Causes of water allergies, treatment of irritation on hands from water

Last update: 02/21/2021

Aquagenic urticaria is a rare, atypical reaction of the immune system that occurs in response to any human contact with water.

. It cannot be considered a disease in the usual sense of the word. No matter how unrealistic it may seem (after all, the human body is approximately 60% water), sometimes the immune system rejects it. It does not matter how exactly the liquid enters the body - be it through drinking, swimming in a pond, daily hygiene procedures, or even tears and sweat.

Let's figure out whether there could be an allergy to water (photos of its symptoms are given below), how it manifests itself and what can be done to treat this extremely unpleasant reaction of the body.

Allergy to water: symptoms

General symptoms that appear after skin contact with water look something like this:

  • sensations of discomfort, dryness and tightness of the skin;
  • itching and redness of the skin of varying degrees of intensity;
  • in rare cases - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache.

There is no need to panic about this, so as not to aggravate the situation. In the vast majority of cases, such allergic reactions do not pose a threat to life and go away on their own over time, without the use of medications.

How to treat a child?

With a small child, things are somewhat more complicated; the choice of medications is limited. There are more contraindications and the approach must be conscious. The main rule is do no harm. It’s worth changing the water when bathing - try boiled water, if that doesn’t help, then bottled water.

For the treatment of children, drugs in the form of gels, syrups, and suppositories are mainly used. Medicines such as fenistil, zyrtec or peritol can be used in babies from 6 months. Antihistamines are not recommended for children under one year of age; they are used in case of emergency. From three years of age it is possible to take Tavegil, Claritin, Kestin. Children over 10 years of age can take almost all medications according to dosage.

Allergy to cold water

There is no diagnosis of “cold water allergy”. If you experience an allergic reaction after contact with cold or cool water, most likely you are talking about a “cold allergy”. It manifests itself in the form of a reddish rash (usually on the skin of the face and hands). In this case, doctors talk about the so-called cold urticaria. After a few days, the spots begin to crack, then crusts form on them, which then peel off.

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What to do if the allergy does not go away?

You suffer from sneezing, coughing, itching, rashes and redness of the skin, and maybe your allergies are even more serious. And isolating the allergen is unpleasant or completely impossible.

In addition, allergies lead to diseases such as asthma, urticaria, and dermatitis. And for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case and do not combat the cause in any way...

Comments, feedback and discussions

Finogenova Angelina: “In 2 weeks I completely cured my allergies and got a fluffy cat without expensive drugs and procedures. It was simple enough. » More>>

Our readers recommend

For the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases, our readers recommend using the “Alergyx” product. Unlike other products, Alergyx shows lasting and stable results. Already on the 5th day of use, allergy symptoms decrease, and after 1 course it goes away completely. The product can be used both for prevention and to relieve acute manifestations.

Allergy to chlorinated water

People often experience allergies to chlorinated water after visiting swimming pools, where this method of water disinfection is also used.

Chlorine, or bleach, in high concentrations is a toxic compound that irritates the skin and mucous membranes. Manifestations of the reaction are always individual: from minor rashes to dangerous conditions (the latter is rare). Usually the reaction occurs quickly, almost immediately after contact with chlorinated water, but in some cases there is a gradual accumulation of the allergen in the body and on the skin. The symptoms observed are as follows:

  • skin rashes like wet, itchy blisters (urticaria);
  • a feeling of severe itching and burning at the site of the rash;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • if bleach gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis appears;
  • Allergic rhinitis may develop.

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What tests are done for allergies in adults?

Allergen tests involve detecting substances in the blood that are produced in response to antigens. As a rule, these are eosinophils and serum immunoglobulin E. The former indicate the presence of hypersensitivity, the latter help to identify what exactly causes an acute immune response.

How to interpret the eosinophil test?

Eosinophils are a special type of leukocytes (white blood cells) that are considered the body's "cleaners." Their level increases with: • allergies (mainly pollen and food); • helminthiasis; • rheumatological diseases; • some malignant neoplasms (myeloid leukemia). If a general blood test shows a concentration of these cells of more than 500 per μl, and there are no signs of other pathological conditions, there is reason to suspect an allergy. However, a normal level of eosinophils does not indicate its absence. In this case, saliva, nasal or conjunctival secretions are taken for extended diagnostics. If eosinophils are detected in them in any concentration, we can confidently state an allergic disease.

What does an IgE test show?

An increase in total immunoglobulin E in the blood serum indicates type 1 hypersensitivity. This means that allergic reactions develop quickly and are accompanied by the release of IgE.

Limit values ​​​​of the norm vary depending on age: • infants under 1 year - up to 15 units / ml; • children under 10 years old - up to 90 units/ml; • adolescents under 16 years of age - up to 200 units/ml; • boys over 16 years of age and adults - up to 100 units/ml. To identify specific allergens, specific immunoglobulins E are determined. Blood serum from children over 10 years of age and adults is taken for analysis.

Comprehensive studies on groups of antigens, for example, food or respiratory panels, are common. But a more accurate result is provided by tests for sensitivity to specific allergens (strawberries, chicken meat, house dust, mold). In all cases, the concentration of specific IgE should be less than 0.35 kilounits per liter.

Allergy to hot water

As with any tap water, an allergy to hot water occurs due to some substance in its chemical composition. The skin may turn sharply red, itching and burning appear, and after two to three hours the symptoms disappear without a trace.

It is known that a whole range of different means are used to treat water entering the water supply. In this regard, it is impossible to predict how the body of a particular person will react to them. The way out of the situation is to conduct a laboratory test and take action after you find out the exact cause of the allergic reaction.

Why is there a problem?

Before water reaches the tap, it goes through several insufficient purification steps. The careless attitude of the authorities entails a number of major detrimental health problems among the population.

Let's look at the main causes of allergies to tap water:

  • Weak immune system;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Lack of immunoglobulin class “E”;
  • Presence of allergens in water.

In its composition, water is far from the school H2O; in fact, in addition to hydrogen and oxygen, it has the following components:

  • Copper;
  • Chlorine;
  • Iron;
  • Calcium;
  • Fluorine;
  • Zinc;
  • Manganese;
  • Aluminum;
  • Heavy metals.

There are many quite complex chemical substances that are formed based on the interaction of simple components.

Chlorine is a common allergen that is formed in the aquatic environment through disinfection. This is one of the most accessible methods, for this reason it is used everywhere. When chlorine reacts in water it forms sodium hypochloride and hypochlorous acid. In addition to an allergic reaction, it provokes inflammation of the esophagus and bronchial asthma. Children are especially at risk, since their immunity is still weak, as well as older people, whose immune forces weaken over time.

The acceptable measure of mercury concentration is 0.0005 mg/l, however, it accumulates in the body and can lead to significant transformations.

Lead is a heavy metal that accumulates and penetrates into the water from the pipeline. It provokes dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous disorder, and these are not all the consequences.

The abundant presence of calcium is easily visually noticeable by the white color of the water. After taking a shower, excessive dryness of the skin appears, which is quickly removed with a special body cream.

Allergy to tap water

An allergy to tap water can occur due to the content of certain chemical compounds in it. It happens that a person, for example, changed his place of residence or went on vacation, and after contact with “new” water he developed symptoms of allergic skin irritation. In most cases, the body gradually gets used to the changes and the symptoms disappear. However, in some cases the condition deteriorates, then care should be taken to have employees of a special laboratory examine the water and determine what substances it contains.

How to recognize angioedema?

It is characterized by swelling of the subcutaneous tissue and effusion of intravascular fluid. The cause is often food, medicine or an insect bite, less often - plant pollen. The swelling is usually asymmetrical and causes pain in the person.

Quincke's edema can be determined by visual signs. Usually affected: • lips; • language; • eyelids; • neck; • limbs; • genitals. An ambulance should be called immediately, since in an acute condition the respiratory tract is often affected. The condition is similar to an asthma attack - swelling of the larynx causes its stenosis (narrowing). This leads to decreased respiratory function, which increases the risk of death. Moreover, the chronic form of the disease is no less dangerous than the acute one.

Allergy to dill water

Dill is a useful spice that is used not only for preparing various dishes. It has long been known to people as an effective folk remedy used for intestinal colic in young children. Unfortunately, some babies have an allergic reaction to dill. One of the reasons for the reaction is that this plant draws all the substances from the ground. If the place where dill grows is contaminated, harmful elements entering the human body can cause persistent allergies.

By the way, dill contains several types of acids (for example, oleic, palmitic and linoleic), which are difficult for the child’s body to absorb. Children may react to dill water with the following symptoms:

  • red rash all over the body;
  • itching, swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • headache (but they can’t talk about it).

Typical places for rashes are cheeks and arms.

Treatment with folk remedies

If a similar reaction occurs when drinking water internally, you should take decoctions prepared from antihistamine herbs in pre-purified liquid.
Medicinal plants are purchased at the pharmacy. Celandine, nettle, chamomile, wild rosemary, tricolor violet and sage have proven themselves well. Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using products for external use. Compresses, lotions and rubbing relieve redness, pain, and the rash goes away faster.

  1. Take 5 g of yarrow and plantain herbs, 2 g of calamus root and licorice, 10 g of mint or lemon balm, 3 g of elecampane root.
  2. The plants are crushed, take 1 tbsp. l. collection and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. pork fat.
  3. The resulting mass is placed on the fire, brought to a boil, removed from the stove and cooled.

The ointment is infused for a day in a cool, dark place. Use the remedy several times a day.

In case of severe peeling of the skin and itching, before going to bed, pour boiling water over mustard and wipe the affected areas with it. In the morning, wash it off and apply moisturizer. The skin becomes clean after the first use. You can also use Jerusalem artichoke, mint, string, and celery. It is useful to make lotions and compresses from chamomile infusion; it relieves inflammation well.


Allergy to micellar water

Women love to use micellar water for skin care before applying cosmetics and even for medicinal purposes when the skin on their face becomes too dry. Micellar water in its pure form usually does not cause allergies, since its composition is balanced and safe. However, some manufacturing companies sometimes add extracts of various plants and even oils to it. They are precisely the powerful “provocateurs” of allergies, especially when it comes to sensitive and delicate skin.

Before purchasing micellar water, you should more carefully familiarize yourself with the substances included in its composition. Persistent skin itching after applying it to the face may occur due to the influence of bromides and glycerin.

Symptoms and signs

The manifestation of the body's reaction during an immune response comes in various forms.

The most common symptoms are:

  • dermatitis;
  • hives;
  • disorders of the respiratory and digestive organs.

This type of intolerance does not provoke inflammation in the nasal cavity or cause a runny nose. There are no known cases of a reaction leading to angioedema or anaphylactic shock. No deaths from allergic reactions to the liquid have been recorded.

In an adult and a child, allergies manifest themselves with similar symptoms, but in a newborn it is more pronounced.


This type of inflammatory process that occurs on the skin is a common symptom of water intolerance.

Dermatitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • itching;
  • redness;
  • burning of the skin;
  • swelling of the skin;
  • the appearance of bubbles.

Photos of different types of dermatitis:

Allergic dermatitis, which occurs as a reaction of the body to an irritant, has primary and secondary forms of manifestation. Primary dermatitis is characterized by numerous skin pimples that do not contain pus. All this is accompanied by severe swelling. The secondary form is expressed by peeling and the appearance of crusts on the skin.

The peculiarity of allergic dermatitis to water is the long latent period. A person's skin reaction develops after several weeks.

The disease is more often inherited. If parents had an allergy in the form of dermatitis, then there is a high probability of it occurring in their children.


Urticaria is a special case of dermatitis. Urticaria is predominantly allergic in nature. There is a special type of this symptom called aquagenic urticaria.

Characteristic features:

  • focal skin lesions with a rash in the form of blisters (see photo);
  • itching;
  • redness of the skin.

Urticaria as a symptom of aquagenic allergy has one peculiarity. It appears suddenly in the form of blisters, which quickly disappear within a day without leaving marks on the skin.

Hives predominantly occur on the hands. If the liquid comes into contact with your head, itchy blisters may appear on your face. Most often, urticaria occurs due to rusty and chlorine-enriched tap water.

Other reactions

Liquid has not only a superficial effect on the human body. When drinking, compounds of chlorine, fluorine, magnesium and other chemical elements enter the mucous membranes, blood, and internal organs.

If a person is prone to aquagenic allergies, the following reactions may occur:

  • redness of the eyes, watery eyes;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • cough;
  • throat irritation, sore throat;
  • itching in the nasopharynx;
  • headaches;
  • nausea.

Intolerance in the form of irritation of the stomach and intestines can occur in a person to river water if he has consumed it in its raw form.

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What it is?

Water intolerance (aquagenic urticaria) is one of the types of allergies, which, fortunately, has not yet become widespread. The first mention of aquagenic urticaria dates back to 1964. It was then that scientists first started talking about the strange property of our body to reject the basis of all living things. Aquagenic urticaria occurs with any contact with water, whether quenching thirst or hygiene procedures. Both tap and sea water can act as an allergen.

What caused such an inadequate reaction? As you know, the water that flows from our taps contains not only hydrogen and oxygen, but also a lot of other elements. Often they are the cause of allergies. And you shouldn’t hope that water purified with chlorine will solve the problem forever. It's quite the opposite! For some people, it is safer to swim in a lake than to take a shower that smells like bleach.

Doctors name three main reasons for this strange phenomenon:

  1. Weakened immunity as a result of long-term use of antibiotics;
  2. Chronic liver and kidney diseases;
  3. Deficiency of immunoglobulin class "E".

All these factors increase the likelihood of allergies arising from any contact with water.

The main feature of aquagenic urticaria is its tendency to constantly develop. Unfortunately, over time, the allergic reaction progresses more and more, causing very serious health problems.

Treatment of aquagenic urticaria

How to remove symptoms

The most basic way to get rid of aquagenic urticaria is to eliminate the irritating factor. After swimming, you need to dry yourself with a towel and dry your skin; usually after an hour and a half, the symptoms disappear - the spots become whiter, and the skin no longer itches.

But what to do if the signs of allergy do not go away? First you need to establish the cause of the disease, because aquagenic urticaria is most likely only a symptom of another disease. The problem may be due to kidney disease or the use of medications, particularly antibiotics. You can also be tested for allergies to substances contained in the water. Most often this element is chlorine or fluorine.

If an allergy in the arms, stomach or chest area has already manifested itself, you should consult a doctor and always have with you the antiallergic medications that he recommends. Some creams should be applied to the skin after bathing, but you need to be careful as they can have a photosensitizing effect. Therefore, it is better not to be in the sun for some time, spending time in the shade.

General rules

To reduce the risk of developing aquagenic urticaria, you must adhere to the following rules:

Water allergy requires drug treatment.

  • Do not use hard water; it is better to use bottled or spring water. The same water is recommended to be used when cooking, especially for those who have throat problems and cough.
  • When washing your body, use baby soap rather than shower gels.
  • Install high-quality filters on faucets in the kitchen and bathroom.
  • Wash your face with cosmetic milk or micellar water.
  • Spend as little time as possible in the shower; often symptoms only appear after being in the bathroom for more than half an hour. In case of exacerbation, you can use wet wipes.
  • Eat right - eat more vegetables and fruits and avoid salty and fatty foods. During the autumn and winter seasons, it is recommended to carry out vitamin therapy to boost immunity.
  • Do not exhaust the body with active physical activity, in order to avoid excessive sweating, long walks in the fresh air will be useful.
  • Do not swim in pools, with the exception of your own tank.
  • When washing dishes and clothes, wear gloves and apply silicone cream to the skin of your hands. If a person is allergic to latex, it is recommended to wear cotton gloves under rubber gloves.
  • Before using any liquid products, such as eau de toilette, it is necessary to conduct a trial test. To do this, you need to anoint your wrist and check the result after 1-2 days. If irritation does not appear, you can use the product without false fears.
  • To wash your body, water must be boiled so that it does not contain chlorine.
  • After contact with water, treat the skin with a moisturizer, such as lotion.
  • In moments of exacerbation of the disease, reduce contact with water to a minimum.
  • If you have an allergic reaction to cold, you should always monitor the temperature of the water, which should not be lower than room temperature.
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