Blood transfusion for acne: reviews, how to do it

Does blood transfusion help get rid of acne?

Despite popular belief, acne cannot be considered solely a cosmetic defect.
This skin disease develops due to a variety of internal and external factors. Modern dermatology, as well as cosmetology, use many medications and cosmetics to eliminate pimples or acne, post-acne. However, the pathology often regresses.

Attention! The appearance of acne is not always associated with age. Typically, juvenile acne is easier to treat.

Causes of acne for which transfusions may be used include:

  • some diseases of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal changes (adolescence, pregnancy, menopause);
  • endocrine imbalance;
  • digestive system dysfunction;
  • chronic stress accompanied by the release of hormones;
  • allergy;
  • Demodex infection.

Improper facial care can lead to the development of acne:

  • frequent washing;
  • overdrying due to medications;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • inadequate selection of cosmetics.

Experts point out that it is easier to eliminate acne, the occurrence of which is associated with the wrong selection of cosmetics. Blood transfusions are usually performed for acne caused by disorders in the body.

Attention! Usually the result is obvious 2 months after treatment.


  • skin diseases
  • allergy to anticoagulants
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus
  • presence of cancer

Plasmolifting is perfectly combined with other injection and hardware techniques, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of each procedure. To achieve a lasting effect, a course of 4-6 procedures is required, once every 1-2 weeks.

After a course of plasma lifting you will forget about acne. Your facial skin will be smooth, clean and radiant with beauty and health!

How to “cleanse the blood” to treat acne

The blood administered to the patient can be used untreated, or it can be “cleaned”. It is worth considering that all additional manipulations with blood increase the price of the procedure. But, at the same time, “cleaning” methods are used in medicine more and more often, because in this case, the effectiveness of treatment increases. The doctor makes a decision about the appropriateness of certain actions performed with blood.

Blood processing occurs as follows:

  • Ozone treatment (ozonation);
  • Ultraviolet or laser irradiation;
  • Freezing.

We add that the patient’s blood, depending on the complexity and severity of the disease, can be diluted with antibiotics, calcium gluconate, calcium chloride, aloe, homeopathy and other additives.

  • Blood transfusion from a vein into the buttock (Autohemotherapy) - reviews

Carrying out the procedure

The essence of the procedure is quite simple. A certain amount of venous blood is routinely collected from the patient using a sterile disposable syringe, which is then injected back into the body, but intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Blood taken from a vein does not undergo any processing, and no other substances are added to it. In fact, immediately after collection, it is injected into the patient’s buttock in the same way as during a regular injection.

The procedures are carried out in a course, and for the first time the dose of blood administered is very small, but with each subsequent injection the volume increases. This continues until the middle of the course, after which the administered blood volume begins to decrease, gradually reaching the minimum dose.

If no means help get rid of pimples and acne, autohemotherapy can provide significant help, but you should not do this on your own. The possibility of such treatment must be discussed with a qualified doctor, taking into account the presence of indications and possible contraindications, which cannot be ignored.



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Autohemotherapy regimens for acne

The following blood transfusion regimens are used to treat acne:

  • Subcutaneously. Using a disposable syringe, venous blood is collected for subcutaneous administration. No other components are added to the blood.
  • Intramuscularly. Typically, the regimen involves a course of 10 or 15 injections. The dosage is increased by 1 ml daily. During the first procedure, up to 2 ml of blood is injected intramuscularly.
  • Intravenously. Ozone autohemotherapy has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and immunomodulatory properties.

In most cases, blood transfusion is carried out according to the classical scheme. It is also possible to use stepwise autohemotherapy (according to Reckeweg). The procedure involves mixing biological material with homeopathic remedies for subsequent transfusion. The introduction of the resulting solution is carried out using several stages.

Blood transfusion for acne on the face is carried out using 2 methods:

  • administering part of the blood to the patient and mixing the remaining biological material with a homeopathic medicine for subsequent injection;
  • mixing 2-5 ml of blood with a homeopathic remedy, followed by administration after shaking.

When using the first method, detoxification properties appear that allow you to cope with acne. The course of treatment is performed once every six months.

Important! The course of therapy and method of blood transfusion are determined by the doctor on an individual basis.

Blood transfusion techniques

If the patient has no contraindications for autohemotherapy, the doctor prescribes a course of procedures. There are several methods of transfusing blood from a vein into the buttock. The appropriate method of autohemotherapy and the number of recommended procedures are determined by the doctor. In some cases, the transfusion regimen is developed on an individual basis.

So, the most popular and widespread methods of autohemotherapy.


The classic method of autohemotherapy is based on a gradual increase in dosage . This scheme allows you to protect the patient from the occurrence of unpleasant side effects in the form of muscle pain, fever, chills.

Increasing autohemotherapy involves a gradual increase in dosages of blood taken from a vein and injected into the buttock

Transfusions are carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1 - 2 ml of blood is taken and this amount is immediately injected into the buttock;
  • Day 3 - the dose is increased to 4 ml;
  • Day 5 - 6 ml of blood is collected and injected;
  • Day 7 - the amount of blood increases to 8 ml;
  • 9, 11 days - on these days the maximum amount of blood is taken - 10 ml, and injected in full into the buttock;
  • Day 13 - dose reduction to 8 ml;
  • Day 15 - the amount of blood decreases to 6 ml;
  • Day 17 - now 4 ml is administered;
  • Day 19 - therapy is completed by administering 2 ml of blood.

There is another type of classical autohemotherapy regimen. It involves carrying out a transfusion every day. Blood dosages are increased daily by 1 ml. This scheme is more aggressive. Therefore, it often provokes side effects.

With ozone

Sometimes doctors recommend autohemotherapy with ozone. This procedure effectively relieves acne, some skin diseases, and helps fight gynecological pathologies . The essence of the procedure is as follows. Blood taken from a vein is enriched with ozone and then injected into the body.

During major autohemotherapy, venous blood enriched with ozone is injected into the vein by drip

There are 2 methods of such autohemotherapy:

  • Blood transfusion for acne: reviews, how to do it
  • Small. Approximately 10 ml of blood is collected. The enriched composition is injected into the buttock.
  • Big. In this case, about 100–150 ml is taken from the patient. After adding ozone, the solution is injected dropwise into a vein.

The biomaterial containing ozone is no longer as dense as pure blood, so it dissolves much faster. Thanks to this, the event is easier to tolerate by the patient and less likely to lead to side effects.

Technique for autohemotherapy with ozone - video


With stepwise autohemotherapy, the blood is enriched with specially selected homeopathic drugs. This procedure is in demand in the treatment of acne that is viral in nature. In addition, stepwise autohemotherapy is used to combat chronic eczema, psoriasis, viral infections, arthrosis, and helps treat toxic liver damage.

For the procedure, a small amount of blood is taken - about 0.1–0.2 ml. The biomaterial is mixed with the selected homeopathic medicine. The syringe with the mixture is shaken vigorously and immediately injected into the buttock. Then a small amount of venous blood is collected again. Another homeopathic medicine is added to it. The contents of the syringe are vigorously mixed and reinjected into the buttock. One stepwise autohemotherapy may include 4 stages. Thus, up to 4 homeopathic remedies can be introduced into the body in one session.

This blood transfusion makes it possible to significantly activate the immune system and more actively fight the sources of diseases.

Autohemotherapy helps get rid of acne and promotes healthy body

Is it possible to carry out autohemotherapy at home?

Autohemotherapy should be carried out by an experienced doctor and preferably in a clinical setting. Sometimes patients insist on performing the procedure at home. Doctors do not recommend doing this.

At home, it is quite difficult to create sterile conditions in which the event is held. If this requirement is not met, then there is a high probability of infection entering the body, and sometimes the development of sepsis.

In addition, we should not forget that even to such a simple procedure, each body reacts individually. Therefore, it will be better if the doctor has at hand all the necessary medications that will quickly (if necessary) bring you to your senses.

Indications for the procedure and its effect

Of course, acne and many acne elements are only one of the indications for autohemotherapy, but, in addition, the procedure is also prescribed for:

  • Blood transfusion according to blood groups: rules. Universal donors. Blood group compatibility table
  • Various inflammatory processes that cannot be controlled using other methods,
  • Purulent processes that persist for a long time,
  • Disruption of wound healing processes,
  • The need to strengthen the immune system.

The positive effect of this procedure is ensured by the fact that the patient’s own blood taken from a vein is introduced into the body. Such blood contains many toxins and other products that the body must get rid of. When this blood is returned in its natural form back to the body by transfusion from a vein into the buttock, the body begins to protest such actions, detecting objects foreign to it, and therefore activates many functions to combat them. As a result, many metabolic processes are activated and the functioning of the immune system is increased.

Types and stages of acne

There are 4 degrees of severity of acne:

  1. First. There are no inflammations or pustules yet, but there are closed comedones in the form of white rashes.
  2. Second. Open comedones, i.e. blackheads, also appear. Against their background, you can notice inflamed lumps and isolated pustules. Their number already exceeds 20 elements.
  3. Third. The number of inflamed elements and pustules reaches 40 pieces.
  4. Fourth. There are very large lumps and nodules on the skin, many ulcers, more than 40 pieces.
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