Milk for facial skin: benefits, how to use and which one is better to choose

In one of the articles we already talked about how the Egyptian queen Cleopatra maintained her unearthly beauty with the help of milk baths. Not everyone can afford to fill their bathtub with milk, but set aside 1 cup of milk a day for washing with milk is quite real.

Regular milk washing will make your skin soft, velvety and healthy. Milk will help get rid of problems for owners of different skin types: it will relieve dry and sensitive skin from tightness and irritation, reduce oily skin, nourish and rejuvenate aging skin.


Coconut milk has a positive effect on the body, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, trace elements (magnesium, zinc, potassium, iron, manganese) and vitamins (B, A, C, PP).

Coconut drink breaks down and removes fat, has an anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, restores the intestinal mucosa and normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, which means it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

A drink made from coconut pulp is widely used in cosmetology and cooking; its beneficial effect on the body as a whole is its ability to quickly tone and energize.


Goat milk has high nutritional value, strengthens the immune system, does not cause allergic reactions, is easily digestible and is therefore recommended for baby food. It is also advisable to include this product in the diet of pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with poor health.

Nutritionists recommend drinking goat's milk for gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, as well as for liver diseases and dysbacteriosis. Since diseases of the gastrointestinal tract lead to deterioration of the skin, the introduction of goat’s milk products into the diet has a positive effect on appearance.

The product contains calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and essential vitamins A, B, C and D. Such a rich composition has a noticeable rejuvenating effect on the skin. The benefits of milk for the face when used in creams and masks have been proven by dermatologists and cosmetologists.

Milk-containing cosmetics:

  • Moisturize and cleanse;
  • Whiten pigment spots;
  • Eliminate irritation;
  • Relieves swelling;
  • Smoothes out wrinkles.

In home care, to restore the activity of skin cells, you can use goat milk for your face instead of toner.

Other cosmetic products made from milk for facial skin

We have already found out that you can wash your face with milk and make face masks using it. However, experts shared with journalists several more ways to use milk in home cosmetology:

  1. Tonic for wiping the skin

    . This product is also very useful and can be used when there is no time for a mask or other long-term cosmetic procedures, but the face needs to be refreshed. The tonic is prepared from milk and juice or water infusion of aloe. To make a toner, you need to mix these ingredients in a 3:1 ratio, and then wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in this liquid. It is recommended not to store the mixture in the refrigerator. You can only prepare the infusion (or squeeze out the juice) in advance - it can be kept in a cold place for 2-3 days, if necessary, used for quick preparation of tonic.

  2. Milk ice

    . If you regularly wipe your facial skin with ice, you can stimulate the natural production of collagen and intensify regenerative processes. Exposure to cold acts on the epidermis as a stress factor, so the skin reacts accordingly - it tries to strengthen itself by producing collagen (the process of fibrillogenesis intensifies) and protect itself by producing new cells. However, this method of stimulating the skin is recommended for women after the age of 30-35, when the natural processes of collagen synthesis slow down. If you use this method at a younger age, the epidermis may get used to producing fibrillar protein only forcibly, which will negatively affect the condition of the skin. Milk ice is very easy to prepare - pour the milk into special molds and put it in the freezer for several hours.

  3. Cottage cheese for tired eyes and dark circles.

    Milk that has not been used to prepare a face mask and has turned sour does not need to be disposed of or used in cooking. You can make a curd mass from it by heating the sour mixture in a water bath. Once the cottage cheese has cooled to room temperature, you can place it in gauze bags and place them on your eyelids and on the skin under your eyes. After 15 minutes, fatigue will pass, the skin will look fresh and toned, bags and dark circles will disappear.

Spoiled milk

Fermented milk products are very valuable for the digestive system due to the content of a large number of bacteria and fungi obtained through lactic acid or mixed fermentation. Healthy intestinal microflora means clean skin, this is the benefit of sour milk for the face.

Almost all types of fermented milk products have found their use not only in cooking, but in cosmetology. Simple and budget-friendly home care using masks made from sour cream, yogurt or yogurt can compete with store-bought products.


With regular use of a variety of self-made or ready-made cosmetics with a noticeable anti-aging effect, it is possible to provide the skin with a magnificent well-groomed appearance. Unusual options are of interest.

Rejuvenating mask with elk milk

The brand “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” presents a type of innovative anti-aging mask for any skin type. The exotic composition of the product from the “Agafia Bathhouse” line is attractive.

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Based entirely on natural raw materials.

The dominant component is elk milk, valued for its high nutritional value. In combination with Siberian medicinal plants, when used systematically, it provides active smoothing and tightening of the skin, moisturizing, regeneration, prevention of age-related changes, and evenness of shade.

Sheet mask with donkey milk

The South Korean company Elizavecca produces a tissue rejuvenating variety of Cream Mask Pack under the brand name Silky Creamy Donkey Steam based on donkey milk. This product is valued for its protein content that promotes collagen production.

The skin becomes soft, smooth, and healthy in color. The aging process gradually slows down, moisturizing and softening the dermis is ensured. Leave the mask on for an average of 20 minutes. After removing it, lightly massage your face with your fingertips, driving in the remaining product.

Night mask with milk

The assortment of the South Korean brand Imselene includes a night mask called DONKEY MILK HOLIC, the anti-aging effectiveness of which is based on the inclusion of nutrient-rich donkey milk in the structural formula. Use before bedtime, washing off the residue during the morning hygiene procedure. After such a session, the skin becomes moisturized, smooth, soft, and fresh-looking.

Homemade moose milk mask

If you can purchase moose milk from a specialized farm, you can prepare a mask that provides amazingly quick rejuvenating results. It is recommended to mix the product with kaolin to form a cream and leave it on the face after spreading it in a thin layer until it dries.

The variety of milk masks allows you to easily select the appropriate option to solve a specific problem. It is important to follow the recipe recommendations when making your own formulations or instructions when purchasing ready-made varieties.

Skimmed milk

At first glance, skim milk seems healthy, but this is not at all true. Calcium from such a drink is absorbed much worse, and it contains less vitamins A and D.

In addition, to improve product quality, manufacturers introduce various harmful additives into the composition, which negate the entire usefulness of the product.

Moreover, recent studies have proven that a low-fat product harms the skin and the body as a whole more than a regular fatty product.

Proper preparation of a mask with milk

For the product to be effective and useful, it must be prepared from fresh and high-quality products. It is better to take homemade milk and not skim milk. The container used to mix the recipe ingredients should be glass or plastic. It is advisable not to use iron containers, as the metal may react with the products.

If the mask turns out to be too liquid and runs off your face, thicken it with the pulp of black bread, starch, and flour. To make the mask more flexible and pliable, add an extra spoonful of milk or water.

The ingredients are mixed right before the cosmetic procedure with the expectation that the mixture will be completely used. It cannot be stored for more than a few hours, even in the refrigerator. Therefore, if you did not calculate the amount of ingredients, and the composition turned out to be more than necessary, use the leftovers to your advantage - make a mask on the skin in the décolleté area or on the hands.


Washing with goat's milk is the easiest way to moisturize your skin. Milk is diluted with filtered or boiled water 1:1 and the previously cleansed face is washed. For inflammation or irritation, replace water with chamomile decoction. After the procedure, you should lightly pat your face dry with a napkin.

As a makeup remover, you can use any milk with a drop of vegetable (olive, peach, almond) oil. Apply a small amount of emulsion to a cotton pad and remove makeup along the massage lines, and then rinse your face with warm water.

Acne treatment

When getting rid of acne, among the assortment of milk masks, you can choose a suitable recipe that you can prepare yourself.

Milk + starch

For oily skin, get rid of small pimples, provided there is no severe inflammation and suppuration, use a milk mask with starch.

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At the same time, excess oiliness will be reduced, and the face will acquire a pleasant matte tone.

To prepare the product, take equal parts of potato starch, low-fat milk drink, fine salt and honey. Knead vigorously until an elastic mass with the consistency of thick sour cream is formed. Leave for 30 minutes.

Face masks

The beneficial effects of milk on facial skin when used externally have been proven over time.

Milk-based face masks have become indispensable tools in the fight against dry skin. The universal mask recipe contains only 3 ingredients: 2 tablespoons of coconut milk and 2 teaspoons of honey and ground oatmeal. Mix everything, apply to face and rinse after 20 minutes with warm water.

Why milk is useful: what it consists of and for whom it can be harmful

It is difficult to imagine the daily life of most people without milk. It is included in our menu in early childhood and remains on our table until old age. But if previously the benefits of this product were not questioned, recently they are increasingly talking about its intolerance and even harm to our body.

Let's figure out together why milk is beneficial and how it can harm us.

Composition and types

Cow's milk has a vast chemical composition that is particularly rich in calcium and protein. In addition to them, it includes the following substances and elements:

  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • vitamins A, C, E, PP, D;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids. Fresh milk during subsequent processing takes on the following types:
  • whole (pasteurized) – undergone a process of filtration and thermal exposure;
  • normalized – with increased or decreased fat content. The fat content of a product affects its calorie content. For example, 100 ml of milk with a fat content of 2.5% contains about 50 kcal. Beneficial properties
    Milk often helps our body. It is believed that with its regular use you can achieve positive results:
  • reduce stomach acidity;
  • improve well-being with ulcers and gastritis;
  • cope with heartburn;
  • overcome insomnia and achieve deep, restful sleep;
  • make joints, nails and teeth stronger due to the high calcium content;
  • increase immunity and resist colds and infectious diseases;
  • improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • reduce swelling and improve kidney function;
  • remove harmful substances from the body: toxins, waste, heavy metals. Benefits for women
    Thanks to such a number of vitamins and microelements included in milk, it will undoubtedly bring many benefits to the fair sex.
    To improve your well-being, simply introduce it into your daily menu. It also helps women maintain youth and beauty and is often included in home cosmetic recipes. And during pregnancy, milk has a beneficial effect on both the health of the fetus and the endurance of the expectant mother. However, when carrying a child, you should also remember that this product can negatively affect the functioning of the intestines and stomach. Therefore, women are advised to drink it in small sips when some time has passed after eating. If you have intestinal diseases, it is better to avoid this drink altogether. Benefits for men
    A large amount of amino acids in milk will help men who are actively involved in sports to quickly increase muscle mass.
    In addition, the benefits from a natural product will be much greater than from chemical mixtures and food additives of similar effect. Benefits for children
    Oddly enough, but milk of animal origin enters the diet of babies no earlier than a year after their birth.
    The fact is that in infancy, the only milk that their body can absorb is their mother’s. The maximum benefit from cow's milk and products made from it can be achieved by a child when he reaches three or four years of age. It is at this age that an actively growing body greatly needs calcium and phosphorus. Important! We recommend that you consult your pediatrician before introducing this product into your baby's diet, as he may be allergic to lactose. Benefits for older people
    Milk is no less beneficial for older people.
    After 40 years, a person begins to need increased doses of calcium to keep bones strong and resist the development of arthrosis and osteoporosis. Note: at this age, milk with low fat content will bring the greatest benefit.
    This product also helps older people relax, calm the nervous system and improve sleep quality.
    Benefits for weight loss
    Low-fat milk will be your assistant when losing weight.
    It has a low calorie content and at the same time it helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances, which means it speeds up the process of losing extra pounds and improves well-being. This drink goes best with cereals, eggs, thermally processed vegetables and fruits. For example, I really like to cook oatmeal for breakfast with milk with the addition of bananas, honey and nuts - it can be found in many diets and it is really tasty and healthy. Naturally, when choosing milk for your diet, you should pay attention to its fat content and give preference to a product with a minimum fat content. Traditional medicine recipes
    Milk helped people cope with illnesses back in the days when pharmaceutical drugs did not exist.
    Of course, now progress has gone far ahead, and it would be strange to treat serious diseases with cow's milk. But there are still cases when a good old recipe of traditional medicine will bring no less benefits than a modern remedy from a pharmacy. For colds Our grandmothers also successfully used a recipe using this product at the first sign of a cold or sore throat. It is enough to mix warm milk and a few spoons of honey - and the irritation on the mucous surfaces of the throat will decrease, the chills will go away, and you will feel much better. Tip: When you have a cold, take warm milk, not hot or cold milk.
    This temperature will help preserve its healing properties and make it more enjoyable to take. For coughs At the first sign of a cough, prepare yourself a cup of warm milk mixed with honey, black pepper and cinnamon.
    This drink should be drunk at night, before bed. You will immediately feel the healing warmth, fall asleep faster, and beneficial substances and vitamins will help relieve inflammation and discomfort. The benefits of fresh milk
    Those who spent their childhood in the countryside have probably enjoyed homemade fresh milk more than once.
    Such a product retains the maximum amount of useful substances, because it has not been subjected to pasteurization or sterilization. However, it is the lack of thermal treatment that can cause harmful microorganisms to multiply in the liquid. Experts recommend drinking a steam product only if you are confident in the health of the animal. In all other cases, I advise you not to take risks and consume already thermally processed liquid, especially since it also retains a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. Harm and contraindications
    First of all, cow's milk is contraindicated for those who suffer from lactose intolerance. You should also avoid regular use of the product if you have the following diseases:
  • excess weight;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • pancreatitis;
  • infectious poisoning. How to choose the right one
    There is a huge selection of dairy products on store shelves. How to choose the most useful and high-quality type? Pay attention to the following parameters.
  1. Fat content
    . Fat content affects the number of calories, so if you are looking for milk for a diet menu, choose a product with a low fat content.
  2. Treatment
    . Milk can be pasteurized and sterilized. Pasteurization preserves more useful substances than sterilization.
  3. Compound
    . Natural milk should not contain dyes or flavoring additives.

Attention! If the package says “milk drink,” this means that the content of the natural product in it is reduced and there are various additives.

If you want to purchase fresh milk, choose it from those suppliers whom you completely trust and who monitor the sanitary purity of their products.

Storage tips

It is best to store milk in the refrigerator.

In this case, fresh milk can be stored for no more than two days at low temperatures. Pasteurized can be stored for about five days after opening the package.

You can keep a sterilized product for the longest time - about a month, however, the amount of useful substances in it is lower.

You can also learn about recommendations for drinking this drink from the following video.

Compatibility with other products

Milk goes well with flour, pasta and cereals.

Combining milk with fresh fruits and vegetables is not recommended; this combination can cause heaviness in the stomach and problems with digestion.

But this product is perfect for mixing with tea or coffee. The high temperature of the liquid may reduce the amount of nutrients, but this mix will give the drink a delicate taste and softness, and will also reduce the impact of caffeine.


We are convinced that milk is a very healthy and completely natural product. To evaluate its medicinal properties and strengthen your body, just choose the type of product you need and remember the recommendations for its use.

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How to check the effect of milk specifically on your skin

Eliminate all dairy from your daily diet for 3-4 weeks, start keeping a food diary and carefully monitor the changes. This way you can determine the degree of influence of dairy products on the skin: if improvements appear, it means that the body’s reaction was related to nutrition.

For a healthy person, milk when consumed in reasonable doses is not contraindicated. But if you completely abandon this product, you will have to look for other sources to make up for the deficiency of calcium and vitamins.

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