Treatment of nail fungus with propolis and reviews of its effectiveness

Has the nail plate lost its shine, acquired an unsightly yellowish tint and begun to peel? There is cause for concern, because the above symptoms may indicate the onset of fungal nail infection - onychomycosis - a rather serious disease that requires long-term and high-quality treatment.

Doctors recommend not delaying the start of therapy, because in the case of a fungal infection, it is worth remembering that it develops very quickly and often, starting with one nail, quickly spreads to others. That is why it is worth carefully studying the information about how useful propolis is against fungus, not only as an effective medicine, but also in the role of preventing the development of the disease.

Pros and cons of treatment with propolis

You can talk for a long time about how rich the composition of propolis is and what properties it has. However, it is enough to just say that the basis of this product is made up of several hundred healing ingredients, and the benefits lie in bactericidal, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effects. At the same time, emphasis should be placed on the fact that factory-produced antifungal drugs very quickly become addictive to the body, while this does not occur with propolis drugs, so they can be used for a long time.

The only drawback of propolis therapy is that the effect of its implementation does not become noticeable immediately, but after some time, because propolis first accumulates in the body, and then releases its properties and begins to exhibit a healing effect.

Causes of the disease

Factors under which fungal infection occurs:

  1. Weakening of the body's defenses under the influence of long-term chronic diseases.
  2. Wearing narrow shoes made of low-quality materials for a long time.
  3. Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  4. Wearing someone else's item of clothing.
  5. Walking barefoot in public bathing areas - baths, saunas, swimming pools.

The fungal pathogen loves a moist environment, so it can live and multiply on the skin for a long time without manifestation.

For what types of nail fungus is it effective?

Before discussing how effective propolis tincture is against nail fungus on the toes and hands, it is worth paying some attention to the fact that different types of fungi can lead to the development of fungal infections of the nail plate. And propolis in this case will be useful and, importantly, effective against fungal nail infections caused by the following microorganisms:

  • fungi of the genus Candida
  • trichophyton red;
  • interdigital trichophyton;
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes (causes not only lesions of the nail plate, but also mycosis of the entire foot).

It must be said that propolis against fungus will be effective in the distal or superficial form of the disease. Distal fungus usually affects only the free edges of the active plate, that is, that part of the nail that is easily cut. However, the disease is dangerous because it spreads quickly and can lead to the loss of an entire nail. During treatment with propolis, the use of tinctures, baths or applications will allow you to quickly and effectively stop the disease.

Superficial fungus causes the nail to become covered with light spots, which are usually localized in its central part and affect the upper layers of the nail plate, making it loose and brittle. However, long-term and regular treatment of the fungus with propolis preparations can eliminate the causes of the disease and its consequences.


Other types of nail fungus, in which the entire nail plate is affected on all sides, the side ridges of the nail are affected, and so on, require immediate medical treatment, which is prescribed by a dermatologist.

You can ask questions for a very long time about whether propolis helps with nail fungus, but it is better to just try the method of treating onychomycosis with its help yourself.

The advantage of propolis preparations is their availability and effectiveness, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. However, the disadvantage, so to speak, of these medications is the duration of treatment, that is, in order to obtain a pronounced and lasting therapeutic effect, therapy with propolis preparations must be carried out for at least one month, and sometimes the treatment continues further.

Fungus and its symptoms

Propolis tincture and nails yellowed by fungus
The fungus always quietly settles on the nails. For a long time it can develop “secretly” until it reaches a more serious stage, which is very difficult to treat. Failure to take timely measures may make it more difficult to cure in the future. A wider range of drugs will be needed, and the discomfort caused will quickly increase.

With fungal diseases of the nails and feet, characteristic changes appear, which make it possible to understand that the condition of the nail plate is deteriorating. The main signs of the disease are:

  • Pain, burning, dryness and redness in the nail area.
  • Change in color of the nail plate compared to neighboring fingers.
  • Parts of the nail begin to break, peel, and become uneven in structure and thickness.

The fungus slowly but surely destroys the nail plate itself and penetrates deeply “inside the finger.” As a result, unpleasant sensations appear, and the nail itself either becomes dense or begins to crumble and break. Its color also changes and ceases to be normal.

To encounter a serious disease, it is enough to walk without shoes where there are areas infected with fungus, to visit a swimming pool or shower, sauna or gym. Fortunately, propolis is one of the inexpensive remedies that promote health, including for onychomycosis.

Recipe: propolis tincture with alcohol

The most popular treatment for nail fungus is propolis tincture, which can not only be used for external treatment of the infected nail plate, but also for internal use. Internal use of propolis tincture can improve immunity, which facilitates the treatment process, and also activate the regeneration process of affected tissues.

The recipe for making propolis tincture is quite simple, because all you need is alcohol and the main ingredient (100 milliliters of alcohol and 10 grams of propolis).

However, it is better to give preference to the finished product, which is sold at the “Jolly Hornet” apiary. Its cost is quite affordable, and the main advantage is that specialists are very attentive to the process of manufacturing the medicine, observing all the nuances of the technological process and controlling the quality of the main ingredient.

Propolis tincture is used in its pure form for application, rubbing, and nail baths.

Ready-made propolis tincture 20% can be ordered by phone:

+380984298830 +380955638797

Methods of using propolis preparations

Internal use - taking tinctures, solutions, emulsions, oils and milk. Propolis milk is prepared only at home; you cannot buy it at the pharmacy. The recipe is very simple. Add the crushed substance to the boiled milk and, stirring constantly, simmer over very low heat for 10 minutes. When cooling, the wax coating must be removed. Proportions for the finished product: for 1 liter of milk you need 50 - 100 g. main ingredient. This is a simple and effective remedy for colds and coughs in children and adults.


It is recommended to start treating nail fungus with propolis with regular baths, which can be prepared in several ways.

  • The standard method is based on propolis tincture. It is necessary to prepare 2 liters of hot water and add two tablespoons of alcohol tincture to it, then mix the liquid thoroughly and steam your hands or feet in it for 20 minutes. After the procedure, the affected tissue of the nail plate peels off and it is necessary to treat it with a sterile nail file, cut it off with scissors, and then treat the dried nail with propolis tincture in its pure form. It is best to carry out this manipulation at night, after which you put gloves or clean socks on your hands or feet (depending on the location of the problem). It must be repeated daily for 21 days.
  • Propolis with milk. It is also possible and necessary to treat nail fungus with propolis tincture in combination with milk, which is mixed with the medicine in the proportion of half a glass of milk and a teaspoon of medicine. The resulting solution is added to hot water and all the manipulations described above are repeated. Milk softens the skin and also accelerates the growth of a healthy nail plate.
  • Tincture with peroxide. According to another variation, you can add 50 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide to the baths (per 2 liters of hot water and two tablespoons of propolis tincture). The bath is great for preventing fungal nail diseases.

Propolis ointment recipe

In addition to propolis tincture for toenail fungus, propolis ointment is also used in the treatment of this disease, which you can either buy at the “Jolly Hornet” family apiary or prepare yourself. To prepare the ointment, you will need a pack of butter, which can be replaced with 100 grams of petroleum jelly or lanolin, a chicken egg, vinegar and propolis itself (20 grams). The ingredients are mixed in a water bath with slight heating, and the egg is added to the mixture along with the shell. After this, it is recommended to cover the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until the shell dissolves. After about two weeks, the mass can be used for its intended purpose - applied to the nail plate twice a day until recovery.

The finished ointment from the apiary “Jolly Hornet” is applied according to the same scheme, only it is made on the basis of lanolin, petroleum jelly, propolis and beeswax. And it has the main advantage that you don’t have to wait two weeks to start therapy with it. You just need to place an order and start treatment in a couple of days.

Making tincture at home

Most often, people choose the classic recipe, according to which the raw materials must first be cleaned. When uza (bee glue) is fresh, it is kept in the cold for some time to harden. Then the propolis must be grated or crushed using a blender/mortar. Carefully pour the resulting mass with a small amount of cool water and use a strainer to remove any particles of debris that float to the top. The water is drained and the uza is dried.

What you will need:

  • crushed propolis – 20 g;
  • vodka (alcohol infusion or medical alcohol diluted 2:1) – 80 gr.


Pour liquid into a small glass container and add crushed brine. Covering the mixture tightly with a lid, shake the mixture thoroughly. Without opening the finished tincture, leave it to infuse for 14 days in a dark, cool place, shaking occasionally. Before use, strain and store in the refrigerator. To learn in detail about the process of preparing such a tincture, you can watch special videos.

You can make compresses or baths from it; the specifics of use do not affect the pharmacological properties of the product.


It is possible, and in some cases recommended, to treat fungus with propolis using lotions, which are as simple to do as possible. Before carrying out the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly steam the nail plate, and then soak a small piece of bandage or cotton wool with an alcoholic infusion of propolis, and apply it to the affected nail plate. It is recommended to secure the impregnation with a band-aid and leave it on the nail until completely dry.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure once or twice a day, but you should prepare for the fact that the course of treatment can be as long as possible - from 1 to 6 months (depending on the severity of the lesion).

Using a natural product

Propolis is known as a natural antiseptic that can effectively fight against many types of bacteria and dangerous viruses. Moreover, the propolis composition eliminates the negative impact on the body, except for an allergic reaction. After all, it does not contain chemicals characteristic of medications.

Doctors advise using proven folk remedies as additional supportive therapy along with official medicine. If this does not contradict the instructions and the patient does not have allergies. In the fight against tenacious fungus, propolis can give the best effect, especially when surgery becomes an alternative.

Uza is capable of killing many dangerous bacteria without causing any collateral harm to the body. This is important, especially when the treatment process continues for weeks or months.

Important: propolis is also effective as a means of prevention.

How can you cure fungus with propolis:

  1. Lotions. Make small cotton swabs and dip them in 20% tincture, apply them to all affected areas. In addition to onychomitosis, wounds, cracks and areas of inflammation can be treated this way. The tincture contains 20 percent alcohol, which enhances the antiseptic properties of propolis.
  2. Prepare or purchase ready-made ointment.
  3. Propolis oil – combine it with various essential oils.
  4. Therapeutic baths - their use is justified when the affected area is extensive, it is necessary to simultaneously influence all foci of inflammation and wounds.
  5. Compresses - make a medicinal solution or ointment, moisten a clean bandage (a piece of cotton wool). Apply to the problem area and make a bandage, leave it for a day.

Using a natural product
Moreover, propolis can treat not only affected nails, but also feet, hands - any places affected by the fungal virus.


When talking about how to treat nail fungus with propolis, we cannot exclude the method of lubricating the affected nails. The lubrication procedure can be carried out either with ointment or with alcohol tincture. The ointment is more suitable for the feet, because after applying it it is recommended to wear clean socks, while the tincture is the drug of choice for the treatment of fungal diseases of the fingernails. The tincture is applied according to the scheme - for the first three days every 2 hours, and then three times a day until complete recovery.


Looking through reviews of propolis for the treatment of nail fungus, you can see how very popular wraps using medicines prepared on the basis of this beekeeping product are. There is nothing complicated in carrying out such procedures, because to do this you just need to take a small piece of bandage or cotton wool, apply alcohol tincture or propolis ointment to it, then wrap the bandage with film, and put on gloves or socks on top, which will speed up the penetration of the medicine into the affected tissues nails and make the therapy process as short as possible.

Exposure time is 3-6 hours (can be left overnight), the procedure can be repeated until complete recovery.

Symptoms of onychomycosis

The first signs begin with itching and redness of the interdigital space. Sometimes blisters appear on the folds, which itch and become inflamed.

The nail changes its shape, color and structure. It becomes brittle, exfoliates, and as the pathology progresses, growths appear on the plate. The affected area looks untidy, with infection, an unpleasant odor may emanate from the finger, the skin of the feet peels and becomes covered with cracks.

The disease has periods of attenuation and exacerbation. Often the patient tries to treat the disease on his own using traditional medicine recipes. Among the common remedies against nail fungus are bee products and propolis.

Propolis applications

Very often there is information about the treatment of nail fungus with propolis using applications that are somewhat reminiscent of wraps. To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare cotton swabs, moisten them well with propolis tincture, and then apply them to the previously steamed affected nail. Tampons are fixed with a bandage, and the application time is at least 12 (and preferably 24) hours. The effectiveness of the method becomes noticeable almost immediately, but for complete recovery you will need to carry out a similar procedure every other day for one month.

Essential oil mixture

Most mixtures are quite simple and quick to prepare.

What you will need:

  • propolis tincture (purchased or your own) 10-20%;
  • essential oil.


Mix the components, maintaining a 1:1 ratio. The resulting extract is used instead of moisturizer after baths or hygiene procedures (bathing, showering, washing feet). It is recommended to treat fungal-affected areas and healthy areas with the mixture to prevent the possible spread of the disease.

Essential oil mixture

Prescription for prevention

Naturally, the best prevention of fungal diseases is careful foot hygiene and safety in case of close contact with sick people, but propolis with alcohol against nail fungus can be used not only for treatment, but also for prevention.

The recipe for prevention is very simple: you need to take a little setting and add it to the hot water that is prepared for the foot bath (one teaspoon of medicine is added per liter of water). It is necessary to steam your nails for 10-15 minutes, and for prevention it is recommended to do this approximately once every one or two weeks, but in case of any danger or contact with a pathogen, you can play it safe and do foot baths daily.

Where to buy “Propolis LAC”?

On the pages of the Internet platform “Russian Roots” “Propolis LAC” is presented on favorable terms from the manufacturer with delivery to the address. Products are delivered by courier service throughout Moscow, the region, and to more remote parts of the country - sent by mail. The product is also available in the capital in herbal pharmacies of the network with the same name.

The quality and safety of the product is confirmed by relevant documentation.

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Rules of application

It is impossible not to emphasize once again that onychomycosis is not a trivial disease. This disease is very complex precisely because it is difficult to treat. However, treatment of fungus with propolis will be effective if certain rules are followed before starting therapy and during it, namely:

  • steam the nail plate in warm, clean water with a small addition of salt and soda before each procedure (this increases the permeability of the nail plate for healing ingredients and significantly facilitates the treatment process);
  • trim your nails often (there is no point in growing a nail affected by fungus);
  • monitor the hygiene of the skin of the hands and feet, adhere to clearly prescribed treatment regimens and pay special attention to the frequency of application of drugs);
  • Before each treatment procedure, you need to change your socks (in the case of toenail fungus), and often wash or even stop wearing gloves (for hand therapy).


No matter how positive the reviews about propolis in the treatment of nail fungus are, one cannot help but pay attention to the fact that traditional medicine is not a panacea, that is, they cannot always help completely cure the disease, which means eliminating the possibility that you will have to see a doctor and undergo a course of traditional medical treatment is not worth it.

What is propolis

Propolis is a resinous substance secreted by bees for the purpose of fixing honeycombs to each other and disinfecting them. This substance is very resistant to environmental factors and does not lose its beneficial characteristics even in the event of freezing or boiling.

Propolis has a special property - both viruses and other microorganisms do not show resistance to it. The components of propolis have not been 100% studied. One thing is clear: there are a huge number of them, and they provide an antiviral and antibacterial effect.


When wondering how to treat nail fungus with propolis, you should also pay attention to studying information about contraindications to this treatment method. There are not many of them, but still, do not forget that the main contraindication is individual intolerance to “bee glue”, which manifests itself in the form of allergies.

At the same time, attention is paid to the fact that with caution, the method of treating fungal nail diseases with propolis is prescribed to pregnant women, nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age (here the choice, of course, is made by the child’s parents, but it is better to consult before the onset of any fungal disease in a child of this age with a pediatrician).

Sincerely, family apiary 'Jolly Hornet'

Properties and types of bonds

"Propolis" means "bee glue" in Latin, and bees use it to strengthen their hives. Cover the cracks and treat the walls. It has a complex chemical composition. Bees have to collect raw materials from various types of trees and other plants. In Rus', propolis is better known as “uza”; this name has been retained to this day.

Interestingly, the composition of propolis depends entirely on the activity of bees. They are the ones who choose where to collect materials for its manufacture. However, insects fly only around healthy plants and trees. Sometimes bees can take particles of paint, bitumen or construction resins. But such propolis is of low quality and bees make it if the environment is unfavorable or an environmental disaster has occurred. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the quality of propolis.

Properties of bee glue:

  • active antimicrobial agent, capable of destroying them at any stage of infection;
  • effective against tuberculosis bacillus, influenza, Candida fungus (the causative agent of thrush), and other types of fungi;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • supports healthy microflora;
  • restores the natural structure of the skin.

Properties and types of bonds
Propolis can be used as a natural home remedy against many diseases, especially viral ones. For example, for the treatment of open wounds, eczema, thrush, skin cracks, fungal diseases such as candidiasis or onychomycosis.

Types of propolis:

  • ointment;
  • tincture;
  • oil.

You can purchase it at a regular pharmacy or collect it yourself if you have your own bee farm.

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