Effective homemade masks for rosacea - how to do it correctly

The skin of the face is exposed to various types of external and internal influences. Their combination can provoke the occurrence of such a cosmetic problem as rosacea. It is manifested by the expansion of surface capillaries, which leads to the formation of spider veins on the skin. Very effective homemade masks are prepared from simple ingredients.

They have virtually no contraindications and help fight rosacea. After reading the article you will know how to prepare and use them correctly.

External signs and causes of rosacea

By external signs you can determine the stages of development of rosacea


  • Redness of the facial skin: especially the cheeks, lips and nose. Their severity is periodic and depends on temperature changes. Also after mechanical stress.
  • The area of ​​redness in the next stage lasts longer. Areas with age spots appear, and the sensitivity of the epidermis increases.
  • In the third stage, inflammation, rash and swelling occur on the skin.

The causes of rosacea are also quite extensive. It should be noted that it can be congenital - and then there is practically no treatment. It can also be acquired. Causes that provoke the occurrence of rosacea


  • Hormonal changes
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse
  • Poor nutrition and addiction to fast food
  • Heredity
  • Capillary weakness
  • Sensitive skin
  • Too frequent visits to the bathhouse or sauna, as well as solarium

Before using cosmetics, you should undergo examination by specialists. Only after this, according to the doctor’s recommendations, use very effective homemade masks for rosacea.

How to get rid of spider veins on the face: what you can and cannot do

Before we talk about methods for solving this problem, it is worth talking about what procedures can be done and what should be abandoned. Compliance with such basic safety precautions will help you not harm yourself and quickly get rid of traces of rosacea.


  • Do vacuum facial cleansing.
  • Use too cold and too hot water for washing.
  • Use alcohol-containing care products.

If you want to get the maximum effect from treatment, then remember that each case of the disease is individual. Visit both a cosmetologist and your attending physician, undergo all the necessary tests, identify the cause of the disease, and only then proceed with action.

Effective homemade face masks for rosacea - principle of action

The most effective homemade face masks help solve the problem in its initial stage. All this thanks to the ability to use suitable recipes and adapt them to your skin. They also allow:

  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels, increase their elasticity
  • Improve metabolism in cells
  • Relieve inflammation and redness
  • Moisturize and nourish the skin

Laser coagulation method

The essence of the procedure is that the laser seals the walls of damaged vessels, which prevents the flow of blood into them, due to which the network of capillaries becomes completely invisible.

The advantages of the technique are its painlessness, the absence of any marks on the skin after the course of treatment. In addition, I note that this does not cause any harm to the entire circulatory system.

Sessions can be held both in winter and summer. The duration of one procedure is about forty minutes. The number of appointments with a cosmetologist in this case will depend on the degree of complexity of the disease. At the initial stage of rosacea, four sessions may be enough, but to get rid of advanced rosacea, it is best to spend at least seven.

It is important not to use any cosmetics during the treatment period; the effect of such therapy will be noticeable on the third or fourth day.

Effective homemade face masks - the best recipes

You need to select components for homemade masks taking into account the fact that you cannot use scrubbing and aggressive components. Good fit:

  • Calming – chamomile decoction, oatmeal, panthenol
  • Regenerating and nourishing – hylauronic acid, aloe vera
  • Plant extracts with antioxidant properties and anti-inflammatory properties. This is green tea, St. John's wort, pomegranate, dark grapes
  • Venotonics based on plants – horse chestnut extract, arnica

To wash and remove the remnants of masks, you need to use melted or distilled water. It is most suitable for skin prone to the formation of spider veins. It is also good to wash your face with chamomile decoction.

You can leave the masks on your face for 15 – 20 minutes.

Violation of vascular elasticity: a threat to skin health?

Cuperosis is the dilation of blood vessels on the surface of the skin. Such areas look like a red or purple mesh. Most often, these symptoms appear:

  • on the wings of the nose,
  • on the cheeks
  • on the upper eyelids,
  • sometimes on the forehead and chin.

Causes of rosacea

Cuperosis is a phenomenon that can be caused by a variety of circumstances.

Increased skin sensitivityPeople with hypersensitive, thin and light skin are primarily susceptible to couperose. In addition, expansion and inflammation of capillaries occurs in people with combination, oily and porous facial skin.
Hereditary predispositionAlas, rosacea is very often explained by genes. If your parents, grandparents have capillary networks on their face, take preventive measures as early as possible.
Smoking and alcoholThis is a well-known fact. Therefore, before you pick up a cigarette - even if it is thin and super-light - think about the price you will have to pay for this game of grace and pseudo-elegance.
Excessive passion for intense tanningAnd one more axiom: exposure to UV rays also provokes the appearance of rosacea. Skin prone to it needs constant SPF protection - not only during the period of beach relaxation.
Skin reaction to temperature changesToo frequent visits to saunas and baths, alas, also carries a very specific danger of developing this notorious capillary network.
Climatic conditions characterized by low temperatures and windIf you live in a harsh climate, be sure to wear weather protection.
Changes in blood pressure, hypertensionAnother “provocateur” of rosacea is hypertension.
StressUnfavorable emotional states, stress, anxiety and overwork will also inevitably affect the condition of the skin over time. Therefore, as the classic said, learn to control yourself.
Problems with the liver and endocrine systemAs offensive as it may be, the condition of the liver and endocrine system is reflected on the face.
Low level of food cultureAn unbalanced diet, excessive consumption of hot and spicy foods, and a passion for sweet carbonated drinks, which usually contain preservatives and concentrates, are a direct path to rosacea. So draw your own conclusions: what is more important to you? To combat rosacea, you need to exclude smoked, fried, fatty, flour and sweet foods. You will also have to give up red meat, replacing it with white, and coffee and black tea with green tea or herbal infusions. And you definitely need to include in your diet foods with vitamin C (black currants, sauerkraut, onions), vitamin K (lettuce, spinach), vitamin P (buckwheat, asparagus, carrots, parsley), with Omega-3, 6, 9 (fish).
Hormonal imbalance, some contraceptivesA common cause of spider veins is hormonal imbalance.
Withering of the skin, when all tissues, including capillaries, gradually lose elasticityAs you know, as the body ages, the skin gradually becomes thinner and becomes more sensitive to irritants. Natural collagen begins to be produced in smaller quantities. Vessels that have lost their elasticity lose their ability to narrow and begin to show through the aging skin. The blood stagnates in them, the redness of the vascular network becomes more and more bright.

It should be borne in mind that this disease tends to progress; it does not stand still and constantly invades new surfaces of the skin.

If you do not pay attention to these changes, the vascular network will spread to other areas and become more and more visible. The diameter of the dilated vessels will increase, and the inflammation will become more and more painful.

4 Ways to Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne

Effective homemade face masks - with potato starch

Potato starch is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, copper and phosphorus. Products based on it increase collagen production. Strengthens the skin, making it elastic. Promote cell regeneration.

  • Potato starch – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Warm milk – 1 1/3 tbsp. l.
  • Grapeseed oil - 2 tsp.
  • Tea tree essential oil – 2 drops

The components are mixed together until it becomes thick sour cream and applied to the face.

Treatment of rosacea in the salon

In the fight against spider veins on the face, three aesthetic tactics have proven themselves to be excellent, which can significantly minimize such a defect:

  1. Laser therapy:
    a laser is applied to an area of ​​skin, the site of exposure is heated to the required depth, the damaged capillary is “sealed” and smoothed.
  2. Photorejuvenation:
    a similar result is achieved through light exposure of the skin.
  3. Ozone therapy:
    according to the principle of mesotherapy, it involves the introduction under the skin of an ozone-oxygen mixture that destroys the damaged capillary, but has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system as a whole.

Effective homemade face masks - made from green tomatoes

Unripe, green tomatoes contain vitamins B, K, A, antioxidants, phytoncides and minerals. Masks based on green fruit increase the elasticity of blood vessels and relieve inflammation. They give an even tone, smooth, brighten and nourish the skin.

  • Green tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Puree the tomatoes and mix with oil. Apply to skin for 20 minutes. Rinse off.

How to care for skin prone to rosacea: advice from a dermatologist

When caring for skin with visible spider veins, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Choose cosmetics with a hypoallergenic formula for reactive skin;
  2. Avoid using products with a thick, oily texture;
  3. Do not use aggressive products to deep cleanse the skin: hard scrubs and acid peels;
  4. Minimize temperature contrasts (do not overuse baths and saunas);
  5. Avoid excessive pressure on the skin and active facial massages;
  6. In sunny weather, do not forget to apply SPF protection.

Mask with herbal infusion against rosacea

This mask soothes, relieves inflammation, has antioxidant properties, strengthens the skin and blood vessels.

  • Calendula, chamomile, linden flowers - ½ tbsp. l.
  • Boiling water – 1 cup
  • Grapeseed oil – ½ tsp.
  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.

Brew a mixture of herbs with boiling water in an enamel bowl and let it brew and cool. Dilute oatmeal with broth to the consistency of thick sour cream. Then stir in grape oil. Distribute the composition over the skin.

How to use

Medicine classifies Ascorutin as a harmless drug, so it is prescribed even to children. But if you take the drug incorrectly, it will be difficult to avoid negative consequences.

It is strictly forbidden to increase the dosage of the drug on your own. An excess of nutrients is just as undesirable as a lack of them. For the treatment to have the desired effect, you need to wait. During this time, vessels that have lost elasticity and become brittle will be able to recover.

During the period of use of Ascorutin, you should be careful in eating foods that are a natural source of vitamin C: black currants, dill, white cabbage, oranges, tangerines, lemons, bell peppers. Excess ascorbic acid in the body can lead to the formation of kidney stones

It is customary to make masks with Acorutin against rosacea and take this remedy orally.


The drug should not be chewed, as its components can damage tooth enamel and negatively affect the walls of the stomach. Ascorutin for rosacea is taken in courses of 2-4 weeks. Most often, doctors prescribe a dosage of 3 tablets per day. They should be drunk after meals, whole, with boiled cold water.

Treatment is repeated every six months. In the intervals between courses, it is allowed to take the drug as a prophylactic agent, but not more than 1 tablet per day.


At home, for problems with facial skin and poor condition of blood vessels, therapeutic masks will help. For a mask of Ascorutin against rosacea and wrinkles, you need to take the following components:

  • 10 g of the drug (2 pcs.);
  • 40 ml sour cream;
  • 20 ml of freshly prepared aloe leaf juice.

The tablets should be crushed to a powder, add high-fat sour cream and squeeze the juice out of the plant. Mix everything thoroughly. Before applying the mask, your face should be washed with thermal water. Then apply the mixture for 15 minutes and rinse. It is advisable to repeat the procedure every 3 days.

A face mask with Acorutin and honey helps not only get rid of rosacea, but also make age spots less dark. To prepare the product you will need:

  • 2 tablets of the drug;
  • 30 ml natural honey;
  • 20 g buckwheat flour.

The medicine should be crushed, then mixed with flour and honey. Clean your face of makeup, apply the product, avoiding the eyelids, nose and lips. After 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

A mask for rosacea with Ascorutin and yogurt is also effective against redness. It strengthens facial vessels and improves microcirculation. Ingredients:

  • 10 g semolina;
  • 10 g Ascorutin (2 tablets);
  • 20 g natural yoghurt.

The crushed tablets must first be mixed with semolina, then yogurt without dyes and flavors must be added to the dry mixture. Mix everything until smooth. Apply the mask to a cleansed face using a cosmetic spatula, leave for 20-25 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.

A whitening mask against rosacea with Acorutin and clay helps reduce the manifestations of the pathological process and even out the complexion. The product cleanses the ducts and removes toxins. To prepare it you need to take:

  • 20 g clay;
  • 10 g of the drug (2 pcs.);
  • 40 drops of unrefined flaxseed oil.

Ascorutin needs to be crushed into powder, mixed with clay and oil. If the mixture turns out to be too dry, you need to dilute it with mineral water to a creamy consistency. Apply the product to the skin and leave until completely dry. Then remove with running warm water.

Applying a mask with green tea and Ascorutin helps to refresh the complexion, remove signs of rosacea, increase local immunity and relieve swelling. To use the product at home, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 30 ml freshly brewed green tea;
  • 20 g Ascorutin tablets (4 pcs.);
  • 10 ml coconut oil.

First you should brew a concentrated drink and remove the leaves. Mix green tea with crushed tablets and coconut oil. Apply the product for 20-25 minutes. It is recommended to wash off the mask with lukewarm water or water at room temperature.

A mask with chamomile and a vitamin preparation will not only prevent the manifestations of rosacea, but also quickly relieve bruises and bruises on the skin of the face. It will require the following components:

  • 40 ml of strong decoction of chamomile flowers;
  • 2 tablets of Ascorutin;
  • 10 ml shea butter.

Prepare a herbal decoction of high concentration, let it brew and cool. The liquid is then filtered and added to the crushed medicine along with shea butter. Wait for the drug to completely dissolve in the mixture and apply it to the skin of the face instead of night cream. In the morning, upon waking up, remove the remaining mixture using a cosmetic sponge. There is no need to rinse off the product.

Effective homemade face masks – sea buckthorn against rosacea

Has anti-inflammatory, restorative, healing effects. The unique properties of sea buckthorn in combination with lingonberries strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove capillary mesh, and tighten the skin.

  • Sea buckthorn berries – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lingonberries, berries – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Potato starch - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the berries until mushy and thicken with starch. Apply the mixture to your face.

Ways to combat spider veins

If rosacea begins to behave aggressively, and the mesh rapidly spreads, then this is a reason to urgently consult a dermatologist. But at the first and not very significant manifestations of the disease, when the vascular network is just emerging, urgent measures need to be taken.

What to do first:

  • pay attention to the correct selection of cosmetics,
  • to refuse from bad habits,
  • balance the diet, enriching it with antioxidants and vitamins,
  • use sunscreen not only on vacation, but also every time you go outside in sunny weather,
  • stop being nervous and establish a healthy lifestyle.

In other words, all factors that provoke the progression of rosacea need to be kept to a minimum and, if possible, eliminated.

Cuperosis is a dilatation of blood vessels and a violation of skin microcirculation

Please note: when choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to softer products for cleansing and nourishing the skin. It is important that they contain vitamins K, C and P.

In addition, it is necessary to avoid harsh abrasive (scraping and grinding) scrubs. Cleansing skin prone to rosacea should be as gentle as possible. You shouldn't use cosmetic ice either. All care products should not contain alcohol, which irritates the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

If you are prone to rosacea, you should never wash your face with hot or cold water. Do not use a sponge to exfoliate. And, of course, you cannot use any soap - only mild cleansers.

It is also contraindicated to wipe your face with a hard towel, causing a mechanical effect on the skin - only gently blot with a soft napkin. And, of course, give up the teenage and extremely unhygienic habit of touching your face with your hands.

In the composition of cosmetic products for the care of skin prone to rosacea, plant extracts of calendula, chamomile, horse chestnut, rose, grapes, and walnut are desirable. They should also include collagen, which is important for increasing skin elasticity, and vitamins that nourish the skin and strengthen capillaries.

For rosacea, enzyme peeling and ultrasonic cleaning are recommended. But mechanical cosmetic procedures, including massages, are strictly contraindicated. The exception is, perhaps, light lymphatic drainage or acupressure.

1) Vegetable mask for rosacea: step-by-step preparation instructions

So, cosmetic care for sensitive, rosacea-prone skin should be as gentle and soothing as possible.

The mask against rosacea should have a light texture and have an anti-inflammatory, cooling and antioxidant effect.

It should contain vitamins:

  • C (antioxidant that relieves oxidative stress),
  • K (strengthens the walls of blood vessels),
  • P (improves microcirculation processes, has a drainage effect).

And now I offer a recipe for a weekly mask against rosacea made from green tomatoes - easy to prepare and with the listed properties.

Step 1.Prepare green tomato puree using a blender.
Step 2.Mix a tablespoon of this puree with a tablespoon of corn (or rice) starch.
Step 3.Add one teaspoon of olive oil to the resulting slurry.
Step 4.Add 1 tablespoon of 10% cream.
Step 5.Apply the mask to cleansed facial skin for a quarter of an hour, then wash with warm water.

2) Other popular masks for rosacea: reviews

Unfortunately, due to a number of circumstances, rosacea most often attacks women's skin. Although men also sometimes have to face this unpleasant problem.

Here are some reviews on how you can get rid of capillary mesh on your face:

  1. Oksana, 40 years old.

    This mesh seems to have been passed down to me by inheritance. My grandmother and mother had quite noticeable manifestations of rosacea. A year ago, I began to notice these symptoms in myself. A mask of potatoes and sour cream works well for me. I just grate the potatoes, season with a tablespoon of sour cream, apply to my face and leave for about fifteen minutes. The mask significantly reduces the capillary network and evens out skin color. In general, quite effective. I make this mask once a week.

  2. Ulyana, 31 years old.

    My husband and I went to the sea, I became interested in tanning. I really wanted to return from vacation looking like a chocolate mulatto. In general, I developed spider veins on the wings of my nose and on my cheeks. A friend advised me to wipe my face with chamomile decoction - as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. It really does relieve inflammation. Almost everything has gone away on the cheeks, but on the wings of the nose there are still red mesh marks. But, by the way, they have paled significantly. I continue to use chamomile infusion.

  3. Svetlana, 38 years old.

    I’ve been smoking since I was 20 years old, but somehow I had no particular desire to quit. And then a reason appeared: rosacea. How did I miss it? In short, I decided to quit urgently. And at the same time I wanted to improve my diet - I removed everything spicy, smoked and fried. It’s difficult, of course, but I really want to get rid of this terrible mesh on my face. Moreover, age gradually makes itself felt. And I also ordered a mask made from Moroccan red clay. I hope for results.

3) Pros and cons of treatment with masks

Masks that eliminate or reduce the manifestations of rosacea have their advantages. However, it is important to keep some precautions in mind.

They relieve inflammation, make blood vessels more elastic, and restore microcirculation.Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to the ingredients included in the mask.
They reduce the transparency of the skin and make the capillary mesh less noticeable.In case of severe inflammation and open damage to the skin, masks should not be used.

(How to treat rosacea at home?

What components should be included in the mask?

Face masks for rosacea can be made from various natural ingredients that everyone can have at home. In terms of action, they will be much better and more useful than many medicines. After using them, the skin will become much cleaner and healthier, and the signs of rosacea will disappear almost immediately after the first use.

Products made from components such as ascorbic acid, ascorutin, potatoes, clay, berries, oatmeal, yeast and many others have a good effect. When used, the active components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and accelerate the process of restoration of damaged cells.

What is ascorutin?

Ascorutin is a capillary-stabilizing drug. This is a combined remedy, the action of which is predetermined by the effects of the substances included in the composition.

The main components are rutin and ascorbic acid. 1 tablet contains 50 mg of vitamin C and 50 mg of rutin. Excipients are:

  • sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • calcium stearate;
  • talc.

The beneficial properties of ascorutin are as follows:

  • strengthens the skin's immunity;
  • restores the elasticity of the dermis;
  • deeply cleanses the ducts;
  • relieves redness and inflammation;
  • whitens the skin;
  • straightens the oval line.

The product can be used on the face, saturating factory-made creams and lotions. Just 1 tablet is enough to strengthen the effect of the cosmetic product. Homemade cosmetics with the drug prepare the skin for the negative effects of the external environment.

Mask based on ascorutin

Ascorutin is a complex action product, the main components of which are rutin and ascorbic acid. These substances provide strengthening of the walls of blood vessels, taking an active part in the redox processes occurring in the body.

It is important to note that rutin is a kind of building material necessary for vascular walls. In addition, it eliminates excessive oxidation of ascorbic acid

As part of a mask for rosacea on the face, Ascorutin is usually supplemented with green tea. This choice is explained by the fact that green tea contains a number of vitamins along with minerals and flavonoids. Their complex action ensures:

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • contraction of blood vessels;
  • narrowing of pores on the surface of the skin.

To prepare this remedy, you need brewed strong green tea. The basis for the mask will be a couple of tablespoons of strong tea leaves mixed with a couple of crushed ascorutin tablets. In this case, clay will be an additional component. It will not only facilitate the process of applying medicinal components to the face, but also guarantees additional positive effects. So, white clay is suitable for dry skin, while black clay is more suitable for porous and oily skin.

Positive effect of Ascorutin on facial skin

Ascorutin has found wide use in cosmetology as an ambulance in the treatment of all kinds of epidermal defects. The combination of rutin (vitamin P) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the composition of the drug has a surprising effect on the condition of the skin:

  1. Increases the elasticity and density of blood vessels.
  2. Quickly blocks any inflammatory processes on the face.
  3. Eliminates age spots.
  4. Increases the resistance of the epidermis to the action of various pathogenic factors.
  5. Improves the permeability of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.
  6. Returns tone and fresh appearance to tired skin.
  7. Improves the oval of the face.

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