What cosmetics for teenagers do girls 12-14 years old need?

If it weren’t for the rain, I wouldn’t have known that teenage girls aged 12-13 use cosmetics so actively!

“What does rain and makeup have to do with a teenager?” - readers of the women's website “Beautiful and Successful” will be surprised. It's simple. It started to rain, and I decided to meet my sixth-grader daughter after school.

Mom dear! Half the girls in the class, including my beauty, wore lipstick! And with such terrible lipstick!

Just recently I was looking for information about daily care for problem skin of a teenager, but I never thought that it was time to make a list of cosmetics for a teenage girl.

All. It's decided. If I cannot completely control this issue, then I can actively participate in it as best I can. I will choose her cosmetics myself. For this reason, I begin to study in detail the question of what cosmetics are suitable for a teenager, look for reviews of cosmetic products for young skin and collect a good set of cosmetics for a teenage girl.

When to start using decorative cosmetics?

to cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin from adolescence . What to do with decorative cosmetics for teenage girls?

On the one hand, bright makeup on the face as a teenager will look vulgar, and I, naive, thought that I still had a couple of years left. But on the other hand, she will buy herself the cheapest cosmetics in order to be like everyone else, and will wear combat makeup in the “little woman” style.

In addition, the age of 12–13 years is the age when the mother’s opinion that “this doesn’t suit you and it’s too early” does not count with the enthusiastic: “Wow! How beautiful you look with such lipstick and shadows!” - from peers.

That is, I need to find a middle ground so that my daughter doesn’t lag behind her peers and looks neat with makeup.

Of course, the most correct thing would be to take her to a makeup artist who would tell her what cosmetics to use for teenagers. But if this is not possible, then let’s try to create a set of cosmetics for teenagers ourselves.

  • Firstly, we must not forget that components are added to cosmetics for adults that are not suitable for young skin. Therefore, a special safe composition is one of the main guidelines when choosing cosmetics for a teenager.
  • Secondly, you need to choose the composition of your cosmetic bag so that the makeup on a young face looks natural.

Criterias of choice

What should teenage cosmetics be that will not harm the skin and will take good care of it?

When choosing funds, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. The very first cosmetics for a teenage girl are chosen at the age of 12-13 together with one of the adults (mother, aunt, older sister).
  2. Skin problems that need to be solved are identified: oily shine, enlarged pores, acne, etc. Products are also selected for the defect.
  3. First, we look at brands of cosmetics for teenagers, collected in ratings and TOPs. Several options are selected that are suitable for the price.
  4. Then more detailed information about them and reviews are studied. Based on the selection results, there should be 2-3 lines left that you would like to purchase.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the products you like. It is desirable that it be not just natural, but mineral (or organic). Such products rarely cause allergies.
  6. As a rule, skincare cosmetics for teenagers include only 2-3 items, no more: wash lotion, scrub and cream. This is quite enough.
  7. Decorative products should not be too bright and provocative. Modest tones that emphasize youth are the main criteria when purchasing lipsticks, mascaras, and eye shadows.
  8. Before using any product for the first time, it should be tested to see if it will cause an allergy in the girl. First the mother and then the daughter should apply a small amount of the product to the wrist. If after a day no alarming symptoms (itching, redness) appear, you can safely apply cosmetics to your face.
  9. If at some stage the products stop working, you will need to find new ones.
  10. And don't forget to keep track of their expiration dates.

If cosmetics for teenage skin are chosen correctly, they can become a good foundation for the prosperity of the epidermis in the future. If you don’t help him at this stage, his condition may remain problematic both at 18 and at 25.

Therefore, this issue must be approached with full responsibility and, in case of any doubts, listen to specialists. In particular, cosmetologists quite clearly limit the range of cosmetics that can be safely used by teenagers.

Helpful advice. No cosmetics will help girls who consider themselves too fat and therefore constantly go on some kind of diet, wanting to lose weight. Poor diet is one of the causes of teenage acne.

Cosmetic bag for a teenager - contents

So, in a teenager’s makeup bag, in addition to basic skin care products, there should be room for decorative cosmetics. Let's look at what you can do to please a young lady so that the makeup on her face does not look intimidating.


We would not advise teenage girls to use foundation or powder. These products clog pores, the skin stops breathing - all this contributes to the appearance of acne on a young face.

In addition, the foundation runs off on the skin and looks unsightly. Instead of foundation or powder, we would advise using a base (foundation) with a transparent shade - a primer.

Corrector (concealer)

One of the mistakes that girls make in adolescence is to start hiding acne under foundation. You need to remember that foundation is a base for makeup. Under foundation, acne becomes more noticeable.

If spots or acne appear on your face, they need to be masked with corrector or concealer. Some companies offer to mask redheads and blemishes with a green antibacterial pencil.

Eyelash gel

A teenager's makeup bag must have something for eyelashes. But it’s not at all necessary to buy mascara like your mother’s - dark shades. It is better to buy translucent mascara, or even better - eyelash gel. These products create the effect of wet eyelashes, and this is much more beautiful than heavy eyelashes painted with black (brown) mascara.

Translucent mascara (gel) will make your eyelashes fuller and longer. What else does a teenager need?

Eyebrow shadows (powder)

Make sure your teenage girl's eyebrows are adjusted for the first time by a professional. Otherwise, instead of an undamaged eyebrow shape, you will see thin threads on your daughter’s face.

Eyebrows can be lightly tinted with light brown or light gray eyebrow shadows. This is better than using a dark pencil.

Lip gloss

It is better to replace lipstick with lip gloss. They have a soft, natural color and take care of the lips. In addition, they are now releasing a lot of “delicious” lip glosses with fruity scents - let your lips smell nice!

Pick up 3 pieces. One is transparent, the other is a soft pink shade, and the third is whatever the girl herself wants.


It is also better to choose shadows in soft and light tones. One palette will last a long time. It will be great if a cosmetologist selects the right palette that suits your girl’s skin color type. In addition, the cosmetologist will tell you how to apply eye shadow correctly so that it only emphasizes the beauty of your eyes.

Eyeliners and pencils are generally not needed during adolescence. They make delicate features rough and harsh. In addition, arrows applied by an inept, trembling hand look ugly to the eyes.

Makeup removers

Well, don’t forget to buy makeup removers so that the girl can remove makeup residue without harming her skin.


Any teenage cosmetics for girls (both decorative and for skin care) are created in scientific laboratories, tested many times, and are subject to quite serious requirements. Dermatologists, in close tandem with cosmetologists, develop formulas that, when used correctly, can solve many problems with the epidermis that are characteristic of this age.

Such tools perform the following functions:

  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the intensity of their functioning, causing them to produce less subcutaneous fat - as a result, the increased fat content and greasy shine of teenage skin disappear;
  • narrow enlarged pores;
  • normalize color;
  • special attention is paid to the T-zone, the condition of which noticeably worsens in adolescents;
  • eliminate acne (blackheads, pimples);
  • milia (white subcutaneous nodules) resolve without residue;
  • cleanse the face of comedones (blackheads).

Cosmetics for teenagers against acne become especially important at this stage, since it is rashes that become the main scourge. Mom should explain to her daughter that creams for adults cannot be applied to such young skin, the condition of which can sharply worsen. It is recommended to use only specially developed products that you need to know how to choose.

On a note. If a teenager constantly squeezes out pimples and blackheads on his own, and even without following the rules of hygiene, no cosmetics will help get rid of them.

Reviews of cosmetics for teenagers

We have already looked at what should be in a teenager’s cosmetics bag, and now let’s study reviews of the most popular cosmetics brands for teenagers. After all, cosmetics must be of high quality and safe.

  • Cosmetics for teenagers from Clinique are very popular. Cosmetics from this brand are suitable for any type of teenage skin. But the most important thing is that the developers place emphasis on skin health. Therefore, Clinique cosmetics can be considered the best option for teenagers.
  • No less popular are cosmetics for young skin from Maybelline and L'oreal.
  • Teenage girls can buy cosmetics from Almay. The developers took care of the safe composition, and were also able to create a color scheme that is as close as possible to natural tones and is almost invisible on young skin.
  • We also received good reviews about cosmetics from Max Factor and Nouba.
  • More expensive cosmetics are from Lumene, Mac and Lorac. It is also tested and safe for teenage skin.
  • Also pay attention to pharmaceutical cosmetics for teenagers from Cover Girl.

The impact of decorative cosmetics on a teenager's skin will be minimal if you buy products from good brands. We have seen mostly positive reviews of cosmetics for teenagers from the above brands.

But reviews of decorative cosmetics for teenage girls from Avon and Oriflame, Ruby Rose are contradictory. Some medications contain components that are harmful to teenage skin. Carefully study the composition if you decide to choose cosmetics from these companies.

A few rules for creating teenage makeup

  1. Only high quality materials should be used.
  2. Makeup should be natural. Stylists recommend using natural light shades that emphasize beauty and youth.
  3. The foundation should completely match your skin tone.
  4. Shadows should be selected in delicate pastel shades: peach, pink, coral, blue, beige.
  5. To create the right makeup, you should use special tools. Every girl's makeup bag should have a large brush for applying powder and several brushes for applying eye shadow.
  • It should be aimed specifically at young people;
  • The composition should contain only natural ingredients;
  • Check your skin for sensitivity; at the age of 12-14 years it is often increased;
  • Try to purchase several products from the same collection at the same time;
  • Buy high-quality, proven products from well-known manufacturers.

The best option for your skin is to choose a whole line of products from one manufacturer. In this case, they will complement each other and will not cause an allergic reaction.

And finally, some tips on the correct use of creams:

  • Before going to bed, you should definitely wash your face, because remnants of mascara, eye shadow, foundation and dirt can cause inflammation of the skin and the formation of acne;
  • before applying the cream, the face must be cleansed with special compounds;
  • it is necessary to observe the regularity, application technique and time of day according to the manufacturer’s instructions;
  • lightly blot any remaining residue that is not absorbed with a napkin;
  • a lot does not mean better and more effective, use the optimal amount of product.

Mothers should teach their daughters at a very early age to take care of their appearance, look beautiful, apply makeup correctly, and then be able to remove it correctly. Of course, all this must be done taking into account the age of the little lady. Moderation will not do any harm.

Don't make mistakes!

It is important to teach a girl to take care of her skin from a young age, otherwise cosmetics will harm the teenager’s skin.

  1. To prevent your daughter from using adult cosmetics, take care of a set of decorative cosmetics for a teenager.
  2. If your daughter has acne on her skin, then teach her to cover it up with concealer and not with bright makeup.
  3. Teach your girl to be sure to wash off makeup from her face at night.
  4. Never let her leave mascara on her eyelashes overnight. This causes eyelashes to become brittle and fall out. Even as a teenager, I was frightened by the story of a biology teacher who told me about a girl who didn’t wash off her mascara at night. The ending of the story is that the girl woke up without eyelashes. This story is so etched in my memory that every time I wash off the mascara from my eyelashes, I remember this girl. Most likely, a fictional teacher.

In general, dear mothers, in many respects how makeup will look on a teenager depends on us. Be sure to buy cosmetics for a teenager from a good company. Let your daughter choose for herself, and you gently guide her in the right direction with your advice.

— Author — Yulia Spiridonova, website www.sympaty.net – Beautiful and Successful Copying of this article is prohibited!

Features of using care products

Visible results when using skincare cosmetics for teenagers can be achieved not only by choosing quality products, but also by following the rules of use. Recommendations for use:

  1. To care for problem skin, comprehensive care is required. Products should be aimed at both cleansing and moisturizing and nourishing cells.
  2. Cosmetics should be purchased taking into account the characteristics of a teenager’s skin type. It is not advisable to use alcohol-containing preparations if increased dryness and sensitivity are observed.
  3. Maintenance must be regular. Due to the fact that skin problems arise due to changes in hormonal levels, cleansing must be done at least twice a day - morning and evening.
  4. It is recommended to purchase products from the same series provided by the manufacturer. Usually the compositions in them effectively complement each other.
  5. To achieve quick and visible results, you can combine pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations.
  6. Even if there is severe inflammation or redness, skin care cannot be abandoned. In this case, it is advisable to first reduce the inflammatory process with soothing cosmetics, and only then cleanse.

At what age can you start taking care of your face?

Until 10-12 years old, the skin does not need special care. The young epidermis is saturated with moisture and contains collagen and elastin in sufficient quantities. The surface of the face looks elastic, tender, “peachy”. Until adolescence, all procedures are reduced to cleansing and moisturizing with rare exposure to the open rays of the sun.

From 12 to 18 years of age, the period of growing up continues and young people may (but not necessarily) have problems with the external condition of the skin. Redness, oiliness, pimples, comedones - all this causes discomfort precisely at a time when girls so want to be beautiful, and boys want to be irresistible and courageous.

Important! During the period of hormonal changes, when the skin has changed and “colors the face with all the colors of the rainbow,” it is best to consult a cosmetologist. He will select the necessary minimum that will improve the condition of the skin or bring it back to normal.

Skin features of teenagers

Even if nothing happens to the skin, young ladies still put their first set of care and decorative products in their cosmetic bag. But more often problems still arise, and during the period of growth of the body, two extremes are possible:

  • the skin becomes extremely dry and thin;
  • skin type changes to oily and problematic.

More often the second option occurs when the epidermis is oily, and then:

  • shine appears;
  • enlarged pores are visible;
  • pimples and comedones (blackheads) form;
  • post-acne develops.

Oily skin is annoying. She looks unkempt. In places where sebum accumulates, pathogenic bacteria develop, which provoke the formation of acne. Usually they are squeezed out and then redness or post-acne appear in this place.

During adolescence, special cosmetics are needed that relieve irritation and inflammation, remove excess sebum or, conversely, nourish the skin. A mandatory point is maintaining the tone and moisturizing of the epidermis.

On a note ! Cosmetics will help you transform your appearance, only partially relieving the problems of teenage skin. It must be used on a regular basis, since hormonal changes will not make it possible to restore the original quality of the epidermis.


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