marked 65%.

If you have finally decided to remove papillomas using high-quality, well-chosen laundry soap, then it is advisable to take into account that this is a folk remedy that has no place in traditional medicine.

To maintain safety, before getting rid of papillomas , check the skin's reaction to the selected laundry soap. Even if no rashes appear initially, control over the skin condition is not weakened throughout the entire course, while the warts are getting rid of. The resulting blisters serve as a signal to stop such treatment.

You cannot use fairly aggressive laundry soap if papillomas are found on the mucous membranes. This is due to the drying effect, which is detrimental to delicate and delicate skin.

How to make laundry soap for papillomas at home?

The photo shows the process of making laundry soap for papillomas

Homemade laundry soap for papillomas is completely natural and safe, as well as a fairly cheap product. However, the technology for its preparation has its own characteristics.

Required ingredients:

  1. Vegetable oils - 1 kg . It is best to use a mixture of olive or sunflower oil (40% or 400 g), coconut (40% or 400 g) and palm oil (20% or 200 g). You can only take sunflower oil, but such laundry soap against papillomas does not last long and quickly goes rancid.
  2. Water . The water to oil ratio should be 33%. That is, for 1 kilogram of the oil component you need to take 330 milliliters of water.
  3. Lye . For 1 kilogram of fat you will need 156 grams of sodium hydroxide (aka caustic soda or caustic soda). But the amount of this ingredient depends on the type of oils and may vary. For example, when making soap only from sunflower oil, you need to take 183 grams of alkali.

These ingredients make an ideal laundry soap for removing papillomas. For more gentle skin care and reduction of dryness, it is recommended to add 2-3% more fat - 20-30 grams of any of the oils.

Note! The weight of components should only be measured in grams or kilograms, and not in liters or milliliters.

When preparing laundry soap for papillomas, you will need containers for the ingredients. For solid oils, you need an enamel or metal saucepan that can be heated. Plastic containers are suitable for liquid oil and water. At the same time, the remaining components will need to be poured into the sunflower oil, so the container must be sufficiently voluminous.

You also need to prepare:

  1. Electronic kitchen scales;
  2. Protective equipment when working with alkali - rubber gloves, respirator and goggles;
  3. Silicone spatula;
  4. Immersion blender or mixer;
  5. Thermometer for measuring the temperature of components;
  6. A fine sieve (small diameter is possible) for straining the solution;
  7. Container for drying finished soap: if there is no special silicone one, you can take any box made of plastic or cardboard, lining its bottom with parchment film;
  8. Towels or blanket for wrapping soap.

It is not advisable to use dishes and tools for food products after making soap.

Photo of homemade laundry soap for papillomas

Step-by-step instructions for making laundry soap for papillomas:

  1. Weigh and measure all ingredients.
  2. Melt the solid oils in a water bath, then pour them into the liquid oils, removing the residue from the walls of the dish with a silicone spatula.
  3. Add alkali little by little to pre-chilled water in the refrigerator, stirring thoroughly.
  4. Heat the alkali solution slightly: it is necessary to add alkaline water to the oils when the temperature of these liquids is above 40 degrees.
  5. Pour the lye into the oil through a sieve to prevent undissolved sodium hydroxide crystals from getting into the soap.
  6. Gently stir the mixture with a spatula until the liquid becomes noticeably cloudy. Then use the blender, turning it off periodically. Continue blending until the so-called “mark stage”, when the product has the consistency of sour cream and there are noticeable indentations and other marks from the blender.
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared pan, tap it to get rid of bubbles, and cover the top with cling film or a napkin.
  8. Wrap laundry soap against papillomas, ensuring good heating. Leave for 6-12 hours, then remove and, if necessary, cut with a regular knife, cutter or string.
  9. In order for the soap to finally “ripen”, it is advisable to let it sit for another 3-6 weeks, but if you really want to, you can use it right away.

Note! When making laundry soap for papillomas, good air exchange is important - you need to turn on the hood and open the window.

Alternative Methods

For those who like to use folk remedies, tar soap is suitable, the principle of using it for papillomas is similar to its household counterpart. Thanks to natural tar, an antiviral effect is provided.

What is usually disturbing is the rather sharp specific aroma of tar if you simply soap skin prone to the development of papillomas with this soap. It can be softened by heating pieces crushed into shavings with the addition of a small volume of water or herbal infusion.

Alternative - tar soap

The product contains birch tar. Its concentration is at least 10%. Thanks to this component, the properties of soap are enhanced. It has a higher intensity effect on harmful microorganisms. In addition, the presence of birch tar gives the product antiviral properties. As a result, warts and papillomas disappear from the outer skin much faster. Other properties of tar soap:

  • regenerating;
  • wound healing.

The advantages include slight drying of the outer skin. However, this does not reduce the level of effectiveness of this remedy. This means that tar-based recipes should be used by patients with dry skin. This method is also suitable for cases where the growths are located in areas where the outer skin is quite sensitive.

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